Does Flink RocksDB statebackend help restoring state? - apache-flink

I'm considering using RocksDB as a statebackend of flink job which has state size up to 1TB.
My environment
checkpoint dir: hdfs
flink job submit: yarn-per-job (per-job mode on yarn cluster)
If the job fails and retry attempts exceed maximum retry count and the job completely dies (or canceling the job), I think the checkpoint and the rocksdb file will be deleted(because I'm deploying job as per-job-mode and the task manager would also terminate).
Here, I think I lose all state and have no way to restore the state but I expect using RocksDB would help something to restore the state because it is a disk based statebackend. If not, what is the advantage of using RocksDB statebackend?
Would retaining the checkpoint on cancellation and restart the job from the checkpoint(or savepoint) help in this case?
Thank you

I would recommend to check out for an overview of steps to consider before putting a Flink application in production. Choosing the right state backend is one of them.
What is important for state recovery is that you enable the snapshotting mechanism. That can be either checkpoints or savepoints, which you use with the configured state backend (like RocksDB). When configured properly, your state will be snapshotted to a durable storage, so you can recover from it in case of failures. RocksDB is commonly used for large state sizes, which can't fit into memory anymore.


When does the Flink flush the data into disk using Rocksdb?

I am using state for processing the data using Flink.
I used the rocksDB because the data size to be stored is relatively large compared to the memory size.
I set up the rocksdb configuration and running my flink app during several hours.
I expected that the job runs normally without any errors, but I found the job manager did not take the heartbeat from the task manager.
When I monitored the memory metrics, the off-heap in task manager is growing and the job is died.
I know that rocksdb is best choice for storing large objects in stream processing, but in my case it was not achieved.
For these reasons, I would like to know that the precise time when the flink flush the data into disk level in rocks db. And also, I would appreciate it if you could give any guidance for configuration setup for rocksDb.
For my case, I configured the below setups regarding rocksdb and others are default value.
state.backend: rocksdb
state.backend.incremental: true
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.fixed-per-slot: 924m
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.managed: false
state.checkpoints.dir: s3://nxflow-bucket/checkpoints
state.checkpoints.num-retained: 1
state.savepoints.dir: s3://nxflow-bucket/savepoints
And you can see that the off heap memory is growing as shown in a figure below.
Is there any setup for flushing time for disk level in rocksdb?
And also, my job is really using the disk for statebackend? If true, why my job is died?

Apache Flink Checkpoining (Manually put a value into RocksDB Checkpoint and retrieve during recovery or Restart)

We have a scenario where we have to persist/save some value into the checkpoint and retrieve it back during failure recovery/application restart.
We followed a few things like ValueState, ValueStateDescriptor still not working.
We can't externalize it to a DB as it may cause some performance issues.
Any lead to this will be helpful using checkpoint. How to put and get back from a Checkpoint?
All of your managed application state is automatically written into Flink checkpoints (and savepoints). This includes
keyed state (ValueState, ListState, MapState, etc)
operator state (ListState, BroadcastState, etc)
This state is automatically restored during recovery, and can optionally be restored during manual restarts.
The Flink Operations Playground shows how to work with checkpoints and savepoints, and lets you observe their behavior during failure/recovery and restarts/rescaling.
If you want to read from a checkpoint yourself, that's what the State Processor API is for. Here's an example.

Which Flink deleteMode to use in production?

Currently we're using the Savepoint deleteMode, which writes a savepoint on shutdown. Unfortunately sometimes Flink crash loops, i.e. when restarting it isn't able to write the savepoint so it repeatedly tries to restart. In this case we manually change the deleteMode to None and restart the application. Are savepoints recommended, or are checkpoints sufficient for Flink to self-recover? I don't think we've ever manually recovered from a savepoint.
If you arrange for the checkpoints to be retained, as in
CheckpointConfig config = env.getCheckpointConfig();
then you can rely on them for restarts and rescaling. But for re-deployments that require state migration or a topology change, or if you are doing a Flink version upgrade, then savepoints are recommended.
The operational capabilities and guarantees of both checkpoints and savepoints are covered in more detail in the Flink documentation.

Flink - Lazy start with operators working during savepoint startup

I am using Apache Flink with RocksDBStateBackend and going through some trouble when the job is restarted using a savepoint.
Apparently, it takes some time for the state to be ready again, but even though the state isn't ready yet, DataStreams from Kafka seems to be moving data around, which causes some invalid misses as the state isn't ready yet for my KeyedProcessFunction.
Is it the expected behavior? I couldn't find anything in the documentation, and apparently, no related configuration.
The ideal for us would be to have the state fully ready to be queried before any data is moved.
For example, this shows that during a deployment, the estimate_num_keys metric was slowly increasing.
However, if we look at an application counter from an operator, they were working during that "warm-up phase".
I found some discussion here Apache flink: Lazy load from save point for RocksDB backend where it was suggested to use Externalized Checkpoints.
I will look into it, but currently, our state isn't too big (~150 GB), so I am not sure if that is the only path to try.
Starting a Flink job that uses RocksDB from a savepoint is an expensive operation, as all of the state must first be loaded from the savepoint into new RocksDB instances. On the other hand, if you use a retained, incremental checkpoint, then the SST files in that checkpoint can be used directly by RocksDB, leading to must faster start-up times.
But, while it's normal for starting from a savepoint to be expensive, this shouldn't lead to any errors or dropped data.

Difference between savepoint and checkpoint in Flink

I know there are similar questions on the stackoverflow,but after investigating several of them, I know
savepoint is triggered manually, while checkpoint is triggered
They are using different storage format
But these are not the confusing points,I have no idea when to use one or when to use the other.
Consider the following two scenarios:
If I need to shutdown or restart the whole application for some reason(eg bug fix or crash unexpected) , then I will have to use savepoint to restore the whole application?
I thought that checkpoint is only used internally in Flink for fault tolerance when application is running, that is, the application itself is running, but tasks or other things may fail, that is, Flink will use checkpoint for state recovery?
There is also externalized checkpoint, I think it is the same with savepoint in functionality, that is, externalized checkpoint can also be used to recover from a restarted application?
Does Flink use checkpoint for state recovery?
Basically you're right. As you said, the checkpoint is usually used internally in Flink for fault tolerance and it's more like a concept inside the framework. When your application fails, the program will try to restart from the latest checkpoint. That's how checkpoint works in Flink, without any mannual interfering.
Should I use savepoint to restore the whole application for bug fix?
Yes. In these cases, you don't want to restore from the checkpoint because maybe the latest checkpoint occurs several minutes ago. Instead, you'd like to snapshot the current the state of the whole application and restart it from the latest savepoint, which may be the quickest way to restore the application without too much delay.
Externalized checkpoint.
It's still the checkpoint, but will be persisted externally based on your configurations. It can be used to restore the application, but the states are not so real time because there exists an interval between checkpoints.
For more information, take a look at this blog artical:
