Accessing image files in public folder after deploying to gh pages breaking - reactjs

I deployed my react app to gh-pages and my images arent loading anymore. They are held in the public folder and I am loading the them using the react-three-fiber hook useLoader according to their documentation like this:
const [theImage, 2ndImage] = useLoader(TextureLoader, [
Also Ive tried directing to the image using process.env.PUBLIC_URL + "/{folderName}/{the-image}.jpeg"
Gh-pages documentation says best practice is to load the image with the relative path and not the absolute path. But still my page cant seem to access them.
My Console error reads:
Uncaught Error: Could not load /{myrepo}{folderName}/{the-image}.jpeg: undefined)
at index-6f0019d1.esm.js:1670:1
Ive seen other post on this issue like this one but I dont quite understand the answer marked as correct. Can anyone explain?


Next JS based site deployed on Vercel does not show background image

I built a website on NextJS and deployed it on vercel. On the local environment at localhost:3000, it shows the background image but on vercel it does NOT show the background image.
Below are screenshots
On Vercel :
On Local :
I am setting the background image with the tailwindCSS where I defined the images in tailwind.config.js file and using them in different components. But that is not the issue as it is working fine in local envirenment.
I don't know what is the reason that why it is behaving differently.
Project GitHub Link :
Instead of using relative imports to the public folder within your tailwind config, you should leverage next's static file serving to load images from it.
For example, if you look in the DOM, the URL pathing generated during the build process is trying to utilize mini-css-extract-plugin to create a path, but the path is not valid:
When using static file serving, your tailwind config would change from:
'day_sun' : "url('../public/back_big.jpg')",
'day_sun' : "url('/back_big.jpg')",
When compiled, the path may look incomplete, but it's actually directing that request to /public/[image].[ext]:
Working demo (the weather searching feature will not work since NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY_1 is undefined):
Even though I load my images from static file serving, similar bug still happened to my app.
The bug is at my /public/img folder. According to the document, seem like the /img folder have similar name with some next file or folder, which can cause bug.
To fix it make sure you don't have any folder name "img" or something like that . . . (name "pic" work for me)

ReactJS SSR app whole content disappears when "homepage": used in package.json

I have a reactJS SSR app deployed into server, I am trying to use one of the page /listpage as a widget into some other website
The list page is appearing nicely in other website however some of the click actions were not working, when I debugged it I found that the issue was with serving reactjs static js chunk files which were created by react run build. The issue was with relative path /static/js/xxxx
to fix this issue, one solution is to have a full path reference, to enable that I added homepage:"" in package.json
this worked and when I checked network tab in chrome browser i could see all static js files are referred using full path.
however a strange issue occurred , the whole list widget appears and suddenly disappears , when I inspect the elements I could see nothing inside thats where all react components suppose to be rendered.
for full code of SSR project kindly refer with explanation.
however the full code is in github

How to fix "Cannot find module './<image_name>.jpg'" when loading images in React app

I am trying to display images that are in my public folder of my react app in the compnents and use require statements inside react-image tags as follows:
{profile.profile.picture && <Img src={require(`../../../public/profile-pictures/${profile.profile.picture}`)} alt=""/>}
I keep getting the above mentioned module not found error despite the image being present exactly where it should be. I tried a lot of solutions on SO but none of them seem to work for me. What could the error be?
Also I am new to React and am absolutely lost on what exactly is webpack and where do I even find this webpack.config.js file (if it exists for my app)

React app throwing errors when using 'react-pdf'

I've been having trouble getting react-pdf to work properly in my react app that I created using 'create-react-app'. From various github comments on the react-pdf page, it seems that there's an issue setting up the workerSrc in React applications that were created with 'create-react-app'.
One work around that seemed to solve the issue (temporarily) was to copy the pdf.worker.js file from the node-modules/build/pdfjs-dist/build folder and place it in the public folder of my react app. Then in my index.js file put the following code:
import {pdfjs} from 'react-pdf'
window.PDFJS.workerSrc = process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/pdf.worker.js'
This worked just fine for a week, until I installed a new module into my application with npm. Now, I'm getting the same error I did in the beginning, and nothing has changed:
index.js:14 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'workerSrc' of undefined
These were the initial comments that helped me narrow down the error:
but now that it's back I'm kind of at a loss for ideas. Has anyone else experienced this and been able to solve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Based on what I have seen in the docs and in forums, it appears you should be altering the global PDFJS object.
PDFJS.workerSrc, instead of window.workerSrc.
I managed to get this working by loading the worker from CDN.
import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';

React serves default content for incorrect paths

I used create-react-app to play with react. I noticed that no matter what I type in after localhost:3000/ (which is the default url on dev machine) I always get the content from localhost:3000
This means I cannot access images so that sort of means I can't really do anything with it.
Is this a bug or is it some awesome new feature that I just don't understand? How can this be switched off?
Create React App uses historyApiFallback for the webpack-dev-server, which means that all requests that give a 404 response will fall back to load the index.html file.
If you e.g. add an image to the public folder, you can see that the image takes precedence over the index.html file.
You can also import the image with the help of Webpack and use the import as src in your code, and Webpack will make sure the image ends up in the final build folder for you.
import img from './image.png';
you can use
render() {
return <img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/img/logo.png'} />;
for more information please refer Adding Assets Outside of the Module System
