DBeaver Denodo data access issue: 'user does not have EXECUTE privileges' - database

I am managing to connect to data in my organisation via Denodo Design Studio fine, but when I try to do it through DBeaver, I get the following error: SQL Error [20100] [HY000]: The user does not have EXECUTE privileges on the view XXXX
Any idea where I should look to fix this? I am just doing a simple SELCT * FROM XXXX table query for a small table.
I also have no issues connecting to the database, and can navigate the schemas and see the table/view names.
Using Denodo denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-8.0-update-20220815 via the DBeaver Denodo connector.


Error in SQL Server when connecting to PowerBI Datamart [Unsupported sql function USER_NAME]

I have connected to a Datamart via SSMS. Behind the Datamart is an Azure SQL database.
I am trying to find out my username. I used the following query:
I get this error:
Unsupported sql function USER_NAME. Line:1, Position:8
I have combed the internet but I have not come across something that works yet.
in MS SQL SERVER you must use
The op wrote in the comment, that he needed to close the open query box and open a new one, after that it works, like a charme.
or to get the windows user mame of the logged in user

DB Link from Oracle to MS Server

I am new to this forum and already searched for 45 minutes to find a solution for my problem. I hope you can help me.
A Gateway to a remote Microsoft SQL Database was installed on a Oracle Server (Oracle 12c). The tsnnames.ora file was appropiately set up.
For the connection, I created a database link (In the Oracle DB) as follows:
When I now execute the Select statement:
SELECT "name" FROM "sys"."databases"#TEL
it shows me the according databases. Among others, I can see the AB_Colors database.
Now, I want to select a view in the AB_Colors database.
Due to the fact I can connect to this database via Excel, I know that in the database AB_Colors, there are 10 Views(A,B,C,..). I would like to select the View C from the database AB_Colors via the DB LInk.
Owner of the View is b2b.
How do i need to formulate the select statement to do it?
I already tried different writings:
SELECT * FROM "AB_colors"."b2b"."C"#TEL;
SELECT * FROM [AB_Colors].[b2b].[C]#TEL;
The common error message is: View/Table does not exist
I highly appreciate your help,
This is the correct format
SELECT * FROM "b2b"."C"#TEL;
The issue maybe because the database you want to select from is not the one specified in the gateway for dg1msql. You can't add the database name to the query so you must specify it in the gateway connection.
This is defined in
where you should check HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO

Query database running on another physical SQL Server

Historically we have a product which installed two databases on the same server. There is an custom application which assumes that both databases are on the same server.
In a new version they have split the databases onto two separate servers and obviously now the custom application is giving the error:
Database 'DB_2' does not exist. Make sure that the
name is entered correctly.
Is there anything I can do in the SQL Server setup so that the application is still able to query the DB_2 database without modifying the custom application?
The query being used is structured as follows:
Use DB_2
SELECT * FROM MyUser.MyTable
You can create a linked Server, then Create a Database DB_2 add a Synonym for different objects. something like below.
use master
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver #server = N'RemoteServer', #srvproduct=N'SQL Server'
USE [DB_2]
CREATE SYNONYM [MyUser].[MyTable] FOR [RemoteServer].[db].[MyUser].[MyTable]
You can use Linked Servers feature. In SSMS go to Server Object/Linked Servers folder in Object Explorer. And link second server. So you can query another DB using this SELECT * FROM [Linked_Server_Name].[Database_Name].[Schema_Name].[Table_Name]

SQL Error: "Cannot use full-text search in user instance."

I'm using SSEUtil to automatically create a functional test database from the schema derived from my development database (SQL Server 2008 R2) as part of my build process. This allows me to keep the two databases in-sync (schema-wise) without running SQL repository tests against my development database.
I recently added a full text index to a table for the first time for this project in my development schema and now when I attempt to apply the schema to a newly created unit test database I get the following error when it executes the SQL to create the full text catalog:
Cannot use full-text search in user instance.
[SqlException Number 9982, Class 16, State 100, Line 1]
I've searched high and low. The only help I found was on another site where someone suggested "attaching to the parent database." I have no idea what that means. And I have no idea what this error means. What is a "user instance"?
Can anyone suggest a way around this? Is there a better way to keep two database schemas in-sync for continuous integration?
User must have CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG permission on the database, or be a member of the db_owner, or db_ddladmin fixed database roles.
you won’t be able to use full text catalogues if the SQL instance does not have it installed. Make sure the SQL server instance has the full text service running.
Here are two ways of testing whether this feature installed or not. This feature is available for all editions of SQL Server 2005 and 2008 (including SQL Express)
Check the services applet (run -> type 'services.msc') for this entry :
SQL Server FullText Search Or SQL Server FullText Search (SQLEXPRESS) (in case of SQL Express). Start this service of not running
Run the query "select fulltextserviceproperty('isfulltextinstalled')" in the Query analyzer. if the result is '1' then it is installed else not.
In the case of unavailability of this feature, you need to install by downloading the "SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE" from http://www.microsoft.com/express/sql/download/default.aspx
Reference taken from here
This is not really an answer to the question, but I came upon a similar issue with visual studio package manager when updating an entity framework code-first database (command update-database).
The problem was that I selected the wrong start-up project, and therefore visual studio was not using my connection string at all. It was connecting to a localdb instance, hence the cryptic error message "cannot use full text search in user instance". Once I made it connect to the actual database, it worked as expected.
I also came across this user instance issue. I have to admit that I only have basic knowledge of SSMS. Apparently I'm logged as the public user. How can I be a member of db_owner? I try to generate and script everything without using the GUI.
For example, if I execute this
EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa';
I still get the Cannot use full-text search in user instance error with
USE [dbname]

Getting "select permission denied" when using LINQ but my account is a sysadmin

I have a console app that's geared to be automatically ran as a Scheduled Task. I use LINQ to SQL to pull some data out of the database, format it into a CSV and email it to a client. All of a sudden I am getting the error "SELECT permission denied for table", but the account I'm using to connect to the database (specified in my app.config file) has the "sysadmin" server role (bad programmer, I know; I'll get around to changing it to a better account later but I want to make sure it works first).
I can connect directly to the SQL database using that very same account and query the table in question without a problem, it only seems to be when using the LINQ code. Any idea what would be causing this?
Same server and database?
The error should actually say something like "does not exist or do not have permission". Now, if you're sysadmin then permission is irrelevant so table must not exist where you think it is
Wrong server
Client SQL alias pointing to wrong server
Wrong DB context
Wrong schema (eg SELECT * FROM bob.myTable should be SELECT * FROM fred.Mytable)
Try SELECT ##SERVERNAME, DB_NAME() (or Linq equivalent) to see where you are as a first step...
