Object 'default' not found - solr

I'm trying to connect with solr but I get this error
Object 'default' not found
I'm trying to connect with solr but I get this error
Object 'default' not found


Error CREATEing SolrCore: Unable to create core Caused by: /var/solr/data/searchfin/data/snapshot_metadata

I am trying to add a new solr core but it's giving me the following error:
Error CREATEing SolrCore 'searchfin': Unable to create core [searchfin] Caused by: /var/solr/data/searchfin/data/snapshot_metadata
I have already created the folder "searchfin" with subfolder conf and data in it. Also I have tried creating the core with both solr UI and command line.

Importing a `bson` dataset with montorestore

I have created a database, Restuarants through Atlas and made an empty collection, restuarants.
I connected to my Atlas account with mongosh and attempted to import a .bson file with restore using the following command:
mongorestore -d Restaurants -c restaurants /Users/username/restaurants.sampleRestaurants.bson
However, I get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'message' of object 'SyntaxError: unknown: Missing semicolon. (1:15)
I can't tell what's wrong. Been looking through the docs but can't really find an answer.

How to create solr core on centos

I installed a Solr 8.1.1 on a centos 7, openJdk11 and want to create a new core. But on creating i get an error message:
ERROR: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'myCore': Unable to create core [myCore] Caused by: null
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Bad or unsupported pattern: java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter$ClassicFormat#53ea7249"
Sample API to create a core is as mentioned below.
Using SolrJ API it would be someting like as below.
String solrUrl = "http://localhost:8983/solr";
HttpSolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(solrUrl).build();
CoreAdminRequest.Create createCore = new CoreAdminRequest.Create();
createCore.setConfigSet( coreName);
I had the same issue, somehow it is related to openJDK. I installed oracleJDK and set it as default java using
update-alternatives --config java
and selected oracleJDK home as default then used
solr create -c myCore
It worked for me.
enter image description here

Error while implementing Solr using solarium

I installed solr using the Bitnami installation in windows. When i ping the server using solarium.
If use var_dump($result->getResponse()); then everything works fine but if i use var_dump($result->getdata()); I get a error saying JSON could not be encoded.
Similarly when i try to index data into the solr server i get this error.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Solarium\Exception\HttpException' with message 'Solr HTTP error: OK (405) Error 405 HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL<br> HTTP ERROR 405<br> Problem accessing /solr/admin.html. Reason: <br> HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL<br> Powered by Jetty<br> in C:\xampp\htdocs\trial\search\vendor\solarium\solarium\library\Solarium\Core\Query\Result\Result.php on line 104</p> <p>What can be the possible issue?</p>
Bitnami developer here
It seems to be an issue related to Solarium, and not with Bitnami Solr. You can see the issue here:
You could ask there.
I hope it helps

Adding Index via HTTP Get in Apache SOLR

I have a problem using SOLR when add document via GET method :
The error I got is
Problem accessing /solr/update. Reason:
ERROR: [doc=null] unknown field 'office'
Is there any prerequisite that I'd missed ?
Looks like in the schema.xml you don't have the definition for the office field. If you have it, maybe you're using the wrong case to refer to it?
