Multiple authentications AzureAD and ASP.NET Identity using keycloak - azure-active-directory

Front End: Angular , ASP.NET MVC
Middleware: ASP.NET WEB API uses ASP.NET Identity (Localdb for login) and ASP.NET API uses Azure AD
ASP.NET MVC using Asp.NET Identity
Angular using API Azure AD
Now I have to integrate Angular application in mvc using iframe. To enable single sign on how to integrate ASP.NET Identity and Azure AD in keycloak.
Any suggestions on this.


Incorporate WebForms Application with Azure AD for SAML based SSO authentication

I am trying to incorporate ITFoxtec SAML with my webforms applications and Azure AD for SAML based SSO authentication. Can anyone please provide me any reference link or guide me regarding this to work?
Target Framework: .NET Framework 4.8(Web forms)
I have gone through the samples given in the github repo but still unable to proceed further.
I'm afraid that there is not a .NET WebForms sample but it is possible to implement ITfoxtec Identity SAML 2.0 in a .NET WebForms application.
Please se the following links:
ITfoxtec SAML 2.0 and .NET ASPX application (not MVC)
itfoxtec-identity-saml2 .net framework 4.6 web forms guidance
ITfoxtec SAML 2.0 and ASP.NET Web Forms (ASPX) HttpRequest
Alternatively, you can connect to Azure AD using OpenID Connect or use FoxIDs as an security broker to concert between the Azure AD SAML 2.0 connection and your application using OpenID Connect.

Is there a sample example where AngularJS authentication is setup with Azure AD and Spring boot

We have two separate apps for both front-end written in AngularJS (from 5 years ago) and back-end in Spring boot which are deployed separately
Is there a way of using Azure AD authentication with AngularJS front-end and Spring-boot back-end?
Is there a way of using Azure AD authentication with AngularJS
front-end and Spring-boot back-end?
To use Azure AD authentication with AngularJS (Front-end) and spring-boot ( back end) ,Here is the sample/Example .
Also , You can grant Authentication using Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow .
. Angular MSAL Login example| GitHub
. Authentication for application with Azure AD

AngularJS with ASP.NET Web API and Azure AD Single SignOn using msal

I have an web api and angularjs(1.4.x) app and planning to use Azure AD for authentication and single sign on feature. Most of the examples are using ADAL, which is deprecated as per Microsoft. Can anyone share some examples of what changes need to be done in Web api and AngularJS app?
Migrate ADAL.js to MSAL.js for Azure AD Authentication for AngularJS+ASP.NET Core application.
You could try #azure/msal-angularjs for AngularJS SPA
When migrating ADAL.js to MSAL.js, you need to use #azure/msal-angular that is based on Microsoft identity platform v2.0.
Below is the example using MSAL Angular and call a .NET Core web API.
Example :
Reference Guide Based on SO Thread:

How to bypass AzureAD authentication using OpenID and Owin middleware for Web API 2 controller within ASP.NET MVC project

I have an ASP.NET MVC5 application which has WEB API2 project with few controllers within it. I have setup AzureAD authentication for the ASP.NET MVC5 project using AzureAD and OpenID connect and OWIN middleware.
Everything is working fine from ASP.NET MVC project point of view. The WEB API2 controller are used here to process the requests coming from angularjs, Android
and iOS app. There is a requirement for a WebAPI controller to process requests from unauthenticated clients (angularjs, Android, iOS apps) which issue AJAX requests.
Prior to the AzureAD authentication setup it was configured with on premise ADFS authentication. In this case I followed the below link to by pass on premise ADFS authentication for the
WEB API2 controllers and it worked fine for me.
Can I bypass organizational authentication for a WebAPI controller inside an MVC app?
Can anyone help me to know how to bypass the azuread authentication for the WEB API2 controllers to allow requests from unauthenticated clients in this case with some code samples ?
The web API controller is access-able for anonymous user by default. If you got the unauthenticated issue(401) when the anonymous user access that controller, please check whether there is Authorize attribute for the specific controller and remove that attribute.

Thinktecture Identitiy Server and AngularJS SPA

Is there any js library that I can hook up into my AngularJS SPA that authenticates with Thinktecture Identity Server? AzureAD has adal.js to make it work with AzureAD, is there any I can use with Thinktecture ?
