How to import locally images in a React-project - reactjs

I have a following problem:
I'm trying to upload local images to my react project.
I use the "Create React App".
I'm not quite clear in which folder I should place the images: in the public or in the src folder?
There are different opinions in the forum.
In this project I have the photos in the public folder and just upload them with their name (img.png). On GitHub it seems to work,
but if I want to load it locally via the browser (npm start) then the photos are not displayed.
Tried all the methods described in the forum (../ or ../../ or import img from'' etc) but nothing helped.
I want the images to load in the local browser.


How to access files uploaded to the public folder in Next.js?

I have a project in Next.js. I have that upload files and share that in public URL to this project.
With npm run dev first I uploaded files to public folder and it worked fine, but when I change to npm run start and upload files, the files upload to public folder but with URL http://mydomain/fileuploaded.jpg it did not show, is rare but it's there.
I searched on the Internet but I didn't find a solution for this problem.
From Next.js documentation:
Only assets that are in the public directory at build time will be served by Next.js. Files added at runtime won't be available.
You'll have to persist the uploaded files somewhere else if you want to have access to them in the app at run time.
Alternatively, you could setup your own custom server in Next.js, which would give you more control to serve static files/assets.
You can also achieve something similar using API routes instead. See Next.js serving static files that are not included in the build or source code for details.
a bit late but if someone need the same.
If your goal is to upload and get picture from your next server, you can instead of using the Next router, getting the image by yourself by create a route /api/images/[id] where [id] is your file name and you manually with fs send the picture back.
something like:
const file = await fs.readFile(`./uploads/image.png`)
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')
Try and use nginx or another webserver to serve the public directory. That way it will serve newly added files without having to write extra code to serve files in nextjs.
server {
/images/ {
root /var/www/site/public

How to embed existing react app to WordPress

I'm trying to embed an existing react app to my WordPress site using the plugin ReactPress. I created a react app inside the plugin section:
and added my build folder of the existing react app inside the path where is needed (using file administrator plugin):
The Path is wp-content/plugins/reactpress/apps/dase-mural-design. The problem is when I click on the URL Slug in order to see this section (where the build folder is placed) I don't see the react app I've just uploaded, I just see header and footer and these errors:
What I'm doing wrong? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.
I used FileZilla to upload these files but is still not showing anything. Any idea?
I changed the package.json homepage to: "homepage": "/wp-content/plugins/reactpress/apps/dase-mural-design/build",
But in the console of the WordPress site I see:
It's an encoding issue, try setting your site encoding to utf-8 or uploading the files of your react app with a different tool, it could be the file manager plugin is changing the encoding when uploading.

Create React App - routing change images path

I'm creating a simply lightbox with create-react-app and I found one big issue that is bringing me some problems. I have in public folder some images. In root public folder I have spinner file Spinner-white.svg and I'm creating gallery on page localhost:3000/other When I am on this page all images that I want to add must be in folder /other but I'm using this Spinner somewhere else and I don't want to copy it on every folder that match my route path. localhost:3000/other2 for this path I need to create other folder /other2 and paste Spinner here.
I fixed this issue on production version but I cannot find answer in development.
Fixing for production:
id: 1,
url: process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/other/3.jpg'
and in client package.json
"homepage": "path_to_domain",
Screen of my network tab:
Hope you are doing well.
For your issue, you have to introduce the base path in .env file.
With help of base path, your case to access the spinner wherever you want.
Hope it will help you.
create-react-app build with PUBLIC_URL

react-create-app prod html from public folder not found for an iframe

I have a create-react-app that needs to embed an html file (along with its own JS and other files) into an iframe on one of the components. I've searched the Facebook react docs on public folder (which says it should work), various other stack overflow questions to no avail.
I added the folder ixoearth containing the external files into public folder. Folder structure
When I access it in dev mode (localhost:3000), or in prod mode from the network IP it works (eg. ). but as soon as I attempt localhost production mode it doesn't find any of the files in the public folder.
Here's my iframe URL:
iframe src
When using create-react-app you need to use a special PUBLIC_URL variable like is mentioned in the docs. This will generate the right path during the build phase so that it works in production.

Offline static content in React app

I have a react app created with create-react-app. I would like to add an image not part of the react app to the offline manifest. The image is just referenced from index.html. I don't understand how I can include this in the offline manifest.
The react app is ejected.
Put the image in the public folder just as in a regular website and refer to that image. Everything in the src folder is put in a big js file after building so you cant use that
