How do we list the columns of particular table in Netezza? - netezza

Result is fetching zero records.
enter image description here

Are you connected to (logged into) the database in which that table exists?
SQL such as this would be a starting point
select * from _v_relation_column
where UPPER(name) = 'MY_TABLE'
and UPPER(schema) = 'MY_SCHEMA'
order by attnum;
The restriction on schema may not be needed (if you aren't using multiple schemas).

(A) Sometimes we need the column names as headers
select * from <table> limit 0
(B) If you want definition of a table ie. showing all columns along with their data types etc (assuming you have nzsql cli)
nzsql <db> -c "\d <table>"


In which MS SQL Table are PowerApps Choice Values Stored

In Dataverse if I create a table e.g 'foo' MS Dynamics automatically pre-fixes my tables with a few characters to denote that they are my custom tables e.g. abcd_foo.
What's more, if connect to the database with SSMS I can query the table as follows:
Select * from abcd_foo;
When you create a Choice column in foo, the table contains an integer value that references the lookup value - not the lookup value itself.
The picture below shows the choice values returned from a query:
abcd_accesslevel -- my choice column
from abcd_foo;
What is the name of the SQL Table in which MS Dynamics stores these 'choice values' which it then internally joins up to my tables foo choice column, acceslevel?
e.g. if 'abcd_accesslevel' is a Choice column, how would I complete this query:
Select f.abcd_accesslevel,
c.label, -- The choice label
c.value, -- The choice value
from abcd_foo f
left join some_internal_choice_table c on c.someid = f.abcd_accesslevel
-- There may be a more complex WHERE clause to separate out the label for my table from the other choice values if all choices are stored in a common table.
In Dataverse there are 2 optionsets, local and global.
In your case I believe your abcd_accesslevel is local optionset.
local optionset is stored in metadata Entitydefinitions.
I never retrieved this via sql but I user API to fetch such data.
example API call’incident’)/Attributes/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.PicklistAttributeMetadata?&$expand=OptionSet
I tried this sql query and worked for me. (I tried on my account entity)
FROM stringmap
WHERE objecttypecode = 'abcd_foo'
AND attributename = 'abcd_accesslevel ';

How to insert data into a table such that possible extra columns in data get added to the parent table?

I'm trying to insert daily imported data into a SQL Server (2017) table. While most of the time the imported data has a fixed amount of columns, sometimes the client wants to add a new column to the data-to-be-imported.
I'm seeking for a solution that when the data gets imported (whether it is from another table, from R or from .csv's, don't mind this), SQL would automatically add the missing (extra) column to the parent table, providing the column name and assigning NULL to all previous entries.
I've tried with both UNION ALL and BULK INSERT, but both of these require the same # of columns. I'm working with SSMS2017, R3.4.1.
Next, I tried with a staging table and modifying the UNION clause as:
SELECT * FROM Table_new
SELECT Tp.*, '' FROM Table_parent Tp;
But more often than not the extra column doesn't occur, so the column dimension problem occurs again.
I also thought about running the queries from R with DBI and odbc dbWriteTable() and handling the invalid column error with TryCatch(), parsing the column name from the error message and so on, but this would be a shakiest craft I've ever done and would prefer not to.
Ultimately I thought adding an if clause in R, and depending on the number of added new columns, loop and add the ', ""' part to the SQL query to create the extra columns. I'm convinced that this is too complex solution to this problem.
# Pseudo-R
#calculate the difference between lenght(colnames)
diff <- diff(length(colnames_new, colnames_parent)
if diff = 0 {
} else if diff > 0 {
dbQuery(paste0(SELECT * FROM new
SELECT T1.*, loop_paste(, '' /* for every diff */), FROM parent T1;))
} else if diff < 0 {
dbQuery(SELECT * FROM parent
SELECT T2.*, loop_paste(, '' /* for every diff */), FROM new T2;))
To summarize: when inserting data to SQL table, how to (automatically) append the columns in the parent table, when necessary? Thanks!
The things in your database such as tables, columns, primary keys, foreign keys, check clauses are all part of the database schema. People design the schema before adding data to the database.
If you want to add new columns then you have to redesign your schema. When you do this you will also have to rewrite some of the CRUD procedures.

Derby Database Table Column Name Format Inconsistent in Query

When query a Derby database, I find out that for some tables I have to double quote the column name and use table name to qualify the column name, but for some other tables I don’t need to. What happens to these tables and how can I make all tables the same and can query them without the double quote and the table name qualifier? I am using NetBeans IDE’s Sql Command tool. Below are those different queries.
Set schema app;
Select * from table1 where table1.”state” = ‘CA’;
Select * from table2 where state = ‘CA’;
Putting a tablename or column name in quotes, sometimes referred to by the jargon-y term "delimited identifiers" does two things:
Allows you to use words that are otherwise reserved keywords (e.g., naming a column "WHERE" or "SELECT")
Instructs the database system to process the name using case sensitive rules, rather than case-insensitive rules
So if you originally created "table3" with a CREATE TABLE statement that specified "table3" in double quotes like this, then you will forever after have to refer to it with the name in double quotes.
select * from table3
will be automatically processed by the database as if it was
select * from TABLE3
select * from "table3"
will successfully match the table you created as create table "table3"

Populating a table with fields from two other tables

I have two tables in Filemaker:
tableA (which includes fields idA (e.g. a123), date, price) and
tableB (which includes fields idB (e.g. b123), date, price).
How can I create a new table, tableC, with field id, populated with both idA and idB, (with the other fields being used for calculations on the combined data of both tables)?
The only way is to script it (for repeating uses) or do it 'manually', if this is an ad-hoc process. Details depend on the situation, so please clarify.
Update: Sorry, I actually forgot about the question. I assume the ID fields do not overlap even across tables and you do not need to add the same record more than once, but update it instead. In such a case the simplest script would be like that:
Set Variable[ $self, Get( FileName ) ]
Import Records[ $self, Table A -> Table C, sync on ID, update and add new ]
Import Records[ $self, Table B -> Table C, sync on ID, update and add new ]
The Import Records step is managed via rather elaborate dialog, but the idea is that you import from the same file (you can just type file:<YourFileName> there), the format is FileMaker Pro, and then set the field mapping. Make sure to choose the Update matching records and Add remaining records options and select the ID fields as key files to sync by.
It would be a FileMaker script. It could be run as a script trigger, but then it's not going to be seamless to the user. Your best bet is to create the tables, then just run the script as needed (manually) to build Table C. If you have FileMaker Server, you could schedule this script to be run periodically to keep Table C up-to-date.
Maybe you can use the select into statement.
I'm unsure if you wish to use calculated field from TableA and TableB or if your intension was to only calculate fields from the same table?
If tableA.IdA exists also in tableB.IdA, you could join the two tables and select into.
Else, you run the statement once for each table.
Select into statement
Select tableA.IdA, tableA.field1A, tableA.field2A, tableA.field1A * tableB.field2A
into New_Table from tableA
Edit: missed the part where you mentioned FileMaker.
But maybe you could script this on the db and just drop the table.

DB2 Select Query with data in file

Lets say I have a csv file(ids.csv) with ids like
I wanted to select data from the table by reading ids from file in the where clause
Something like
select * from employee where id in (<I wanted to read ids from external csv file>)
Is this possible in any database. I am interested in db2.
Due to limitation in character length in sql if i put all these ids in in clause its not allowing to run a query. Right now I am chunking ids in to smaller set and running the query.
Import the data into a table using the DB2 IMPORT command.
It will be something like:
db2 import from ids.csv of del create into id_table
You can read more about the command at the above link.
Once that's done it's a simple matter of:
select * from employee where id in (select id from id_table)
