How to solve net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR? - reactjs

The error shown in this image
I just made a simple landing page with Nestjs (backend), Reactjs (frontend) and using graphql for API and deployed on AWS EC2. (The error says, "POST https://[our public address]:[end point port number]/graphql net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR")
And I set up a proxy server with Nginx and put SSL with Let's encrypt.
It was fine submitting a form (just simple email info) and got them in our database (PostgreSQL) and as soon as I got the SSL implemented in NginX.
We are getting that error.
Can anyone help us to solve this error please?
tried making https protocol for backend following this official doc does not seem to work and I am not sure if this is necessary to do to be honest.
The current NginX set up
Not sure if I have to do somethings on this Nginx setup.


API in a LocalHost works in Postman and doesn't work in React Native

Situation The API is located at http://localhost:44000/
In Postman it is working and returning the value, but when I make this request in React Native through Axios, it returns a Network error, . does anyone know how to solve?
Attempted Resolutions
I tried to use the command: adb reverse tcp:44000 tcp:44000 and it
didn't work again, I also tried using Control + M > Settings >
debug server and host. and I put and it didn't solve
I hope that passing the information in the body, it returns an object
with the api information by the POST method
replaced 'localhost' with variations of and 127*
In summary, I'm going to upload this request to some server and apparently it will work, it seems to be an SSL error from C# itself

instagram oauth issue (make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request)

Im trying to get basic data from instagram profiles, I am using a local webpack dev server to run my react app, I am also using Firebase functions, the function on firebase sends oauth/authorize request to instagarm's api, im getting a code response back and return it to my react popup, i then send the code to instagrams api for oatuh/access_token but im getting the following error:
Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request
Im running localhost:3000 as https with an ssl, i've set the redirecturl in the instagram developer tools to https://localhost:3000/instagram-popup/
the popup is the page I'm, loading to get the access token, it does get the code from the firebase function correctly, but fails the last call... I have lost SO many hours on this issue, if anyone has been in this situation and solved it, or didnt even encounter it but knows what i can do to fix it, i would really appreciate any guidance here

React WebSocket on server, Error during WebSocket handshake

I have made an application that uses a WebSocket. I want to run this application on a PLESK Server, but I get this error message 'WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404' when I visit the website.
After reading a few blogs, I came to the conclusion you have to adjust something in the NGINX settings, but this also appears to have no effect, or I have to do it wrong, that is also possible. (Another blog)
At the moment our API is installed on a subdomain (with the NodeJS add-on in plesk) and it also works. As soon as I start up the files locally I can connect to the WebSocket and the API so it must be up to the PLESK Server I think. At this moment only the NGINX 'Proxy mode' is off and the 'Additional nginx directives' empty.
Perhaps one of you is familiar with this problem?

npm sync-request: NetworkError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest'

I'm studying about ReactJS and during my research I got stuck in middle of this untraceable issue. The idea is to present information on browser screen fetched from Database. I've chosen WebAPI to serve as a channel for communicating with database. The API implementation is working as expected, I tested it using Postman.
But I'm encountering the subjected error when I try to access API through Reducer (React-Redux implementation), please refer below screenshot.
It seems to me a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) issue, as both API & ReactJS app running on localhost using different ports, but I'm not sure. In either case, please help me get to the solution.

Apigility and https

I got a problem with apigility and https.
To enable https communication between AngularJs frontend and Apigility backend, I used this tutorial: Almost everything works fine, but REST webservices doesn't respond via https.
When, using Advanced REST Client, I'm sending request e.g.
NO RESPONSE appears.
Does anyone know where might be the problem?
For defiantly it is server fault. My apigility instances are working perfectly normal on production server with SSL. Could you give some more information.
Can you open your apiglity admin panel by browser? Is it working?
Is there any error in response headers or some other clue? Are you sending "Accept" header?
What is your apigility and zf2 versions?
