How to create solr password hash - solr

From solr documentation to create a user I need to add following lines to security.json config file:
"solr":"IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c="
I know that under authentication.credentials the key solr is the username and value IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c= is the hash of password SolrRocks.
But my question is, how can I generate that hash?
The documentation does not mention it anywhere,
It does not look like md5, sha1, argon nor any hash known to me.
After decoding the base64 it seems to be stored as some binary data.
What kind of hash is that, and how can I create it from bash?

You'd usually use set-user in the Authentication API to add the user.
rmalchow on GitHub has created a standalone version for bash:
SALT=$(pwgen 48 -1)
echo "hash : $(echo -n "$SALT$PW" | sha256sum -b | xxd -r -p | sha256sum -b | xxd -r -p | base64 -w 1024) $(echo -n "$SALT" | base64 -w1024)"


How can I get the names of all namespaces containing the word "nginx" and store those names in an array

Basically I want to automate this task where I have some namespaces in Kubernetes I need to delete and others that I want to leave alone. These namespaces contain the word nginx. So I was thinking in order to do that I could get the output of get namespace using some regex and store those namespaces in an array, then iterate through that array deleting them one by one.
array=($(kubectl get ns | jq -r 'keys[]'))
declare -p array
for n in {array};
kubectl delete $n
I tried doing something like this but this is very basic and doesn't even have the regex. But I just left it here as an example to show what I'm trying to achieve. Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
kubectl get ns doesn't output JSON unless you add -o json. This:
array=($(kubectl get ns | jq -r 'keys[]'))
Should result in an error like:
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 5
kubectl get ns -o json emits a JSON response that contains a list of Namespace resources in the items key. You need to get the attribute from each item, so:
kubectl get ns -o json | jq -r '.items[]'
You only want namespaces that contain the word "nginx". We could filter the above list with grep, or we could add that condition to our jq expression:
kubectl get ns -o json | jq -r '.items[]|select(|test("nginx"))|'
This will output your desired namespaces. At this point, there's no reason to store this in array and use a for loop; you can just pipe the output to xargs:
kubectl get ns -o json |
jq -r '.items[]|select(|test("nginx"))|' |
xargs kubectl delete ns
kubectl get ns
default Active 75d
kube-public Active 75d
kube-system Active 75d
oci-service-operator-system Active 31d
olm Active 31d
kubectl get ns --no-headers | awk '{if ($1 ~ "de") print $1}'
this will give you a list of namespaces
array=$(kubectl get ns --no-headers | awk '{if ($1 ~ "de") print $1}')
bash-4.2$ array=$(kubectl get ns --no-headers | awk '{if ($1 ~ "de") print $1}')
bash-4.2$ echo $array
default kube-node-lease
bash-4.2$ for n in $array; do echo $n; done

get each line of a command in an array bash raspbian

I'm trying to improve my scripting skills.
I know there's online converters that are doing it but i'd like to make a script that compare in a certain folder (/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/), if the .crt are already in the .pem format and if not convert them.
So i know this clearly isn't the best way to do so... But i've started like this:
#remove both files if they already exists
rm crt.txt
rm pem.txt
#certificate selection in .crt format
Certificate_crt=$(sudo ls /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/ | grep .crt | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/')
#certificate selection in .pem format
Certificate_pem=$(sudo ls /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/ | grep .pem | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/')
#sending results in text files
echo "$Certificate_crt" >> crt.txt
echo "$Certificate_pem" >> pem.txt
#recovery of certificate names in .crt not having a .pem equivalent
Certificate_crt_WO_pem=$(cat crt.txt | grep -v "$Certificate_pem" | tr " " "\n")
#echo "$Certificate_crt_WO_pem"
#Print the split string
for i in "${Certificate_crt_WO_pem[#]}"
name_certificate=$(echo $i | tr " " "\n")
echo "${name_certificate[#]}"
echo "$i"
The thing is that when my "for" is launched, it stores all the result of "Certificate_crt_WO_pem" in the array $name_certificate[0] and then stop it self.
What i want is to store, line by line, the result of "cat crt.txt | grep -v "$Certificate_pem" | tr " " "\n"" into the array name_certificate.
This array will be use to launch something like this " openssl -in $name_certificate[$i].crt -out $name_certificate[$i].pem PEM" (in a for loop in the will to convert every namefile.crt in every namefile.pem).
If someone can help me i'll be more than gratefull... (And yes i've already tried to search on the net, had followed some online courses but none of them was saying the same thing about the bash's arrays, so i'm a bit lost...)
What i want is to store, line by line, the result of
Then do that.
# ^^ - normal variable assignment
var=( $(something) )
# ^^ ^ - array assignment
# the unquoted result of expansions is split on IFS
# default on tabs, newlines and spaces
so I guess you want:
Certificate_crt_WO_pem=($(grep -v "$Certificate_pem" crt.txt))
Doing cat file | grep is a useless use of cat. Use grep .. file or < file grep ....
Remember do not parse ls output. Don't ls | something. Prefer globulation or find instead.
Read how to read a stream line by line in bashfaq. Read how to use arrays in bashfaq.
Note that grep parses a regex, so grep .pem matches any character followed by pem. I guess you wanted grep '\.pem'. I do not think grep -v "$Certificate_pem" does what you think it does - I guess you meant to use comm or join to filter elements from one newline separated separated that are present in the other list.
This array will be use to launch something like this " openssl -in $name_certificate[$i].crt -out $name_certificate[$i].pem PEM"
The best would be not do it, rather parse the data as they come, not store them in variables.
# get all .crt fiels
find /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -name '*.crt' |
# remove extension
sed 's/\.crt$//' |
# filter out files where .pem does exists already
while IFS= read -r file; do
if [[ -r "$file".pem ]]; then continue; fi
printf "%s\n" "$file"
done |
# execute openssl for the rest
xargs -d'\n' -i{} openssl -in {}.crt -out {}.pem PEM
but if you want, rather use mapfile to store a string with a newline separated list into an array (be sure to understand how to store variables in a pipeline).
mapfile -t Certificate_crt_WO_pem < <(something)

using command variable in column output not working

I'm using a script that uses curl to obtain specific array values from a configuration. I'd like to place the output into columns separating values (values are unknown to script). Here's my code:
# get overlay networks and their details
get_overlay=`curl -H "X-Person-Token: $auth_token" -H "X-Person-Email: $auth_email" -k "$api_host/api/v1/networks"`
# array of overlay names with uuid
overlay_name=`echo $get_overlay | jq '.[] | .name'`
overlay_uuid=`echo $get_overlay | jq '.[] | .uuid'`
echo ""
echo -e "Overlay UUID\n$oname $ouuid" | column -t
exit 0
Here's the ouput:
Overlay UUID
"ANOTHEROVERLAYTEST" "ea178905-6ab0-4154-ab05-412dc4b39151"
What I was expecting was:
Overlay UUID
"TESTOVERLAY" "ea178905-6ab0-4154-ab05-412dc4b39151"
"Auto_API_Overlay" "e5be9dbe-b0fc-4e30-aaf5-ac4bdcd863a7"
"ANOTHEROVERLAYTEST" "850ebf6b-3651-4cf1-aae1-5a6c03fad61b"
I'm an absolute beginner at this, any insight is very much appreciated.
I would suggest using paste to combine your two variables line by line:
paste <(printf 'Overlay\n%s\n' "$name") <(printf 'UUID\n%s\n' "$uuid") | column -t
Two process substitutions are used to pass the contents of each variable along with their titles.

Difference between two solr indexes

I have two solr indexes , Index A contains 100000 docs and B contains 110000 docs, A is subset of B, i have to perform operation where
A XOR B = result
and delete result.
Answer from here:
If there are only 100'000 documents dump all document ids and make diff. If you're using linux based system you can just use simple tools to do it. Something like that can be helpful
curl "<a href="http://your.hostA:port/solr/index/select?*:*&fl=id&wt=csv">http://your.hostA:port/solr/index/select?*:*&fl=id&wt=csv" > /tmp/idsA
curl "<a href="http://your.hostB:port/solr/index/select?*:*&fl=id&wt=csv">http://your.hostB:port/solr/index/select?*:*&fl=id&wt=csv" > /tmp/idsB
diff /tmp/idsA /tmp/idsB | grep "<\|>" | awk '{print $2;}' | sed
's/\(.*\)/<id>\1<\/id>/g' > /tmp/ids_to_delete.xml
Now you have file. Now you can just add to that file "<delete>" and
"</detele>" and upload that file into solr using curl
curl -X POST -d #/tmp/ids_to_delete.xml "<a href="http://your.hostA:port">http://your.hostA:port

Pass stdin into Unix host or dig command

Let's say I have a list of IPs coming into a log that I'm tailing:
I'd like to easily resolve them to host names. I'd like to be able to
tail -f access.log | host -
Which fails as host doesn't understand input from stdin in this way. What's the easiest way to do with without having to write a static file or fallback to perl/python/etc.?
Use xargs -l:
tail -f access.log | xargs -l host
You could also use the read builtin:
tail -f access.log | while read line; do host $line; done
In the commands below, replace cat with tail -f, etc. if needed.
Using host:
$ cat my_ips | xargs -i host {} domain name pointer domain name pointer
Using dig:
$ cat my_ips | xargs -i dig -x {} +short
Note that the -i option to xargs implies the -L 1 option.
To first get the IPs of one's host, see this answer.
In bash You can do:
stdout | (dig -f <(cat))
Example program:
cat <<EOF
) | (dig -f <(cat))
This way You only invoke 'dig' once.
