Why can't I find AD security group using the AD User and Computers tool? - active-directory

I created a security group in AD. Using the AD Users and Computers tool, I can see it when I browse for it at the OU path, but I cannot see it using the "Find" function. Why is that?
Result when I browse for the group.
Result when I do a "Find" for the group.


custom claims in Azure AD to add windows AD groups

I would like to know how can I add a windows AD group into a custom claim on Azure AD? I am looking to use AD groups for applications running on a platform that uses role-claims or custom claims to enable applications to have access groups or AD groups separately.
• You can add the custom group claims in a token configuration for your application deployed in Azure AD as follows. Also, since you are adding AD groups, it is considered that those groups are synchronized from on-premises AD through Azure AD Connect to be used as group claims in token configuration.
To configure group claims, go to your configured application in Azure AD  enterprise applications, click on the application and select ‘Single Sign On’  User Attributes & Claims  Add a group claim  Use the radio buttons to select the ‘Security groups’ option as below
To emit groups using Active Directory attributes synced from Active Directory instead of Azure AD objectIDs select the required format from the drop-down. Only groups synchronized from Active Directory will be included in the claims.
To configure the group claim as a custom claim role by giving it a custom claim name, select the box ‘Customize the name of the group claim’ as below while also checking the box ‘Emit groups as role claims’ to use the group as a role claim in your application. Please take into consideration that if the option to emit group data as roles is used, only groups will appear in the role claim. Any Application Roles the user is assigned will not appear in the role claim.
Thus, you can configure AD groups as role claims for an application in Azure AD. Please find the documentation link for reference: -

How to query Azure Active Directory as an end user

I can connect to our legacy company DOMAIN and query Active Directory. This has been my way to get the membership of groups.
We've added Office 365 and I cannot find the new groups added via Office 365 Groups (ie, Teams, etc) in Active Directory.
Is this a thing I should be able to do as an end user? And it so, how?
My preference (and what I've been using) is to Query via Power Query
(IE Excel->Data->Get&Transform->Get Data->From Other Sources->From Active Directory)
• As an end user, you have the default permission to view the groups and its members in an Azure AD tenant so, you can use the Microsoft Graph API explorer to view the groups and its related details in that console.
• Here is the link to access the Microsoft Graph Explorer - https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer. You will have to login with your credentials in it and enter the below query with ‘GET’ parameter as set to get the list of all groups available in your tenant.
‘GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups’ – Please find the below screenshot for more details.
• Please find the below links for more information: -

Microsoft Graph - Can't get users Windows AD groups

When I use:
string graphRequest = $"{graphResourceUri}/me/memberOf?api-version=1.6";
I get an empty array because my logged in user isn't a member of any Azure Groups (I'm assuming).
What I want is to get the list of Windows Domain Active Directory groups this user is a member of. Is there no way to retrieve this? I don't care about Azure groups.
I found out that it was because we didn't sync any groups between our Active Directory and Azure, we only synced users. After syncing the necessary AD group now it shows up when I query the user's group member within Azure.

Is it possible to do Role-Group based Authorization without Azure Active directory Premium

When RBAC was introduced in Azure Active directory, roles can be granted to users or collection of users (groups).We followed this blog post and added that functionality for our apps when it first got introduced. But now, we have to go for active directory premium to assign roles to groups and get roles in bearer token.Going with Azure Active directory is not a feasible solution for us as premium is gonna cost us $6 user/ month and we have lot of groups and each group has lot of users. Looking at the costs our IT team is not willing to go for this package. I was just wondering if there an alternative approach for mapping roles to groups. Or this is only doable using premium.
Using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) with an Azure AD Premium or Azure AD Basic license, you can use groups to assign access to a SaaS application that's integrated with Azure AD( refer here about detail).
So if you want to manage the roles using the group, we need at least the Azure AD Basic license. If you were using the free edition, we can only assign the roles to the users one by one.
Instead using the role manage the access for the application, we can also use the group which also supports for the Azure AD free edition. You can check the code sample about authorization in a web app using Azure AD groups & group claims from here.

Permission set for AD Groups Added does not work - SQL Server

I am having a very tough time figuring out the permissions in my database. My users gain access to the database through reports on SharePoint (via Impersonated authentication configured through Kerberos). Users, who are impersonated, are all added to AD Groups. And in my database, I am granting permissions to the AD GROUPS (as logins) and NOT to the individual users. I have 1000 users but 10 AD Groups. Each user is part of an AD Group.
The users currently cannot have access to the database – they are only able to see the database if I was to add them individually as logins (obviously not an option). If I add their AD Group, it doesn’t seem like it works. Again, they are authenticated through Kerberos as impersonated accounts. Here is a map of what I’m saying:
IF the AD GROUP has permission, why doesn't the user within has permission??
I reviewed this question, but I'm not sure where is the equivalent for SharePoint Integrated mode.
