Trying to make build of Electron using "electron-build", but not generating - reactjs

I'm trying to make build of my electron app using electron-builder but it is building for development only not for production, can anyone guide me how to make a production build?


Build a react app, and publish this build as a release in gitlab releases

I'm trying to build a simple react app, the issue is I don't want to do this build manually, I want to automate this process using gitlab ci, and I would like to know if it is possible to publish this build as a release in the same gitlab repo.
Thank you in advance.

how to create production build for react electron app.?

I'm using creating react + electron weather app but I can't be creating a production build for that.
I am using the electron-packager for creating build but this is not working

How do I prepare a CRA app to deploy to heroku, do I still have to build as for a fullstack CRA app?

I have a simple create-react-app app that I want to deploy to heroku but I'm not sure about the right wat to deplay or what files exactly. Do I need to npm run build as in the case of a mern fullstack app? I repeat, this is only react, no server. Thank you.
Instead of using Heroku to deploy just the React part, no server, you can use other easier solutions like:
Netlify and Vercel.
What you need need to do that, is just have a GitHub/GitLab repository, register on the platform, choose your repository and wait :)
It will automatically build and serve your React application.
Another cool thing is: Any new commit will generate a new build, so your app will be always updated.

How to build react app for production without making the website offline?

Is it possible to build react app for production using npm run build without it making the site offline? I am using nginx to serve the react app and when I run the above command, I get Internal server error until the build is finished. It would be nice if the old version of the app is served until the build is finished.
You shouldn't be building your application on the production server. Build it locally, then deploy it to production and this won't be an issue.

Deploy reactjs by electron for creating desktop app

I know my question is obvious but I want to find best practice for that. How can we deploy a reactjs project by electron in lowest size of package? Can we deploy the built reactjs project by electron? I use create-react-app and I don't want to eject that.
