I have 2 libraries made from scratch in c, vector.h and string.h with the source file string.c (the vector.h only has define directives, no need for source file), and used the #pragma once directive so that the header files would only be included one time. The string library uses the vector library, and then both are included in main.c.
With that setup, i ran into two problems:
if i simply did gcc main.c -o build/main.exe, it couldn't find the function definitions in string.c for the function declarations in string.h (undefined reference to `stringFunction')
if i first compiled the source files into objects, and then compiled them into the executable (gcc -c string/string.c -o build/obj/string.o, gcc -c main.c -o build/obj/main.o, gcc -o build/main.exe build/obj/main.o build/obj/string.o, ./build/main.exe), it said there were multiple definitions of the same functions (build/obj/string.o: in function `vectorCreate_String':
string.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `vectorCreate_String'; build/obj/main.o:main.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here)
Folder structure:
- string
- string.c
- string.h
- vector
- vector.h
- main.c
#pragma once
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DEFINE_VECTOR(type) typedef struct { \
unsigned int size; \
size_t bytesize; \
type *data; \
} Vector_##type; \
Vector_##type *vectorCreate_##type(unsigned int initialSize, type *initialElements) { \
Vector_##type *v = (Vector_##type*)malloc(sizeof(Vector_##type)); \
v->size = initialSize; \
v->bytesize = initialSize * sizeof(type); \
v->data = (type*)malloc(v->bytesize); \
for (unsigned int i=0; i<initialSize; i++) v->data[i] = initialElements[i]; \
return v; \
} \
void vectorPush_##type(Vector_##type *v, type element) { \
v->size++; \
v->bytesize += sizeof(type); \
v->data = (type*)realloc(v->data, v->bytesize); \
v->data[v->size-1] = element; \
} \
void vectorFree_##type(Vector_##type *v) { \
free(v->data); \
free(v); \
} \
Vector_##type *vectorSlice_##type(Vector_##type *v, unsigned int start, unsigned int end) { \
Vector_##type *slice = (Vector_##type*)malloc(sizeof(Vector_##type)); \
slice->size = end - start; \
slice->bytesize = slice->size * sizeof(type); \
slice->data = (type*)malloc(slice->bytesize); \
for (unsigned int i=0; i<slice->size; i++) slice->data[i] = v->data[start + i]; \
return slice; \
#define Vector(type) Vector_##type
#define vectorCreate(type, initialSize, initialElements) vectorCreate_##type(initialSize, initialElements)
#define vectorPush(type, vector, element) vectorPush_##type(vector, element)
#define vectorFree(type, vector) vectorFree_##type(vector)
#define vectorSlice(type, vector, start, end) vectorSlice_##type(vector, start, end)
#pragma once
#include "../vector/vector.h"
typedef struct {
unsigned int length;
char *str;
} String;
String *stringCreate(char *str);
String *stringAppend(String *string, char *str);
void stringFree(String *string);
String *stringSlice(String *string, unsigned int start, unsigned int end);
Vector(String) *stringSplit(String *string, char *delimiter);
#include "string.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
String *stringCreate(char *str) {
String *string = malloc(sizeof(String));
string->length = strlen(str);
string->str = malloc(string->length + 1);
strcpy(string->str, str);
return string;
String *stringAppend(String *string, char *str) {
string->length += strlen(str);
string->str = realloc(string->str, string->length + 1);
strcat(string->str, str);
return string;
void stringFree(String *string) {
String *stringSlice(String *string, unsigned int start, unsigned int end) {
String *newString;
newString->length = end - start;
newString->str = malloc(newString->length + 1);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<newString->length; i++) newString->str[i] = string->str[start + i];
newString->str[newString->length] = '\0';
return newString;
// not implemented yet
Vector(String) *stringSplit(String *string, char *delimiter) {
return NULL;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "./string/string.h"
// stuff to test if everything is working properly
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Vector(String) *strings = vectorCreate(String, 0, NULL);
vectorPush(String, strings, *stringCreate("Hello"));
vectorPush(String, strings, *stringCreate("World"));
printf("%s %s\n", strings->data[0].str, strings->data[1].str);
vectorFree(String, strings);
return 0;
A "function declaration" is usually put into a .h file.
A "function definition" is usually put into a .c file.
DEFINE_VECTOR provides function definitions and you use it in string.h.
Which means the function vectorCreate_String() for example is defined both in string.c and main.c due to both including string.h.
I suggest you add another macro in vector.h that only generates function declarations and move that typedef struct from DEFINE_VECTOR to that macro. Use that macro in string.h, and then use DEFINE_VECTOR in string.c to provide definitions for the declared functions in string.h.
So I'm currently trying to work through a book called "Crafting Interpreters" and it goes step by step through making a language. I'm writing this language in C and already running into issues. I have a couple header files with respective c files and then the main driver code. When I try to compile the code, I get this error:
compiler error msg
I'm not sure what's going wrong here as I have other projects using header files and they are able to compile correctly.
#include "common.h"
#include "chunk.h"
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
Chunk chunk;
writeChunk(&chunk, OP_RETURN);
return 0;
#ifndef clox_common_h
#define clox_common_h
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef clox_chunk_h
#define clox_chunk_h
#include "common.h"
typedef enum {
} OpCode;
typedef struct {
int count;
int capacity;
uint8_t* code;
} Chunk;
void initChunk(Chunk* chunk);
void freeChunk(Chunk* chunk);
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "chunk.h"
#include "memory.h"
void initChunk(Chunk* chunk) {
chunk->count = 0;
chunk->capacity = 0;
chunk->code = NULL;
void freeChunk(Chunk* chunk) {
FREE_ARRAY(uint8_t, chunk->code, chunk->capacity);
void writeChunk(Chunk* chunk, uint8_t byte) {
if (chunk->capacity < chunk->count) {
int oldCapacity = chunk->capacity;
chunk->capacity = GROW_CAPACITY(oldCapacity);
chunk->code = GROW_ARRAY(uint8_t, chunk->code,
oldCapacity, chunk->capacity);
chunk->code[chunk->count] = byte;
#ifndef clox_memory_h
#define clox_memory_h
#include "common.h"
#define GROW_CAPACITY(capacity) \
((capacity) < 8 ? 8 : (capacity) * 2)
#define GROW_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount, newCount) \
(type*)reallocate(pointer, sizeof(type) * (oldCount), \
sizeof(type) * (newCount))
#define FREE_ARRAY(type, pointer, oldCount) \
reallocate(pointer, sizeof(type) * (oldCount), 0)
void* reallocate(void* pointer, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "memory.h"
void* reallocate(void* pointer, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize) {
if (newSize == 0) {
return NULL;
void* result = realloc(pointer, newSize);
if (result == NULL) exit(1);
return result;
Any guidance would be appreciated
I have gone through similar questions and seen answers given, where given and none of those points me to what I am doing wrong. I keep getting undefined reference to 'concatf' while the function is properly defined in the header file.
#include "concatf.h"
* vscprintf:
* MSVC implements this as _vscprintf, thus we just 'symlink' it here
* GNU-C-compatible compilers do not implement this, thus we implement it here
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define vscprintf _vscprintf
#ifdef __GNUC__
int vscprintf(const char *format, va_list ap)
va_list ap_copy;
va_copy(ap_copy, ap);
int retval = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, ap_copy);
return retval;
int vasprintf(char **strp, const char *format, va_list ap)
int len = vscprintf(format, ap);
if (len == -1)
return -1;
char *str = (char*)malloc((size_t) len + 1);
if (!str)
return -1;
int retval = vsnprintf(str, len + 1, format, ap);
if (retval == -1) {
return -1;
*strp = str;
return retval;
int concatf(char **strp, const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
int retval = vasprintf(strp, format, ap);
return retval;
#ifndef CONCATF_H
#define CONCATF_H
#if defined(__GNUC__) && ! defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* needed for (v)asprintf, affects '#include <stdio.h>' */
#include <stdio.h> /* needed for vsnprintf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* needed for malloc, free */
#include <stdarg.h> /* needed for va_* */
int concatf(char **strp, const char *format, ...);
#endif // CONCATF_H
#include "concatf.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern char _binary_script_php_start;
extern char _binary_script_php_end;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *p = &_binary_script_php_start;
FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/test.php","wb");
while ( p != &_binary_script_php_end ) {
int i = 1;
char *cmd = "php /tmp/test.php";
char *s = NULL;
// asprintf(&s, "%s",cmd);
// for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
// asprintf(&s, "%s \"%s\"",s,argv[i]);
// }
// concatf("%s",cmd);
// for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
// concatf("%s \"%s\"",s,argv[i]);
// }
concatf(&s, "%s",cmd);
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
concatf(&s, "%s \"%s\"",s,argv[i]);
unlink("/tmp/test.php"); // comment me out for debugging if you want
These codes run on my environment but fail to run on the second windows environment and those of my colleagues, I can't seem to point why that is the case.
To run it you will need a php file named script.php run ld -r -b binary script.php data.o to complie your php file and gcc build.c data.o -o runme to link the php file with the build function. You can find the sample project here https://github.com/Sammiiie/C_php_http.
I'm developing a library and I would like to know some data about the caller of one of the functions I'm offering. In particular, I would need to know the file name, function name and line where my function (a redefined malloc) is being called.
EDIT: Here's a minimum working example where I can detect when a user calls malloc and "redirect" him to my own malloc function:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "myLib.h"
int main(){
printf("Inside main, asking for memory\n");
int *p = malloc(sizeof(int));
*p = 3;
return 0;
#include "myLib.h"
void * myAlloc (size_t size){
void * p = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "Inside my own malloc\n");
p = (malloc)(size);
return p;
#undef malloc
#define malloc(size) myAlloc(size)
#ifndef MYLIB_H
#define MYLIB_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define malloc(size) myAlloc(size)
void * myAlloc(size_t size);
I've tried using _FILE_ _func_ and _LINE_ keywords, but I can't make it work since it's in a different module.
You could:
#ifndef MYLIB_H
#define MYLIB_H
#include <stdlib.h>
// replace malloc in case it's already a macro
#ifdef malloc
#undef malloc
// I believe that from the standards point of view, this is undefined behavior
#define malloc(size) my_alloc(size, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
#ifdef __GNUC__
// Allow compiler to do static checking.
__attribute__((__alloc_size__(1), __malloc__))
void *my_alloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func);
// ^^^^^^^^ I do not like camelCase case - one snake case to rule them all.
// mylib.c
#include "mylib.h" // do not ever mix uppercase and lowercase in filenames
#undef malloc // undef malloc so we don't call ourselves recursively
#include <stdio.h>
void *my_alloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func){
fprintf(stderr, "Och my god, you wouldn't believe it!\n"
"A function %s in file %s at line %d called malloc!\n",
func, file, line);
return malloc(size);
You might also see how assert does it. If you are aiming at glibc, read glibc docs replacing malloc.
Still as you discovered a user may do (malloc)(size) cicumvent macro expansion. You could do:
void *my_alloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func);
static inline void *MY_ALLOC(size_t size) {
return my_alloc(size, NULL, 0, NULL);
#define MY_ALLOC(size) my_alloc(size, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
// if called with `malloc()` then MY_ALLOC is expanded
// if called as `(malloc)`, then just expands to MY_ALLOC.
#define malloc MY_ALLOC
int main() {
malloc(10); // calls my_alloc(10, "main.c", 62, "main");
(malloc)(20); // calls my_alloc(20, NULL, 0, NULL);
GLIBC defines hidden symbols for malloc(), free()... which are called __libc_malloc(), __libc_free()...
So, you can tremendously simplify your debug macros.
In m.h, just define the following:
extern void *__libc_malloc (size_t bytes);
extern void *myMalloc(size_t size, const char *filename, const char *funcname, int line);
#define malloc(size) myMalloc(size, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
Then you can write a program defining myMalloc() as follow (e.g. file name is m.c):
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "m.h"
void *myMalloc(
size_t size,
const char *filename,
const char *funcname,
int line
) {
fprintf(stderr, "malloc(%zu) called from %s/%s()#%d\n", size, filename, funcname, line);
return __libc_malloc(size);
char *dup_str(char *string) {
char *str = malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
strcpy(str, string);
return str;
int main(int ac, char *av[]) {
char *str;
if (av[1]) {
str = dup_str(av[1]);
} else {
str = dup_str("NULL");
printf("String = '%s'\n", str);
return 0;
When you compile this example program in non debug mode:
$ gcc m.c -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0
$ ./a.out azerty
String = 'azerty'
When you compile your program in debug mode:
$ gcc m.c -DDEBUG_LEVEL=1
$ ./a.out azerty
malloc(7) called from m.c/dup_str()#27
String = 'azerty'
I tried to compiler the following code(minimum example, see the edit for the whole code):
// a.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
puts((const char*) crypt("AAAA", "$6$2222"));
return 0;
Using clang-7 -lcrypt a.c and it emitted the following warning:
minimum.c:8:24: warning: implicit declaration of function 'crypt' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
puts((const char*) crypt("AAAA", "$6$2222"));
minimum.c:8:10: warning: cast to 'const char *' from smaller integer type 'int' [-Wint-to-pointer-cast]
puts((const char*) crypt("AAAA", "$6$2222"));
2 warnings generated.
But ./a.out did seem to work:
I found out that if I remove #include <stdio.h> and puts like this:
// new_a.c
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
crypt("AAAA", "$6$2222");
return 0;
Then there is no warnings.
How to fix these warnings without removing #include <stdio.h>?
Whole program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define _X_OPEN_SOURCE
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
void* Calloc(size_t cnt, size_t size)
void *ret = calloc(cnt, size);
return ret;
size_t GetSaltLen(const char *salt)
size_t salt_len = strlen(salt);
assert(salt_len > 0);
assert(salt_len <= 16);
return salt_len;
char* GetSaltAndVersion(const char version, const char *salt)
size_t saltlen = GetSaltLen(salt);
* The format of salt:
* $one_digit_number$up_to_16_character\0
* For more info, check man crypt.
char *ret = (char*) Calloc(1 + 1 + 1 + saltlen + 1, sizeof(char));
char *beg = ret;
*beg++ = '$';
*beg++ = version;
*beg++ = '$';
memcpy((void*) beg, (const void*) salt, saltlen + 1);
return ret;
void crypt_and_print(const char *passwd, const char *salt_and_version)
char *result = crypt(passwd, salt_and_version);
assert(puts(result) != EOF);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "argc = %d\n", argc);
return 1;
char *salt_and_version = GetSaltAndVersion(argv[2][0], argv[3]);
crypt_and_print(argv[1], salt_and_version);
return 0;
I have tried as #Andrey Akhmetov suggested and put the #define onto the first line, but the warnings did not disappear.
The macro _XOPEN_SOURCE is documented in feature_test_macros(7). In particular, the manpage states:
NOTE: In order to be effective, a feature test macro must be defined before including any header files. This can be done either in the compilation command (cc -DMACRO=value) or by defining the macro within the source code before including any headers.
When you include stdio.h, you indirectly include features.h, which uses the feature test macros as defined at that point. In particular, since _XOPEN_SOURCE and friends aren't defined at that point, crypt.h does not declare crypt.
By the time you define _XOPEN_SOURCE it is too late, since features.h has an include guard preventing it from being included twice.
By swapping the order of the first two lines, the code works without raising this warning on my system:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
puts((const char*) crypt("AAAA", "$6$2222"));
return 0;
Your larger example does not work for a second reason: You wrote _X_OPEN_SOURCE as the name of the macro, while the correct name is _XOPEN_SOURCE.
I am learning c and trying to build using makefile. I am stuck on the following error and don't know what to do next.
the build command is
gcc -o logfind logfind.o cmdargutils.o filesystem_utils.o file_utils.o strutils.o
If I need both file_utils.o and cmdargutils.o but if I add both I get the following error.
error screenshot
file_utils.o:(.rodata+0x0): multiple definition of `MAX_LINE'
logfind.o:(.rodata+0x0): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'logfind' failed
make: *** [logfind] Error 1
The source is:
logfind: clean logfind.o
gcc -o logfind logfind.o cmdargutils.o filesystem_utils.o file_utils.o strutils.o
logfind.o: logfind.c cmdargutils.o file_utils.o filesystem_utils.o strutils.o error_codes.h
gcc -c logfind.c
cmdargutils.o: cmdargutils.c cmdargutils.h
gcc -c cmdargutils.c
file_utils.o: file_utils.c file_utils.h
gcc -c file_utils.c
filesystem_utils.o: filesystem_utils.c filesystem_utils.h
gcc -c filesystem_utils.c
strutils.o: strutils.c strutils.h
gcc -c strutils.c
rm -f *.o logfind
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "error_codes.h"
#include "strutils.h"
struct Argument {
bool is_and_operation;
int count;
char **search_terms;
struct Argument *argument_create(int argc, char **argv, int start, bool is_and_operation);
void argument_destroy(struct Argument *argument);
struct Argument *parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv);
enum error_codes {
#ifndef FILE_UTILS
#define FILE_UTILS
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cmdargutils.h"
const size_t MAX_LINE = 1024;
bool is_match(char *, struct Argument *);
bool scan_file(char *, struct Argument *);
#include <glob.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "strutils.h"
struct SearchFiles {
int count;
char **paths;
struct SearchFiles *search_files_create(int count, char** paths);
void search_files_destroy(struct SearchFiles *search_files);
struct SearchFiles *scan_directory(char *directory_path, char *pattern);
#ifndef STRUTILS
#define STRUTILS
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "error_codes.h"
char *strdup(const char *source);
char **copy_string_array(char **source, int start, int end);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glob.h>
#include "cmdargutils.h"
#include "filesystem_utils.h"
#include "file_utils.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct Argument *argument = parse_arguments(argc, argv);
int i = 0;
struct SearchFiles *search_files = scan_directory(".", "*.*");
for(i = 0; i < search_files->count; i++) {
scan_file(search_files->paths[i], argument);
return 0;
#include "cmdargutils.h"
struct Argument *argument_create(int argc, char **argv, int start, bool is_and_operation){
struct Argument *argument = (struct Argument *)malloc(sizeof(struct Argument));
if(!argument) {
printf("Could not initialize arguments.\n");
argument->count = argc - start;
argument->is_and_operation = is_and_operation;
argument->search_terms = copy_string_array(argv, start, argc);
return argument;
void argument_destroy(struct Argument *argument){
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < argument->count; i++) {
argument = NULL;
struct Argument *parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv) {
struct Argument *argument = NULL;
bool is_and_operation = true;
int start = 0;
if(argc < 2) {
printf("Not enough arguments\n");
char *operation = argv[1];
if(strcmp(operation, "-o") == 0) {
is_and_operation = false;
if(argc < 3) {
printf("Not enough arguments\n");
start = is_and_operation ? 1 : 2;
argument = argument_create(argc, argv, start, is_and_operation);
return argument;
#include "file_utils.h"
bool is_match(char *line, struct Argument *argument) {
int i = 0;
bool isMatch = false;
for(i = 0; i < argument->count; i++) {
char *found = strcasestr(line, argument->search_terms[i]);
if(!found) {
if(argument->is_and_operation) {
isMatch = false;
} else {
} else {
isMatch = true;
if(argument->is_and_operation) {
} else {
return isMatch;
bool scan_file(char *path, struct Argument *argument) {
FILE *file = fopen(path, "r");
int line_number = 0;
char *line = malloc(MAX_LINE);
while(fgets(line, MAX_LINE - 1, file)!= NULL) {
if(is_match(line, argument)) {
printf("%s:%d\n", path, line_number);
printf("\t%s\n", line);
#include "filesystem_utils.h"
struct SearchFiles *search_files_create(int count, char** paths) {
struct SearchFiles *search_files = (struct SearchFiles *)malloc(sizeof(struct SearchFiles));
search_files->count = count;
search_files->paths = copy_string_array(paths, 0, count);
return search_files;
void search_files_destroy(struct SearchFiles *search_files) {
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < search_files->count; i++) {
search_files = NULL;
struct SearchFiles *scan_directory(char *directory_path, char *pattern) {
glob_t globbuf;
int error = glob(pattern, GLOB_MARK, NULL, &globbuf);
if(!error) {
struct SearchFiles *search_files = search_files_create(globbuf.gl_pathc, globbuf.gl_pathv);
return search_files;
return NULL;
#include "strutils.h"
char *strdup(const char *source) {
char *dest = malloc(strlen(source) + 1);
if(!dest) {
printf("Memory allocation error\n");
strcpy(dest, source);
return dest;
char **copy_string_array(char **source, int start, int end) {
char **dest = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * (end - start));
int di = 0;
int si = start;
for(di = 0, si = start; si < end;
si++, di++) {
dest[di] = strdup(source[si]);
return dest;
read documentation!
First, take a few hours to read documentation of GNU make, and read how to invoke GCC. You also need to understand more about the preprocessor, so read documentation of cpp. You want to take advantage of builtin GNU make rules (so run make -p to understand them) and variables. See also this answer. You could use remake (as remake -x) to debug your Makefile. You apparently don't understand how make and how gcc should be used, so you need to read more. Read also a C tutorial, look into some C reference, and glance when needed into the C11 standard n1570. Of course, read the documentation of every function you use (e.g. printf(3) etc..). For Linux system programming, read a book like ALP and relevant man pages from syscalls(2) and intro(3) etc...
Then read How to debug small programs. You certainly want to compile with all warnings and debug info.
a better Makefile
You might try something like:
# a better Makefile
# your C compiler
CC= gcc
# the verbose remove
RM= rm -vf
# your C compilation flags
CFLAGS= -Wall -Wextra -g
# your C source files
MY_CSOURCES= logfind.c cmdargutils.c filesystem_utils.c file_utils.c strutils.c
# the corresponding object files
MY_OBJECTS= $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(MY_CSOURCES))
# the conventional phony targets
.PHONY: all clean
# the only program is for the default target all
all: logfind
logfind: $(MY_OBJECTS)
$(LINK.c) $< -o $#
# cleaning the mess
$(RM) logfind *.o *~
Of course, you need dependencies for object files on header files. You could compute them automatically, but it is simpler to explicit them, so add something like:
strutils.o: strutils.c strutils.h
and so on for each other object files.
BTW my HelloWorld/ directory on github is a tutorial example for using make
your multiple definition bug
You are getting multiple definition of MAX_LINE because it is defined in a header file included by several translation units, hence several translation units define it.
So either make it a preprocessor constant #define MAX_LINE 1024 in your header file_utils.h, or put there only a declaration like extern const int MAX_LINE; and define it only once in a single translation unit, as const int MAX_LINE=1024; in file_utils.c
general hints
I strongly recommend doing some iterative and incremental development: code only one or two dozen lines at once, then compile them, improve them to get no warnings, debug them with the GDB debugger and test them. At last repeat all this till satisfied. I do recommend using also a version control system (like git) even for school homework.
You might want to use valgrind to hunt memory leaks and other dynamic memory allocation bugs.
You could also use some static source analyzer like clang-analyzer or even Frama-C.
Once your program is debugged, you might add optimization flags like -O2 into your CFLAGS (in particular if you benchmark it with time(1)).
You could be interested by ntfw(3).