How to navigate to child routes within a dynamic (slug) route in SvelteKit - sveltekit

I have the following route structure
I can't figure out how to link to the routes in SvelteKit. The routes themselves work when I access them through the browser navigation bar.
How can I create a simple links on the [slug] page, that will link to the child routes?
Both below link to the root:
Tried something like below, but that didn't work.
I assume it's something similar, but the SvelteKit documentation on routing and advanced routing don't mention anything related to navigation within dynamic routes.

Would just add the parameter to the link:
import { page } from '$app/stores';

I figured it out, it was a bit hidden in the documents (and I'm a starter, so not fully aware of all the concepts yet).
In +page.js:
/** #type {import('./$types').PageLoad} */
export function load({ params }) {
return {
slug: params.slug
In +page.svelte:
export let data;


How to display different components on single page in angular

I have divided my landing page into small components and now I want to show all of my components on landing page and also display some of the components on different pages/routes. I tried adding it with the routes as childeren but it doesnt work with me. Can anyone help me with this?
const routes: Routes = [
{path:'', component:BannerComponent, children:[
{path:'home', component:AboutComponent}
I want to create a main url directory where some of my components should show and when the user enter another path it should show only those components that are added for that path.
Angular offers you a simple way to do this.
When creating a component, it gives you this:
selector: 'ab-header',
templateUrl: './header.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./header.component.scss'],
As we can see there is a selector called 'ab-header'.
Just go to the html and paste it in a tag like this.
Hope this helps you
I have followed these steps.
First Create a new component
ng g c homePage
add the desired components in the homePage.component.html
Inlude it in the routes
const routes: Routes = [
{path:'', component:HomePageComponent}

Koa.js render angular html page

I was trying to use Koa.js instead of express for node.js.
In express we have used render function to fetch the html page.
I tried to access angular html page from Koa.js using the below code as below:
app.use(async function (ctx, next) {
return send(ctx, 'views/index.html', { root: ''
.then(() => next()) })
But the above code displays the index page as it is without styles and the ng-view datas are not rendered
Also, I tried adding co-views as below
var views = require('co-views');
var render= views(__dirname + '/views',
{ map: { html: 'swig' }});
But, I didnt get the result as expected. It also displays the page as mentioned above.
Please help to get the expected result.
Unless you have very specific requirements for serving static files, most of the time you can get away with koa-static:
import serve from 'koa-static'
// ...
If you have more particular needs, you might need to edit your question.

Angular 2 App Reloading on Route Change

I have an angular 2 app with the following routes:
new Route({ path: '/', component: Home, name: 'Home', useAsDefault: true}),
new Route({ path: '/employees', component: ViewEmployees, name: 'ViewEmployees'}),
new Route({ path: '/employees/add', component: AddEmployee, name: 'AddEmployee'}),
among others. When I change routes in the following way:
<a [routerLink]="['ViewEmployees']">View Employees</a>
There are no issues. I can change routes in this way from either the home page or the AddEmployee route. The issue comes when I'm in the AddEmployee route and try to change routes in a programmatic way like this:
import {Router} from 'angular2/router';
constructor(private _router:Router) {}
navigate() {
it doesn't work. It sends me to the ViewEmployees view and then reloads the entire app. If I do that same programmatic route change from the Home component I don't have any issues; the app doesn't reload.
Does anyone have any ideas why it would do this in just this one case? I need it to work so that I can save the employee that's added and then go back to the employee list view.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Do you call navigate() from within a <form> Tag?
I had the same Problem. There exist some issues describing this behavior on Angular2s GitHub but they are all closed because they belong to the old router. The page reload seems to occur when you use router.navigate() inside a function called by a submit button inside a form. This can cause the browser to append a ? at the end of the URL and reload it.
The solution is very simple: Just return false at the end of your navigate() function. This prevents the bowser to use it's default action when submitting forms. Usually angular stops such default behavior but strangely not in this case.
Have you set the <base href>?
As mentioned in the Router guide
Add the following code to your index.html after the opening head tag:
<base href="/">
From RouterLink docs:
The first route name should be prepended with /, ./, or ../. If the route begins with /, the router will look up the route from the root of the app. If the route begins with ./, the router will instead look in the current component's children for the route. And if the route begins with ../, the router will look at the current component's parent.
<a [routerLink]="['/ViewEmployees']">View Employees</a>

Can I use an HTML form's action property to move between React Routes?

I'm trying to build a React app, and getting some trouble with React Router.
First of all, my url always has some weird hashstring at its' end.
For example:
Also, I'm not sure whether the hashtag in the url and the following gibberish are part of the same problem or if they're related to 2 different problems. (I'm currently using React-Router v1.0).
Secondly, I think that the weird URL is preventing me from using the "action" property on forms, and would also like to know if there is a better way to move around React renders then relaying on forms.
If we're talking about react-router v1.0, then to remove this hash string you should pass a { queryKey: false } parameter to the createBrowserHistory function.
var createBrowserHistory = require('history/lib/createBrowserHistory');
<Router history={ createBrowserHistory({ queryKey: false }) }
routes={ ReactRoutes } />,
To move between routes react-router provides Link component which you can use inside your components.

Backbone Router for React JS UI

I want to create a website that uses React JS as the handler for the UI component and Backbone JS for the routing. I don't like to follow the usual routing, for example:
I would like to achieve a routing similar to this:
Can someone advice me where to start because I can't get my footing. If you can give me tutorial or books that can help me, that would be great.
Pardon me if this seemed to be a broad question.
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but there is a simple way to use your Backbone Router with React components / views. Just declare your routes like usual in Backbone, and have each route render the proper react component:
In your router:
routes: {
'signup': 'signup',
'posts/new': 'newPost'
newPost: function() {
reactMount = $('.react-mount')[0]
React.renderComponent(MyNewPostReactComponent, whateverProps, reactMount)
Then you just need to have the proper DOM element with .react-mount. You can have this be the empty body, and each of your routes just renders a full react component, for example.
