How to do left join with tables with composite key and condition? - database

I would like to join these table so that I need fruits with number 1 and fruits with number 12.
It should look like this:
The problem is even if I use left join I still need a criteria that it should be 12 or nothing, but if it doesnt exist in the second table it wont show it.


Access 2016 two table join based on a field found in another table

In advance, thank you for your assistance and explanation, I am a novice at best and trying to teach myself.
I have two different types of claims tables, [claim_a] and [claim_b]. Each of these tables capture similar data and have one claim record per row. I have a similar form to display data by record for each table. One of my forms has a grid that captures documents sent and the date sent.
In a third table, [documents], each instance of a document sent is associated with an ssn, claim_num, first, last and clm_type, doc_type and date_sent.
I want to create one query that would output all correspondence sent for both claim tables. I realize I could just do two individual queries but I think this can be done and is not too difficult, I am just missing something and would like to know what. I have tried various join type (inner, left, right) and get various results but nothing that is actually correct. With INNER JOIN, I only got 78 records but am expecting 2,261 and when I did LEFT OUTER, I got 3,070 which totals more than what I had in my [documents] table-I do understand that an outer join with one row in the LEFT table that matches two rows in the RIGHT table will return as two ROWS.
I have also been sure to use parenthesis in my first join statement which based on Google searches seems to be related to Access. I also tried using where clauses too.
I think the problem may be that some of the records in [documents] do not correspond to a record in either claims table. I also just tried joining one claim table to [documents] but even that did not return the expected number of results.
Here are few of the joins I have tried:
Inner Join for one table: My output was missing 4 records for an SSN with 6 total records and I could not figure out why it skipped over the remaining 4. It was only for this SSN. I had other SSNs with more than 6 records.
SELECT, documents.doc_type,
FROM documents INNER JOIN claim_a ON documents.ssn =
claim_a.ssn WHERE (((documents.clm_type)="Life Only")) OR
(((documents.clm_type)<>("Health")) AND (("Life/ ADB")<>False) AND
I got 78 records with this join
SELECT, documents.doc_type,
FROM (documents INNER JOIN claim_a ON documents.ssn =
claim_a.ssn) INNER JOIN claim_b ON documents.ssn =
I got 3070 records with this join
SELECT, documents.doc_type,
FROM (documents LEFT OUTER JOIN claim_a ON documents.ssn =
claim_a.ssn) LEFT OUTER JOIN claim_b ON documents.ssn =
I got the correct number of results with this query but I am concerned it will not work with my Master Form to display header specific information for my form associated with table, claim_b.
SELECT, documents.doc_type,
FROM documents LEFT JOIN claim_a ON documents.ssn =
claim_a.ssn WHERE (((documents.clm_type)<>""));
I am obviously doing something wrong. Can someone please advise?
Sounds like you need a Union query between the two claims tables to get a list of all claims. Then use the results of theat query to get the document list.
Union query
Select ssn from claim_a
Union all select ssn from claim_b
Save this with a name like SSN_List, then join it to Documents in another query
Select * from Documents
left join SSN_List on Documents.ssn=SSN_List.ssn
And of course change the 2nd query as needed to get the information you need from Documents.
This can probably be done in one query, but I find it easier to understand and use the 2 step approach.

display data from two different table which don't have any relation?

table1: in that three columns billno, billamt, wno
table2: in that three column chequeentry, chequeamt, wno
i want display the result which is not repeated rows where wno is equal to same
if from table1 i got four rows and from table2 i got two rows. I want display the rows but not repeated. if i use join its done the multiply and show the result and my table2's rows are repeated. But dont want this. it display the null value it i accepted.
i pass the one query i.e join the table
select b.billno, b.billamt, c.chequeentry, c.chequeamt
from t2 as b
inner join t3 as c on b.wno=c.wno where b.wno=1
i got output but some value are repeated.
Use the Full outer Join, it return both matching, and not matching rows from both tables.
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;

left join not showing null values

I need to find the items that exist in table A but not in table B. Now that would be really simple in MySQL doing a join like this
select * from A
left join B on A.key=B.key
where B.key is null
However for some reason this is not working in MSSQL. I have created the query without the where clause to see all the results and I only see matches, not null values. Do you have any idea why this is not working?
I know I can alternatively use "when not exists" but I want to know the reason as to why with a join is not working.
I am adding the code for your review
select Absences.CustomerID, b.*
from (
select * from openquery(JUAN_INTERFACE,'select cmp_wwn from Planet_Customers where i_outcome =4')) b
left join Absences on Absences.CustomerID = b.cmp_wwn
where Absences.Type = 3223
Your where clause is filtering out null values:
where Absences.Type = 3223
You are left-joining from the openquery subquery to Absences; and then filtering only rows that have a specific (non-null) value in an Absences column.
Did you mean to join the other way around, from Absenses to openquery?

SQL Same Column in one row

I have a lookup table that has a Name and an ID in it. Example:
5499EFC9-925C-4856-A8DC-ACDBB9D0035E CANCELLED
D1E31B18-1A98-4E1A-90DA-E6A3684AD5B0 31PR
The first record indicates and order status. The next indicates a service type.
In a query from an orders table I do the following:
INNER JOIN = lut.Statusid
This returns the 'cancelled' name from my lookup table. I also need the service type in the same row. This is connected in the order table by the orders.serviceid How would I go about doing this?
It Cancelled doesnt connect to 31PR.
Orders connects to both. Orders has 2 fields in it called Servicetypeid and orderstatusid. That is how those 2 connect to the order. I need to return both names in the same order row.
I think many will tell you that having two different pieces of data in the same column violates first normal form. There is a reason why having one lookup table to rule them all is a bad idea. However, you can do something like the following:
Select ..
From order
Join lut
On lut.Id = order.StatusId
Left Join lut As l2
On = order.ServiceTypeId
If order.ServiceTypeId (or whatever the column is named) is not nullable, then you can use a Join (inner join) instead.
A lot of info left out, but here it goes:
SELECT, lut1.Name AS OrderStatus, lut2.Name AS ServiceType
FROM orders
INNER JOIN lut lut1 ON = lut.Statusid
INNER JOIN lut lut2 ON order.serviceid = lut.Statusid

Iterating 1 row at a time with massive amounts of links/joins

Ok, basically what is needed is a way to have row numbers while using a lot of joins and having where clauses using these rownumbers.
such as something like
ROWNUMBER needs to be generated for this query on that one table though. So that if we want to access the second WORKHISTORY record's address, we could just go WORKHISTORY.ROWNUMBER=2 and if say we had two address's that matched, we could cycle through the addresses for one WORKHISTORY record using ADDRESS.ROWNUMBER=1 and ADDRESS.ROWNUMBER=2
This should be capable of being an automatically generated query. Thus, there could be more than 10 inner joins in order to get to the relevant table, and we need to be able to cycle through each table's record independently of the rest of the tables..
I'm aware there is the RANK and ROWNUMBER functions, but I'm not seeing how it will work for me because of all the inner joins
note: in this example query, ROWNUMBER should be automatically generated! It should never be stored in the actual table
Can you use a temp table?
I ask because you can write the code like this:
select a.field1, b.field2, c.field3, identity (int, 1,1) as TableRownumber into #temp
from table1 a
join table2 b on a.table1id = b.table1id
join table3 c on b.table2id = c.table2id
select * from #temp where ...
