Discord.js fs level system adding } at ends of .json - discord

I'm currently working on a discord bot that includes an economy and a level system.
When user levels up, he should get beans (currency).
The level system works so far, but when I start the add bean code, a } is placed at the end of my user.json and the consol says "End of file expected." and the bot crashes
if(udb[message.author.id].xp > udb[message.author.id].reqxp-1){
udb[message.author.id].reqxp = udb[message.author.id].reqxp + 50
udb[message.author.id].xp = 1
udb[message.author.id].level = udb[message.author.id].level + 1
const nl = udb[message.author.id].level
var addbeans = 0
if(botdb.beans.type === "amount"){
var addbeans = addbeans + botdb.beans.amount
} else if(botdb.beans.type === "TimesTheLevel"){
var addbeans = amount * nl
const b = udb[message.author.id].beans + addbeans
udb[message.author.id].beans = b
fs.writeFile("./database/user.json", JSON.stringify(udb), err =>{
user.json befor addbeans:
user.json after addbeans:
I don't know what to do and need help


How do I substract/add currency to balance with quick.db?

The bot says that I robbed someone but does not add/substract the currency from neither of the users.
Another issue I found is that I can rob myself.
Code I used:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const db = require("quick.db");
const ms = require("parse-ms");
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
let user = message.mentions.members.first()
let targetuser = await db.fetch(`money_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`)
let author = await db.fetch(`rob_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`)
let author2 = await db.fetch(`money_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`)
let timeout = 600000;
if (author !== null && timeout - (Date.now() - author) > 0) {
let time = ms(timeout - (Date.now() - author));
let timeEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`❌ You have already robbed someone\n\nTry again in ${time.minutes}m ${time.seconds}s `);
} else {
let moneyEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`❌ You need atleast 200 dabloons in your wallet to rob someone`);
if (author2 < 200) {
return message.channel.send(moneyEmbed)
let moneyEmbed2 = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`❌ ${user.user.username} does not have anything you can rob`);
if (targetuser < 0) {
return message.channel.send(moneyEmbed2)
let vip = await db.fetch(`bronze_${user.id}`)
if(vip === true) random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 1;
if (vip === null) random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(`✔️ You robbed ${user} and got away with ${random} dabloons!`)
db.subtract(`money_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`, random)
db.add(`money_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`, random)
db.set(`rob_${message.guild.id}_${user.id}`, Date.now())
module.exports.help = {
aliases: [""]
I tried using code from other people, but the code I used did not work and just broke the bot
To solve the db issue, you can see Elitezen's comment
To solve the issue where you can rob yourself,
you can simply check if the person getting robbed is the author of the message
if(message.mentions.members.first().id === message.member.id) return message.channel.send(errorEmbed)
Also, this is a super outdated version of discord.js and is highly recommended to update.

script & sheet timing out when trying to print large arrays in google script

I have a function that makes a REST API call using UrlFetchApp in Google Scripts.
But the response only returns 2000 records at a time. If there are more records, there is, in the response, a key called nextRecordsUrl, which contains the endpoint and parameters needed to get the next batch of records.
I use a do...while loop to iterate through, pushing the records into a predesignated array, make the next api call. And when it reaches the last batch of records, it exists the do-while loop, then prints (not sure if that's the right term here) the entire to a Google Sheet.
The code
It looks like this:
function getCampaignAssociations() {
var query = '?q=select+CampaignMember.FirstName,CampaignMember.LastName,CampaignMember.LeadId,CampaignMember.ContactId,CampaignMember.Name,CampaignMember.CampaignId,CampaignMember.SystemModstamp,CampaignMember.Email+from+CampaignMember+ORDER+BY+Email ASC,SystemModstamp+ASC';
try {
var arrCampAssociation = getInfoByQuery(query);
if (arrCampAssociation.records.length < 1) {
throw 'there are no records in this query';
var campaignAssoc = [];
do {
for (var i in arrCampAssociation.records) {
let data = arrCampAssociation.records[i];
let createDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(data.SystemModstamp), "GMT", "dd-MM-YYYY");
let a1 = "$A" + (parseInt(i) + 2);
let nameFormula = '=IFERROR(INDEX(Campaigns,MATCH(' + a1 + ',Campaigns!$A$2:A,0),2),"")';
let typeFormula = '=IFERROR(INDEX(Campaigns,MATCH(' + a1 + ',Campaigns!$A$2:A,0),3),"")';
campaignAssoc.push([data.CampaignId, nameFormula, typeFormula, data.Email, data.FirstName, data.LastName, data.LeadId, data.ContactId, createDate]);
var arrCampAssociation = getQueryWithFullEndPoint(arrCampAssociation.nextRecordsUrl);
} while (arrCampAssociation.nextRecordsUrl != null && arrCampAssociation.nextRecordsUrl != undefined);
let endRow = campAssocSheet.getLastRow(),
endColumn = campAssocSheet.getLastColumn(),
nameRange = campAssocSheet.getRange(2, 1, endRow, endColumn),
destRange = campAssocSheet.getRange(2, 1, campaignAssoc.length, campaignAssoc[0].length);
sheet.setNamedRange('CampaignAssociation', nameRange);
} catch (e) {
Everything works nicely until it comes to printing the array campaignAssoc to the Google Sheet.
See screenshot of the log below. It contains the endpoint for the next both. Notice the timestamp between the earlier logs and the timestamp between the last endPoint and the log where it timed out.
It seems to me that the issue is that when it comes to the printing of the data, it's having issues. If that's the case, have I overloaded the array? There are a total of over 36400 records.
Second attempt
I've tried resetting the array at each loop and printing the array to Google sheet. This is just 2000 records at each attempt and I've definitely done more rows at 1 time, but that didn't help.
Here's the code for that attempt.
function getCampaignAssociations() {
var query = '?q=select+CampaignMember.FirstName,CampaignMember.LastName,CampaignMember.LeadId,CampaignMember.ContactId,CampaignMember.Name,CampaignMember.CampaignId,CampaignMember.SystemModstamp,CampaignMember.Email+from+CampaignMember+ORDER+BY+Email ASC,SystemModstamp+ASC';
try {
var arrCampAssociation = getInfoByQuery(query);
if (arrCampAssociation.records.length < 1) {
throw 'there are no records in this query';
do {
var campaignAssoc = [];
for (var i in arrCampAssociation.records) {
let data = arrCampAssociation.records[i];
let createDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(data.SystemModstamp), "GMT", "dd-MM-YYYY");
let a1 = "$A" + (parseInt(i) + 2);
let nameFormula = '=IFERROR(INDEX(Campaigns,MATCH(' + a1 + ',Campaigns!$A$2:A,0),2),"")';
let typeFormula = '=IFERROR(INDEX(Campaigns,MATCH(' + a1 + ',Campaigns!$A$2:A,0),3),"")';
campaignAssoc.push([data.CampaignId, nameFormula, typeFormula, data.Email, data.FirstName, data.LastName, data.LeadId, data.ContactId, createDate]);
let lastRow = campAssocSheet.getLastRow()+1;
var arrCampAssociation = getQueryWithFullEndPoint(arrCampAssociation.nextRecordsUrl);
} while (arrCampAssociation.nextRecordsUrl != null && arrCampAssociation.nextRecordsUrl != undefined);
let endRow = campAssocSheet.getLastRow(),
endColumn = campAssocSheet.getLastColumn(),
nameRange = campAssocSheet.getRange(2, 1, endRow, endColumn);
sheet.setNamedRange('CampaignAssociation', nameRange);
} catch (e) {
So here, each loop took a lot longer. Instead of being 1-2 seconds between each loop, it took 45 seconds to a minute between each and timed out after the 4th loop. See the log below:
How do I fix this?

How would I add a hug reaction command

I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t code but my friend helped me out up to this part
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.once('ready', () => {
console.log('This Bot is online!');
client.user.setActivity('Prefix +k')
client.on('message', msg=>{
if(msg.content === "+k Hello"){
client.on('message', msg=>{
if(msg.content === "+k Credits"){
msg.reply('Pokemon DB for Info, MrTechGuy for code help!');
client.on('message', msg=>{
if(msg.content === "+k Credits"){
msg.reply('Pokemon DB for Info, MrTechGuy for code help!');
client.on('message', msg=>{
if(msg.content === "+k DAList"){
msg.reply('1 - Butterfree <:V:750540886680666282> <:grass:750540661396340826>, 2 = Butterfree <:VMAX:750540886701637743> <:grass:750540661396340826>,');
Again, how would I add a hug command that targets the user, e.g. +k hug #user 1, my friend is out for the month and I do not know how to do it
response: #user 2 hugged #user 1 ! (gif here)
For this to work you will need to create a folder named "hug" and with images which are "gif".
if(message.content.startsWith('+k hug')) {
let user = msg.mentions.users.first(); // refers to the user you wish to mention
if (!user) {
let maxImageNumber1 = 7; // represents the number of images in the folder
let hug = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxImageNumber1 - 1 + 1)) + 1;
let imageName1 = `${hug}.gif` // if the images you put are png/jpg just remove the ".gif" with either ".png" or ".jpg"
let imagePath1 = `/hug/${imageName1}` // folder name
let file1 = new Discord.MessageAttachment(imagePath1);
let embed1 = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
embed1.setDescription(`**${msg.author.username}** hugged their clone`)
msg.channel.send({ files: [file1], embed: embed1 });
if (user) {
let maxImageNumber1 = 7; // represents the number of images in the folder
let hug = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxImageNumber1 - 1 + 1)) + 1;
let imageName1 = `${hug}.gif` // if the images you put are png/jpg just remove the ".gif" with either ".png" or ".jpg"
let imagePath1 = `/hug/${imageName1}` // folder name
let file1 = new Discord.MessageAttachment(imagePath1);
let embed1 = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
embed1.setDescription(`**${msg.author.username}** hugged **${user.username}**`)
msg.channel.send({ files: [file1], embed: embed1 });
Im assuming you are using discord.js v12
I'd recommend you define your prefix with something like const prefix = '+k'; and when you want to make a command do this: if(message.content.startsWith(prefix + 'hug')){}

How do I make a command call a different command along with itself?

I don't know how to do this and I have been looking for answer but am unable to find it.
if message.content.startswith('^trivia autostart'):
await client.send_message(message.channel, "Game is starting!\n" +
str(player1) + "\n" + str(player2) + "\n" + str(player3) + "\n" +
str(player4) + "\n" + str(player5) + "\n" + str(player6) )
I have this code and i'm trying to make it so it when that code gets run that it calls my ^trivia play command without typing it in chat.
Is this possible?
The solution to that would be defining functions for each command you need to be called globally by your bot. Take the following example:
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const bot = new Discord.Client();
bot.on('error' => console.log);
bot.on('message', message => {
let prefix = '!';
let sender = message.author;
let msg = message.content;
let cont = msg.split(' ');
let args = cont.slice(1);
let cmd = msg.startsWith(prefix) ? cont[0].slice(prefix.length).toUpperCase() : undefined;
// Ping function
// can be: function pingCommand () {...}
let pingCommand = () => {
message.channel.send(`Pong!\nTime: ${bot.ping} ms`);
// Main command
if (cmd === 'PING') {
// Calling command in another command
if (cmd === 'TEST') {
message.channel.send('Running a ping test on the bot');
Hope you understand how it would work

How to send encrypted (3DES) data into aqueduct without getting any error?

I m using Aqueduct 3.0. I need to learn How to capture post request in Aqueduct 3.0?
My Request:
Get a Response:
[INFO] aqueduct: GET /login/ziD7v0Ul99vmNWnxJRxZIiTY4zakNoq8GjM+oHROYz/YTHnd3NH1XfHRULY0jaHU 11ms 404
my channel.dart routing
// TODO: connect to Socket **********
router.route('/login/[:value]').link(() {
return new LoginController();
//..contentType = ContentType.TEXT;
my LoginController.dart
import 'package:aqueduct/aqueduct.dart';
import 'package:niyaziapi/niyaziapi.dart';
import 'package:niyaziapi/util/niyaziGetPrivate.dart';
import 'package:niyaziapi/util/niyaziSetPrivate.dart';
class LoginController extends Controller {
String _xCustomerToken;
String _xCustomerName;
String _xPrivate;
String _xResult;
String _xRequestValue;
String _xReply;
Future<RequestOrResponse> processRequest(Request request) async {
String tempData = request.toString();
print("tempDate: $tempData"); // can’t print
try {
if (request.path.variables.containsKey('value')) {
_xPrivate = (request.path.variables['value']).trim();
print("_xPrivate: $_xPrivate");
var decryptedData = await getPrivate(_xPrivate);
var decryptedList = decryptedData.split(":_:");
decryptedData = null;
decryptedData = "Q101:_:" + decryptedList[2].toString() + ":_:" + decryptedList[3].toString();
var socket = await Socket.connect('', 1024);
await for (var data in socket) {
_xReply = new String.fromCharCodes(data).trim();
var list = _xReply.split(":_:");
_xCustomerToken = list[2].toString();
_xCustomerName = list[3].toString();
_xResult = "$_xCustomerToken:_:$_xCustomerName";
var encryptedData = await setPrivate(_xResult);
return new Response.ok("$encryptedData");
} else {
return new Response.ok("404: Wrong Request");
} catch (e) {
return new Response.ok("404: $e.errorMessage");
when I testing I found that my code works. Only reason that I am sending 3DES data and has + and / character in it.
If you look at closely in first request, there is a + and / character in data which give me an error.
/login/ziD7v0Ul99vmNWnxJRxZIiTY4zakNoq8GjM+oHROYz/YTHnd3NH1XfHRULY0jaHU 19ms 404
on the other hand if I remove those character than I get perfect response.
/login/ziD7v0Ul99vmNWnxJRxZIiTY4zakNoq8GjMoHROYzYTHnd3NH1XfHRULY0jaHU 13 ms 200
So, question comes how to send encrypted (3DES) data into aqueduct without getting any error?
Going to Like Aqueduct twice :)
It was very simple:
var _xPrivate = (request.path.variables['value']).trim(); change to:
var _xPrivate = request.path.remainingPath;
print("request: $_xPrivate");
