DropDownPicker worked after clicking second time only - reactjs

I have two dropdown picker. One is dependent on another one. If I click color on one dropdown another dropdown should show list of colors but its not working properly. If I click on first dropdown first time and select color second dropdown shows nothing but when I click on color again it shows the result in second dropdown.
Not sure why its happening
Here is my slack link:

I fixed your code. Your problem was that you set the state in function and then you used the variable from the state "selected" but when you set the state. The Variable doesn't change immediately and you used "old value" from the state.
if (item.label === "Color") {
const colorData = [...new Set(data.map((val) => val.car_color))];
var color = colorData.map(function (val, index) {
return {
id: index,
value: val,
label: val,
return setChildValue(color)
} else if (item.label === "Model") {
const modelData = [...new Set(data.map((val) => val.car_model))];
var model = modelData.map(function (val, index) {
return {
id: index,
value: val,
label: val,
return setChildValue(model)
} else if (item.label === "Year") {
const yearData = [...new Set(data.map((val) => val.car_model_year))];
var year = yearData.map(function (val, index) {
return {
id: index,
value: val,
label: val,
return setChildValue(year)
You have to do it like this and use item that you put in the function.
Fixed code


How to set value for the checkbox in ReactJS

I try to show my value using checkbox. Value always comes for the console log. But it didn't set for the checkbox. Here is the code and image for my problem:
var NotePage = createClass({
addTags(e) {
console.log("id****************", e.target.id);
let id = e.target.id;
let selectedTags = this.state.selectedTags;
if (selectedTags.includes(id)) {
var index = selectedTags.indexOf(id)
selectedTags.splice(index, 1);
} else {
console.log("id****************selectedTags", selectedTags);
selectedTags: selectedTags
render: function () {
assignStates: function (note, token, tagCategories) {
let fields = [];
fields["title"] = note.title_en;
fields["body"] = note.body_en;
let selectedFileName = null
if (note.file_url_en != "") {
console.log("note.file_url_en ", note.file_url_en);
selectedFileName = note.file_url_en
let selectedTags = [];
let n = 0;
(note.note_tag).forEach(tag => {
console.log("id****************first", selectedTags);
let initial_values = {
note: note,
id: note.id,
api: new Api(token),
message: "",
title: note.title_en,
body: note.body_en,
fields: fields,
isEdit: false,
selectedTags: selectedTags,
tagCategories: tagCategories,
selectedFileName: selectedFileName,
return initial_values;
const { selectedTags } = this.state;
{(tagCategory.tags).map((tag) => (
<div className="col-3">
onChange={this.addTags} />
<label style={{ marginLeft: "10px", fontSize: "15px" }}>
Image related for the problem
You've an issue with state mutation. You save a reference to the current state, mutate it, and then save it back into state. This breaks React's use of shallow reference equality checks during reconciliation to determine what needs to be flushed to the DOM.
addTags(e) {
let id = e.target.id;
let selectedTags = this.state.selectedTags; // reference to state
if (selectedTags.includes(id)) {
var index = selectedTags.indexOf(id)
selectedTags.splice(index, 1); // mutation!!
} else {
selectedTags.push(id); // mutation!!
selectedTags: selectedTags // same reference as previous state
To remedy you necessarily return a new array object reference.
addTags(e) {
const { id } = e.target;
this.setState(prevState => {
if (prevState.selectedTags.includes(id)) {
return {
selectedTags: prevState.selectedTags.filter(el => el !== id),
} else {
return {
selectedTags: prevState.selectedTags.concat(id),
Use the "checked" attribute.
onChange={this.addTags} />
also, about the value attribute in checkboxes:
A DOMString representing the value of the checkbox. This is not displayed on the client-side, but on the server this is the value given to the data submitted with the checkbox's name.
Note: If a checkbox is unchecked when its form is submitted, there is
no value submitted to the server to represent its unchecked state
(e.g. value=unchecked); the value is not submitted to the server at
all. If you wanted to submit a default value for the checkbox when it
is unchecked, you could include an inside the
form with the same name and value, generated by JavaScript perhaps.
I think you should use checked property instead of value.
For reference check react js docs here
You are mutating state variable directly with selectedTags.splice(index, 1); and selectedTags.push(id);
What you need to do is make a copy of the state variable and change that:
addTags(e) {
let id = e.target.id;
if (this.state.selectedTags.includes(id)) {
this.setState(state => (
{...state, selectedTags: state.selectedTags.filter(tag => tag !== id)}
} else {
this.setState(state => (
{...state, selectedTags: [...state.selectedTags, id]}

Semantic UI dropdown not setting value after selecting option

I am using React semantic ui. I am rendering a dropdown in Fieldset. I have written code such that, once a option is selected, the options is updated such that the selected option is removed from the list. But when I select an option from the dropdown, the selected value is not displayed, rather it shows empty.
Here is my code:
This is my dropdown code:
className={"dropdown fieldDropdown"}
onChange={(e, { value }) => {
setFieldValue(`rows.${index}.mainField`, value)
My options:
let mainField = [
{ key: "org", text: "org", value: "org" },
{ key: "role", text: "role", value: "role" },
{ key: "emailId", text: "emailId", value: "emailId" },
Also, I have:
const [mainFieldOptions, setMainFieldOptions] = useState(mainField)
const updateDropDownOptions = (value:any) => {
let updatedOptions: { key: string; text: string; value: string }[] = []
mainFieldOptions.forEach(option => {
if(option.key != value){
updatedOptions.push({ key:option.key , text:option.key, value:option.key })
console.log("mainfield", mainField)
In onChange, if I dont call updateDropDownOptions() method, the dropdown value is set. But when I call the method, its giving blank value. Please help.
There are few changes required in your code,
You are pushing the entire initialValues when you are adding a row which is an [{}] but you need to push only {} so change your code to initialValues[0] in your push method.
Its not needed to maintain a additional state for the options. You can filter the options based on the selected option in other rows which is available in the values.rows .
Util for filtering the options
const getMainFieldOptions = (rows, index) => {
const selectedOptions = rows.filter((row, rowIndex) => rowIndex !== index);
const filteredOptions = mainField.filter(mainFieldOption => !selectedOptions.find(selectedOption => mainFieldOption.value === selectedOption.mainField));
return filteredOptions;
Call this util when rendering each row
values.rows.length > 0 &&
values.rows.map((row, index) => {
const mainFieldOptions = getMainFieldOptions(values.rows, index);
Working Sandbox

adding item to cart in reactjs using localStorage

whenever i am adding item in cart it get added in cart on page but not on localstorage on first click but my total price updates according to the item selected price. And when i add next item it gets added on localstorage as well as the first selected item gets added.
Everything is working properly but problem is on first click item is not displaying on localstorage.Please help , i am stuck with this problem since more then 2days,Thank you in advance!
componentDidMount() {
var localItems = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('items')) || [];
selectedProduct : localItems
addToCart(image, name, type,price, id) {
const found = this.state.selectedProduct.some(el => el.id === id );
const obj = {image,name,type,price,id};
selectedProduct: found ? this.state.selectedProduct : [...this.state.selectedProduct,obj],
isAdded: true,
totalPrice : found ? this.state.totalPrice : this.state.totalPrice + parseInt(price, 10)
() => {
localStorage.setItem("items", JSON.stringify(this.state.selectedProduct));
Please see these images of my output for more clearification of statement
When first item is selected (on first click):
When i click on Second Item:
You can't use this.state.totalPrice inside the second parameter of setState, it will still be the old variable.
Instead do it all inside a callback method in setState, that way you'll get correct access to the previous state:
addToCart(image, name, type, price, id) {
const obj = {
this.setState((prevState) => {
const found = prevState.selectedProduct.some(el => el.id === id);
const selectedProduct = found ? prevState.selectedProduct : [...this.state.selectedProduct, obj];
const totalPrice = found ? prevState.totalPrice : prevState.totalPrice + parseInt(price, 10)
localStorage.setItem('total', totalPrice);
localStorage.setItem("items", JSON.stringify(selectedProduct));
return {
isAdded: true

How to create multiple object in Reactjs?

I am having a onChange function i was trying to update the array optionUpdates which is inside of sentdata by index wise as i had passed the index to the onChange function.
Suppose i update any two values of the input field from option which is inside of postdata therefore the input name i.e. orderStatus with changed value and with order should be saved inside of optionUpdates
For example: Suppose i update the option 1 and option 3 of my postdata further inside of options of orderStatus values so my optionUpdates which is inside of sentdata should look like this
optionUpdates: [
Order: 1,
orderStatus: "NEW1"
Order: 3,
orderStatus: "New2"
here is what i tried
setSentData(oldValue => {
const curoptions = oldValue.sentdata.optionUpdates[idx];
curoptions.event.target.name = event.target.value;
return {
sentdata: {
complete code:
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
const x = {
Type: "LINEN",
options: [
Order: 1,
orderStatus: "INFO",
orderValue: "5"
Order: 2,
orderStatus: "INPROGRESS",
orderValue: "5"
Order: 3,
orderStatus: "ACTIVE",
orderValue: "9"
details: "2020 N/w UA",
OrderType: "Axes"
State: "Inprogress"
const [postdata, setPostData] = React.useState(x);
const posting = {
optionUpdates: []
const [sentdata, setSentData] = React.useState(posting);
const handleOptionInputChange = (event, idx) => {
const target = event.target;
setPostData(prev => ({
options: prev.LEVEL.options.map((item, id) => {
if (id === idx) {
return { ...item, [target.name]: target.value };
return item;
setSentData(oldValue => {
const curoptions = oldValue.sentdata.optionUpdates[idx];
curoptions.event.target.name = event.target.value;
return {
sentdata: {
return (
<div className="App">
{postdata.LEVEL.options.map((item, idx) => {
return (
onChange={e => handleOptionInputChange(e, idx)}
If I've understood correctly then what you're looking to do is save a copy of the relevant options object in sentdata every time one changes. I think the best way to approach this is by doing all your state modification outside of setPostData, which then makes the results immediately available to both setPostData and setSentData. It will also make the setters easier to read, which is good because you have some quite deeply nested and complicated state here.
A few other things worth noting first:
Trying to use synchronous event results directly inside the asynchronous setter functions will throw warnings. If you do need to use them inside setters, then it is best to destructure them from the event object first. This implementation uses destructuring although it didn't end up being necessary in the end.
You seem to have got a bit muddled up with setSentData. The oldValue parameter returns the whole state, as prev in setPostData does. For oldValue.sentdata you just wanted oldValue. You also wanted curoptions[event.target.name], not curoptions.event.target.name.
So, on to your code. I would suggest that you change the way that your input is rendered so that you are using a stable value rather than just the index. This makes it possible to reference the object no matter which array it is in. I have rewritten it using the Order property - if this value is not stable then you should assign it one. Ideally you would use a long uuid.
{postdata.LEVEL.options.map(item => {
return (
onChange={e => handleOptionInputChange(e, item.Order)}
The handleOptionInputChange function will now use this Order property to find the correct objects in both postdata and sentdata and update them, or if it does not exist in sentdata then push it there. You would do this by cloning, modifying, and returning the relevant array each time, as I explained before. Here is the function again with comments:
const handleOptionInputChange = (event, orderNum) => {
const { name, value } = event.target;
/* Clone the options array and all objects
inside so we can mutate them without
modifying the state object */
const optionsClone = postdata.LEVEL.options
.map(obj => Object.assign({}, obj));
/* Find index of the changed object */
const optionIdx = optionsClone.findIndex(obj => obj.Order === orderNum);
/* If the orderNum points to an existing object...*/
if (optionIdx >= 0) {
/* Change the value of object in clone */
optionsClone[optionIdx][name] = value;
/* Set postdata with the modified optionsClone */
setPostData(prev => ({
options: optionsClone
/* Clone the optionUpates array and all
contained objects from sentdata */
const updatesClone = sentdata.optionUpdates
.map(obj => Object.assign({}, obj));
/* Find the index of the changed object */
const updateIdx = updatesClone.findIndex(obj => obj.Order === orderNum);
/* If the changed object has already been
changed before, alter it again, otherwise push
a new object onto the stack*/
if (updateIdx >= 0) {
updatesClone[updateIdx][name] = value;
} else {
updatesClone.push({ Order: orderNum, [name]: value });
/* Set sentdata with modified updatesClone */
setSentData(prev => ({
optionUpdates: updatesClone

grouping the data based on one property antd table

I am trying to group the data currently its working for three, if i remove any one gender then i wont be able to get it the same design,
Basically if the state_name is same then it should be grouped into same even there is only one gender or more than one as shown below
Figured out the issue, basically having a variable outside, when the sameKey repeats not setting the count making rowSpan as 0 so it will be hidden.
let sameKey;
const columns = [
title: "District",
dataIndex: "state_name",
key: "state_name",
render: (value, row, index) => {
const obj = {
children: value,
props: {}
if (!(sameKey !== value)) {
obj.props.rowSpan = 0;
return obj;
const count = data.filter(item => item.state_name === value).length;
sameKey = value;
obj.props.rowSpan = count;
return obj;
See the codesandbox
