How to stop automatically defaults user email address into cc address - salesforce

From last week, few of users in my org are facing an issue related to salesforce emails. When a user sends an correspondence on a case, at that time that user outlook email address is automatically defaults to cc'ing.
How I can stop automatically defaults user outlook email address into cc address ?
Thanks in advance!
Followed the following steps: Go to the Case object under Object Manager and then go to the Button/Actions, Search for the Email Action there and then remove CC from the predefined list of values
This problem occurring on random new users which gets on-board.
I followed steps mentioned by you and we have only To Recipients as predefined as seen in attached screenshot.


How to write a complex reference to objects in email templates for Salesforce

I need to create a reference in an email template. for that I need to reffer a standard Contact objecect. For that I have a Custom Object Email Info, that has a lokup to standard Accounts.
So in the email I have to have value of the custom field Email_info__c from the custom object Email_info__c(the object and it's field have the same API names) while entering the Contact.
In the end both Contacts and my custom object have the lookups to Account, but not to each other, and there is no lookup from Acount, for now.
My first guess was to refer to the first child object Email info in the header of the VF template
and then refer to it in the body as
but then I would need a lookup from Accounts to Email Info to be able to refer deeper
but, I don't think that it'll work that way or that it meets the needed criteria. Can someone share if there is an option at all to get the Email Info to Contacts through Accounts without creating a lookup on Accounts?
The task is to have a middle referred object, not a direct lookup:
It depends a bit how you are going to use this email template. What will the send be triggered from. Account? Contact? Email Info record? Will it be fired from a workflow or user will be instructed to navigate to account record and start composing the message?
If your relatedTo is really Email_Info__c then you don't have to do anything, you have all the data hidden in {!relatedTo.Id}, {!relatedTo.Name}, {!relatedTo.Email_Info__c} (you said the field name is same as object's name)
If your email starts from "Account" and you can guarantee accounts will have 1 email info record on related list - something like this might work:
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="hi stack" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Account">
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
{!relatedTo.Opportunities[0].Id} {!relatedTo.Opportunities[0].Name} {!relatedTo.Opportunities[0].StageName} {!relatedTo.Opportunities[0].CloseDate}
from Account (relatedTo) I'm going down to the related list of Opportunities, I'm picking 1st one (at random... but if you have just 1 record it'll be fine) and display whatever I want.
If your relatedTo and recipient both have to be Contact it starts to get bit messier, normal visualforce syntax will not allow you to go "up" (from Contact to Account) and then "down" (from Account to related list of email infos)
You'd need to start with something like and then figure out how to pass the Id of account to it and run a query for email infos related to this account. might be a good start, poke me if you're stuck.

Different views for different users in reactJS

I am having a problem in ReactJS. I want to create a text editor ( with ReactQuill). So, I want different accounts for each user, such that, if one person creates a note and edits it in his account, the other person should not see this.for example this is my current stage - After you create your account and login you would see a note called first note because that's the note I created. What should I do so that when you login you see no notes because you have not created a note, but when I login, I should see the note I had already created. How would I do this ??
You need to add a scope to notes endpoint so that user could only GET notes, which they have created.
You need to add query parameters in the API you are fetching. For example, if you are fetching data via a GET request, add in some specific user id that you assign to your user upon validation and then fetch data of a particular user using that id as a query parameter on your API.

XPath error - Trying to get user by name from the database

I'm working on a list of tasks. Users can request to be assigned to a task, and Admin can approve or reject this request.
I almost have it done, but have a problem with the XPath statement in the last 3rd step.
Implementation step-by-step:
I created the tasks entity and associated it with the Administration.Account entity, this way I can assign users to tasks using reference selector.
In each list item, there is a "request assignment" button, when User clicks on it, a microflow takes the name of the current user and saves it to the "requester" string parameter of this item.
When Admin approves a request, a microflow should find the user with the same username as the one stored in the requestor parameter, and associate this list item with this user.
I have a problem with the last 3rd step. As you can see on the screenshot below, I created a microflow and I use Retrieve action to get the user from the database of all registered users. I use this XPath expression, which should help me get only one user, whose name is the same as the name stored in the "requestor" string parameter of the tasks entity:
[Name = $Tasks.Requester]
But I'm getting an error, and don't understand how to fix it.
Rumata, the right way to access the parameter's/object's attributes is using '/' symbol instead of '.' symbol. When you type / as shown below you will be shown all the attributes if 'Tasks' instead of Administration.Account entity.
[Name = $Tasks/Requester]
The '.' symbol is used only when trying to access an enumeration's value in a if statement or exclusive split.
Example: variable1 = module.enumname.value

Apex Code to send Email Alert to record type

How to write apex code for leads - would like to trigger an email template to a particular record type user.
When the custom field input box has been filled with the correct contact name (who the lead should be forwarded to) this should trigger an email to be sent to that user. With some lead field information.
These users do not have a Salesforce license currently. Help Pls

How can I 'expire' a change password unique code in a database record?

I want to implement a forgot password function in my java web application. I want to implement it like this:
User enters their account email address and presses 'forgot password' button
App generates a unique code of characters and numbers and sends a link with that as a parameter to the user's email address
User clicks the link and they are presented with a form where they can enter their new password
What I want to do is ensure that the link (i.e. the unique code) 'expires' an hour after the user presses the forgot password button so that if an attacker gains access to their email account this link won't work unless they gain access in that first hour.
I don't know how to make the database 'expire' or clear the code for the user's account record. How could I implement this?
Add a ValidUntil column to the table containing the code and check against that before letting the user change the password.
You store the date in the database that the unique code was generated. When the user clicks on the link, if it is more than the allowed time since the unique code was generated, you do not let them change the password.
