Views Filtering nodes through taxonomy terms from paragraphs bundle doesn't work - drupal-7

My node type has a paragraph bundle field which including a taxonomy terms field, but in my views, the nodes just not showing up by filtering this taxonomy terms, if the terms field not in the paragraph bundle, the node will show, but if its in the paragraph bundle, the node won't show, any one knows if I am missing something, I am in Drupal7 , Thanks
I have added relationship in my views with paragraphs bundle, but no help


How to set taxonomy terms' meta tags in drupal, to display relevant nodes' title in the description meta tag

I have a drupal site and i use some taxonomy terms.
I use these taxonomy term pages to display those nodes having the relevant term.
As an example I have a taxonomy term Cars and in /cars page, are being displayed the nodes with term car.
Like Audi-BWM-Ford.
I need to configure - taxonomy terms pages- meta tags, and i need in the description meta tag area displaying the nodes' titles of each term.
Is there a specific token that can do that? Or any other way?
Drupal nodes are content objects, they are not supposed to be used to display meta informations for taxonomy terms.
If you really want it this way, you'll have to write some code.
I suggest you take a loot at this module:
You'll learn how to assign metadata to taxonomy term pages
Then, you'll have to query you database to retrieve your node titles and set them as a meta.
For most cases metatag module should be enough.

drupal commerce browsable catalog

I am finding some troubles how Views works with taxonomy terms. I hope you can help me. :-)
I am building an e-commerce site with Drupal Commerce since it has all features I need for my project requirements but I don't know how I can list terms and nodes belong to concrete taxonomy on Views.
I have a product hierarchy taxonomy with all the site product categories. I use Taxonomy menu in order to show this taxonomy in a menu block allowing the user to select any term. A product display node only can be referenced to a sheet term on the taxonomy tree.
I want to use Views by listing as terms as nodes, if the user click on a non-sheet term on taxonomy menu, the view should show the subterms from clicked term. But in the other hand, if the user clicks in a sheet term then the view should show nodes referenced to the clicked term.
For instance,
Let's imagine I have the next taxonomy menu:
If the user clicks on term1 term the view should list term1.1, term1.2 and term1.3 but if he/she clicks on term1.2 it should list node1 and node2.
How can I do this on Views? How can I list two different types of entities depending what term is clicked?
Thanks in advance!!
You need some js to do this. So you can use the dHTML_menu or similar dynamic menus.

Auto-generate title field from other columns of Drupal 7 Content Type

I'm struggling to adjust title field of my "car" content type in Drupal 7. How can I automatically generate title field text by combining for example Manufacturer, car Model, Year columns? Also if you could comment on good use of title field and tactics to avoid/remove it.
You can use the Auto Node Title module.
"auto_nodetitle" is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of
the content title field in the form. To prevent empty content title
fields one can configure it to generate the title by a given pattern.
When the token module is installed it's possible to use various node
data for the auto generated title - e.g. use the text of a CCK field
(since 5.x).
Automatic Entity Label is a generic approach. Works with any entity type. Uses Token module.
"Automatic Entity Label" is a small and efficient module that allows
hiding of entity label fields. To prevent empty labels it can be
configured to generate the label automatically by a given pattern.
This can be used on any entity type, including e.g. for node titles,
comment subjects, taxonomy term names and profile2 labels.

Drupal 7 views filter by dynamic taxonomy term

I have a few pages (services), each with it's own taxonomy term.
I would like to add a view to the bottom. It should contain all nodes (references) with the same term as the main node (service).
Could it be done by views?
Read something about and tried contextual filter with no success. Image is bellow
I think you are on the right track. Try changing your validator to "Term Id" instead of "Term Name".
I created a block view with the settings you have (with "Term Id" as the validator) and enabled it on my node pages, and this seemed to work.

Creating a up reverse node reference list of a node in Drupal 7

What we are trying to do in Drupal 7: create a block that can be attached to a node view or taxonomy term view. In this block, a user can add links. These links can point to contacts, documents, links to other websites or taxonomy terms.
In the back-end, a user can select a contact, document or link. The user then gets a list of all nodes where this link is used. If the link is changed, it is updated in all the nodes where it is used.
In other words, a node reference that works in both directions, for multiple nodes. Any ideas are mightily appreciated :)
Hi have you tried to use Corresponding node references module?
You can use:
It works for both node reference & entity reference modules automatically.
