Same function takes more time to execute in child - c

SHORT: My problem is that the following function which sum the content of a given array in a given range, doesn't take the same execution time for the same task as the parent if called from a child. And by same I mean similar values. Because after some tests, the differences is for about a ~40% more for the child to execute.
LONG: I'm studying computer science and I'm working on the final project of a course. The problem is to sum all the cells of an int array by n processes distributing the workload. then confront it to a single calculation made by parent. The point is to demonstrate that, with big arrays, multiple process can reduce the execution time.
However, the sum of all children's times is always more than the parent's even with 50milions data.
Following just the function and the struct I use to pass results.
typedef struct cResults{
double time;
int result;
cResult arraySum(int start, int length, int* dataset)
/*Time unit to calculate the computation time*/
clock_t tic, toc = 0;
cResult chunk = {.result = 0, .time =0};
tic = clock(); // Start measure time
for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++)
chunk.result += dataset[i];
toc = clock(); // Stop measure time
chunk.time = ((double) (toc - tic))/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("B: start at: %d, length: %d, sum: %d, in: %f\n", start, length, chunk.result, chunk.time); //! DEBUG
return chunk;
Since the array is dynamically allocated, I've thought that it could be a bottleneck on the memory access. However, this question (Malloc returns same address in parent and child process after fork) lifted all doubt that even if heap allocated, they are not the same, but a copy of the array.
I've double checked that the parent will sum correctly and only once the elapsed time communicated by all the children, and then added the print() statement just to read and sum manually on the terminal all the results. And again, all checks.
I've tried moving the function call by parent from before to after all children were done, but no changes, then I've tried make the parent sleep() right after fork() (this was counterproductive for the purpose of the project but just to make sure) for avoiding resource queue.
The random numbers in the array are produced in a repeatable way through a seed, so I've tried same datasets that of course will give almost identical outputs, and again times will change slightly yet maintaining the single execution faster.
Ultimately I've tried to fork a single child and make it calculate the same range as the parent (so all the array). The time is on average 45% slower on children.
Surely I'm missing a simple thing but i run out of ideas... please be patient I'm learning by my self at my best.
Since I've been asked for a full program, I've refactored mine. However, whereas the project required a single source file I've removed all of non regarding parts of our issue, hence it should be lighter. Unfortunately the frame you'll see that handle the pipe communications is a bit complex I'm afraid but it serve for other purpose that has been removed yet essential to make this works. I do hope it won't be a problem.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
/* ----- PROTOTYPES ----- */
#define MIN 5 // Least number of process and threads
#define MAX 10 // Maximum number of process and threads
#define MSGSIZE 4 // Size of pipe messages
/* =================
sum = Sum from the next given start to the next given roof.
end = End process
tmr = Return the computation time measured by the process
================= */
/// #brief Struct containing proces id (pid), the result and it's pipe file descriptors
struct process{
pid_t pid;
long int result;
bool done;
double time;
int fd[2];
/// #brief Struct that containts the result of the computation
typedef struct cResults{
double time;
long int result;
/// #brief W = write, R = read
R = 0,
W = 1
/* ----- PROTOTYPES ----- */
cResult arraySum(int start, int length, int* dataset);
int main()
/* =================
================= */
int dataLength = 50000000; // Set the length of the dataset
int nProcess = 1; // How many child process do you want
unsigned int seed = 1; // Change the randomization seed of the data
// System
int* data;
cResult chunk; // Used for storing temporary computational values
// Task related
int taskLenght;
int remainder;
// Pipe related
char pipeMSG[MSGSIZE];
int msgCheck = 1;
/// #brief Processes dashboard
struct process processes[MAX + 1] = { {.pid = 0, .result = 0, .done = false, .time = 0} };
data = malloc(sizeof(int) * dataLength);
for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++)
/*Random population between 0-100*/
data[i] = rand() % 100;
chunk = arraySum(0, dataLength, data);
processes[nProcess + 1].result = chunk.result;
processes[nProcess + 1].time = chunk.time;
printf("\nCHECK SUM: %ld\n", chunk.result);// ! Debug
#pragma region "START PROCESSES"
/*Calculate how to separate the overhead for the processes*/
taskLenght = dataLength / nProcess;
remainder = dataLength % nProcess;
pid_t myPid = 0;
int startPoint = 0;
processes[nProcess + 1 ].pid = getpid();
/*Open child to parent pipe*/
if (pipe(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd) == -1)
printf("Failed to open pipe on parent\n");
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < nProcess; i++)
/*Open new parent to child pipe*/
if (pipe(processes[i].fd) == -1)
printf("Failed to open pipe on parent\n");
return 1;
myPid = fork();
switch (myPid)
case -1: // Error on fork
printf("An error occured while forking the %d process.\n", i);
return 1;
case 0: // Child case
/*Record pid in the dashboard*/
processes[i].pid = getpid();
/*Handle the pipes descriptors*/
close(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[R]);
i = nProcess;
default: // Parent case
/* Record the pid process into the dashrboard and increment the starting for the next*/
processes[i].pid = myPid;
startPoint += taskLenght;
/*Handle the pipes descriptors*/
/*=========== CHILD PROCESS HANDLER ===========*/
if(myPid == 0)
int myID;
bool keepAlive = true;
for(myID = 0; myID < nProcess; myID++)
if (processes[myID].pid == getpid())
/*Calculate first iteration of the sum*/
cResult temp = arraySum(startPoint, taskLenght, data);
chunk.result = temp.result;
chunk.time = temp.time;
/*Comunicate the id of the process*/
if (write(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[W], &myID, sizeof(int)) < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while sending message to parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
/*Communicate the result of the operation*/
if (write(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[W], &chunk.result, sizeof(int)) < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while sending message to parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
/*Communicate the time elapsed for the operation*/
if (write(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[W], &chunk.time, sizeof(double)) < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while sending message to parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
/*Waits for further instruction*/
msgCheck = read(processes[myID].fd[R], pipeMSG, MSGSIZE);
if(msgCheck < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while reading message from parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
/*Sum command*/
if(!strcmp(pipeMSG, "sum"))
msgCheck = read(processes[myID].fd[R], &startPoint, sizeof(int));
if(msgCheck < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while reading message from parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
msgCheck = read(processes[myID].fd[R], &taskLenght, sizeof(int));
if(msgCheck < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while reading message from parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
/*Calculate second iteration for the remaining part*/
temp = arraySum(startPoint, taskLenght, data);
chunk.result += temp.result;
chunk.time += temp.time;
/*Close command*/
if(!strcmp(pipeMSG, "end"))
keepAlive = false;
/*=========== PARENT PROCESS HANDLER ===========*/
if(myPid != 0)
/*Close descriptor for writing on main pipe.*/
close(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[W]);
int targetProcess = nProcess + 1; // Target self
bool onGoing = true;
chunk.result = 0;
chunk.time = 0;
/*Listen from processes if someone ended the task*/
msgCheck = read(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[R], &targetProcess, sizeof(int));
if(msgCheck < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while reading message from parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
/*Get result from child process*/
msgCheck = read(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[R], &processes[targetProcess].result, sizeof(int));
if(msgCheck < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while reading message from parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
/*Get elapsed time from child process*/
msgCheck = read(processes[nProcess + 1 ].fd[R], &processes[targetProcess].time, sizeof(double));
if(msgCheck < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while reading message from parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
processes[targetProcess].done = true;
/*Check if remainder to start new task*/
if(remainder != 0)
startPoint = taskLenght * nProcess;
processes[targetProcess].done = false;
if (write(processes[targetProcess].fd[W], "sum", MSGSIZE) < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while sending message to parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
if (write(processes[targetProcess].fd[W], &startPoint, sizeof(int)) < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while sending message to parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
if (write(processes[targetProcess].fd[W], &remainder, sizeof(int)) < 0)
printf("An error occured from the process %d while sending message to parent\n", getpid());
return 1;
remainder = 0; //Avoid looping task
/*Check for pending response and process final result*/
for (int i = 0; i < nProcess; i++)
chunk.result += processes[i].result;
chunk.time += processes[i].time;
onGoing = false;
onGoing = true;
/*Reset total calculations*/
chunk.result = 0;
chunk.time = 0;
/*Reset to self target*/
targetProcess = nProcess + 1;
printf("Parent calculated: %ld in = %fs\n", processes[nProcess + 1].result, processes[nProcess + 1].time); //! Debug
printf("Processes calculated: %ld in = %fs\n", chunk.result, chunk.time); //! Debug
cResult arraySum(int start, int length, int* dataset)
/*Time unit to calculate the computation time*/
clock_t tic, toc = 0;
cResult chunk = {.result = 0, .time =0};
tic = clock(); // Start measure time
for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++)
chunk.result += dataset[i];
toc = clock(); // Stop measure time
chunk.time = ((double) (toc - tic))/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("start at: %d, length: %d, sum: %ld, in: %f\n", start, length, chunk.result, chunk.time); //! Debug
return chunk;
If you want to try this out you'll find in USER DEFINED some variable to play with.
I'll share some of my results, with seed = 1.
As you can see even repeating the task in a single child process in some cases required twice the time.
As ArkadiuszDrabczyk pointed out, it could be a scheduling issue, still why has always to be the child the slowest one?
Since pipe's problems arose, I wrote another source just to exclude these concerns and, of course, the problem remained.
However I wasn't convinced about the deep-copy of the dataset[] array stored on heap hence some research later I found this: What is copy-on-write?. After this new found knowledge, I've added this useless function to be called right before the arraySum() :
void justCheck(int start, int length, int* dataset)
for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++)
dataset[i] = dataset[i];
This little snippet managed to level the differences between times. At least now they lay on the same order of magnitude.
Down the results:
Unfortunately this edit rise another problem. With big set of data this function freeze. I know this isn't the right way to force the COW so... Any suggestions?

SHORT: Turns out that in order to prove the thesis of the project I was using the wrong approach. Summing all of the clock times taken by each processes and comparing to the single one is like trying to prove that baking 4 pieces of bread in a row takes less than baking all simultaneously counting the oven time instead of watching my watch. I should have measured the wall time instead of clock time.
LONG: That said, regarding why the same function called by only one child takes more time than parent: As I said in my 2nd update I've managed to trim time to a more plausible value forcing the copy-on-write of used heap on child memory page before calling the actual calculating function. So after several experiments, turns out it's aleatory. Sometimes it's faster, sometimes is almost equal and sometimes slower. So, I thinks it depends on how the task scheduling works, which I don't have control on it neither know how to.
Talking about the other problem mentioned:
Unfortunately this edit rise another problem. With big set of data this function freeze. I know this isn't the right way to force the COW so... Any suggestions?
Well the point is that forcing COW on each processes means that, according to Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, if I can fit ~
256mln INT value in 1GB of memory the problem is the massive devour of memory my program cause. Checking with my system monitor, I could validate that using 500mln values into my array result in almost 2GB of RAM taken. Which once fork it became equal to nProcess + 1.
I thought to answer these question will help posterity.


Why does my program not wait when I call sem_wait?

Essentially, my program creates 3 threads. The "server" and 2 "workers." The workers are meant to sum the 3 digit positive integers in a 1000 line file (500 numbers per thread). After each worker has summed its part, the server prints each workers total. The only problem is my semaphores are not seeming to work.
Here is a version of my program:
// simple c program to simulate POSIX thread and semaphore
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
// define semaphores
sem_t s1;
FILE *file;
int sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0, num1 = 0, num2 = 0;
// file name
char fileName[10] = "data1.dat";
// server routine
void* server_routine()
printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 1\n");
printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 2\n");
printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 1\n");
printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 2\n\n");
// print the final results
printf("The sum of the first 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n", sum1);
printf("The sum of the last 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n\n", sum2);
// thread 1 reoutine
void* t1_routine()
printf("Thread 1 recieved signal from server\n");
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
fscanf(file, "%d", &num1);
sum1 += num1;
printf("sum in thread 1: %d\n", sum1);
printf("Thread 1 sends completion signal to server\n");
// thread 2 routine
void* t2_routine()
printf("Thread 2 recieved signal from server\n");
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
fseek(file, 500 * 5, SEEK_SET);
for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
fscanf(file, "%d", &num2);
sum2 += num2;
printf("sum in thread 2: %d\n", sum2);
printf("Thread 2 sends completion signal to server\n");
// main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// define threads
pthread_t server, t1, t2;
// initialize the semaphore
sem_init(&s1, 0, 0);
if(pthread_create(&server, NULL, &server_routine, NULL) != 0)
return 1;
if(pthread_create(&t1, NULL, &t1_routine, NULL) != 0)
return 2;
if(pthread_create(&t2, NULL, &t2_routine, NULL) != 0)
return 3;
if(pthread_join(server, NULL) != 0)
return 4;
if(pthread_join(t1, NULL) != 0)
return 5;
if(pthread_join(t2, NULL) != 0)
return 6;
// destroy semaphores
// exit thread
// end
return 0;
I've tested with less threads more semaphores as well, with non luck. I've tried different initial semaphore values. The only time I can get the correct output is when I manually wait with sleep(5); but that defeats the purpose of this project.
A few issues ...
Each client thread does its own/private fopen but FILE *file; is global so they overwrite each others values.
We need to make this variable function scoped so each thread has its own private pointer.
There are no fclose calls.
pthread_exit should not be done by the main thread. It is only for threads created with pthread_create.
Otherwise ...
Whichever thread does the fopen last will set the final value.
So, there is a race condition and the effect is the same as if the main thread (prior to pthread_create calls) had done a single fopen, defeating the purpose of each thread doing its own fopen.
Worse yet, a given thread may do the first fopen, then start with fscanf and have its file value changed when the second thread replaces the file value, so weird stuff happens to each thread because they are doing fseek/fscanf on the same FILE * instance.
Having the aforementioned fclose calls would have made the issue more evident.
Here is the refactored code. It is annotated:
// simple c program to simulate POSIX thread and semaphore
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
// define semaphores
sem_t s1;
// NOTE/BUG: each thread opens a different stream, so this must be function
// scoped
#if 0
FILE *file;
int sum1 = 0,
sum2 = 0,
num1 = 0,
num2 = 0;
// file name
char fileName[10] = "data1.dat";
// server routine
void *
printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 1\n");
printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 2\n");
printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 1\n");
printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 2\n\n");
// print the final results
printf("The sum of the first 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n", sum1);
printf("The sum of the last 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n\n", sum2);
// thread 1 reoutine
void *
// NOTE/FIX: this must be function scoped (i.e. private to this thread)
#if 1
FILE *file;
printf("Thread 1 recieved signal from server\n");
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
fscanf(file, "%d", &num1);
sum1 += num1;
printf("sum in thread 1: %d\n", sum1);
printf("Thread 1 sends completion signal to server\n");
#if 1
// thread 2 routine
void *
// NOTE/FIX: this must be function scoped (i.e. private to this thread)
#if 1
FILE *file;
printf("Thread 2 recieved signal from server\n");
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
fseek(file, 500 * 5, SEEK_SET);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
fscanf(file, "%d", &num2);
sum2 += num2;
printf("sum in thread 2: %d\n", sum2);
printf("Thread 2 sends completion signal to server\n");
#if 1
// main function
main(int argc, char *argv[])
// define threads
pthread_t server, t1, t2;
// initialize the semaphore
sem_init(&s1, 0, 0);
if (pthread_create(&server, NULL, &server_routine, NULL) != 0) {
return 1;
if (pthread_create(&t1, NULL, &t1_routine, NULL) != 0) {
return 2;
if (pthread_create(&t2, NULL, &t2_routine, NULL) != 0) {
return 3;
if (pthread_join(server, NULL) != 0) {
return 4;
if (pthread_join(t1, NULL) != 0) {
return 5;
if (pthread_join(t2, NULL) != 0) {
return 6;
// destroy semaphores
// exit thread
// NOTE/BUG: only a subthread should do this
#if 0
// end
return 0;
In the code above, I've used cpp conditionals to denote old vs. new code:
#if 0
// old code
// new code
#if 1
// new code
Note: this can be cleaned up by running the file through unifdef -k
Thank you for the response Craig. I have implemented your suggestions to my own code but nothing seemed to change. I then decided to copy paste your updated code into a c file to test it out and I got the same result. It is as follows (in a separate comment since the output is too long): – 
It's hard to compare results because we're using different datasets. I created a perl script to create some data.
Most important is that the sum reported by the given worker matches what the server sees for that worker task.
Then, if we know what each per thread section of the file should sum to, that is another matter.
The per line termination is critical (e.g.): CRLF vs LF (see below)
The actual order of worker sem_post and termination doesn't really matter. It can vary system to system or, even, invocation to invocation. What matters is that the server thread waits for N threads (i.e.) N sem_wait calls before printing any sums.
I've produced an updated version below.
Server does not "signal" a worker. The worker "signals" the server by doing sem_post and the server "receives" it by doing sem_wait
I've create a task/thread struct to hold the sums, thread IDs, etc.
I've generalized the code to allow N threads.
Added check of \n placement (i.e. line width). That is, under linux/POSIX a four digit number would be followed by LF (newline) and length would be 5. But, under windows, it would be CRLF (carriage return/newline) and length would be 6.
Added check of file size to ensure it is exactly the desired/expected length.
Some additional diagnostics.
Here is the updated code:
// simple c program to simulate POSIX thread and semaphore
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
// number of bytes per line
// 5: 4 digits + LF
// 6: 4 digits + CRLF
#ifndef LINEWID
#define LINEWID (4 + 1)
// number of items / task
#ifndef COUNT
#define COUNT 500
// define semaphores
sem_t s1;
#if 0
int sum1 = 0,
sum2 = 0,
num1 = 0,
num2 = 0;
// file name
#if 0
char fileName[10] = "data1.dat";
const char *fileName = "data1.dat";
// task control
typedef struct {
pthread_t tid; // thread ID
int tno; // thread index/offset
int sum; // sum
} tsk_t;
#define TSKMAX 50
int tskmax; // actual number of tasks
tsk_t tsklist[TSKMAX]; // list of tasks
// loop through all task blocks
#define TSKFORALL \
tsk_t *tsk = &tsklist[0]; tsk < &tsklist[tskmax]; ++tsk
// server routine
void *
server_routine(void *vp)
// NOTE/BUG: server does _not_ signal worker
#if 0
printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 1\n");
printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 2\n");
printf("Server waiting ...\n");
printf("Server complete ...\n");
// print the final results
printf("The sum of task %d is %d\n",tsk->tno,tsk->sum);
return (void *) 0;
// thread 1 reoutine
void *
worker_routine(void *vp)
FILE *file;
tsk_t *tsk = vp;
printf("Thread %d running ...\n",tsk->tno);
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
fseek(file,tsk->tno * COUNT * LINEWID,SEEK_SET);
tsk->sum = 0;
int num1;
int first = -1;
int last = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
if (fscanf(file, "%d", &num1) != 1) {
printf("Thread %d fscan error\n",tsk->tno);
if (i == 0)
first = num1;
if (i == (COUNT - 1))
last = num1;
tsk->sum += num1;
printf("sum in thread %d: %d (first %d, last %d)\n",
tsk->tno, tsk->sum, first, last);
#if 1
return (void *) 0;
// main function
main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 1)
tskmax = 2;
tskmax = atoi(*argv);
if (tskmax > TSKMAX)
tskmax = TSKMAX;
// define threads
pthread_t server;
printf("main: %d tasks\n",tskmax);
printf("main: %d count\n",COUNT);
FILE *file = fopen(fileName,"r");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("main: fopen failure\n");
// check alignment
char chr;
fseek(file,LINEWID - 1,0);
if (chr != '\n') {
printf("main: newline mismatch -- chr=%2.2X\n",chr);
// get the file size
struct stat st;
if (fstat(fileno(file),&st) < 0) {
printf("main: fstat fault\n");
// ensure the file has the correct size
off_t size = tskmax * LINEWID * COUNT;
if (st.st_size != size)
printf("main: wrong file size -- st_size=%llu size=%llu\n",
(unsigned long long) st.st_size,
(unsigned long long) size);
// initialize the semaphore
sem_init(&s1, 0, 0);
// set the offsets
int tno = 0;
for (TSKFORALL, ++tno)
tsk->tno = tno;
if (pthread_create(&server, NULL, &server_routine, NULL) != 0)
return 98;
if (pthread_create(&tsk->tid,NULL,worker_routine,tsk) != 0)
return 1 + tsk->tno;
if (pthread_join(server, NULL) != 0) {
return 99;
if (pthread_join(tsk->tid, NULL) != 0) {
return 5;
// destroy semaphores
// end
return 0;
Here is the perl script output that I used to generate the data:
number of tasks 2
element count per task 500
line separater 0A
section 0 sum 124750
section 1 sum 125250
Here is the program output:
main: 2 tasks
Server waiting ...
Thread 0 running ...
Thread 1 running ...
sum in thread 1: 125250 (first 1, last 500)
sum in thread 0: 124750 (first 0, last 499)
Server complete ...
Server waiting ...
Server complete ...
The sum of task 0 is 124750
The sum of task 1 is 125250
Here is the perl script:
# gendata -- generate data
# arguments:
# 1 - number of tasks (DEFAULT: 2)
# 2 - number of items / task (DEFAULT: 500)
# 3 - line separater (DEFAULT: \n)
# master -- master control
sub master
my(#argv) = #_;
$tskmax = shift(#argv);
$tskmax //= 2;
printf(STDERR "number of tasks %d\n",$tskmax);
$count = shift(#argv);
$count //= 500;
printf(STDERR "element count per task %d\n",$count);
$sep = shift(#argv);
$sep //= "\n";
printf(STDERR "line separater");
foreach $chr (split(//,$sep)) {
$hex = ord($chr);
printf(STDERR " %2.2X",$hex);
printf(STDERR "\n");
for ($itsk = 0; $itsk < $tskmax; ++$itsk) {
$val = $itsk;
$sum = 0;
for ($lno = 1; $lno <= $count; ++$lno, ++$val) {
$sum += $val;
printf(STDERR "section %d sum %d\n",$itsk,$sum);

Threads vs fork wordlist read and hash

Why is in this case fork way better than threads? With a file of 139 mb (rockyou.txt) fork is 0.5 seconds, with the same file and the same word at the end of the file it's 3 second with thread (measured with both clock () and normal stopwatch, threads take much longer than the fork)
The program reads each line of a wordlist, hash it and compare with a digest.
This one is with fork
void wordlistFork(char digest[], char hashtype[], FILE *wordlist,int numberOfFork){
int i;
clock_t t;
fseek(wordlist, 0L, SEEK_END);
long fileLength = ftell(wordlist);
fseek(wordlist, 0L, SEEK_SET);
int pid = fork();
char line[512];
long initialOffset = correctOffset(lengthOfFile*i/numberOfFork,wordlist);
long finalOffset = correctOffset(lengthOfFile*(i+1)/numberOfFork,wordlist);
fseek(wordlist, initialOffset, SEEK_SET);
t = clock();
while (initialOffset < finalOffset) {
char tempLine[512] = {0};
if (strcmp(hash(tempLine,hashType), digest) == 0) {
printf("Child %d: Trovato! hash %s %s -> %s\n",i, tipohash, digest, linea);
t = clock() -t;
double time_taken = ((double)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Time elapsed: %f seconds\n",time_taken);
system("killall hashcrack");
initialOffset = ftell(wordlist);
printf("Child %d Found nothing.\n",i);
This one is with threads
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) crack, (void *)(intptr_t) i);
void *crack(const int *args){
int threadID = (int)(intptr_t)args;
char line[512];
FILE *wordlist = fopen(Tpath,"r");
long initialOffset = correctOffset(fileLength*threadID/numberOfThreads,wordlist);
long finalOffset = correctOffset(fileLength*(threadID+1)/numberOfThreads,wordlist);
fseek(wordlist, initialOffset, SEEK_SET);
while (initialOffset < FinalOffset) {
char tempLine[512] = {0};
if (strcmp(hash(tempLine,hashType), Tdigest) == 0) {
printf("Thread %d: Found! hash %s %s -> %s\n",threadID, hashType, Tdigest, line);
system("killall hashcrack");
initialOffset = ftell(wordlist);
printf("Thread %d: found nothing.\n",threadID);
return NULL;
Your code's performance is indeterminate and based on the order in which work happens to get done. It probably just so happens that in one case the end of the file gets tested first and in the other case the beginning gets tested first. Your code doesn't enforce any particular order, so it's heavily dependent on quirks of scheduling order.
It's like if you test searching identical gardens, using two different algorithms, for a hidden egg. If the egg is in the same place each time, an algorithm that just happens to search where the egg is earlier in its search pattern will always win, even if it's not a better algorithm.

Producer/Consumer with two pipes - consumer doesn't write anything

After producing SIZE items, the producer process should write to the fd_pipe_p2c pipe and be read by the consumer process, which then outputs what it is consuming. After that the consumer should write back to the producer via the pipe_fd_c2p pipe to let it know there's more room in the buffer.
The cnt int doesn't seem to reach SIZE, which I expect it to do after the producer function produces SIZE items.
Therefore the consumer function never receives what is produced.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 10
int shared_arr[SIZE];
int cnt = 0, in = 0, out = 0;
int fd_pipe_c2p[2], fd_pipe_p2c[2];
void consumer();
void producer();
int main() {
pipe(fd_pipe_c2p); // consumer to producer
pipe(fd_pipe_p2c); // producer to consumer
if (fork() == 0) {
// child process
} else {
// parent process
void consumer() {
// consumer process
while (1) {
while (cnt == 0) {
// give up everything
write(fd_pipe_c2p[1], &cnt, 1);
write(fd_pipe_c2p[1], shared_arr, sizeof(shared_arr));
// read in cnt?
read(fd_pipe_p2c[0], &cnt, 1);
if (cnt > 0) { // if we have something, break out of inner loop
read(fd_pipe_p2c[0], shared_arr, sizeof(shared_arr)); // read in array
int n = shared_arr[out]; // get value to consume
fprintf(stderr, "I am consuming.......%d\n", n, out);
out = (out + 1) % SIZE; // move out forward?
cnt--; // decrease count
void producer() {
// producer process
while (1) {
// read in cnt, if it's not == SIZE then produce something
read(fd_pipe_c2p[0], &cnt, 1);
while (cnt == SIZE) {
// write to consumer, we've produced something for it:
write(fd_pipe_p2c[1], &cnt, 1);
write(fd_pipe_p2c[1], shared_arr, sizeof(shared_arr));
// cnt != SIZE, so let's produce something:
shared_arr[in] = rand() % 100;
fprintf(stderr, "I am producing......%d...%d\n", shared_arr[in], in);
in = (in + 1) % SIZE;
Perhaps an example of the expected output would explain better:
I am producing......26...0.
I am producing......34...1.
I am producing......6...2.
I am producing......1...3.
I am producing......84...4.
I am producing......35...5.
I am producing......89...6.
I am producing......38...7.
I am producing......65...8.
I am producing......78...9.
Check to see something available.
I am producing......80...0.
I am consuming......26 0
I am producing......67...1.
I am consuming......34 1
I am producing......59...2.
I am consuming......6 2
I am producing......52...3.
I am consuming......1 3
I am producing......85...4.
I am consuming......84 4
I am producing......79...5.
I am consuming......35 5
I am producing......94...6.
I am consuming......89 6
I am producing......58...7.
I am consuming......38 7
I am producing......74...8.
I am consuming......65 8
I am producing......67...9.
I am consuming......78 9
Check to see something available.
Instead, this is my current output:
I am producing......83...0
I am producing......86...1
I am producing......77...2
I am producing......15...3
I am producing......93...4
I am producing......35...5
I am producing......86...6
I am producing......92...7
I am producing......49...8
I am producing......21...9
I am producing......62...0
I am producing......27...1
I am producing......90...2
I am producing......59...3
I am producing......63...4
I am producing......26...5
I am producing......40...6
I am producing......26...7
I am producing......72...8
I am producing......36...9
I am producing......11...0
I am producing......68...1
I am producing......67...2
I am producing......29...3
I am producing......82...4
I am producing......30...5
I am producing......62...6
I am producing......23...7
I am producing......67...8
I am producing......35...9
I am producing......29...0
I am producing......2...1
I am producing......22...2
I am producing......58...3
I am producing......69...4
I am producing......67...5
I am producing......93...6
I am producing......56...7
I am producing......11...8
I am producing......42...9
I am producing......29...0

How can I create a temporary buffer in C?

I am performing some physical calculations in my program, in which the output needs to be stored into a temporary buffer and passed through a pipe.
The buffer needs to share different data types: firstly, I need to store the name of the subject I'm studying; secondly the results of my calculations (all float numbers).
The code looks like this:
Aston Martin Vantage V12|07.7|090
Ferrari LaFerrari |09.6|111
Lamborghini Aventador |09.6|097
Porsche 911 Turbo S |09.6|092
Tesla Model S P100D |10.0|069
Hennessey Venom GT |10.3|120
Bugatti Chiron |11.2|114
Koenigsegg Agera |10.3|121
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
#define M 2 // Number of subjects.
int main(){
int pipeToChild[2];
if (pipe(pipeToChild) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error in pipe!");
return -1;
pid_t pid[M];
srand (time(NULL));
// Declares the file pointer with the information.
FILE * pFile;
char buffer[34]; // Buffer where subject info is sent to childs.
char tempBuffer[50]; // The buffer that causes problems.
pFile = fopen ("initialdata.dat","r");
for(int i = 0; i < M; i++){
pid[i] = fork();
if (pid[i] < 0){
printf("Fork error!\n");
return -1;
else if(pid[i]==0){
// Creates the pipes (one per child) to pass the temporary buffer to the results process (still not created).
int pipeToResults[2];
if (pipe(pipeToResults) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error in pipe!");
return -1;
// Receives the car information from the file through a pipe.
char receivedValue[34];
receivedValue[33] = '\0';
read(pipeToChild[READ], receivedValue, sizeof(receivedValue));
// Processes the information and tokenizes it.
char name[25];
char CHARacceleration[6];
char CHARmaxSpeed[4];
strcpy(name, strtok(receivedValue, "|"));
strcpy(CHARacceleration, strtok(NULL, "|"));
strcpy(CHARmaxSpeed, strtok(NULL, "|"));
float acceleration = atof(CHARacceleration);
float maxSpeed = atoi(CHARmaxSpeed);
// Adds 0.0X to acceleration.
float randomNum = rand() % 5;
acceleration = acceleration + randomNum/100;
float distance = 0;
float TA = 0; // Time using Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion.
float TB = 0; // Time using Linear Motion.
float TE = 0.5; // Time increment.
float currentVelocity = 0; // In m/s.
// Applies different physical calculations depending on the case.
while (distance <= 1000){
TA += TE;
if (currentVelocity < maxSpeed){ // Acceleration > 0
distance = (acceleration*pow((TA),2))/2;
currentVelocity = acceleration*TA;
distance = 2*distance;
else{ // Acceleration = 0
TB += TE;
currentVelocity = maxSpeed;
distance += maxSpeed*TB;
// Debug purposes, just for ensuring everything gets processed the right way.
printf("Name: %s\n", name);
printf("Distance: %.2f m\n", distance);
printf("Time: %.2f s\n", TA+TB);
printf("Max speed reached: %.2f km/h\n", currentVelocity*3.6);
printf("Acceleration: %.2f m/s^2\n", acceleration);
// Comment this if you want to switch between the situations I talked about.
sprintf(tempBuffer, "%s %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f", name, distance, TA+TB, currentVelocity, acceleration);
printf("Buffer: %s\n\n", tempBuffer);
else if(pid[i]>0){
// Generates a random subject from the list. Buggy section, fixed it the best way I could.
int randCar = rand() % 15 + 1;
if (randCar % 2 == 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= randCar; i++){
if (pFile != NULL)
fgets (buffer, sizeof(buffer), pFile);
perror ("ERROR reading file!");
char toSend[34]; //This will be passed through the `pipeToChild` pipe.
strcpy(toSend, buffer);
// Loads pipe.
write(pipeToChild[WRITE], toSend, strlen(toSend));
for (int i=0;i<M;i++){
waitpid(pid[i], NULL, 0);
return 0;
The output, though, is different depending if I use the sprintf or not. For example, for M=2, the output should be:
Case 1: No sprintf:
I'm the child process 1 with PID 12304
Name: Bugatti Chiron
Distance: 1012.61 m
Time: 9.50 s
Max speed reached: 383.72 km/h
Aceleration: 11.22 m/s^2
I'm the child process 2 with PID 12305
Name: Bugatti Chiron
Distance: 1012.61 m
Time: 9.50 s
Max speed reached: 383.72 km/h
Aceleration: 11.22 m/s^2
Case 2: sprintf:
I'm the child process 2 with PID 12307
I'm the child process 1 with PID 12306
Name: Bugatti Chiron
Distance: 1012.61 m
Time: 9.50 s
Max speed reached: 383.72 km/h
Aceleration: 11.22 m/s^2
Buffer: Bugatti Chiron 1012.61 9.50 383.82 11.22
What's the problem with 'sprinting'? Why is this line screwing the whole program?
EDIT: The program is a simple drag racing simulator, where M cars compete in a 1000m straight line. The master process creates M random cars (this function is not correctly implemented, though) and passes some data stored in the .dat file to M child processes through a single pipe.
Every car is a child process, and it's within it where the calculations are made. Once we get the values, every child passes the data stored in a temporary buffer through its own pipe to one results process which stores them in an output file. Note that this function is still not implemented because first I need to manage to create the buffer. My question is only about the buffer issue.
When you fork, you create a new process. Without any type of synchronization, the two child processes that get created run at the same time. So the output of each child may be interleaved with each other, depending on how the OS decided to schedule each of the processes. The presence of the sprintf doesn't change that.
You'll probably need to pass messages over pipes to get the processes to sync with each other to control when each of them prints.
char tempBuffer[50]; was initialized to 50 instead of 34, which is the exact size of the data I sent.

What's wrong with this first readers-writers solution implementation in C using mutex? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I am trying to implement the first readers writers problem (reader's preference) in C. I am using mutex locks and unlocks to make sure that no writer can access the thread if a reader has a lock and any reader can access the thread if the first reader has a lock. Here is my code. I am unable to get my code till the end i.e., it is not reaching the thread join part. I guess I am getting a deadlock somewhere or maybe I am placing my mutex locks and unlocks in wrong place.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define SLOWNESS 30000
#define INVALID_ACCNO -99999
#define SIZE 100
#define WRITE_ITR 100000
#define READ_ITR 100000
#define MAX_BALANCE 1000000
typedef struct {
int accno;
float balance;
} account;
// sleep function
void rest()
//Global shared data structure
account account_list[SIZE]; /* this is the data structure that the readers and writers will be accessing concurrently.*/
pthread_mutex_t rw_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t r_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
/* Writer thread - will update the account_list data structure.
Takes as argument the seed for the srand() function.
void * writer_thr(void * arg)
printf("Writer thread ID %ld\n", pthread_self());
srand(*((unsigned int *) arg)); /* set random number seed for this writer */
int i, j;
int r_idx;
unsigned char found; /* For every update_acc[j], set to TRUE if found in account_list, else set to FALSE */
account update_acc[WRITE_ITR];
/* first create a random data set of account updates */
for (i = 0; i < WRITE_ITR;i++)
r_idx = rand() % SIZE; /* a random number in the range [0, SIZE) */
update_acc[i].accno = account_list[r_idx].accno;
update_acc[i].balance = 1000.0 + (float) (rand() % MAX_BALANCE);
}//end for
/* open a writer thread log file */
char thr_fname[64];
snprintf(thr_fname, 64, "writer_%ld_thr.log", pthread_self());
FILE* fd = fopen(thr_fname, "w");
if (!fd)
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open writer log file %s\n", thr_fname);
}//end if
/* The writer thread will now try to update the shared account_list data structure.
For each entry 'j' in the update_acc[] array, it will find the corresponding
account number in the account_list array and update the balance of that account
number with the value stored in update_acc[j].
int temp_accno;
for (j = 0; j < WRITE_ITR;j++) {
found = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE;i++) {
if (account_list[i].accno == update_acc[j].accno) {
found = 1;
temp_accno = account_list[i].accno;
account_list[i].accno = INVALID_ACCNO;
account_list[i].balance = update_acc[j].balance;
account_list[i].accno = temp_accno;
rest(); /* makes the write long duration - SO AS TO INTRODUCE LATENCY IN WRITE before going for next 'j' */
fprintf(fd, "Account number = %d [%d]: old balance = %6.2f, new balance = %6.2f\n",
account_list[i].accno, update_acc[j].accno, account_list[i].balance, update_acc[j].balance);
}//end if
if (!found)
fprintf(fd, "Failed to find account number %d!\n", update_acc[j].accno);
} // end test-set for-loop
return NULL;
/* Reader thread - will read the account_list data structure.
Takes as argument the seed for the srand() function.
void * reader_thr(void *arg)
printf("Reader thread ID %ld\n", pthread_self());
srand(*((unsigned int *) arg)); /* set random number seed for this reader */
int i, j;
int r_idx;
unsigned char found; /* For every read_acc[j], set to TRUE if found in account_list, else set to FALSE */
account read_acc[READ_ITR];
/* first create a random data set of account updates */
for (i = 0; i < READ_ITR;i++)
r_idx = rand() % SIZE; /* a random number in the range [0, SIZE) */
read_acc[i].accno = account_list[r_idx].accno;
read_acc[i].balance = 0.0; /* we are going to read in the value */
}//end for
/* open a reader thread log file */
char thr_fname[64];
snprintf(thr_fname, 64, "reader_%ld_thr.log", pthread_self());
FILE *fd = fopen(thr_fname, "w");
if (!fd)
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to reader log file %s\n", thr_fname);
}//end if
/* The reader thread will now try to read the shared account_list data structure.
For each entry 'j' in the read_acc[] array, the reader will fetch the
corresponding balance from the account_list[] array and store in
read_acc[j].balance. */
for (j = 0; j < READ_ITR;j++) {
/* Now read the shared data structure */
found = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE;i++) {
if (account_list[i].accno == read_acc[j].accno) {
found = TRUE;
fprintf(fd, "Account number = %d [%d], balance read = %6.2f\n",
account_list[i].accno, read_acc[j].accno, read_acc[j].balance);
if(j == 1)
read_acc[j].balance = account_list[i].balance;
if(j == READ_ITR - 1)
if (!found)
fprintf(fd, "Failed to find account number %d!\n", read_acc[j].accno);
} // end test-set for-loop
return NULL;
/* populate the shared account_list data structure */
void create_testset() {
time_t t;
int i;
for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) {
account_list[i].accno = 1000 + rand() % RAND_MAX;
account_list[i].balance = 100 + rand() % MAX_BALANCE;
void usage(char *str) {
printf("Usage: %s -r <NUM_READERS> -w <NUM_WRITERS>\n", str);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
time_t t;
unsigned int seed;
int i;
int READ_THREADS; /* number of readers to create */
int WRITE_THREADS; /* number of writers to create */
if(argc <= 3)
int opt;
while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "r:w:")) != -1)
case 'r':
READ_THREADS = atoi(optarg);
case 'w':
WRITE_THREADS = atoi(optarg);
pthread_t* reader_idx = (pthread_t *) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * READ_THREADS); /* holds thread IDs of readers */
pthread_t* writer_idx = (pthread_t *) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * WRITE_THREADS); /* holds thread IDs of writers */
/* create readers */
for (i = 0;i < READ_THREADS;i++)
seed = (unsigned int) time(&t);
if((pthread_create(&reader_idx[i], NULL, reader_thr, &seed)) != 0)
perror("pthread reader create");
printf("Done creating reader threads!\n");
/* create writers */
for (i = 0;i < WRITE_THREADS;i++)
seed = (unsigned int) time(&t);
if((pthread_create(&writer_idx[i], NULL, writer_thr, &seed)) != 0)
perror("pthread writer create");
printf("Done creating writer threads!\n");
/* Join all reader and writer threads.
for(i = 0; i < READ_THREADS; i++)
pthread_join(reader_idx[i], NULL);
for(i = 0; i < WRITE_THREADS; i++)
pthread_join(writer_idx[i], NULL);
printf("Reader threads joined.\n");
printf("Writer threads joined.\n");
return 0;
Your code is a mess. There are several things that are wrong with it and each one of them breaks the RW locking mechanism that you are trying to implement.
Both your reader threads and writer threads need to deal with reader exclusion and writer exclusion. Your current code completely ignores the reader exclusion in writer thread.
Your writer thread is reading from the shared structure (if (account_list[i].accno == update_acc[j].accno)) without excluding other writers.
I do not think this is implementable with just mutexes as you seem to be trying to do. E.g., last reader thread out of the critical section needs to be able to let waiting writers go. You probably need at least conditional variables or semaphores to do this.
My suggestion is to use the POSIX pthread_rwlock_init and friends instead.
If you insist on doing this yourself then please read at least this Concurrent Control with "Readers" and "Writers" paper for inspiration on how this can be implemented.
