Social login with Cognito on React Native and React - reactjs

I have a problem that I using Amplify for social login on web application, now I have to add social login function for mobile application. But I find that redirect url for mobile is myapp:// in order to use deeplink. How can I use redirect url on web as deepLink on mobile for action back to my mobile app after user sign-in with Google, Facebook?
Thanks in advance!


Authentication et logout using Keycloak in React js app

I would like to authenticate my React js application while using the keycloak login page and be able to log out to my application.
I will like to display keycloak login page first and after user authentication it is directed to my react js application and on the application I would like to create a logout button which will redirect the user to the page connection.
You probably would like to have a look at the documentation - I think the javascript adapter might be what you are looking for:

User Authentication and Authorization in React JS App & .NET Web API

Looking for guidance on how to authenticate & authorize users in React App.
We have existing .NET MVC & .NET core web apps from which user will try to navigate to a new app that's being developed using React JS & .NET Core Web API.
When we redirect between apps, we usually pass some user claims like session id/username from the parent app.
So, when an user tries to navigate from an existing MVC app using a button/link click, how to validate the user and redirect to REACT APP HOME PAGE in React App -> startup.cs ?
If user has view permissions to the requested page, system should redirect to the respective page else to display the access denied page.
This React JS app doesn't have any roles based authorization and its based on users permissions settings for each in backend (SQL SERVER).
Please provide your valuable suggestions.

Google login issue in React progressive web app

I'm using this both npm for google and facebook login in React js PWA googe login
facebook login
It works fine in a chrome web app
and also in android PWA.
But when I create PWA in ios and perform google or facebook login it does not works well.
Issue: I clicked on the Google login button and it redirects me to google login page.
After that, I'd successfully logged in to google and instead of redirect back to the app it redirect me to browser in new page.
Any help would be appreciable.

Integrate g-suite (google) for signup and get user roles in desktop application

I am developing a desktop application using react electron boilerplate.
I need to integrate google signup, but it will not work since google providing the token in a redirect url.
Since it is a desktop application, I cannot fetch values from a url.
How can I use google authentication and g-suite APIs in my app.
Help would be very much appreciated.

jhipster social login from mobile

I use Jhipster backend with JWT auth method.
I would like to exctend my app with mobile clients with social login.
Is it possible to create social login from mobile
or should I use oauth method instead of JWT method?
