How to give spacing between the content of view in react native? - reactjs

I am new in react native,I have to view right and left container given flex-between them,
now I have to give space in contents of left and right container also.
image shown in the below diagram as well as styling code,
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
mainContainer: {
width: "100%",
flexDirection: "row",
height: moderateScale(90),
backgroundColor: "red",
justifyContent: "space-between",
containerLeft: {
flexDirection: "row",
top: moderateScale(40),
backgroundColor: "green",
margin: moderateScale(12),
containerRightIcons: {
flexDirection: "row",
justifyContent: "flex-end",
top: moderateScale(40),
margin: moderateScale(12),
backgroundColor: "blue",

Wrap the individual child components inside a View and provide a marginRight when necessary. We could create a new component that handles this behaviour.
export function Spacer({isHorizontal = true, space = 10, children}) {
return <View style={isHorizontal ? {flexDirection: "row"} : null}>
{, (child, index) => {
return index < children.length - 1 ? <View style={{marginRight: space}}>{child}</View> : child
We use the isHorizontal flag to indicate whether the children are layed out in a row. The default value is set to true to satisfy your current design. However, we can reuse it for column based layouts as well. The default spacing is set to 10. We can control it using the space prop.
Then, use it as follows.
<Child1 />
<Child2 />
<Child3 />
We can control the space via props.
<Spacer space={5}>
<Child1 />
<Child2 />
<Child3 />


React Native: pointerEvents = 'none' does not work on a stacked FlatList

I have a component that is composed of two child components. The former is the panel with information about the list, and the latter is a FlatList component with the actual contents of the list.
I stacked the components such that the FlatList component is placed on top of the panel component so that when a user scrolls down, the panel is covered by the FlatList, and when the user scrolls up to the beginning of the list, the panel appears again. I also intentionally chose to split the two components rather than incorporating them into a single FlatList to prevent state changes in one component from triggering rerender of the other.
To achieve this, I created a transparent View component in the FlatList component as a header and applied pointerEvents='none' to it so that the panel component behind it is visible and touchable. However, the panel component is not receiving any of the touches.
Here is the simplified code that I wrote:
const List = () => {
return (
<TopPanel props={props} />
<PostArray props={props} />
const TopPanel = () => {
return (
width: "100%",
height: 145,
top: 0,
position: "absolute",
zIndex: 1,
<PanelComponent />
const PostArray = () => {
const ListHeader = () => {
return (
height: 145,
backgroundColor: "transparent",
width: "100%",
return (
style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%", zIndex: 99 }}
ListHeaderComponent={<ListHeader />}
renderItem={() => <ModalButtons />}
<View style={{ zIndex: 99, width: "100%" }}>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
getItemLayout={(data, index) => ({
length: 120,
offset: 120 * index,
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
What is possibly wrong here? Any suggestions/ideas? Thanks!
I'm dealing with a similar issue. It seems that when ListHeaderComponent is rendered, it is being wrapped in a View. You can illustrate this by also setting ListHeaderComponentStyle={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}. While you can change the style of this invisible wrapper View, I don't yet see how to add a property to it like pointerEvents='box-none'.

React Native: Keyboard keeps closing on key press when typing in TextInput

I have a functional component Login Screen and have 4 Input Fields in them, along with a login button.
Here is the Full Code for my component Screen:
export default function Login() {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const orientation = useDeviceOrientation();
const { colors, dark } = useTheme();
const InputTheme = {
colors: {
placeholder: colors.accent,
primary: colors.accent,
error: "red",
/** State Codes */
const [login, setLogin] = useState({
email: "",
password: "",
licenseKey: "",
deviceName: "",
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [secureEntry, setSecureEntry] = useState(true);
const [errorEmail, setEmailError] = useState(false);
const [errorPWD, setPWDError] = useState(false);
const [errorLicense, setLicenseError] = useState(false);
const [errorDevice, setDeviceError] = useState(false);
//Error Messages
const [messageEmail, setEmailMessage] = useState("Looks Good");
const [messagePWD, setPWDMessage] = useState("All Good");
async function VerifyInputs() {
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)*#[a-z0-9]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*(\.[a-z0-9]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*)*\.[a-z]{2,4}$/;
if ( == "") {
//Email cannot be empty
setEmailMessage("Email cannot be Blank!");
} else if ( != "" && !pattern.test( {
//Email is not valid
setEmailMessage("This is not a valid email address!");
} else {
console.log("resolved email");
if (login.password == "") {
//Password cannot be empty
setPWDMessage("Password cannot be Empty!");
} else if (login.password.length < 5) {
//Password must be minimum 5 characters.
setPWDMessage("Password must be of minimum 5 characters!");
} else {
console.log("resolved password");
if (login.licenseKey == "") {
//License Key can't be Empty
} else {
console.log("License resolved");
if (login.deviceName == "") {
//Device Name can't be empty as well
} else {
console.log("Device name resolved");
}"Validation Successful");
function MobileContent() {
console.log("mobile_content rerendered");
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: colors.accent }}>
<View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }}></View>
<View style={{ flex: 3, justifyContent: "center" }}>
{/**Main Content */}
<View style={[styles.content, { backgroundColor: colors.primary }]}>
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
{/**For Header */}
<Header />
<View style={{ flex: 5 }}>
{/**For Content */}
<ScrollView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<LoginContent />
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
{/**For Footer */}
<Footer />
function TabContent() {
console.log("tab_content rerendered");
return (
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: colors.accent,
flexDirection: orientation.landscape ? "row" : "column",
flex: 1,
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
<View style={{ flex: 1.5, justifyContent: "center" }}>
{/**Main Content */}
<View style={[styles.content, { backgroundColor: colors.primary }]}>
{/**Header Wrapper */}
<View style={{ justifyContent: "center" }}>
{/**Header Title */}
<Header />
{/**Content Wrapper */}
<LoginContent />
{/**Footer Wrapper */}
<View style={{ justifyContent: "center" }}>
{/** Login Button */}
<Footer />
function Header() {
console.log("header_component rerendered");
return (
<View style={{ margin: "5%" }}>
<Title>Welcome User</Title>
<Subheading>Please Sign In to Continue..</Subheading>
function Footer() {
console.log("footer_component rerendered");
return (
<View style={{ margin: isTablet ? "5%" : "3.5%" }}>
containerStyle={{ maxWidth: isTablet ? "45%" : "100%" }}
buttonStyle={{ height: 50, borderRadius: 10 }}
colors: [colors.accent, colors.accentLight],
start: { x: 1, y: 1 },
end: { x: 1, y: 0 },
onPress={() => {
function LoginContent() {
console.log("login_component rerendered");
return (
<View style={{ margin: "3%" }}>
{/**Login & Email Wrapper */}
<View style={{ flexDirection: isTablet ? "row" : "column" }}>
<View style={styles.input}>
onChangeText={(text) => setLogin({ ...login, email: text })}
{errorEmail ? (
<HelperText visible={true} type="error" theme={{ colors: { error: "red" } }}>
) : null}
<View style={styles.input}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center" }}>
style={{ flex: 1, marginBottom: 5, marginEnd: isTablet ? 15 : 5 }}
onChangeText={(text) => setLogin({ ...login, password: text })}
name={secureEntry ? "eye-off-outline" : "eye-outline"}
width: 55,
aspectRatio: 1,
backgroundColor: colors.accent,
borderRadius: 10,
containerStyle={{ marginStart: 5 }}
onPress={async () => setSecureEntry(!secureEntry)}
{errorPWD ? (
<HelperText visible={true} type="error" theme={{ colors: { error: "red" } }}>
) : null}
{/**License & Device Wrapper */}
<View style={{ flexDirection: isTablet ? "row" : "column" }}>
<View style={styles.input}>
label="License Key"
onChangeText={(text) => setLogin({ ...login, licenseKey: text })}
{errorLicense ? (
<HelperText visible={true} type="error" theme={{ colors: { error: "red" } }}>
License Key cannot be Empty!
) : null}
<View style={styles.input}>
label="Device Name"
onChangeText={(text) => setLogin({ ...login, deviceName: text })}
{errorDevice ? (
<HelperText visible={true} type="error" theme={{ colors: { error: "red" } }}>
Device Name cannot be empty
) : null}
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<StatusBar barStyle={"dark-content"} backgroundColor={colors.accent} />
{isTablet ? <TabContent /> : <MobileContent />}
As you can see by looking at the code.. my Login component's rendering responsive component layouts based on device type being phone or tablet, the following components MobileContent or TabContent.
MobileContent functional component wraps my main content in a ScrollView & TabContent functional component doesn't need a scrollview but has responsive scaling views.
Both of these parent components display my common components, Header,LoginContent & Footer.
My Header component just displays a standard title & subheading. My LoginContent component has all the TextInput fields in them with validation logic setup as well. My Footer component has the Submit/Login button. That's All.
So we can summarize the components tree for screen as:
Login Screen/Parent Component => Mobile Content/Tab Content => Header, LoginContent & Footer (Common Components)
Alright, so now what is the issue? the major issue for me lies for TextInputs in LoginContent component, but I assume the underlying issue is applicable for entire Login Screen component.
The ISSUE: When I click on TextInput fields, the input gets focus and Keyboard appears. Everything is fine till this point. As soon as I type even a single letter, single key press on keyboard.. The Keyboard closes immediately and the text input is lost focus.
Why it could be happening? I believe this might be the classic 'React Component Re-render' problem, which causes by TextInput to be re-rendered when state is updated by the onChangeText for the TextInput and hence it loses focus & that's why the Keyboard closes.
So, I hope to resolve atleast first issue from these two issues.
Issue 1: How do I prevent the Keyboard from constantly closing when I try to type something in any of the TextInput fields.
Issue 2: How can I better optimize my Parent & Children components rendering on every state update using the any of these two React Hooks useCallback() and useMemo()?
I've read the documentation for these two hooks useCallback & useMemo multiple times and still haven't grasped the concept of these hooks. All posted examples deal with a Counter Exmaple optimized using useCallback or useMemo but I'm not working with Counters here in my Screen.
I need a more practical exmaple of useCallback() & useMemo() in screen components. Perhaps an implementation of these two hooks in my current Login Screen component will help me understand & grasp the concept better.
Like I mentioned, solving Issue 1 is my highest priority atm, but I know a solution for Issue 2 will help me in the long run as well. It will be very helpful if you can resolve both of my issues here. Thanks for helping.

How to dynamically set height of a component whose height is an animated value post-animation?

The goal: have a dropdown view that animates the height-expansion over time. the caveat is this: once the view is expanded, it needs to be able to dynamically handle whether or not there is additional view data present. if it is present, a couple extra text components will be rendered.
The problem: as it currently is, the animation the parent's height to a fixed height. so when the additionalContent is rendered, it surpasses the bounds of the parent, whose height is fixed. I dont want to not set the height of the parent explicitly, because then I cant animate that aspect the way I want. I want to maintain the height animation as-is, as well as dynamically size the parent to contain the children when the additionalContent is present
const ListItem = (props) => {
const [checkInModal, setCheckInModal] = useState(false);
const [animatedHeight, setAnimatedHeight] = useState(new Animated.Value(0))
const [animatedOpacity] = useState(new Animated.Value(0))
const [dynamicHeight, setDynamicHeight] = useState(0);
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
const toggleDropdown = () => {
if (expanded == true) {
// collapse dropdown
Animated.timing(animatedHeight, {
toValue: 0,
duration: 200,
} else {
// expand dropdown
Animated.timing(animatedHeight, {
toValue: 100,
duration: 200,
const renderAdditionalContent = () => {
if (someVariable == true) {
return (
<View> <Text> Some Content </Text> </View>
const interpolatedHeight = animatedHeight.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: [75, 225]
const interpolatedOpacity = animatedOpacity.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: [0.0, 1.0]
return (
style={[styles.container, { height: interpolatedHeight + dynamicHeight }]}
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', }}>
<View style={styles.leftContainer}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<Text style={styles.title}>{props.title}</Text>
<Text style={styles.subtitle}>{time()}</Text>
<View style={styles.rightContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => toggleDropdown()} style={styles.toggleBtn}>
<Image source={require('../assets/img/chevron-down.png')} resizeMode={'contain'} style={styles.chevron} />
{expanded == true ? (
<Animated.View style={[styles.bottomContainer, { opacity: interpolatedOpacity }]}>
<Components.BodyText text="Subject:" style={{ fontFamily: Fonts.OPENSANS_BOLD }} />
<Components.BodyText text={props.subject} />
{ renderAdditionalContent() }
) : null}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
backgroundColor: '#fff',
borderRadius: 25,
width: width * 0.95,
marginBottom: 5,
marginHorizontal: 5,
paddingVertical: 15,
paddingHorizontal: 15
leftContainer: {
justifyContent: 'space-between',
rightContainer: {
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center'
title: {
fontFamily: Fonts.OPENSANS_BOLD,
fontSize: 20,
color: '#454A66'
subtitle: {
color: '#454A66',
fontSize: 14
typeIcon: {
height: 25,
width: 25
chevron: {
height: 15,
width: 15
toggleBtn: {
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: Colors.PRIMARY_DARK,
borderRadius: 7,
paddingTop: 4,
paddingBottom: 2.5,
paddingHorizontal: 4,
marginLeft: 10
bottomContainer: {
marginVertical: 20
buttonContainer: {
flexDirection: 'row',
width: 250,
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignSelf: 'center',
marginVertical: 20
noShadow: {
elevation: 0,
shadowOffset: {
width: 0,
height: 0
shadowRadius: 0,
export default ListItem;
How can this be accomplished? So far ive tried creating a state variable dynamicHeight and setting it inside the function that renders additional content, but that hasn't worked.
Heres the snack:
clarification edit: renderAdditionalContent function renders additional content (obviously), this content could be anywhere from one line of characters to multiple lines. regardless of the char count, the main parent container of the component needs to have all the children within its bounds. as it stands, if the additional-content-rendered has too much content, the content will spill over the border of the component's main parent container, which must be avoided. this can be done by simply not giving a height to the main component container, obviously. but the the idea is to have the animated height AND wrap the child content properly
Any suggestions?
EDITED : easy and simple way
You can also apply the height 100%, in that way we don't need to calculate the height of inner content it will auto adjust as per the content provided
const interpolatedHeight = animatedHeight.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: ["0%", "100%"] // <---- HERE
To make this happen I have added <View> tag around the <Animated.View> to get height 100% correct and few changes in css, this looks more elegant and provides a perfect solution to your problem.
So, you can use onLayout
This event is fired immediately once the layout has been calculated
First step:
// setHeight
const setHeight = (height) => {
setDynamicHeight(prev => prev + height);
<View onLayout={(event) => {
var { x, y, width, height } = event.nativeEvent.layout;
setHeight(height); // <--- get the height and add it to total height
<Text>Subject Content</Text>
Second step:
useEffect(() => {
// trigger if only expanded
if (expanded) {
// trigger height animation , whenever there is change in height
Animated.timing(animatedHeight, {
toValue: dynamicHeight, // <--- animate to the given height
duration: 200,
}, [dynamicHeight]); // <--- check of height change
WORKING DEMO (you can test it by adding remove text)
Here's a working snack of your code with a dynamic dropdown height:
You can change the height by changing the thisIsAValue constant.
Honestly you were very close with your code, you just had a few bits and pieces missing:
When you're animating height you don't need to use interpolate, you can let the <Animated.View> straight up calculate the height. The interpolation is needed if you want to animate, for example, a rotation, and you need to calculate the degrees to which the element must move.
You need to pass your dynamic height into the animation, as your to: value
I set up a simple useEffect hook checking for changes in the someVariable and dynamicHeight prop
This solution will let you set the height dynamically through a prop.
However if you want to calculate the height based on elements which are present in the View you may want to check #vivek-doshi 's answer
You can use React refs. This allows you to access a component directly.
const el = React.useRef(null);
Assign el to the ref of the container div of whatever content you have. Then hide/show the div using the visibility style:
<div style={{ visibility: !expanded && "hidden" }} ref={el}>
<View /* snip */>
{ renderAdditionalContent() }
/* -- snip -- */
Then in the toggleDropdown function you can access the height of the component via the .current.offsetHeight property:
Animated.timing(animatedHeight, {
toValue: el.current.offsetHeight,
duration: 200,
Refs can be used on any html element and allow you to access the element's raw properties. Animations are probably one of the most common use cases for them.
You can read more here:

ScrollView not allowing me to select from Component dropdown

First of all let me share my code along with the current result of what I have going.
initialValues ={{user: 'User ', place: '', description: '', comments: '',datePosted: new Date(), location: '', eventDate: ''}}
onSubmit ={logInfo}>
{props =>(
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.form}>
<Text style={styles.text}>Pick a place for the event</Text>
placeholder='Insert place to find'
onPress={(data, details = null) => { // 'details' is provided when fetchDetails = true
{props.values.location= data.description}
textInputContainer: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderTopWidth: 0,
width: '100%',
textInput: {
fontSize: 16
predefinedPlacesDescription: {
color: '#1faadb',
key: '',
language: 'en', // language of the results
<View style={styles.container}>
placeholder= {props.values.user}
onChangeText = {props.handleChange('user')}
values = {props.values.user}
placeholder= 'Place (e.g Honolulu)'
onChangeText = {props.handleChange('place')}
values = {}
placeholder= 'Description (e.g This is located...)'
onChangeText = {props.handleChange('description')}
values = {props.values.description}
placeholder= 'Comment (e.g This is fun because...)'
onChangeText = {props.handleChange('comments')}
values = {props.values.comments}
<Text style={styles.text} >Pick a date for the event</Text>
onDateChange={(date) => {props.values.eventDate= date}}
values = {props.values.eventDate} />
{/* <Text style={styles.text}>Location</Text> */}
<View style={styles.viewbtn}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={props.handleSubmit} style={styles.btn} ><Text style={styles.txtbtn} >Submit</Text></TouchableOpacity>
{/* <Button title="Submit" onPress={props.handleSubmit} /> */}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
// flex:1,
// margin: 10,
alignItems: 'center'
// form:{
// alignItems: 'flex-start',
// paddingTop:40,
// },
borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
borderColor: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'purple',
width: 100,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
borderRadius : 5,
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 14,
color: 'orange'
The issue
When I click on the GooglePlacesAutoComplete I am able to see the list of places, but then when I click on any of the found places it will not take the input.
When the <GooglePlacesAutocomplete /> is NOT inside a ScrollView I cannot see the suggestion.
When the <GooglePlacesAutocomplete /> is NOT within any other <View></View> it works perfectly fine.
With the above code I also get this warning message "VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews with the same orientation - use another VirtualizedList-backed container instead."
Desired Result
I would like to have the <GooglePlacesAutocomplete /> component displayed on top of the form, without any weird errors and its functionalities working properly. (Preferably as shown in the picture)
I am importing import { GooglePlacesAutocomplete } from 'react-native-google-places-autocomplete'; from
I am not an expert in GUI, an explanation would be very appreciated and welcomed. If additional information is required I would be more than happy to provide it.
Thank you in advance.
So I faced the same problem and the one thing that helped me solve the problem was adding
keyboardShouldPersistTaps={true} inside the <ScrollView> as a prop.
This is my code snippet.
<ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps={true}>
<SelectionDD studentstatus={studentStatus}/>
<SearchableDD collegeNames={collegeNames} placeholder='University'/>

How do I position buttons in a specific grid in react native?

So I am new to react native. I was Trying to place some buttons on my home screen. Suppose I have 6 buttons, I need the to be placed in a grid in lower half of the home screen. Something like this:
[ a ] [ b ]
[ c ] [ d ]
[ e ] [ f ]
I know we will use Flex in this and so far I have managed to put two buttons in row. Following is my code. ( I am only posting the relevant code)
<View style = { styles.allButtons }>
<View style = { styles.homeButtons } >
<Button style = { styles.buttonText }
color = "#157fd3"
title = 'Button 1'
onPress = {() => { Alert.alert("Pressed"); }}
<View style = { styles.homeButtons } >
<Button style = { styles.buttonText }
color = "#157fd3"
title = 'My feeds'
onPress = {() => { Alert.alert("to be Updated."); }}
And my stylesheet looks something like this.
allButtons: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
margin: 5,
homeButtons: {
flex: 1,
borderWidth: 0.5,
borderColor: 'white',
alignItems: 'center',
height: 45,
width: 260,
marginBottom: 3,
buttonText: {
fontSize: 18,
This is producing 2 buttons in row. But if I add another button, it gets placed in the same row i;e 3 buttons in row. Help would be appriciated.
Try adding flex-wrap: wrap; to your allButtons style
You may need to give your homeButtons container a flex-basis: 50% as well. Be careful because flex-basis doesn't account for margins.
