Atom packages trouble - package

I was trying to browse for https// but however i cannot get into the website. Moreover while i am trying to download packages from atom it shows "Searching for 'packageName' failed" . Can anyone tell me if the server is down or in maintenance . Off course there might be problem from my location . At this moment i cannot figure it out. Please let me know what i should do now.
Package install trouble


How can I enable my C extension on VScode

I’ve downloaded .C file in my VSCode and I’ve installed it but it refused open
I was expecting it to open but it to run but it’s showing platform package installation failed every time I install it and try to run a program
i also faced the same problem however taking help from a video tutorial while installing the packages helped me out. please refer to the link given below
do not forget to first delete all the packages that u have installed on your own as it might cause problem while following the instructions of the video

my react project wont start back up using local host?

I am trying to update my react portfolio but to do that i have to be able to work on it. I have it up on heroku working and online. I pulled it up on my code editor and I do npm start and it compiles successfully but it wont go onto my localhost. Im wondering if anybody has an idea of why it wont come up. thanks a bunch
i think you can put your project in github and uplaod it to heroku through your repository and then you can change you code , run it in localhost and changes will automatically get applied to your protfolio online

Native Base Linking Issue

I have been trying to use provided library for React Native. However the command native-react link does not work regardless of what we do. It shows the error as mentioned below.
Now i found from somewhere that the upgrade needs to happen and than running again should solve this but after even doing that its did not.
Appreciate all of your assistance.
Cannot read property 'pbxprojPath' of null
I got this filled by following the following command
sudo sudo npm install
Once this is done, i just go on and run my command to open the emulator. Hope this helps to the people having the same issue.

How do i install Slick-carousel in Atom

i've never used packages before and to be frank i really have no idea how they work, i found this package that i wanted to install. Now i got a zip-file and i don't know what to do with it. Tried unzipping it into the atom packages folder but it gives me an error "Cannot find module 'Jquery'. The github page says alot of stuff but i really don't know what it means.
Some help would be great, feels like this should be far easier than i believe it is.

How to run a angularjs project in eclipse?

I am using angularjs-eclipse tool of eclipse to use angularjs with eclipse .I have import the project and convert into angularjs project .
But now problem is that how to run this with a HTTP server ? Can someone please tell me what all the steps to run this project from eclipse ?
I tried to google/stackoverflow etc. to find the solution but i am not able to get a proper or working solution for this.
When i will select project->RightClicked i am not getting Run On Server option Please check below is the project structure
