Combobox break when dragging the window - extjs

This is a bug I was avoiding to check , but it comes the time do fix it but can't find the reason.
It's simple, having a combobox inside a form, thats inside a windows, when opening the combobox and them dragging the window, the combox got desformatted.
Is this a bug, anyone with this kind of stuff and know how to solve it?
Using extjs 6.0.1
Fiddle link:


Scrollbars from ultragrid disappear when dock=filled

I'm writing a windows forms application with an ultragrid.
For layout reasons I'm using the dock property. When I put this property on none (from the ultragrid) the scrollbars are displayed.
When I put this property on fill the scrollbars are gone.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
I've found an answer on the infragistics forum.
The problem was that other controls on the form where displayed in some way over the ultragrid (allthough it didn't look like it).
The solution is to rightclick on the ultragrid in the form and then select 'bring to front' . The next time i ran the application the scrollbars where there.

Multiple WPF popups in app

I'm developing a WPF app and I'm having an issue with popups. I understand the issue that a popup's zindex is higher than everything else. The problem I'm having is my app can have situations that there are more than one popups open at a time. When this happens, the last popup that opens is always on top of the other. I would really like the action to be, whichever popup gets clicked last is on top. I have a thumb on the popup so it can be dragged and I have a behaviour to control the dragging. I have noticed that I can call
popup.isopen = false and then popup.isopen = true in the thumb_drag event and the clicked popup shows on top, but it produces an undesirable flash when the popup closes and opens. I've dug through reflector and tried several thing (coecevalue on the IsOpenProperty, InvalidateVisual, etc.) and am having no luck. Has anyone had this same problem and been able to fix it?
Maybe this can help? Its a Popup that is not topmost. Not sure if it will work in your scenario though but it may be worth a try

Silverlight ListPicker - Default Selection

I am building a WP7 application using Silverlight. This application includes a Page that makes use of the ListPicker. This ListPicker has data that is bound to it via my Page's view-model. The ListPicker displays the options correctly. However, the display looks odd.
When the options initially load, the first option appears selected. This selected item looks to be several pixels off from the top and the left. If I open-and-close the ListPicker, it looks as intended.
Has anyone else experienced this? Does any have any ideas how to overcome this? I attempted setting a binding on the SelectedIndex and SelectedValue properties, but this did not work.
Thank you!
I believe the SL ListPicker works under the assumption that there is always an active selection as long as it is bound to a non-empty dataset. Not sure if you can override this behavior; but seems like your problem is that the selected item looks awkward. Anyway you can adjust the template? Also, please see this post to make sure you are not caught off-guard with the SelectionChanged event.
Hope this helps!

How to make popup grow up in silverlight?

I'm having a problem with combobox popup (not sure if it's a problem of combobox). First when i click it, dropdown popup opens correct - upwards(there are about 50 items in it, and combobox is located in the bottom of the page, if it goes downwards, there would be only 5 items visible). But then if i select any item, and them open it again - it will open downwards and put items in a scroll. So how can I fix this and force popup open in the desired direction?
Are you setting the "MaxDropDownHeight" at some point? By default it is infinity but maybe setting to hard # greater than # in combo box might help.
Also I just tested this in SL4/Firefox and the combo box pops up each time (with or without a selected item). What version of SL are you using?
Well, what I've done - I subscribed to SizeChanged event of the Border element which is a child of Popup.Child canvas. In that method, I'm calculating space below and above the combo box and then setting Top offset using Canvas.SetTop method to that border and it's MaxHeight. Maybe I will post some code later.
I was having this exact same issue (actually with Silverlight 5, but the same behavior nonetheless). I tried various things with MaxDropDownHeight but that did not correct the problem.
#Walker the approach you mentioned in your answer sounded promising but I was not able to tell from your description how you actually implemented that.
In any case, I found a rather unlikely solution. I discovered that if I populated my ComboBox with ComboBoxItems instead of a collection of custom objects, then the dropdown/selection/direction issue does not occur. I've posted an answer here that goes into a little more detail.

Why is my WPF-Button not clickable?

I've got a strange thing goin on here. I'm designing a small program with Visual Studio 2010 using WPF and VB.Net but for some reason, all my buttons and checkboxes (didn't test more items) aren't clickable anymore! Even if I drag a pretty new one out of the VS-Toolbox!
They've got all "IsFocousable" and "IsHitTestVisible" and "IsEnabled"-Setting set to "True". Does someone has an idea to fix that!?
it was my fault...
Turns out that one of the parent controls of my button had IsHitTestVisible as false
