snowflake: what does copy grants in this statement do - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I have a sql statement as below
create or replace view
SOME_DB_NAME.SOME_SCHEMA_NAME.SOME_VIEW_NAME copy grants as select * from
And currently i done hate the view VIEW_NAME in the schema SOME_SCHEMA_NAME
The above command fails
SQL compilation error: Object 'SOME_DB_NAME.SOME_SCHEMA_NAME.SOME_VIEW_NAME' does not exist or not authorized.
I am not sure what copy grants as select * from SOME_DB_NAME.SOME_SCHEMA_NAME.SOME_VIEW_NAME also
also why its failing 'SOME_DB_NAME.SOME_SCHEMA_NAME.SOME_VIEW_NAME' does not exist because create or replace is what we are using

The error you have received is due to a lack of the required privileges.
However, you could not create it, as the View definition refers to a view being defined.
If you have the required privileges, you will receive an error "View definition refers to view being defined: "


[MS-Access][ODBC] Can't delete an line on a form, ODBC delete on a linked table failed

I have a form that is linked to an ODBC (MS SQLServer), that is displaying a result of a VIEW, when I try to delete a record, I'm invoking a function at VBA level
Form_BeforeDelConfirm(Cancel As Integer, Response As Integer){
If (IsNull(Text104.value) = False) Then
Dim deleteLabel As DAO.QueryDef
Set deleteLabel = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("")
deleteLabel.Connect = CurrentDb.TableDefs("KontrollWerte").Connect
If (InStr(QuerySave, "KontrollWerteVIEW") <> 0) Then
deleteLabel.sql = "delete from KontrollWerte_Label where Kontrolle_Label_ID = " & Text104.value
End If
End If
Error shown:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server] View or function 'dbo.KontrollwerteVIEW' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables. (#4450)
This error is okay, as the view is a select with multiple tables.
It seems the function is not called at all, and the "default" delete function of the MS Access is being called, there is a way to say to MS Access don't do the default delete and instead execute my sql statement inside of the Form_BeforeDelConfirm function?
I tried to change when the call of function is called, but no luck.
You have to ensure that the view allows updates.
When you link a table, and it is a view?
The during the creating of the table link, then you will see this prompt:
First, we select the "view" when linking that "view/table"
and note I also checked the Save password option.
Then next we get/see this:
DO NOT skip the above prompt. If you don't select the PK column for that view, then it will be read only.
The above prompt to save password, and the above prompt to select the PK when linking to that view?
It DOES NOT appear on re-link, ONLY when adding a new link!!!!
So, that's why I stated to delete the link to sql server (not just re-link and not just re-fresh table link, but Adding for first time are the key instructions here).
So, yes, views are and can be up-datable, but you MUST answer the above prompt during the linking process in Access, or the result is a read-only table.

In the tutorial "Tutorial: Bulk Loading from a local file system using copy" what is the difference between my_stage and my_table permissions?

I started to go through the first tutorial for how to load data into Snowflake from a local file.
This is what I have set up so far:
Use Database mydb;
grant usage on database mydb to role sysadmin;
grant usage on database mydb to role analyst;
grant usage, create file format, create stage, create table on schema mydb.public to role analyst;
grant operate, usage on warehouse mywh to role analyst;
//tutorial 1 loading data
//create stage
FILE_FORMAT = mycsvformat;
//Use snowsql for this and make sure that the role, db, and warehouse are seelcted: put file:///data/data.csv #my_stage;
// put file on stage
PUT file://contacts.csv #my
List #~;
list #%mytable;
Then in my active Snowsql when I run:
Put file:///Users/<user>/Documents/data/data.csv #my_table;
I have confirmed I am in the correct role Accountadmin:
002003 (02000): SQL compilation error:
Stage 'MYDB.PUBLIC.MY_TABLE' does not exist or not authorized.
So then I try to create the table in Snowsql and am successful:
create or replace table my_table(id varchar, link varchar, stuff string);
I still run into this error after I run:
Put file:///Users/<>/Documents/data/data.csv #my_table;
002003 (02000): SQL compilation error:
Stage 'MYDB.PUBLIC.MY_TABLE' does not exist or not authorized.
What is the difference between putting a file to a my_table and a my_stage in this scenario? Thanks for your help!
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE myjsontable(json variant);
COPY INTO myjsontable
FROM #my_stage/random.json.gz
ON_ERROR = 'skip_file';
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE save_copy_errors AS SELECT * FROM TABLE(VALIDATE(myjsontable, JOB_ID=>'enterid'));
//error for random: Error parsing JSON: invalid character outside of a string: '\\'
//no error for generated
SELECT * FROM Myjsontable;
REMOVE #My_stage pattern = '.*.csv.gz';
REMOVE #My_stage pattern = '.*.json.gz';
//yay your are done!
The put command copies the file from your local drive to the stage. You should do the put to the stage, not that table.
put file:///Users/<>/Documents/data/data.csv #my_stage;
The copy command loads it from the stage.
But in document its mention like it gets created by default for every stage
Each table has a Snowflake stage allocated to it by default for storing files. This stage is a convenient option if your files need to be accessible to multiple users and only need to be copied into a single table.
Table stages have the following characteristics and limitations:
Table stages have the same name as the table; e.g. a table named mytable has a stage referenced as #%mytable
in this case without creating stage its should load into default Snowflake stage allocated

sybase drop index error "Cannot drop the index,because it doesn't exist in the system catalogs"

I got this error while dropping the index ZQT64_CUA_LOGSYS for the table name ZQT64.
"Cannot drop the index 'ZQT64.ZQT64_CUA_LOGSYS', because it doesn't exist in the
system catalogs."
Seeing this i tried creating the index again, Where it showed "There is already an index on table 'ZQT64' named 'ZQT64_CUA_LOGSYS'"
Could someone suggest me what is the issue and how can I Drop the index?
Your create index command shows a user of SAPSR3.
I'm going to guess that you're not logged in as the user SAPSR3 (eg, perhaps you're logged in as sapsa). If this is the case try changing to user SAPSR3 to drop the index, eg:
use TST
-- switch to user SAPSR3
setuser 'SAPSR3'
drop index ZQT64.ZQT64_CUA_LOGSYS
-- switch back to your original user
ASE is a bit flaky in this area:
while you can provide database and user names for the create index
command, these identifiers are not supported by the drop index
error 3701 (cannot drop the index ... doesn't exist in the system
catalog) is a bit misleading; it should probably say something like
you don't own an object named ZQT64 (or something similar)

What is the difference between user postgres and a superuser?

I created a new superuser just so that this user can run COPY command.
Note that a non-superuser cannot run a copy command.
I need this user due to a backup application, and that application requires to run COPY command
But all the restrictions that I specified does not take effect (see below).
What is the difference between user postgres and a superuser?
And is there a better way to achieve what I want? I looked into a function with security definer as postgres ... that seems a lot of work for multiple tables.
-- ISSUE: the user can still CREATEDB, CREATEROLE
REVOKE UPDATE,DELETE,TRUNCATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public, schema1, schema2, schema3 FROM mynewuser;
-- ISSUE: the user can still UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE
REVOKE CREATE ON DATABASE ip2_sync_master FROM mynewuser;
-- ISSUE: the user can still create table;
You are describing a situation where a user can write files to the server where the database runs but is not a superuser. While not impossible, it's definitely abnormal. I would be very selective about who I allow to access my DB server.
That said, if this is the situation, I'd create a function to load the table (using copy), owned by the postgres user and grant the user rights to execute the function. You can pass the filename as a parameter.
If you want to get fancy, you can create a table of users and tables to define what users can upload to what tables and have the table name as a parameter also.
It's pretty outside of the norm, but it's an idea.
Here's a basic example:
RETURNS character varying AS
can_upload integer;
select count (*)
into can_upload
from upload_permissions p
where p.user_name = current_user and p.table_name = TABLENAME;
if can_upload = 0 then
return 'Permission denied';
end if;
execute 'copy ' || TABLENAME ||
' from ''' || FILENAME || '''' ||
' csv';
return '';
COST 100;
COPY with option other than writing to STDOUT and reading from STDIN is only allowed for database superusers role since it allows reading or writing any file that the server has privileges to access.
\copy is a psql client command which serves the same functionality as COPY but is not server-sided, so only local files can be processed - meaning it invokes COPY but ... FROM STDIN / ... TO STDOUT, so that files on a server are not "touched".
You can not revoke specific rights from a superuser. I'm quoting docs on this one:
Docs: Access DB
Being a superuser means that you are not subject to access controls.
"superuser", who can override all access restrictions within the database. Superuser status is dangerous and should be used only when really needed.

How to check the defined error class of a connection?

How to check the defined error class of a connection (DSI) of Sybase Replication Server?
I use alter connection to change the error class associated to the DSI but I want a command that list its information in order to confirm that the error class was correctly associated.
How can I do that?
You can see it by calling rs_getconn in the RSSD database.
I don't see any rs_getconn stored proc in an RSSD database for a 15.7.1 repserver.
I do see a ral_connection_details proc which seems to do the job (example output connecting with sqsh):
> ral_connection_details "MY_ASE_SERVER", "MyDB"; -mvert
dbname: MyDB
error class: rs_sqlserver_error_class
function string class: rs_sqlserver_function_class
username: mylogin
password: NULL -- Note, the password *isn't* null, whatever
dbid: 123
Not sure where rs_getconn and ral_connection_details came from (3rd party app? custom proc? one of a slew of fly-by-night SRS management tools Sybase provided over the years?), but the simplest (and guaranteed to be in any RSSD going back eons - unless someone dropped it) is the rs_helpdb stored proc.
rs_helpdb generates a result set showing dsname, dbname, did, prs, error and function classes; for RS 15.7+ you'll also get connid (associated with multipath rep / alternate connections) and the repserver error class.
