Why does the Discord JavaScript library gives me this error? - discord.js

So i'm getting an error like this.
Error [DISALLOWED_INTENTS]: Privileged intent provided is not enabled or whitelisted.
at WebSocketManager.createShards (/home/runner/Discord-500-Commands-Bot-1/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/websocket/WebSocketManager.js:245:15)
at async Client.login (/home/runner/Discord-500-Commands-Bot-1/node_modules/discord.js/src/client/Client.js:254:7)
Can you help?
Windows 20
I tried to upgrade from version 9 to version 15 but it wouldnt work

The error explains it all!
Head over to Discord Developer Portal and select your application.
Click on Bot and scroll down to Privileged Gateway Intents
Enable the required ones and you're good to go!
Read more about these intents here


Not managing to transfer my code onto a different bot

So I have my bot which I now transferred onto a Heroku server, with this I made a new bot which I named ex Test Bot, but for some reason when I went into my config.json with the code
Now when I change the following to my test bots ID which I will run from my PC, it gives me this wierd error
I really have no clue searched online couldnt fined anthing, I hope one of you guys could help. Thanks!
You're probably using an intent that you don't have permission to use or isn't enabled.
You'll have to go to Discord Developer Portal, choose your application, go to the Bot section, and enable all the intents. (Or the ones you are using.)
Note that once your bot reaches 100 or more servers, this will require verification and whitelisting.
Bot Verification and Data Whitelisting

Enable intents for discord.py bot

Im making a discord bot, and every time it joins a new server, the bot sends me the server info and an invite. However, when I've tested this, it always shows one member which is itself. I have both presence and members intents enabled in the discord developer portal, but it still isn't working.
I then changed some code to Guild.fetch_members() to which I received the error:
Command raised an exception:
Intents.members must be enabled to use this.
As I said before, on the discord developers website member intents are enabled and I have had this code before without this issue.
When I had this code working before, it was using 1.5.x (I cant remember exactly) and now its using 1.6.0, so something in the new update may prevent this from working, but this is unusual to me, so how can I resolve this issue?
intents were introduced in 1.5.0 so I don't think they were working before, but answering your question
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(..., intents=intents)
Also remember to enable privileged member intents in the developer portal
How to enable privigeled intents

Trying to implement in-app voice call from browser

I have cloned the click-to-call repository and followed the steps as mentioned. I am able to login with said created user but then get stuck at /rtc API.I got some error in network panel. and "General SSL engine problem in console which is not correct. SSL certificates are all correct." Let me know where i went wrong. Please check the screenshot below :
I have had a talk with nexmo team, they said it is the ssl issue.
Now I am unable to find where to import the certificate to my app?
I am the JavaScript Developer Advocate at Vonage (Nexmo).
You also filed an issue at https://github.com/nexmo-community/client-sdk-click-to-call correct? Thanks for that. I will also post my response here.
From your issue, it looks as if the Conversation Id is not being sent.
We recently merged some changes to the repo.
In your .env file, do you have SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER? That should be NEXMO_NUMBER.
Also, when calling the server, previously the code in the client.js around line 34 was application.callServer(); it is now application.callServer(application.me.name);
Let me know if this works for you.
Check with Nexmo - either you are out of balance or your account has been been marked inactive for some reason. Most of the time its because of insufficient balance.

Registering your app in Teams is failing with error "You don't have permissions to add Hello World to this team."

I am following Get started on the Microsoft Teams platform with Node.js and App Studio
to add app in MSTeams. All the steps worked as per the documentation, however the last step "Register your app in Teams" failed during installing of the application. Below is the image attached
I also tried to upload the custom application , but it also throws error that something went wrong.
Below are the images:
Here are the permissions, I have enabled them all to test, still the issue remains the same
Can someone please suggest to fix this issue?
You need to make sure that you have the correct permissions to side-load custom apps into Teams, and this can be controlled at the Org (i.e. Tenant) level, the Team level, and the individual level. Have a look here for more.

sls alexa auth returns 400 Bad Request

I have recently started working on alexa serverless. I have followed the steps as mentioned in a serverless blog https://serverless.com/blog/how-to-manage-your-alexa-skills-with-serverless/
I have installed the serverless and created security profile and updated the Web settings with allowed return url i.e, https
After this I ran the command sls alexa auth. From here I am getting error like this
I am unable to find whats happening behind the screens. whats with code. Required environment variables are set.Can somebody help me
Go to Amazon Developer Portal. Choose Login With Amazon > Security Profiles > Edit > Web Settings.
Make sure you have the Allowed URL field filled in with your IP.
I had a similar issue. I updated my Allowed Origin and Allowed Return URLS to the following and it worked. Here is a screenshot.
