What is the correct call to find "Related Contacts" on a Salesforce Account? - salesforce

I am trying to identify the correct field in Salesforce to be able to link a new "Contact" with their own "Account" to the "Related Contact" section of another "Account"."To do this I'm first trying establish how you can read the details on an "Account" and report on who the "Related Contacts" and the information held against them (if any).
I am using a GET request like this for example:
So I can return values for "Account_Id__c" and "Other_Contact_Names__c" just to prove the call is generally correct. But I don't know how to pull the "Related Contacts" information in the Account. I have looked under the Object Manager in Setup through all likely Objects and their related Fields, but I cannot find a Field Name for this.
Once I find this I hope to be able to POST information from another system to link a Contact to a specific Account as a "Related Contact".
I'd be grateful to hear from anyone with experience in doing this before.


SalesForce Objects: Restapi visibility

Not quite sure if this has been asked. In Salesforce, I can see within the object explorer and within the fields and relationships, all entries however if I perform in postman a:
and copy the results within a test document and look for a particular field I cannot find it. Is there a security setting within the fields from being accessed though a rest api?
the api user does not seem to have enough rights. Add the apiuser as an AC_Administrator and give it a try.

Getting contact relationship such as spouse from Google Contacts script interface

I am trying to access the "relationships" additional fields in google contacts via the apps script interface. The docs show the "getCustomFields()" call, but it does not seem to contain any information from my contacts about spouse, child, or other relationships.
Anyone know, is there a separate call for accessing this data? I don't see one in the docs:

DocuSign for Salesforce - relating to closed opportunity or quote record

We have a situation where some of our DocuSign documents do not get signed within the DocuSign system. We have someone that manages these "paper signatures" and then uploads them to DocuSign which connects to Salesforce.
We need to relate these envelopes to either an Opportunity or a Quote to get them to populate fields on these records.
When creatng the envelope, we have the option to "Relate to Salesforce" objects: Leads, Contracts, Opportunities, etc. We tried to use Opportunities and then use the Search to find the Opportunity to attach it to. However, if the Opportunity is in a Closed status (which it is 99% of the time), it will not show up in the search to select.
We could also attach to a Quote, however, there is no option on Salesforce Connect to relate to this object.
Does anyone know a workaround for this that will still allow our person to upload through DS and connect to the appropriate record?
It will not unfortunately work with closed ops or quotes.
The only way I can think to do it would be to add a non-required envelope custom field in your account called ##SFOpportunity and when uploading that wet signed doc into DocuSign add the objectID as that envelope custom field (it's how the manage package relates back to proper objects when sending from SFDC).
It's a bit of manual process, but it should work.

Can I include a custom payload or value with amazon affiliate links?

I'd like to be able to tag affiliate links with some extra information so that I can map successes to information inside of my system.
Is there any way I can include a custom identifier or payload of data with the affiliate link that Amazon will allow me to inspect when I receive a report of successful sales?
The only thing I found is the tracking ids from
Manage Your Tracking IDs page.
However this ids are limited to 100 values by default (you need to contact amazon for more). This is what they answered me:
I understand you'd like to view reporting within Products Advertising
All reports are housed on your Associates account for you to view the
activity of your links.
We do offer multiple tracking IDs so that Associates can track the
activity of individual links easily and accurately.
You can create up to 100 tracking IDs in your account by visiting the
Account Settings section of Associates Central. You'll find a link in
the Account Information section labeled Manage your tracking IDs:
Once you've created your additional tracking IDs, to view these IDs,
please log into Associates Central (http://associates.amazon.com).
Once logged in, click on the drop down box under Tracking ID to change
which ID you are working with.
If you are interested in receiving more than 100 tracking IDs, please
first create this amount via your associate account in Associate
Central. If you have already created 100 tracking IDs in your account
and are needing additional tracking IDs, please use the link below to
write back to us with a detailed description of how you'll be using
these additional ID:

What database table is the Magento Contact Us Email Options stored in?

For an application I am writing, I need to know where some of the settings in the Admin Panel are being stored in a table on the database. Specifically, if one is logged into the Admin Panel, under System->Configuration->Contacts->Email Options, there are three select boxes "Send Emails To", "Email Sender" and "Email Template".
I can't seem to find what table the currently selected options are stored in. I want to do this since I am creating a transactional email via install script (I was able to find that transactional emails are stored under core_email_template), and would like it to be selected by default via my install script along with the default email being changed.I assumed that the currently selected options are somewhere on the database, I just can't seem to find where for the life of me!
I was hoping that someone would know where these settings were stored, or if someone could share some strategies to find out which table(s) hold information like this.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
It is in the core_config_data table
