mamba upgrade to 1.x - version

I have mamba 0.27 installed on my mac OS.
How can I upgrade to mamba 1.x?
Can I simply do a fresh re-installation of the newer version, if I want to keep my existing mamba environments and settings?
I checked mamba's documentation, and I searched in internet, but could not find any "how to upgrade" information.

Mamba is like any other package in a Conda environment and can be updated like:
mamba update -n base mamba
If that doesn't update (perhaps due to needing dependencies updated), another option is to use a minimum version:
mamba install -n base 'mamba>=1'
Please note the use of quotations to avoid the > being interpreted writing to a file called "=1".


MariaDB version 10.5.9 unable to install

In my current workplace we are using MariaDB version 10.5.9 for our DB's and we are trying to reinstall this version for testing purposes on a separate container. However, seems anything from 10.5.9 below is failing with the follow error;
root#mdb-10-5:~# curl -LsS | sudo bash -s -- --mariadb-server-version=mariadb-10.5.9
# [info] Checking for script prerequisites.
# [warning] Found existing file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list. Moving to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list.old_5
# [error] MariaDB Server version 10.5.9 is not working.
# Please verify that the version is correct.
# The latest MariaDB Server versions are:
# 10.10.1 10.3.36 10.4.26 10.5.17 10.6.10 10.7.6 10.8.5 10.9.3
# More information on MariaDB releases is available at:
When I try the same command with version 10.5.10, it works and downloads successfully.
I am using the following procedure, one of which is the MariaDB KB:
Both guides use the same repo, and it is also the only thing that I have found specific when I search for information to install this particular version or MariaDB.
Can anyone offer any suggestions or have experienced similar problems?
We (MariaDB corporation) recently moved over our repositories to a content delivery network instead of using our own servers only. Unfortunately the new service does not have a full archive of older releases yet, the oldest 10.5 we have on there for example is 10.5.10.
I have filed an internal bug report / feature request about that already, but it is still pending.
Meanwhile you can "fix" this by first running the repo setup script with a supported version like 10.5.10, and then editing the repository file it created, replacing the version number with 10.5.9, and the host name with
On Debian and Ubuntu the repository file would be /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list, and you'd have to run apt-get update afterwards to pick up the repo change before installing packages.
On RHEL, CentOS, Rocky etc. the file is /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo and no further action is needed before installing actual packages.

tcms-api 5.3 package incompatible with Windows

I attempted to upgrade my tcms-api library from 5.0 to 5.3 using:
pip install tcms-api --upgrade
on a Windows 10 machine, I saw a lot of errors when trying to install the dependent package of kerberos. Even though this is old, I saw a similar set of errors. The package installation failed since the kerberos package isn't supported on Windows and I was left at tcms-api 5.0.
Please file a bug against
We can do a quick fix by providing 2 package names:
tcms-api and tcms-api[kerberos]
The first one will not install the kerberos package.
The proposed workaround makes sense but changing the underlying kerberos implementation needs careful testing which isn't a quick job.
OTOH uses gssapi which seems to be the latest and most actively maintained implementation of Kerberos for Python. There is an open issue to migrate to that in tcms-api so you can contribute if you want.
As a workaround, I was able to do the following (caveat: I haven't extensively tested my installation yet):
Clone the tcms-api repo from GitHub
Edit to change the install_requires line to use 'kerberos-sspi' rather than 'kerberos'
Install the following pip packages: Setuptools, Wheel, Twine
CD to repo folder and run: python bdist_wheel
That creates a package under the dist folder
Run pip install dist\tcms_api-5.3-py3-none-any.whl
Celebrate successful package install
The steps were modified from this page.
I confirmed the things I need the API to do work with my custom package (create and update test runs). However, I'm in a situation where I don't need to specifically harden my Kiwi instance using kerberos authentication.

How to upgrade Solr 5 version already in production on Linux (installed as a service)?

What is the best way to update a Solr 5 version in production (in other words installed as a service) on Linux? I have an already installed Solr 5.0 (via the Service Installation Script) and now need to upgrade it to Solr 5.2.1. Realizing some of the config files will need to be changed to take advantage of recent changes, after stopping the current instance, is the best way to simply run the new Solr 5.2.1 Service Installation Script or just untar the 5.2.1 solr-5.2.1.tgz to /opt or something else? Fortunately, I have a very simple set up (not SolrCloud).
After actually looking into the /opt folder it is fairly obvious I just need to untar solr into that folder and change the solr symbolic link to point to the new version. This should work most of the time keeping in mind that occasionally, as Jay pointed out, there could be changes to the solr files that could possibly require more than this.

how to create a debian package using “equivs-build” which can be “upgraded” if already installed?

I have created a .deb package using equivs-build command and providing necessary control, preinst, postinst, etc. I noticed that version can also be mentioned in control file. Now I want to create a .deb package with updated source code and I want to enable user to upgrade the package if it is already installed (and is of previous version, of course), as I won't be changing conf related files, etc. One way I can think of is to write a shell-script which will first check for installed version, and will take actions accordingly (i.e. if installed, just update the source-code, database-migrations, etc. and if not, install the package using dpkg -i <package-name>). I was wondering if there was a way to achieve using dpkg only (something like dpkg upgrade <package-name>) which will handle installation or up-gradation as required.
That's already how it works.
dpkg -i package_0.123.deb will upgrade if the version of package is less than 0.123, removing the previous version if necessary (there's an option to force a downgrade, too). apt-get install package will install the newest version of package, removing the old one and upgrading to a new one if necessary. apt-get upgrade will upgrade all packages to the newest version.
Basically, just take care to monotonically upgrade the version number each time you publish a new build.
If you didn't specify a version previously, the default will be something simple like 1.0. Just make it bigger than that.

installing mod_perl with centos and plesk

I'm trying to install mod_perl on Centos 5.5 with Plesk. Does this already come with mod_perl? I'm not showing anything in the $ENV{MOD_PERL} variable.
I tried installing it via cpan (install mod_perl2) with this:
Please provide a full path to 'apxs' executable
which I don't know. So I skip it and then I am asked:
Please provide the location of the Apache directory:
Searched though I have, I can't seem to find it. No apache folder with ap_release.h.
Where would I find this or is there a better way to install it via plesk?
I was able to get mod_perl2 installed by:
>> yum install perl-devel
>> cpan
>> install YAML
>> install mod_perl2
Then, I configured it thanks to this:
I added a new <Directory> for my web site in case there would be a conflict with plesk.
/cgi-bin runs regular perl scripts
/mod-perl runs my scripts using mod_perl2... the $ENV{MOD_PERL} variable does exist here!
#oleg - thanks for your help, a2enmod perl does not work in CentOS
The Perl Support check box in Plesk doesn't seem to have any effect what-so-ever.
Does this already come with mod_perl?
Yes. Check any domain's hosting settings.
also you can check:
rpm -qa | grep perl
and I'm definitely recommend you use Plesk on Centos 6, because most things will be easier.
