model-viewer repetitions doesn't work on mobile during AR session - model-viewer

Whe using google model-viewer animation repetitions count is ignored on phone during AR session. However its works on desktop chrome when using webxr emulator{ repetitions: 1 });


Switch webdriverIO between Desktop Browser and Mobile App

I want automate a scenario which starts with Desktop chrome after performing certain action need to switch to Mobile app and validate the data in the Mobile App.
Currently Im using separate scenario to perform these test. Is it possible to load 2 driver in single session and switch at runtime ?
Using Webdriverio Typescript with Cucumber and Appium plugin for Mobile Automation

OT.Publisher.onStreamAvailableError OT_MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED

i am working on opentok with nodejs.
i use tokbox for one-to-one videochats between users. It works properly in chrome, but not working in firefox.
it give me error
OT.Publisher.onStreamAvailableError OT_MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED: The selected
voice or video devices are unavailable. Verify that the chosen devices
are not in use by another application. (getUserMedia error:
Firefox can not open the same camera in different tabs. You'll need a second camera or set media.navigator.streams.fake to true in about:config which enables fake devices.

Open instagram ad link in default mobile browser

We are creating Instagram ad for the product (from ads manager panel) . It contains the link to the webpage , where one of the steps is that you need to upload the picture.
Problem here is that ad is opened in some kind of "instagram" browser, not in like chrome or safari. And when user tries to upload the image, the process crashes.
Is it possible to force open this ad in default browser?
About thirty seconds after I initiated the bounty, I found the solution. So simple it was difficult...
Instead of, e.g.: -- simply replace with
When opened on desktop, Chrome (tested) quickly resolves back to "www." - the phone opens the link in a browser properly (tested on Nexus 5X, Samsung Something).

FB.init (of Facebook web app) doesn't seem to get called when running on mobile

I have a Facebook web app that runs on canvas. The canvas URL is configured as (example). This URL has an FB.init that helps me identify and login the user by getting his name and FB user id. This app runs fine on a PC or a laptop.
This page is very simple with some JavaScript but with routine HTML tags like <p>, <input>.
I configured the same URL as Mobile Site URL under Mobile Web. Since then I can now see the link for this app on my mobile device (an Android phone). But when I click on the link, the first page of the app opens in my mobile browser but it seems that FB.init can't run there. I can't get the user id and use name.
What is the reason and what is the solution, i.e., how to make the same app run on users' mobile phones?

Can we develope User Script in Opera Mobile using Opera Widget?

Is it possible to develop an addon/plugin in opera mobile like greasemonkey which will load users script when a web page is loaded every time?
Check if you can go to opera:config#User%20JavaScript in your Opera Mobile. If this address works and the setting exists, you have User JavaScript support and should be able to write any scripts you want by pointing the "User JavaScript File" setting to a suitable file or folder on your phone's file system.
(If the setting isn't there I'm afraid you're out of luck - for now - I have no idea what versions of Opera Mobile support User JS..)
