Why is the pinned content of my scrolltrigger disappearing (Locomotive Scroll) - reactjs

My slider component disappears when it should pin to the page. I believe it is related to the page scroll with Locomotive scroll messing up with translating the page. However, this should be possible and I found a tutorial by Greensock. I cannot get it to work though, my content keeps disappearing. Here is a minimal demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/cool-noyce-108h6c?file=/pages/index.tsx
Here is also a link to the final webpage: https://juliaweber-git-preview-inzn.vercel.app
Any help is greatly appreciated!


Infinite Scroll and Image Search Bugs

I am trying to build an Unsplash Clone using their API where I display an Image Gallery in Masonary Layout and a Search Feature.
Here is my source code: https://github.com/bhoamikhona/usplash
Here is the live site: https://usplash.vercel.app/
The scroll/search has a bug that I can't seem to find, please help me fix it.
a) When I start scrolling, a number of images are repeating, I keep getting warnings about two items having the same key.
b) When I refresh the page and then search something, the search function works fine but, when I scroll through the home page a little, then go to the search bar, and search something, say for example dog, I keep getting other images.
Picture below is of the state when I scroll through home page i.e. make use of infinite scroll and then use the search bar, you can see other images popping up:
Picture below is when I refresh the website and then search without scrolling at all:
Could you please tell me what is wrong with my code and how to fix it?

Overlay not applying to react big calendar

I'm using react-big-calendar with react-sidebar and if the sidebar opens, all the area is covered by overlay but some elements are visible on the top.
What can be the problem?
P.S: I've also given the z-index to both but nothing worked for me!
react-big-calendar with react-sidebar
I don't know the particulars of react-sidebar, but it's definitely a z-index issue. Does react-sidebar provide a Portal option for it's overlay (I'm not seeing one)? RBC is dynamically writing out the events to the page, and using 'auto' z-index, so if your overlay is defined first (like the sidebar is on the left, and calendar on the right), then that's what's happening.

material ui, layout component for desktop to mobile responsive transition

I am writing a Single Web App with material ui, that needs to be responsive, but I do not know which is the control where I must allocate the mains component, if it is a grid or a box.
The next image show the main components arrangement in md,lg,xl
The next image show the main components arrangement in sm,xs when width < 960
In the web I found many complex and very difficult to understand layouts, but not find a basic example. Some like "material ui responsive for dummies".
The mobile version, will have a breakpage between the Appbar and Sidenav, both will occupy the full height, and the Map in the second page will fill the screen.
I did it for you with MU Grids and media queries, if you have questions, ask. I am always ready to help. This is codesandbox link. Let me know if it help you.
Show my codesandbox answering your problem : https://codesandbox.io/s/amazing-sound-1nj87
It display your layout for md lg xl correctly. For xs and sm screens, sidenav & map take full height with a break page between sidenav and appBar
Thanks to both, it solved the main part o what i need.
Also need to implement a change of page.
I forget to mention that the map will be React-Leaflet,
so need to implement a flap button over the map for the mobile version.
The button is for scroll to up, because any finger movement in the map area only will affect the map content.
Do not will have effect in the scroll.
Another thing to implement is the break page concept:
The behaviour of the break page is like when you see a pdf in presentation mode and press
the keyboard button Repag - Avpag, it change all the content and never see the half top and the half down.

Google Plus Share Button ExpandTo not working

I am currently using this code.
<g:plus action="share" annotation="bubble" expandTo="top" href="#">
The expandTo is not working though. The info popup just show below the share button. I need it to display on top.
Thanks for any help :)
Edit: It appears it displays relative to where there share button is displayed on screen. If it is at the bottom of the screen then the bubble appears on top.
Is there a way to force the bubble to the top?

IE7 : <ul> disappearing on hover

Having a very strange IE7 issue that I cannot find a fix for. I have created a slideshow with a control nav absolutely positioned at the bottom of it. The nav sits over the slideshows bottom border.
In ie7, hovering over it cause the nav to jump behind the border and hence the top of it disappears. I don't have a clue what is happening and cannot find solutions elsewhere. Here is a link demonstrating the issue:
Anyone have a solution? Pulling my hair out.
