How to setState with select element in react - WITHOUT LAG - reactjs

There seems to be a lag of one render cycle when I change a select element and when it's state actually changes. I know that there are several similar questions on this but none of them see to work for me. useEffect is still showing the old state from one render cycle before.
Anyone know how to address this?
Parent component code:
import React, {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import Dropdown from '../components/Dropdown.js'
const ValueCalculation = () => {
const industryData = require('../../../backend/standard_data/industry_benchmarks.json')
var industryList = []>{
var x = record.Industry;
const [industry, setIndustry] = useState(industryList[8]);
const updateIndustry = (updatedValue)=>{
console.log(updatedValue); //<--This is updated with the right value!
setIndustry(updatedValue) //<--This is NOT updating the current value
console.log(industry); //<-- This does NOT show the updated value
console.log(industry); //<--Still showing value from previous render cycle
return (
export default ValueCalculation
Code for Child Dropdown component..
import React from 'react'
const Dropdown = (props) => {
return (
<div className="form-group mb-3">
<option key={props.list.indexOf(item)} value={item}>{item}</option>
export default Dropdown

SetState is async so your console.log is going to run before the state has been set. The code you have works correctly as you can see in the sandbox link provided.
const updateIndustry = (updatedValue) => {
//This is updated with the right value!
//This is updating correctly and will show on re render
//This will not work since setState is async
//Console.log() is firing before the state has been set
As for the useEffect. You will need to add industry as a dependency so that the console.log is called as soon as the state changes :
useEffect(() => {
}, [industry]);
Sandbox :

So, it's a little bit complicated but your state is changing on every rerender cycle, so ur state it's updated after the updateIndustry it's finished (popped out from js callstack). I tested your code, and it is working perfectly and i refactored it a little bit
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Dropdown from "./Dropdown.js";
const App = () => {
var industryList = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
const [industry, setIndustry] = useState(industryList[0]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [industry]);
return (
onChange={(e) => setIndustry(}
export default App;
Also, useEffect hook is reexecuted when its dependency changes value, in your case your dependency array is empty so I added [industry] to it.


loading components twice, probably because of useEffect wrong set-up

I have built a ToDo React App ( that does the following:
User write down an item in the input bar
User hit "enter"
Item is saved into the list below (local storage, will update later)
There is some logic to parse the text and identify tags (basically if the text goes "#tom:buy milk" --> tag=tom, text=buy milk)
The problem I am facing are:
useEffect runs twice at load, and I don't understand why
After the first item gets saved, if I try saving a second item, the app crashes. Not sure why, but I feel it has to do with the point above...and maybe the event listener "onKeyDown"
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import './assets/style.css';
import data from '../data/data.json'
import InputBar from "./components/InputBar/InputBar"
import NavBar from "./components/NavBar/NavBar"
import TabItem from "./components/Tab/TabItem"
function App() {
const [dataLoaded, setDataLoaded] = useState(
() => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("toDos")) || data
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem("toDos", JSON.stringify(dataLoaded))
}, [dataLoaded])
function deleteItem(id){
return {
"items":oldData.items.filter(el => !== id)
return (
<div className='container'>
setNewList = {setDataLoaded}
return <TabItem item={el} key={} delete={deleteItem}/>
export default App
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'
import '../../assets/style.css';
export default function InputBar(props){
const timeElapsed =;
const today = new Date(timeElapsed);
function processInput(s) {
let m = s.match(/^(#.+?:)?(.+)/)
if (m) {
return {
tags: m[1] ? m[1].slice(1, -1).split('#') : ['default'],
text: m[2],
created: today.toDateString(),
function handleKeyDown(e) {
console.log(document.querySelector(".main-input-div input").value)
props.setNewList(oldData =>{
return {
"items" : [processInput(, ...oldData.items]
<div className="main-input-div">
<input type="text" onKeyDown={(e) => handleKeyDown(e)}/>
import { useState } from 'react'
import "./tab-item.css"
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '#fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { faTrash } from "#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
export default function TabItem(props) {
return (
<div className="tab-item">
<div className="tab-item-text">{props.item.text}</div>
<div className="tab-item-actions">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faTrash} onClick={()=>props.delete(}/>
<div className="tab-item-details">
<div className="tab-item-details-tags">
{><div className="tab-item-details-tags-tag">{el}</div>)
<div className="tab-item-date">{props.item.created}</div>
The above answer is almoost correct. I am adding more info to the same concepts.
useEffect running twice:
This is most common ask in recent times. It's because the effect runs twice only in development mode & this behavior is introduced in React 18.0 & above.
The objective is to let the developer see & warn of any bugs that may appear due to a lack of cleanup code when a component unmounts. React is basically trying to show you the complete component mounting-unmounting cycle. Note that this behavior is not applicable in the production environment.
Please check for a detailed explanation.
App crashes on second time: It's probably because you are trying to update the input value from if you want to have control over the input value, your input should be a controlled component meaning, your react code should handle the onChange of input and store it in a state and pass that state as value to the input element & in your onKeyDown handler, reset the value state. That should fix the crash.
export default function InputBar(props){
const [inputVal, setInputVal] = useState("");
function handleKeyDown(e) {
console.log(document.querySelector(".main-input-div input").value)
props.setNewList(oldData =>{
return {
"items" : [processInput(, ...oldData.items]
<div className="main-input-div">
onChange={(e) => {setInputVal(}}
onKeyDown={(e) => handleKeyDown(e)}
Hope this helps. Cheers!
Your app is using strict mode, which in a development mode renders components twice to help detect bugs (
<App />
As for the crash, I think it's happening due to props.setNewList being an asynchronous call and the resetting of - something like this seemed to fix it for me:
function handleKeyDown(e) {
console.log(document.querySelector(".main-input-div input").value)
const inputVal =;
props.setNewList(oldData =>{
return {
"items" : [processInput(inputVal), ...oldData.items]
I will add, that using document.querySelector to get values isn't typical usage of react, and you might want to look into linking the input's value to a react useState hook.

How can I render Childs in react with useState?

I have a basic React code that create an empty list and fill it with data from the db with an useEffect. My problem is that when I try to make a map with the elements and render a new component, if I use an useState I can't do it.
Here is my code:
import "./../../../../assets/styles/logged/pedidos/pedidos.min.css"
import { Context } from "../../../../App";
import { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { PedidoCamionInterface } from "../../../../domain/entities/pedido_camion/pedido_camion_interface";
export function Pedidos() {
const providers = useContext(Context);
const [pedidos, setPedidos] = useState<PedidoCamionInterface[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
providers.providers.pedidosDb.getPedidosCamion([1, 2, 3], "").then((pedidos) => {
}, []);
return (
<div id="content">
<h1>Pedidos de camiĆ³n</h1>
<div id="pedidos">
{ PedidoCamionInterface) => { return pedidoDiv(pedido); })}
const pedidoDiv = (pedido: PedidoCamionInterface) => {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState<boolean>(false);
return (
<div className={`pedido ${selected ? "selected" : ""}`} key={pedido.idPedido}>
This is the error that I get:
Warning: React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by Pedidos. This will lead to bugs and errors if not fixed. For more information, read the Rules of Hooks:
Previous render Next render
1. useContext useContext
2. useState useState
3. useEffect useEffect
4. undefined useState
App#http://localhost:5173/src/App.tsx?t=1667424544020:30:35 react-dom.development.js:86:29
Thanks for all.
Be able to render the child
I think the problem might lie in the .map() function.
Instead of
{ PedidoCamionInterface) => { return pedidoDiv(pedido); })}
{ PedidoCamionInterface) => (<PedidoDiv pedido={pedido} />))}
so React knows to render the component.
Also, change
const pedidoDiv = (pedido: PedidoCamionInterface) => {
const pedidoDiv = ({ pedido }: PedidoCamionInterface) => {
so the property pedido is destructured.

if(state){useState} delay by one Event

this is, what I want: I click on the div as a checkbox, and if it's clicked, the NEXT-Button should be enabled. But with if (checkboxClass === "checkbox-clicked") the update comes one click later.
I click on the check: nothings happend,
I uncheck: the button is enabled.
how can i get an instand update ?
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "../css/MainPages.css";
import "../css/Request.css";
function Test() {
const [checkboxClass, setClassName] = useState("checkbox");
const [buttonState, setButtonState] = useState(true);
function handleClass() {
if (checkboxClass == "checkbox") {
function checkButton() {
if (checkboxClass === "checkbox-clicked") {
return (
<div onClick={handleClass} className={checkboxClass} />
<button disabled={buttonState} className="btn btn-transparent">
export default Test;
Yes, It's because setButtonState is not executed immediately. You must think, that setState is request to change the value and react by self will decides when it will be executed.
Your checkButton() method is immediately after setState, therefore when checkButton method is executes, that state is still not changed (but will change, few miliseconds later).
To solve you situation, you can use useEffect react hook, which will be listening on checkbox state change, and when state will be changed, useEffect will by automaticaly executed:
// Second parameter is, to which states will be useEffect listening
useEffect(() => { checkButton(); }, [checkboxClass])
You're using derived state, which generally leads to unexpected behaviors. You can (and imo you should) disable the button based on the checkboxClass state variable:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "../css/MainPages.css";
import "../css/Request.css";
function Test() {
const [checkboxClass, setClassName] = useState("checkbox");
const isButtonDisabled = checkboxClass === "checkbox-clicked"
function toggleCheckboxClass() {
setClassName(prevClassName => prevClassName === "checkbox" ?
"checkbox-clicked" : "checkbox")
return (
<div onClick={toggleCheckboxClass} className={checkboxClass} />
<button disabled={isButtonDisabled} className="btn btn-transparent">
export default Test;
Another opinion:
I would not use a div if you are actually rendering a checkbox and set the state variable based on since it is not semantically correct.

useEffect cleanup runs on every render

I am trying to build a functionality where when a user navigates away from the form i.e when component unmounts it should trigger a save i.e post form data to server. This should happen only if there is any change in form data. Can anyone guide me as to why this is happening. I have tried class based approach which works but I do not want to refactor my production code.
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import React from "react";
import * as _ from "lodash";
import { useFormik } from "formik";
// for now this is hardcoded here..but let's assume
// this server data will be loaded when component mounts
const serverData = {
choice: "yes",
comment: "some existing comment"
const availableChoices = ["yes", "no"];
const Form = () => {
const formik = useFormik({ initialValues: { ...serverData } });
const [isFormChanged, setIsFormChanged] = useState(false);
const valuesHaveChanged = React.memo(() => {
console.log("INIT VALUES= ", formik.initialValues);
console.log("FINAL VALUES = ", formik.values);
return !_.isEqual(formik.initialValues, formik.values);
}, [formik.initialValues, formik.values]);
const triggerSave = () => console.log("Save");
useEffect(() => {
// setForm({ ...serverData });
if (valuesHaveChanged) {
return () => {
// when this cleanup function runs
// i.e when this component unmounts,
// i need to check if there
// was any change in the form state
// if there was a change i need to trigger a save
// i.e post form data to server.
if (setIsFormChanged) {
return (
<div className="form-group">
{ => (
<label key={choice}>
checked={choice === formik.values.choice}
<div className="form-group">
placeholder="some text..."
export default Form;
The first problem i spotted is the dependency array.
useEffect(() => {
// the flag can be set anytime upon a field has changed
// maybe formik has a value like that, read doc
if (valuesHaveChanged) {
return () => {
if (setIsFormChanged) {
// the dependency array is [], can't be missed
}, [])
Currently you are calling this effect and cleanup this effect in every update, ex. if any value changes in this component. But normally you only want to do it once upon dismount.
Even you do the above right, you still need to make sure your code contains no memory leak, because you are trying to do something upon the dismount. So it's better to pass the values:
And make sure inside triggerSave, you don't accidently call anything about formik or setState.
Try to use useEffect with dependencies
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
// when this cleanup function runs
// i.e when this component unmounts,
// i need to check if there
// was any change in the form state
// if there was a change i need to trigger a save
// i.e post form data to server.
if (!_.isEqual(formik.initialValues, formik.values)) {
}, [formik.values]); // won't run on every render but just on formik.values update
useEffect has dependencies as a second argument, if [] is passed - effect is triggered only on mount, if [...] passed, will trigger on the first mount and on any of ... update.
If you don't pass the second agrument, useEffect works as a on-every-render effect.

React Hooks: State Is Not Updating in Function

I have spent several hours trying to fix this issue with no luck. I have a reusable component that starts with a state of any empty object, the object is given a series of properties based off of props, and then based on user input on each set of radio buttons will show a child component.
Unfortunately, the function that is supposed to update the state that will then trigger whether the user sees the child component is not working.
I believe the issue is in my editDisplay function. Currently when I click one of the radio buttons the new object that should become the new state is logged to the console correctly, but when I use React Devtools to inspect the page, I see that state is not updating. That being said, I could see a case where I am misunderstanding useEffect, and perhaps useEffect is running each time editDisplay is running. Any help would be appreciated.
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import {Form} from 'react-bootstrap'
import RatingInput from './RatingInput'
export default function MembershipForm({inputs, name, record, setRecord}) {
const [display, setDisplay] = useState({})
inputs.forEach(input => {
var newDisplay = display
const editDisplay = (input, visible) => {
var newDisplay =display
const => {
return (
<div key={name+input}>
<Form.Label className='mx-2'>Do you have a {name} {input} Rating?</Form.Label>
<Form.Check inline label='Yes' value={true} name={name+input} type='radio' className = 'mx-2' onClick ={() =>{editDisplay(input, true)}} />
<Form.Check inline label='No' value ={false} name={name+input} type='radio' className = 'mx-2' defaultChecked onClick = {() =>{editDisplay(input, false)}} />
{display[name+input] && <RatingInput input={input}/>}
</div >
return (
<div className='ml-3'>
const editDisplay = (input, visible) => {
var newDisplay = display
You should perform react state update in an immutable way.
What you are doing above is you are mutating existing state variable (that assignment on first line doesn't add much: newDisplay refers to same object as display). In such case react might not detect change. Do this instead:
var newDisplay = { ... display };
