Active Directory Group Members don't match member attribute - active-directory

I'm working with a vendor who needs to use LDAP queries to pull information on our Active Directory. The query pulls from the 'members' attribute of the AD Group directly. However it only pulls 8 of the 20+ users in this group. If I look at the group's Members tab, I can see all of the users, and they work without an issue. I switch to the Attributes tab and scroll to the members entry view the values which shows only 8 of the users. The LDAP query only pulls these 8 and not the rest of the users.
How do I fix this so the attribute and members list match without deleting/recreating the group? If I delete and recreate it would take down our production environment.
I've tried removing and re-adding users to the group and it does not fix the issue.

I'm going to guess that this group is the primary group for the users that you don't see in the member attribute. Members don't appear in the member attribute if the group is the primary group. I don't know why this is... blame Microsoft.
To find those users, look at the primaryGroupToken of the group. It will be a number. Then search for users that have that value in their primaryGroupId attribute.
Usually, the primary group is the built-in Domain Users group, which always has a primaryGroupToken of 513. So to find users of that, you would use this LDAP query:
According to the documentation, the primaryGroupId attribute is indexed, so you don't need any other criteria.
If you want to learn more about how memberships work, I wrote an article a while ago about What makes a member a member?


Ldap query to get users of a group in Active Directory

I'm trying to write a filter to get all the users of a given group in Active Directory.
To that end I have the following query
LDAPSearch("DC=test,DC=myorg,DC=com", "(objectClass=user)", 1, "name")
I'm a bit confused as to where I should give the name of the group on which to base the search on. As far as I know you cannot have two groups in AD with the same name.
In general, user objects have an attribute called memberOf that lists DNs of groups that a user is member of. Therefore you can search with a filter like (&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=<DN of requested group>)).
Please note that due to AD design, user's primary group is not included in memberOf attribute. For most users that group would be Domain Users (unless explicitly changed), but if changed, that group will no longer list in memberOf and this query will not find such user.

Weird behaviour of LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN / 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941

we have a weird behaviour we cannot explain.
We have a query like this
(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Backup Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=test,DC=env)
To get all members of a group. E.g. we configured the Backup Operators group (Test env) to have the following members:
The query will only find Authenticated users and Leea. This is, for some reason the behaviour every time. All Foreign Security Principals except the "Authenticated Users" one are never picked up by the query and we can't figure out why.
Any ideas?
You are searching your domain for users where the memberOf attribute contains that group, or a group nested inside of that group.
The problem is that those objects do not have their memberOf attribute populated. If you open those accounts in AD Users and Computers, you'll that the Member Of tab is blank.
I can't really say why, since Authenticated Users looks like the same type of object, but it does have the memberOf attribute populated.
In general, memberOf can be spotty. For various reasons, you won't always find every member of a group by searching memberOf. To get every member of a group, you need to look at the member attribute of the group itself.

Why builtin security groups not in the attribute memberOf?

If I query the AD then for some users the attribute memberOf does not contains any builtin groups. The users with the problem are all moved in a separate OU.
The query is simple:
But the "Active Directory Users and Computers" tool from Microsoft show this members. Where can be the problem? Is this an access right problem?
There is a notion of a Primary group in AD. The default is usually Domain Users.
This is represented on the user object as an attribute called PrimaryGroupID, and 513 is Domain Users.
There can and must be only one primary group, and to remove the current one, you need to first add another group as a member, to then swap with the primary group ID.

Generic ldap nested group implementation

I need to implement nested group membership for generic AD services.
Previously, i was using a specific search-filter ("member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=") through which using a single search request, i was able to get hold of all group membership through which that user was part of. However, it looks like that search-filter seems to work only for MS AD servers and not for generic AD servers.
So, is anybody aware of any specific search filter which we can send in a search request (applicable to All AD servers), through which i can derive nested group membership via a single search query.
Thanks in advance for your help on this.
"member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941" is LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN and might very well not be implemented by other LDAP vendors. LDAP Wiki
You could do something like this if you want to reurse the groups:
Use the filter:
get "distinguishedName" (this is the user's distinguishedName)
get "memberOf" (this is a collection of distinguishedNames of the groups the user is a member of (minus the primary group in MS Active Directory, which should be "Domain Users"))
Foreach memberOf in the collection: (This is the first level, so there is no need to check if he is there, because he is.)
get "member" (this is a collection of distinguishedNames of group members)
Foreach memberOf in the collection:
This is the second level (the groups within the groups), so first check if the users distinguishedName is present.
get "member" (this is a collection of distinguishedNames of group members)
Foreach memberOf in the collection:
This is the third level (the groups within the groups), so first check if the users distinguishedName is present.
get "member" (this is a collection of distinguishedNames of group members)

LDAP query not work for group Domain Users

I run a query (memberof=CN=Domain Users,DC=MYDOMAIN, DC=MYCOM)
but it return zero result, same query if I run for other group it return results.
As far as I understand, when you create a user it's by default member of Domain Users. You can't see it in the memberOf attribute, but you can see it in the primaryGroupID (513=(GROUP_RID_USERS)). You can't suppress it unless you add a group and make it primaryGoup for a given user.
A command like the following can allow you to build the list of people belonging to Domain Users.
ldifde -f file.ldf -d "ou=Monou,dc=dom,dc=fr" -r "(&(objectclass=user)(|(primaryGroupID=513)(memberOf=CN=Utilisateurs du domaine,CN=Users,DC=dom,DC=fr)))"
Be Careful
Here french names are used ("Utilisateurs du domaine"="Domain Users")
on my Windows 2008 R2 I HAVE TO RUN the ldifde command as Administrator to be able to filter on memberOf attribute.
Changing the Primary group.
There is just ONE primary group. You can change the primary group. For that, you add the user to another group and make it primary. Then Primary group will be change to the RID of the other group
Here under the primary Group is MonGroupe.
You can see the RID when it's selected as primary group.
Yes, that's a known issue. The Domain Users is typically the so-called default group for new users. That group name for whatever reasons isn't added to the regular list of groups a user is a member of - it's always a messy special case that needs to be handled separately.
See Technet AD Default Groups for more information.
I don't think there's any easy way to make this work, unfortunately....
