I have one question with Appliance IBM Guardium. I create Security Policy with Category (Audit, Access, Activity) and Rules include Log full details. Then I create Dashboard to show information about (Client Ip, DB Protocol, DB User name, Server IP, timestamp, SQL and Full SQL). It shows all rows, but Full SQL is empty.
The question is - where must I configure in the appliance to show the Full SQL parameter in Dashboard Report or it is something else?
Database: Informix 11.7.
Guardium: 11.4v
CentOS: 7v
You must create your report based on Full SQL entity.
If you created your report based on SQL entity, it won't display Full SQL values.
Hope it helps.
I am new to using using stored procedure and Azure storage account. I am exploring the following guide at:
and have created a credential in my database 'Security' > 'Credential' folder in SSMS.
Query that I ran in SSMS:
--using the url and the key
WITH IDENTITY= 'https://<account>.blob.core.windows.net/',
SECRET = '<storage account key -> which I enter my Access Key 1>';
After which I proceed to run the following stored procedure where I want to restore the backup from BLOB storage:
RESTORE DATABASE Database_Name FROM URL = 'https://<account>.blob.core.windows.net/Container/SampleDatabase.bak'
And I get this error:
Msg 41901, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
One or more of the options (credential) are not supported for this statement in SQL Database Managed Instance. Review the documentation for supported options.
However, from the guide which I input the link above, they were able to run the query:
I tried to google for the syntax of the RESTORE statement from the Microsoft Docs library and others who may have encountered similar issue but I did not find any effective result. I would appreciate your help if you have encountered something similar and would like to share your solution. Thank you!
From the error which you have shared, it is easy to interpret that you are using the SQL Database Managed Instance. But the link you have shared doesn't mention anywhere which SQL Server it is using. The approach mentioned in that link might not work in your case because of difference in SQL servers and statement compatibility.
Then, I tried the steps which are given in the Microsoft official document (link shared by #Nick.McDermaid in the comment section). It is working fine without any issue.
Please follow the steps below to achieve the requirement (applicable for SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Managed Instance only).
Use the GUI in SQL Server Management Studio to create the credential by following the steps below.
Connect with your SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later or Azure SQL Managed Instance
Right-click your database name, hover over Tasks and then select Back up to launch the Back Up Database wizard.
Select URL from the Back up to destination drop-down, and then select Add to launch the Select Backup Destination dialog box.
Select New container on the Select Backup Destination dialog box to launch the Connect to a Microsoft Subscription window.
Sign in to the Azure portal by selecting Sign In and then proceed through the sign-in process. Select your subscription from the drop-drown.
Select your storage account from the drop-down. Select the container you created already from the drop-down. Select Create Credential to generate your Shared Access Signature (SAS). Save this value as you'll need it for the restore.
I also tried to restore the database using the newly created credential and it is working fine.
To create the credential using T-SQL, please follow the steps provided in this link.
I am new to this forum and already searched for 45 minutes to find a solution for my problem. I hope you can help me.
A Gateway to a remote Microsoft SQL Database was installed on a Oracle Server (Oracle 12c). The tsnnames.ora file was appropiately set up.
For the connection, I created a database link (In the Oracle DB) as follows:
When I now execute the Select statement:
SELECT "name" FROM "sys"."databases"#TEL
it shows me the according databases. Among others, I can see the AB_Colors database.
Now, I want to select a view in the AB_Colors database.
Due to the fact I can connect to this database via Excel, I know that in the database AB_Colors, there are 10 Views(A,B,C,..). I would like to select the View C from the database AB_Colors via the DB LInk.
Owner of the View is b2b.
How do i need to formulate the select statement to do it?
I already tried different writings:
SELECT * FROM "AB_colors"."b2b"."C"#TEL;
SELECT * FROM [AB_Colors].[b2b].[C]#TEL;
The common error message is: View/Table does not exist
I highly appreciate your help,
This is the correct format
SELECT * FROM "b2b"."C"#TEL;
The issue maybe because the database you want to select from is not the one specified in the gateway for dg1msql. You can't add the database name to the query so you must specify it in the gateway connection.
This is defined in
where you should check HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO
I am want to make the following statement:
INSERT INTO [Server_1\Instance_1].[Database].[dse].Table1
SELECT * FROM [Server_2\Instance_2].[Database].[dse].[**Table1**]
The point is the tables are on the different servers. I tried with the statement above. However, when I am on server_1 and when I run the following statement in order to retrieve the data from server 2:
SELECT * FROM [Server_2\Instance_2].[Database].[dse].[**Table1**]
... I get zero rows.
But when I run the statement above on the Server_2, I get a set of rows.
How can I transfer data from production to development server/environments?
I am using MS Management Studio.
The error message I am getting when I run the select statement in order to retrieve the data from another (production) server:
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "Prod_Server\Instance" does not contain the table ""Database"."dse"."BoxIteration"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
Select statement is:
SELECT * FROM [Prod_Server\Instance].[Database].[dse].[BoxIteration]
Two things to take into account:
add the source server as a linked server in the destination server
verify that the credentials specified while creating the linked server have access to the data in the source server
I have a localized version of SQL Server, so the transalation may not match what you will see in your screen: open Object Explorer window in SSMS, connect to the destination server, open the tree and look for Server Objects, Linked Servers. Right click on the source linked server, and see the properties. Open the Security pane, and see which credentials are used to connect to the linked server.
Once you do so, you have to check the permissions of that credentials on the source server to verify that it can acccess the table in question.
If you don't understand, or can't do some of the steps (for lack of permissions), get help form your DBA: he will understand and solve the problem at once.
If u have access(Having credentials) to both prod and dev Db servers you can use "Import and Export Data"
1.Go to start and open "Import and Export Data"
Wizard will open give source server name, credentials and Database(For your case Prod)
Then give destination server name, credentials and Database(Dev)
Select the table , if there any identity column -->"Edit Mapping" and Enable identity insert.
Then give next--> it will start copying.
Is there a way/method/tool to monitor or to know what application or service is inserting records into a table in ms sql?
If you installed it as part of your SQL Client Tools installation, you can use the SQL Server Profiler tool to perform a trace of the activity taking place on a specific instance of SQL server. This includes capturing the actual sql batches which are inserting the data into your database.
When you setup the trace, select the SQL:BatchStarting(under the TSQL events) and RPC:Starting (under the Store Procedures) events. For each event select the following fields to be included in the trace:
textdata - Will contain the actual query being executed. Look in here for your insert queries.
application name - Will contain the name of the application on the client if the client is configured with an application name
ClientProcessID - Will contain the process ID of the client application calling SQL Server
HostName - Will contain the name of the computer on which the client is running
LoginName - Will contain the login of the user (either the SQL Server or WIndows login)
You can add a filter on either the DatabaseID or DatabaseName fields so the trace only returns events from the database you are interested in tracking down the inserts on.
Additionally, if have an idea about how the insert is being made (for instance a specific storee procedured being called to execute the insert) you can define a filter on the textdata field in the format of %stored_procedure_name% % symbols are wildcards and the text between them represents a porition of the query which is inserting the data.
If you install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, the "Activity Monitor" will apparently show you the process name of a given connection (and, e.g., what the last executed statement was).
I'm using SSEUtil to automatically create a functional test database from the schema derived from my development database (SQL Server 2008 R2) as part of my build process. This allows me to keep the two databases in-sync (schema-wise) without running SQL repository tests against my development database.
I recently added a full text index to a table for the first time for this project in my development schema and now when I attempt to apply the schema to a newly created unit test database I get the following error when it executes the SQL to create the full text catalog:
Cannot use full-text search in user instance.
[SqlException Number 9982, Class 16, State 100, Line 1]
I've searched high and low. The only help I found was on another site where someone suggested "attaching to the parent database." I have no idea what that means. And I have no idea what this error means. What is a "user instance"?
Can anyone suggest a way around this? Is there a better way to keep two database schemas in-sync for continuous integration?
User must have CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG permission on the database, or be a member of the db_owner, or db_ddladmin fixed database roles.
you won’t be able to use full text catalogues if the SQL instance does not have it installed. Make sure the SQL server instance has the full text service running.
Here are two ways of testing whether this feature installed or not. This feature is available for all editions of SQL Server 2005 and 2008 (including SQL Express)
Check the services applet (run -> type 'services.msc') for this entry :
SQL Server FullText Search Or SQL Server FullText Search (SQLEXPRESS) (in case of SQL Express). Start this service of not running
Run the query "select fulltextserviceproperty('isfulltextinstalled')" in the Query analyzer. if the result is '1' then it is installed else not.
In the case of unavailability of this feature, you need to install by downloading the "SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE" from http://www.microsoft.com/express/sql/download/default.aspx
Reference taken from here
This is not really an answer to the question, but I came upon a similar issue with visual studio package manager when updating an entity framework code-first database (command update-database).
The problem was that I selected the wrong start-up project, and therefore visual studio was not using my connection string at all. It was connecting to a localdb instance, hence the cryptic error message "cannot use full text search in user instance". Once I made it connect to the actual database, it worked as expected.
I also came across this user instance issue. I have to admit that I only have basic knowledge of SSMS. Apparently I'm logged as the public user. How can I be a member of db_owner? I try to generate and script everything without using the GUI.
For example, if I execute this
EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa';
I still get the Cannot use full-text search in user instance error with
USE [dbname]