AAD connect provisioning credentials - azure-active-directory

How can I find the credentials for this?
Please see image below.

I Tried to reproduce the same in my environment to connect using GMSA
First install ACTIVE DIRECTORY DOMAIN SERVICES and create service account for windows server using the below powershell.
Before executing the powershell script, kindly create one Security name GMSA-Test
PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword is Security Group Name
Import-module ActiveDirectory
Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))
New-ADServiceAccount <youraccountname> -DNSHostName ITFarm1.contoso.com -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword <GMSA-Test> -KerberosEncryptionType RC4, AES128, AES256 -ServicePrincipalNames http/ITFarm1.contoso.com/contoso.com, http/ITFarm1.contoso.com/contoso, http/ITFarm1/contoso.com, http/ITFarm1/contoso
get-ADServiceAccount GMSAtest
Install ADServiceAccount using powershellon AAD Connect Server
Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity <youraccountname>
successfully created service account after ran the powershell commands.
Configure AAD connect with your Service Account.
Service Account Name: your domain\GMSAtest$
Password: PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword
Reference: Using Azure AD Connect with a gMSA - The things that are better left unspoken (dirteam.com)


connect to azure Synapse via AAD authentication in Tableau

We are trying to connect to Synapse from Tableau via AAD authentication, but getting the following error (screenshot) despite I am the AAD owner and I have the owner permission in database. Is there any configuration we need to do in AAD etc?. any pointers would be really helpful.
Enter the correct details as below:
You can get server name from properties od synapse workspace as below just copy and paste them in a connection window:
make sure your AAD admin set on your workspace:
connected successfully

AAD Connect provisioning agent configuration doesn't accept global administrator credentials

I've installed the latest version of MS AAD Connect Provisioning Agent (1.1.997.0), however the authentication step fails with the error "Please provide the Azure AD credentials of a global administrator or a hybrid administrator." I've tried both types (a gAdmin account as well as a hybrid identity admin) with no success. Is there a known issue?
I just followed the instructions as documented by MS.
downloaded and installed the latest version of the agent from AAD Connect cloud sync provisioning blade.
Once the agent installs the AAD authentication wizard launches but no matter which creds I use (global or hybrid admin), the error persists.
Instructions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/cloud-sync/tutorial-pilot-aadc-aadccp
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below error with Non-Admin Account credentials
Steps to Create AAD Connect Configuration:
1)Download the AAD Connect tool here and install.
2)Select Customize -> Choose any sign in method (For testing I selected password hash synchronization) -> Next
3)Make sure to enter Global admin credentials to sync to Azure AD.
4)Enter your On-Prem DC Admin credentials to verify the DC access, you will get below screen once you validate both Azure AD Global and DC Admin Credentials.
5)Complete next steps and finish the installation.
6)Verify Sync after completing the AAD installation.
7)Open Synchronization Service Manager and check sync Status.
8)Also check the status in Azure Portal
To disable IE Enhanced Security, you can follow below steps:
Go to Server Manager -> Local Servers -> IE Enhanced Security Configuration -> Select Off

Configure SQL Server with Azure Active Directory Service Principal authentication for Keycloak

I have an SQL Server database hosted on azure. It can access using the Azure Active Directory Service Principal. I'm trying to deploy keycloak (16.1.0) on AKS and configure the database mentioned earlier. I have an application that can connect to that SQL Server using the Azure Active Directory Service Principal. But using keycloak, it has no luck.
I have used JDBC_PARAMS="authentication=ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal" to configure database properties in keycloak.
Deploying keycloak on AKS
Please Follow this doc:
Connect to that SQL Server using the Azure Active Directory Service Principal
Active Directory Service Principal authentication mode, the client application can connect to Azure SQL data sources by providing the client ID and secret of a service principal identity. Service principal authentication involves:
Setting up an app registration with a secret.
Granting permissions to the app in the Azure SQL Database instance.
Connecting with the correct credential.
Grant access to Azure SQL Database
We need to give your application access to the Azure SQL Database service. This is done through the API Permissions.
Reference 1
Add client authentication
In order to authenticate Active Directory representation of it, switch over to Certificates and create a New client secret.
The following example shows how to use Active Directory Service Principal authentication
Reference 2
The following example shows how to use Active Directory Service Principal authentication.
// Use your own server, database, app ID, and secret.
string ConnectionString = #"Server=demo.database.windows.net; Authentication=Active Directory Service Principal; Database=testdb; User Id=App Id; Password=secret";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) {
Refer this link .

Azure Function Managed Identity to Azure Sql - Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'

I have a C# dotnet core 3.1 Azure Function App (named func-utrngen-dev-001) that I'd like to configure to authenticate to a Sql Azure database via managed identity.
Steps Taken:
Created the AAD admin for sql server account
Used that account to open a connection to the sql server
Ran the following to created a "contained user" of the same name as the azure function app
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [func-utrngen-dev-001]
ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER [func-utrngen-dev-001]
Ensured that "Allow Azure services and resources to access this server" is set to "Yes" from the Azure Portal under the Sql Server\Security\Firewalls and virtual networks blas
Ensured that System assigned\Status is set to "On" on the function app's Identity blade
When the function app attempts to authenticate, I get the following error:
Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'
So I installed Microsoft's "MSI Validator" tool and ran through the steps described here.
I ran the following from the Powershell window of a Kudu session:
./msi-validator.exe test-connection -r sql -e "Data Source=sql-utrngen-dev-001.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=utrngen;"
It successfully obtained a token but then failed with the same error as my function app:
Unable to connect to SQL. Exception : Login failed for user
'<token-identified principal>'
I ran select * FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file(path to tsql audit blob) but the results only showed activity from my account logged into SSMS
What should I try next?
The fix was to give the correct name for the database 🤦‍♂️. More haste less speed

Grant integrated security access rights for Microsoft SQL Server to LocalSystem account?

Suppose my web application runs on a Windows server. It is hosted inside Tomcat, which runs as Windows service under the account LocalSystem. It accesses a Microsoft SQL Server on a remote Windows server. I would like to for the web application to authenticate to the SQL Server using integrated authentication.
From the answer to a previous question I know that the following sequence of SQL commands would enable integrated authentication if Tomcat were to run under the account <your-domain-name>\A1.
CREATE LOGIN [<your-domain-name>\A1] FROM WINDOWS;
CREATE USER [<your-domain-name>\A1];
GRANT ... ON <object-name> TO [<your-domain-name>\A1];
What is the correct SQL syntax for granting similar rights to the Local Systemaccount on host H1, if it can be done?
Local System identifies as the computer account on the local network. The computer account is identified by the computer name with a $ postfix.
So to create a login for the Local System account from host H1 on domain <your-domain-name> you would need to run the following command:
CREATE LOGIN [<your-domain-name>\H1$] FROM WINDOWS;
After that you may run the following commands to grant authorization to this account:
CREATE USER [<your-domain-name>\H1$] FOR LOGIN [<your-domain-name>\H1$];
GRANT ... ON <object-name> TO [<your-domain-name>\H1$];
