Room Data Base Create Instance - database

I want to Create An Instance Of Room Data base in Composable
val db = Room.databaseBuilder(applicationContext,,"users.db").build()
is not working here not getting applicationContext
How to create an instance of context in composable

Have you tried getting the context with : val context = LocalContext.current and then adding this to get your applicationContext?
Like this: context.applicationContext or using simply val db = Room.databaseBuilder(context,,"users.db").build()

Room (and the underlying SQliteOpenHelper) only need the context to open the database (or more correctly to instantiate the underlying SQLiteOpenHelper).
Room/Android SQLiteOpenHelper uses the context to ascertain the Application's standard (recommended) location (data/data/<the_package_name>/databases). e.g. in the following demo (via Device Explorer):-
The database, as it is still open includes 3 files (the -wal and -shm are the Write Ahead Logging files that will at sometime be committed/written to the actual database (SQLite handles that)).
so roughly speaking Room only needs to have the context so that it can ascertain /data/data/a.a.so75008030kotlinroomgetinstancewithoutcontext/databases/testit.db (in the case of the demo).
So if you cannot use the applicationContext method then you can circumvent the need to provide the context, if using a singleton approach AND if after instantiating the singleton.
Perhaps consider this demo:-
First some pretty basic DB Stuff (table (#Entity annotated class), DAO functions and #Database annotated abstract class WITH singleton approach). BUT with some additional functions for accessing the instance without the context.
data class TestIt(
val testIt_id: Long?=null,
val testIt_name: String
interface DAOs {
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(testIt: TestIt): Long
#Query("SELECT * FROM testit")
fun getAllTestItRows(): List<TestIt>
#Database(entities = [TestIt::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class TestItDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getDAOs(): DAOs
companion object {
private var instance: TestItDatabase?=null
/* Extra/not typical for without a context (if wanted)*/
fun isInstanceWithoutContextAvailable() : Boolean {
return instance != null
/* Extra/not typical for without a context */
fun getInstanceWithoutContext(): TestItDatabase? {
if (instance != null) {
return instance as TestItDatabase
return null
/* Typically the only function*/
fun getInstance(context: Context): TestItDatabase {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,,"testit.db")
.allowMainThreadQueries() /* for convenience/brevity of demo */
return instance as TestItDatabase
And to demonstrate (within an activity for brevity) :-
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var roomInstance: TestItDatabase
lateinit var dao: DAOs
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
roomInstance = TestItDatabase.getInstance(this) /* MUST be used before withoutContext functions but could be elsewhere shown here for brevity */
dao = roomInstance.getDAOs()
//dao.insert(TestIt(testIt_name = "New001")) /* Removed to test actually doing the database open with the without context */
private fun logDataWithoutContext() {
Log.d("${TAG}_LDWC","Room DB Instantiated = ${TestItDatabase.isInstanceWithoutContextAvailable()}")
for (t in TestItDatabase.getInstanceWithoutContext()!!.getDAOs().getAllTestItRows()) {
Log.d("${TAG}_LDWC_DATA","TestIt Name is ${t.testIt_name} ID is ${t.testIt_id}")
private fun addRowWithoutContext() {
Log.d("${TAG}_LDWC","Room DB Instantiated = ${TestItDatabase.isInstanceWithoutContextAvailable()}")
if (TestItDatabase.getInstanceWithoutContext()!!.getDAOs()
.insert(TestIt(System.currentTimeMillis(),"NEW AS PER ID (the time to millis) WITHOUT CONTEXT")) > 0) {
Log.d("${TAG}_ARWC_OK","Row successfully inserted.")
} else {
Log.d("${TAG}_ARWC_OUCH","Row was not successfully inserted (duplicate ID)")
private fun addRowWithApplicationContext() {
TestItDatabase.getInstance(applicationContext).getDAOs().insert(TestIt(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000,"NEW AS PER ID (the time to seconds) WITH CONTEXT"))
The result output to the log showing that the database access, either way, worked:-
2023-01-05 12:45:39.020 D/DBINFO_LDWC: Room DB Instantiated = true
2023-01-05 12:45:39.074 D/DBINFO_LDWC: Room DB Instantiated = true
2023-01-05 12:45:39.077 D/DBINFO_ARWC_OK: Row successfully inserted.
2023-01-05 12:45:39.096 D/DBINFO_LDWC: Room DB Instantiated = true
2023-01-05 12:45:39.098 D/DBINFO_LDWC_DATA: TestIt Name is NEW AS PER ID (the time to seconds) WITH CONTEXT ID is 1672883139
2023-01-05 12:45:39.098 D/DBINFO_LDWC_DATA: TestIt Name is NEW AS PER ID (the time to millis) WITHOUT CONTEXT ID is 1672883139075
note that the shorter id was the last added but appears first due to it being selected first as it appears earlier in the index that the SQlite Query Optimiser would have used (aka the Primary Key).
basically the same date time second wise but the first insert included milliseconds whilst the insert via AddRowWithApplicationContext drops the milliseconds.


Can Android Room validate an imported database before it is opened?

Problem: I can't seem to get an imported database to fail in Android Room until first queried? I'm wanting to try/catch and validate a database and I'm not succeeding on catching it before the first query. I always thought Android Room validated the database at the moment of instance creation and build against the schema, but apparently not. So the database fails upon first query.
What I'm trying to do: This app manages multiple databases that can be shared between users. So databases can be imported or exported. I suspect that at some point, someone will attempt to import the wrong database and or structure or do something to cause it to fail. I'm trying to catch the failure at the instance / build of the database or sooner.
What I've tried: I have a try/catch/finally block at the first instance creation, but it is only failing when first queried... then it notices that a table or column is missing. I'd like to catch it sooner if possible. I've looked at the RoomDatabase methods but nothing specifically applies to validation that I see other than just letting it break.
I always thought Android Room validated the database at the moment of instance creation and build against the schema, but apparently not.
The database validation is part of the open process, which does not happen until you actually try to access the database, as opposed to when getting the instance.
I can't seem to get an imported database to fail in Android Room until first queried?
When you get the instance you can force an open by getting (or trying to get) a SupportSQLiteDatabase by using either getWritableDatabase or getReadableDatabase via the instance's openHelper.
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
try {
val supportDB = db.openHelper.writableDatabase
catch(e: Exception) {
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this);
try {
SupportSQLiteDatabase supportDB = db.getOpenHelper().getWritableDatabase();
catch (Exception e) {
Alternative - Self validation
You could also do your own validation and thus avoid an exception (if the validation is simple enough). You could also make corrections thus allowing perhaps minor transgressions to be acceptable.
Before getting the actual instance, you could get a validation instance (different database name) that is created as per Room and then compare the schemas yourself.
here's an example designed to detect a table missing by creating the real database with a different table name (nottablex instead of tableX).
The TableX entity :-
class TableX {
Long id=null;
String name;
String other;
No Dao's as not needed for the example.
The TheDatabase with get instance methods, one for normal, the other for getting another (validation (empty model for schema comparison)) database but as an SQLiteDatabase.
#Database(entities = {TableX.class},version = 1)
abstract class TheDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
private static volatile TheDatabase instance = null;
private static volatile TheDatabase validationInstance = null;
static TheDatabase getInstance(Context context, String databaseName) {
if (instance == null ) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,TheDatabase.class,databaseName)
return instance;
static SQLiteDatabase getValidationInstance(Context context, String databaseName) {
// Delete DB if it exists
if (context.getDatabasePath(databaseName).exists()) {
// Create database and close it
TheDatabase db = Room.databaseBuilder(context,TheDatabase.class,databaseName)
return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(context.getDatabasePath(databaseName).getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
note that this forces the open to create the model/validation database (else the openDatabase would fail).
And finally for the demo MainActivity which creates an invalid database and then goes on to do a simple validation (just check that the expected tables exist). Only opening (never in the case of the example) the database if the tables expected by room exist.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "the_database.db";
public static final String VALIDATION_DATABASE_NAME = DATABASE_NAME + "_validation";
public static final String TAG = "DBVALIDATION";
TheDatabase db;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d(TAG,"DATABASE " + DATABASE_NAME + " does mot match model.");
} else {
/* Database validated OK so use it */
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this,DATABASE_NAME);
/* Purposefully create invalid database */
private void createIncorrectDatabase(Context context, String databaseName) {
File dbfile = context.getDatabasePath(databaseName);
if (!dbfile.exists()) {
SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(context.getDatabasePath(databaseName),null);
private long validateDatabase(String modelDatabase, String actualDatabase) {
String sqlite_master = "sqlite_master";
/* Want to skip room_master_table and sqlite tables susch as sqlite_sequence */
/* in this example only checking tables to show the basic technique */
String wherecluase = "name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' AND name NOT LIKE 'room_%' AND type = 'table'";
long rv = 0;
/* Get the model/validation database */
SQLiteDatabase modelDB = TheDatabase.getValidationInstance(this,modelDatabase);
/* Only need to check if the database exists as otherwise it will be created according to Room */
if (this.getDatabasePath(actualDatabase).exists()) {
/* Open as an SQLiteDatabase so no Room open to throw an exception */
SQLiteDatabase actualDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(this.getDatabasePath(actualDatabase).getAbsolutePath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
/* Get the tables expected from the model Room database */
Cursor modelTableNames = modelDB.query(sqlite_master,null,wherecluase,null,null,null,null);
Cursor actualTableNames = null; /* prepare Cursor */
/* Loop through the tables names in the model checking if they exist */
while (modelTableNames.moveToNext()) {
/* See if the expected table exists */
actualTableNames = actualDB.query(sqlite_master,null,"name=?",new String[]{modelTableNames.getString(modelTableNames.getColumnIndex("name"))},null,null,null);
if (!actualTableNames.moveToFirst()) {
Log.d(TAG,"Table " + modelTableNames.getString(modelTableNames.getColumnIndex("name")) + " not found.");
rv = rv -1; /* Table not found so decrement rv to indicate number not found */
/* Close the actualTableNames Cursor if it was used */
if (actualTableNames != null) {
/* Close the modelTableNames Cursor */
/* Close the actual database so Room can use it (comment out to show results in database Inspector)*/
} else {
Log.d(TAG,"Actual Database " + actualDatabase + " does not exist. No validation required as it would be created");
/* Close and delete the model database (comment out to show results in database Inspector)*/
return rv;
The log includes :-
D/DBVALIDATION: Table TableX not found.
D/DBVALIDATION: DATABASE the_database.db does mot match model.
Bypassing the close and model delete the databases for the above are:-
Note in this simple example Room would actually create the TableX table rather than fail with an exception.

MapState does not store the previous session with EventTimeSessionWindows in Flink java

I need to compare the previous session to averages from different sessions for the same user. I'm using MapState to keep the previous session, but somehow the mapstate never contains any previous keys, so every session is new. here's my code:
SessionIdentificationProcessFunction (this is a function that gather all the events that belongs to the same session.
static SingleOutputStreamOperator<SessionEvent> sessionUser(KeyedStream<Event, String> stream) {
return stream.window(EventTimeSessionWindows.withGap(Time.minutes(PropertyFileReader.getGAP_SECTION())))
.process(new SessionIdentificationProcessFunction<Event, SessionEvent, String, TimeWindow>() {
public void open(Configuration parameters) {
/*state configured to live just one day to avoid garbage accumulation*/
StateTtlConfig ttlConfig = StateTtlConfig
MapStateDescriptor<String, SessionEvent> map_descriptor = new MapStateDescriptor<>("prevMapUserSession", String.class, SessionEvent.class);
previous_user_sessions_state = getRuntimeContext().getMapState(map_descriptor);
public SessionEvent generateSessionRecord(String s, Context context, Iterable<Event> elements) {
Comparator<Event> sortFunc = (o1, o2) -> ((o1.timestamp.before(o2.timestamp)) ? 0 : 1);
Event start =, false).max(sortFunc).orElse(new Event());
Event end =, false).max(sortFunc).orElse(new Event());
SessionEvent session_user = (end.timestamp.equals(Timestamp.from(Instant.EPOCH))) ? new SessionEvent(start) : new SessionEvent(end);
session_user.sessionEvents =, false).count();
session_user.sessionDuration = sd;
try {
if (previous_user_sessions_state.contains(s)) {
SessionEvent previous = previous_user_sessions_state.get(s);
/*Update values of the session with the values of the previous which never exist and delete the previous session in the map to create a new entry with the new values updated*/
} else {
/*always get here and create a new session*/
previous_user_sessions_state.put(s, session_user);
} catch (Exception e) {
return session_user;
.name("User Sessions");
Without seeing how SessionIdentificationProcessFunction is implemented, I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong, but Flink's session windows are rather special, so it's not terribly surprising that this isn't working. Part of the problem is that any given session window has a very short lifetime before it is merged with another session window. (As each new event arrives it is initially assigned to its own session window, after which the set of all current session windows is processed and any possible merges are performed (based on the session gap).)
What I can recommend is rather than using getRuntimeContext().getMapState(), use context.globalState().getMapState() instead (where context is the ProcessWindowFunction.Context passed to the process() method of a ProcessWindowFunction). This globalState is a KeyedStateStore meant for precisely this purpose -- keeping keyed state that is global/shared among all window instances for that key.

Cannot Pass Null Value to Custom Aggregate

I'm writing a custom median function (without looking at existing solutions, i like the challenge), after lots of fiddling I'm most of the way there. I cannot however pass in a column that contains a null value. I'm handling this in the c# Code but it seems to be being stopped by SQL before it gets there.
You get this error...
Msg 6569, Level 16, State 1, Line 11 'Median' failed because parameter 1 is not allowed to be null.
namespace SQLMedianAggregate
IsInvariantToDuplicates = false, // duplicates may change results
IsInvariantToNulls = true, // receiving a NULL is handled later in code
IsInvariantToOrder = true, // is sorted later
IsNullIfEmpty = true, // if no values are given the result is null
MaxByteSize = -1,
Name = "Median" // name of the aggregate
public struct Median : IBinarySerialize
public double Result { get; private set; }
public bool HasValue { get; private set; }
public DataTable DT_Values { get; private set; } //only exists for merge essentially
public static DataTable DT_Final { get; private set; } //Need a static version so its accesible within terminate
public void Init()
Result = double.NaN;
HasValue = false;
DT_Values = new DataTable();
DT_Values.Columns.Add("Values", typeof(double));
DT_Final = new DataTable();
DT_Final.Columns.Add("Values", typeof(double));
public void Accumulate(double number)
if (double.IsNaN(number))
//add to tables
DataRow NR = DT_Values.NewRow();
NR[0] = number;
DataRow NR2 = DT_Final.NewRow();
NR2[0] = number;
HasValue = true;
public void Merge(Median group)
// Count the product only if the other group has values
if (group.HasValue)
//DT_Final = DT_Values;
public double Terminate()
if (DT_Final.Rows.Count == 0) //Just to handle roll up so it doesn't crash (doesnt actually work
DataRow DR = DT_Final.NewRow();
DR[0] = 0;
//Sort Results
DataView DV = DT_Final.DefaultView;
DV.Sort = "Values asc";
DataTable DTF = new DataTable();
DTF = DV.ToTable();
////Calculate median and submit result
double MiddleRow = (DT_Final.Rows.Count -1.0) / 2.0;
if (MiddleRow % 2 != 0)
double upper = (double)(DT_Final.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(MiddleRow))]["Values"]);
double lower = (double)(DT_Final.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(MiddleRow))]["Values"]);
Result = lower + ((upper - lower) / 2);
} else
Result = (double)(DT_Final.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(MiddleRow)]["Values"]);
return Result;
public void Read(BinaryReader SerializationReader)
//Needed to get this working for some reason
public void Write(BinaryWriter SerializationWriter)
//Needed to get this working for some reason
DROP ASSEMBLY MedianAggregate
FROM 'C:\Users\#######\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\SQLMedianAggregate\SQLMedianAggregate\bin\Debug\SQLMedianAggregate.dll'
EXTERNAL NAME [MedianAggregate]."SQLMedianAggregate.Median";
Any ideas of what setting or code i'm missing that will allow this. I pretty much just want it to ignore nulls.
SQL Version is SQL2008 R2 btw
The problem is your datatype. You need to use the Sql* types for SQLCLR parameters, return values, and result set columns. In this case, you need to change:
Accumulate(double number)
Accumulate(SqlDouble number)
Then, you access the double value using the Value property that all Sql* types have (i.e. number.Value in this case).
And then, at the beginning of the Accumulate method, you need to check for NULL using the IsNull property:
if (number.IsNull)
Also, for more information on using SQLCLR in general, please see the series I am writing on this topic on SQL Server Central: Stairway to SQLCLR (free registration is required to read content on that site, but it's worth it :-).
And, since we are talking about median calculations here, please see the article I wrote (also on SQL Server Central) on the topic of UDAs and UDTs that uses Median as the example: Getting The Most Out of SQL Server 2005 UDTs and UDAs. Please keep in mind that the article was written for SQL Server 2005 which has a hard limit of 8000 bytes of memory for UDTs and UDAs. That limit was lifted in SQL Server 2008, so rather than using the compression technique shown in that article, you could simply set MaxByteSize in the SqlUserDefinedAggregate to -1 (as you are currently doing) or SqlMetaData.MaxSize (or something very close to that).
Also, DataTable is a bit heavy-handed for this type of operation. All you need is a simple List<Double> :-).
Regarding the following line of code (broken into 2 lines here to prevent the need to scroll):
public static DataTable DT_Final { get; private set; }
//Need a static version so its accesible within terminate
This is a huge misunderstanding of how UDAs and UDTs work. Please do NOT use static variables here. Static variables are shared across Sessions, hence your current approach is not thread-safe. So you would either get errors about it already being declared or various Sessions would alter the value unbeknownst to other Sessions, as they would all share the single instance of
DT_Final. And the errors and/or odd behavior (i.e. erroneous results that you can't debug) might happen in a single session if a parallel plan is used.
UDTs and UDAs get serialized to a binary value stored in memory, and then are deserialized which keeps their state intact. This is the reason for the Read and Write methods, and why you needed to get those working.
Again, you don't need (or want) DataTables here as they are over-complicating the operation and take up more memory than is ideal. Please see the article I linked above on UDAs and UDTs to see how the Median operation (and UDAs in general) should work.

Retrieving every field of a database row as object in zend framework 2

I know we have result set to get a row as object But How can I get every field as a separate object ? consider of this database row :
user_id address_id product_id shop_id
5 3 134 2
I want to retrieve and save the row as follows :
userEntity AddressEntity ProductEntity ShopEntity
This is not how the TableDataGateway is supposed to be used, since what you are looking for are more complex features such as the ones of Doctrine 2 ORM and similar data-mappers.
Here is one possible solution to the problem, which involves using a custom hydrator (docs). My example is simplified, but I hope it clarifies how you are supposed to build your resultset.
First, define your entities (I'm simplifying the example assuming that UserEntity is the root of your hydration):
class UserEntity {
/* fields public for simplicity of the example */
public $address;
public $product;
public $shop;
class AddressEntity { /* add public fields here for simplicity */ }
class ProductEntity { /* add public fields here for simplicity */ }
class ShopEntity { /* add public fields here for simplicity */ }
Then, build hydrators specific for the single entities:
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface as Hydrator;
class AddressHydrator implements Hydrator {
// #TODO: implementation up to you
class ProductHydrator implements Hydrator {
// #TODO: implementation up to you
class ShopHydrator implements Hydrator {
// #TODO: implementation up to you
Then we aggregate these hydrators into one that is specifically built to hydrate a UserEntity:
class UserHydrator extends \Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ObjectProperty {
public function __construct(
Hydrator $addressHydrator,
Hydrator $productHydrator,
Hydrator $shopHydrator
) {
$this->addressHydrator = $addressHydrator;
$this->productHydrator = $productHydrator;
$this->shopHydrator = $shopHydrator;
public function hydrate(array $data, $object)
if (isset($data['address_id'])) {
$data['address'] = $this->addressHydrator->hydrate($data, new AddressEntity());
if (isset($data['product_id'])) {
$data['product'] = $this->productHydrator->hydrate($data, new ProductEntity());
if (isset($data['shop_id'])) {
$data['shop'] = $this->shopHydrator->hydrate($data, new ShopEntity());
return parent::hydrate($data, $object);
Now you can use it to work with your resultset. Let's define the service for your UserEntityTableGateway:
'UserEntityTableGateway' => function ($sm) {
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
$resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new UserHydrator());
return new TableGateway('user', $dbAdapter, null, $resultSetPrototype);
These are all simplified examples, but they should help you understanding how powerful hydrators can be, and how you can compose them to solve complex problems.
You may also check the chapters in the documentation about the Aggregate Hydrator and Hydration Strategies, which were designed specifically to solve your problem.

JPA2 CriteriaBuilder: Using LOB property for greaterThan comparison

My application is using SQLServer and JPA2 in the backend. App makes use of a timestamp column (in the SQLServer sense, which is equivalent to row version see here) per entity to keep track of freshly modified entities. NB SQLServer stores this column as binary(8).
Each entity has a respective timestamp property, mapped as #Lob, which is the way to go for binary columns:
#Column(columnDefinition="timestamp", insertable=false, updatable=false)
public byte[] getTimestamp() {
The server sends incremental updates to mobile clients along with the latest database timestamp. The mobile client will then pass the old timestamp back to the server on the next refresh request so that the server knows to return only fresh data. Here's what a typical query (in JPQL) looks like:
select v from Visit v where v.timestamp > :oldTimestamp
Please note that I'm using a byte array as a query parameter and it works fine when implemented in JPQL this way.
My problems begin when trying to do the same using the Criteria API:
private void getFreshVisits(byte[] oldVersion) {
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
CriteriaQuery<Visit> cq = cb.createQuery(Visit.class);
Root<Visit> root = cq.from(Visit.class);
Predicate tsPred ="timestamp").as(byte[].class), oldVersion); // compiler error
The above will result in compiler error as it requires that the gt method used strictly with Number. One could instead use the greaterThan method which simply requires the params to be Comparable and that would result in yet another compiler error.
So to sum it up, my question is: how can I use the criteria api to add a greaterThan predicate for a byte[] property? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
PS. As to why I'm not using a regular DateTime last_modified column: because of concurrency and the way synchronization is implemented, this approach could result in lost updates. Microsoft's Sync Framework documentation recommends the former approach as well.
I know this was asked a couple of years back but just in case anyone else stumbles upon this.. In order to use a SQLServer rowver column within JPA you need to do a couple of things..
Create a type that will wrap the rowver/timestamp:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
* A RowVersion object
public class RowVersion implements Serializable, Comparable<RowVersion> {
private byte[] rowver;
public RowVersion() {
public RowVersion(byte[] internal) {
this.rowver = internal;
public byte[] getRowver() {
return rowver;
public void setRowver(byte[] rowver) {
this.rowver = rowver;
public int compareTo(RowVersion o) {
return new BigInteger(1, rowver).compareTo(new BigInteger(1, o.getRowver()));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
RowVersion that = (RowVersion) o;
return Arrays.equals(rowver, that.rowver);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(rowver);
The key here is that it implement Comparable if you want to use it in calculations (which you definitely do)..
Next create a AttributeConverter that will move from a byte[] to the class you just made:
import javax.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import javax.persistence.Converter;
* JPA converter for the RowVersion type
public class RowVersionTypeConverter implements AttributeConverter<RowVersion, byte[]> {
public byte[] convertToDatabaseColumn(RowVersion attribute) {
return attribute != null ? attribute.getRowver() : null;
public RowVersion convertToEntityAttribute(byte[] dbData) {
return new RowVersion(dbData);
Now let's apply this RowVersion attribute/type to a real world scenario. Let's say you wanted to find all Programs that have changed on or before some point in time.
One straightforward way to solve this would be to use a DateTime field in the object and timestamp column within db. Then you would use 'where lastUpdatedDate <= :date'.
Suppose that you don't have that timestamp column or there's no guarantee that it will be updated properly when changes are made; or let's say your shop loves SQLServer and wants to use rowver instead.
What to do? There are two issues to solve.. one how to generate a rowver and two is how to use the generated rowver to find Programs.
Since the database generates the rowver, you can either ask the db for the 'current max rowver' (a custom sql server thing) or you can simply save an object that has a RowVersion attribute and then use that object's generated RowVersion as the boundary for the query to find the Programs changed after that time. The latter solution is more portable is what the solution is below.
The SyncPoint class snippet below is the object that is used as a 'point in time' kind of deal. So once a SyncPoint is saved, the RowVersion attached to it is the db version at the time it was saved.
Here is the SyncPoint snippet. Notice the annotation to specify the custom converter (don't forget to make the column insertable = false, updateable = false):
* A sample super class that uses RowVersion
public abstract class SyncPoint {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
// type is rowver for SQLServer, blob(8) for postgresql and h2
#Column(name = "current_database_version", insertable = false, updatable = false)
#Convert(converter = RowVersionTypeConverter.class)
private RowVersion currentDatabaseVersion;
#Column(name = "created_date_utc", columnDefinition = "timestamp", nullable = false)
private DateTime createdDate;
Also (for this example) here is the Program object we want to find:
#Table(name = "program_table")
public class Program {
private Integer id;
private boolean active;
// type is rowver for SQLServer, blob(8) for postgresql and h2
#Column(name = "rowver", insertable = false, updatable = false)
#Convert(converter = RowVersionTypeConverter.class)
private RowVersion currentDatabaseVersion;
#Column(name = "last_chng_dt")
private DateTime lastUpdatedDate;
Now you can use these fields within your JPA criteria queries just like anything else.. here is a snippet that we used inside a spring-data Specifications class:
* Find Programs changed after a synchronization point
* #param filter that has the changedAfter sync point
* #return a specification or null
public Specification<Program> changedBeforeOrEqualTo(final ProgramSearchFilter filter) {
return new Specification<Program>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Program> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
if (filter != null && filter.changedAfter() != null) {
// load the SyncPoint from the db to get the rowver column populated
SyncPoint fromDb = synchronizationPersistence.reload(filter.changedBeforeOrEqualTo());
if (fromDb != null) {
// real sync point made by database
if (fromDb.getCurrentDatabaseVersion() != null) {
// use binary version
return cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get(Program_.currentDatabaseVersion),
} else if (fromDb.getCreatedDate() != null) {
// use timestamp instead of binary version cause db doesn't make one
return cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get(Program_.lastUpdatedDate),
return null;
The specification above works with both the binary current database version or a timestamp.. this way I could test my stuff and all the upstream code on a database other than SQLServer.
That's it really: a) type to wrap the byte[] b) JPA converter c) use attribute in query.
