Accessing refs in dynamically created child components react - reactjs

How would I go about creating refs on child components created by a map function?
So I'm trying to use
to create input fields wrapped by google's autocomplete. However I'm running into an issue where I want to allow the user to create inputs (to add waypoints) and the only way to get their input into an arry is by using refs
<div className={style.form}>
<input type="text" id="from" ref={originRef} placeholder="Enter Starting Location"/>
{, index) => {
<Autocomplete key={index} onChange={e => handleInputChange(index, e)}>
<input type="text" id="from" placeholder="Enter Stop"/>
<input type="text" id="from" ref={destinationRef} placeholder="Enter Ending Location"/>
<div className={style.add} onClick={addNewStop}>
However since I'm creating child compoents I'm not sure how to use refs to solve the problem. I tried using a onChange handler function but if you click on the autocomplete recommendation it doesnt save.


URL search parameters gets replaced - Remix Run

I'm working on a search UI where I have quite a few filters which I want as URL parameters when someone selects/checks the options. I've used the technique as advised on the docs to come up with multiple forms within the filters. Each time a group of Filters gets submitted, the selected old parameters get disappeared. Heres my code,
<Panel header="Status" key="status">
onChange={(e) => submit(e.currentTarget, { replace: false })}
Buy Now
On Auction
<Panel header="Price" key="price">
<Form name="search" action='/search' method="get">
? options.filter((a) => a.value === blockchain)
: undefined
<div className="d-flex align-center price">
value={min ? min : undefined}
value={max ? max : undefined}
onClick={(e) => {
submit(e.currentTarget, { replace: false })
className="btn primary-btn btn-lg w-100"
How Can I get around this to have all the parameters without having to manage them on my own using React state?
Edit:- I want the first filter to be submitted automatically and the latter to be submitted on a button click.
Bit of a UI of what I'm trying to achieve,
Answer: After investing enough time to look through for shortcuts, finally understood that it's not one of the magic that does. use something like formik and update the state imparatively.
When you submit a form, the only values included are the one under the submitted form. The values from any other form are not included (fortunately!).
So I'd use a single Form with all the inputs under it (checkboxes as well as text inputs).
Then instead of a onChange on the Form, you can add something like an onChange handler on the checkboxes and submit the form inside imperatively (using a ref click on the submit button or something, I think using a ref on the form you need to submit all values in the submit function so a button ref click may be simpler).
Keep in mind that if you want to "restore" the field values after submitting, you need to return them from the loader function like this:
// Loader function
const url = new URL(request.url);
return {
results: [...],
values: Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries())
Then in the component, use values from useLoaderData:
<input type="text" name="max" defaultValue={values.max || ""}/>
Added benefit: if you come back to this page (by clicking browser back for example), your search parameters and search results are still there!
I actually put up a stackblitz for you but I lost all my changes :(
It seems like you could just keep all fields in a single form and submit that form when the submit button is pressed.
Then onChange, check if the target's name is 'status', and submit the form anyway.
export default function App() {
const submit = (form) => {
return (
onChange={(e) => {
if ( === "status") {
<input type="checkbox" name="status" value="buy_now" />
<input type="checkbox" name="status" value="on_auction" />
<select name="blockchain">
<option value="option_1">Blockchain Option 1</option>
<option value="option_2">Blockchain Option 2</option>
min <input type="number" name="min" />
max <input type="number" name="max" />
<button type="submit">Apply</button>
Note: not sure what your motivation is to want to separate this into separate forms, but I think the magic you're referring to is that server state, URLSearchParams, FormData and UI are all aligned because they are using the same underlying data using only common web APIs.

#material-ui/core - How to set Textarea Value

Im new to this plugin and could not find any documentation regarding my question.
I want to simply apply a value to the textarea. I started by giving it an id, but there are multiple html components that make up this textarea, ad more that ons instance of the id I added.
The value I enter gets saved, but when I reopen the modal, its suppose to load the text that was saved for that specific area.
id={ `tt_description_text outlined-multiline-static`}
label="Pain description"
onBlur={ (f)=>(this.textOnBlur({id:answeringPainSpot.spotId,, doc_name:answeringPainSpot.doc_name})) }
Here are my attempts on both class and id and none worked.
This is the code when renderd.
<p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1" id="modal-modal-description" sx="[object Object]">
<div class="MuiFormControl-root MuiTextField-root bd_textarea">
<label class="MuiFormLabel-root MuiInputLabel-root MuiInputLabel-formControl MuiInputLabel-animated" data-shrink="false" for="tt_description_text outlined-multiline-static" id="tt_description_text outlined-multiline-static-label">Pain description</label>
<div class="MuiInputBase-root MuiInput-root MuiInput-underline MuiInputBase-formControl MuiInput-formControl MuiInputBase-multiline MuiInput-multiline">
<textarea aria-invalid="false" id="tt_description_text outlined-multiline-static" rows="5" class="MuiInputBase-input MuiInput-input MuiInputBase-inputMultiline MuiInput-inputMultiline"></textarea>
Can you try setting the value like this:
placeholder="Add a comment"
onChange={(e) => {

React setFocus on Input field - security?

Question: In React I read that you should not use 'ref' and 'findDOMNode' for security reasons. (insecurely accessing native DOM Elements...)
Is there another way to set the focus manually in input fields?
You can try the following:
function manualFocus() {
return (
<div className="App">
<input type="text" id="text" name="text"></input>
<input type="text2" id="text2" name="text2"></input>
<button type="button" onClick={() => manualFocus()}>Manual Focus</button>

How To Check checked value of a checkbox using Reactstrap

I've got a React web app using bootstrap 4 and Reactstrap. I want to have several checkboxes in a toolbar and I can't figure out how to get anything out of the onChange event besides "on".
Here is my code that continues to write "on" to the console every time I click the checkbox. The checkbox does toggle on and off.
<li className="show-sessions">
<FormGroup check>
<Label check>
onChange={(e) => console.log(}
/>{" "}
<strong>Show Favorites</strong>
Is there another way to make a checkbox in Reactstrap? The doc's are very limited.
you can check checked state rather than value; it is a boolean
onChange={(e) => console.log(}

React Bootstrap - id not rendered in InputGroup.Text

I am new to React.
I am using Bootstrap to render my page. All the other tags seem to be working apart from the InputGroup.Text. It doesn't render the id attribute of the text field. It looks as below if I inspect the element:
<input placeholder="Type your question here" class="form-control">
I have tried directly entering "1" as the id and that doesn't render either.
<InputGroup size="sm" className="mb-3">
<InputGroup.Text id={ans.answerno}>{this.mapAlpha(ans.answerno)}</InputGroup.Text>
<FormControl placeholder="Type your answer here" />
<Form.Check type="checkbox" id={ans.answerno} label="mark answer" />
I have checked the documentation online and this seems to me how it should work. Can anyone advise?
It seems like the id is located inside a span before the <input>.
Even checking the documentation rendered code
