Database design for ticket booking system - database

I would like to create a database for a ticket booking system for a small cinema.
Do you have any comments/suggestions for the project below? Do the tables meet the third normal form rules?


EDR M:N relationship with multiple dependencies

I am in process of designing a reporting tool. the Interface will be C# with backend database. The tool will allow to enter and edit data through an interface and save it to the Database. Additionally, it will provide specific reports, based on the data retrieved from DB.
Currently, I have been trying to solve a M:N relationship in for my DB tables.
The tool lets a user to enter daily Item amounts (Steel and Mesh) based on a Project. I have solved the M:N relationship in the following diagram but I am not sure if this is actually possible and whether I need to break down the daily stats table further, due to a composite key containing 4 PKs from other tables. This is the current diagram i got.
I am wondering whether the diagram has solved the M:N relationship correctly and whether there is a better way to utilise the date table.

Relational Database Design Query

I am a novice programmer, currently attempting to create a Java EE web application for a dissertation project.
I am currently designing that relational database for my web application and I have created an E-R Diagram for the database:
My query relates to the TeachingClass table. Each class can be taught by one or more Employees (normally a max of 3) and each class can contain one or more pupils (normally around 25). Each teaching class relates to exactly one course, however, there might be a several TeachingClass running simultaneously for each particular course.
From my E-R diagram can someone please confirm that I have set the Teaching Class table correctly, or should I be using two additional joining tables:
One table between TeachingClass and Pupil
One table between TeachingCLass and Employee.
Thanks in advance for any feedback/recommendations provided.

Event management platform database design

I am trying to create a project for event management website platform (ex: EventBrite, TicketMaster, etc) with laravel 5, where people can create event on my platform, and people also can sell and buy event tickets through my platform. And now i am confused about how to create the database design. Can someone help me to design the basic relational database design structure?
For now, i only thought of the user table, organizer table, event table, event category table. But i dont have any idea when it comes to the booking table, ticket table, and etc.
Thanks very much for the help. :)
You can have a look to this project. Attendize is a free, open-source & self-hosted ticket selling and event management platform built with Laravel

Data warehouse modeling - consistency between two fact tables

I have some trouble to design my data warehouse. Here's the context :
Financial people register our deals and report a financial snapshot every month. When they register new deals, they also indicates some information like which equipment is sold, at which customer, etc. (our dimensions).
Project managers add additionnal data to these deals with milestones information (startup project date, customer acceptance date, etc.), also on a monthly basis.
Finance will only use finance information, Project Manager could use both type of information.
Based on this information, I have many possible scenarios, which is the best ?
1st scenario : star schema
In this scenario, I have two separate tables for Finance and Project management. But the thing is that I will have to duplicate reference to dimensions (equipment, customer, etc.) as it is Finance that declare deals and that information have to stay consistant for a same deal.
First Scenario Schema
2nd scenario : one common table
As we have the same granularity (both are monthly snapshot), we could merge Finance and Project management information in a single table and proposes two views to the users. But I fear that it will become a mess (different enterprise function in a single table...).
3nd scenario : snowflake schema
We also could add a "Deal" table, containing all references to other dimensions (customer, equipment, etc.).
Third Scenario Schema
Thanks in advice for any usefull advice !

Training Database Design in SQL using C#, sql,, exchange

For a possible solution using Active Directory and Exchange see my post below.
We would like to create a training database in SQL which we can use for our internal training sessions of our employees. Unfortunately I do not have any experience in database design and did not have a chance to buy and read a proper book about this topic.
I have just started to create a database after reading a few tutorials online and would like you to review my design and provide me with some feedback if I have started more or less correct.
The courses table will store our training courses with their duration, capacity and a small description of what you will learn on this course. The training session table will be used to link a course with a specific training and a date when the training will be done. The trainers are colleagues who provide the internal courses.
The attendance table stores the training session id and if an employee attended the session or if he could not.
Please find below our database diagram:
alt text
Later on we would also like to store the job position a training course is relevant for.
For example our network introduction course is relevant for a Level 1 Analysts, a Level 2 Analysts and Team Leaders. Our ITIL course is relevant only for a team leader.
How would you store this information? Would you use a separate table with the positions and use a many to many relationship for this?
Many thanks,
The structure seems fine. I'd suggest adding one more foreign key relationship, though: Attendance.EmployeeID should reference the Employee table.
Attendance doesn't need its own primary key. The combination of employee and session uniquely identifies it (a given employee can't attend a given session more than once, can they?). You should probably use the two ID columns for those as a composite primary key.
Do courses really have a capacity, or is it a session which has a capacity?
What's the UpdateTime column for?
A bit simplified, does not account for enrolment, but may help you with ideas.
Below an explanation of the tables
We use the module category, module type, course, programme, training method and post work tables to categorize the training module using dropdown lists. The relationships are 1:n.
The module <-> employee relationship is m:n. As you can see from the model, the intersection table is Trainer where we define the additional property of Priority to allow us to define trainer priorities for a module.
The training module <-> role relationship is a many-to-many relationship as a module can be relevant to many job roles. The intersection table is RoleRelevance and we define for each role required, recommended, probation and hide properties.
The training request table keeps a record of each training request that has been requested. We also have new starter requests were we do not have a domain profile / SAM we can link the request to.
The employee table is being populated from our domain controllers with AD queries while employees are requesting a training or trainers are being defined for a module. The table includes the employee smtp address used to send invitations. See my other stackoverflow posts for a code sample how to get this data.
We create meeting invitation with managed EWS for the employee, line manager, trainer and resource/room. The invitation id and status (accept/decline/unknown) are stored in the EmployeeInvitation, TrainerInvitation and ResourceInvitation tables.
Training sessions we create are being inserted into the training session table.
