TypeError: command.execute is not a function - discord.js

I am aware that this problem has been discussed already, but I don't seem to fit the solutions found into my code. I've created some commands to this bot and they seem to work, although they are only basic slash commands (e.g. /ping). This problem came in when I try to run a moderation command or a play command.
This is the code with the error
const { Interaction } = require("discord.js");
module.exports = {
name: 'interactionCreate',
async execute(interaction, client) {
if (!interaction.isCommand()) return;
const command = client.commands.get(interaction.commandName);
if (!command) return
await command.execute(interaction, client);
} catch (error) {
await interaction.reply({
content: 'A aparut o eroare cu aceasta comanda!',
ephemeral: true
None of the fixes that I found seem to fit, at least to my rather unexperienced eye.
The command I try to run is this:
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("#discordjs/builders")
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js")
const { QueryType } = require("discord-player")
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Asculta muzica")
.setDescription("Incarca o singura melodie printr-un url")
.addStringOption((option) => option.setName("url").setDescription("url-ul melodiei").setRequired(true)))
.addSubcommand((subcommand) =>
.setDescription("Incarca un playlist printr-un url")
.addStringOption((option) => option.setName("url").setDescription("url-ul playlist-ului").setRequired(true)))
.addSubcommand((subcommand) =>
.setDescription("Cauta o melodie pe baza cuvintelor-cheie")
.addStringOption((option) =>
option.setName("searchterms").setDescription("the search keywords").setRequired(true))),
run: async ({ client, interaction }) => {
if (interaction.member.voice.channel)
return interaction.editReply("Trebuie sa fii pe un voice channel pentru a folosi aceasta comanda!")
const queue = await client.player.createQueue(interaction.guild)
if (!queue.connection) await queue.connect(interaction.member.voice.channel)
let embed = new MessageEmbed()
if (interaction.options.getSubcommand() === "song"){
let url = interaction.options.getString("url")
const result = await client.player.search(url, {
requestedBy: interaction.user,
searchEngine: QueryType.YOUTUBE_VIDEO
if (result.tracks.length === 0)
return interaction.editReply("Niciun rezultat")
const song = result.tracks[0]
await queue.addTrack(song)
.setDescription(`**[${song.title}](${song.url})**a fost adaugata`)
.setFooter({ text: `Durata: ${song.duration}`})
} else if (interaction.options.getSubcommand() === "playlist"){
let url = interaction.options.getString("url")
const result = await client.player.search(url, {
requestedBy: interaction.user,
searchEngine: QueryType.YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST
if (result.tracks.length === 0)
return interaction.editReply("Niciun rezultat")
const playlist = result.tracks
await queue.addTrack(result.tracks)
.setDescription(`**${result.tracks.length} melodii din [${playlist.title}](${playlist.url})**a fost adaugata`)
.setFooter({ text: `Durata: ${playlist.duration}`})
} else if (interaction.options.getSubcommand() === "search"){
let url = interaction.options.getString("seatchterms")
const result = await client.player.search(url, {
requestedBy: interaction.user,
searchEngine: QueryType.AUTO
if (result.tracks.length === 0)
return interaction.editReply("Niciun rezultat")
const song = result.tracks[0]
await queue.addTrack(song)
.setDescription(`**[${song.title}](${song.url})**a fost adaugata`)
.setFooter({ text: `Durata: ${song.duration}`})
if (!queue.playing) await queue.play()
await interaction.editReply({
embeds: [embed]
and the corresponding error:
TypeError: command.execute is not a function
at Object.execute (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\src\events\interactionCreate.js:15:27)
at Client.<anonymous> (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\src\functions\handelEvents.js:8:58)
at Client.emit (node:events:513:28)
at InteractionCreateAction.handle (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\actions\InteractionCreate.js:97:12)
at module.exports [as INTERACTION_CREATE] (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\handlers\INTERACTION_CREATE.js:4:36)
at WebSocketManager.handlePacket (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\WebSocketManager.js:352:31)
at WebSocketShard.onPacket (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\WebSocketShard.js:489:22)
at WebSocketShard.onMessage (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\node_modules\discord.js\src\client\websocket\WebSocketShard.js:328:10)
at callListener (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:290:14)
at WebSocket.onMessage (C:\Users\shelby\Bot\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:209:9)

You should be using command.run() instead of command.execute(), as your exported Slash Command uses this property name to store the core function.
const { Interaction } = require("discord.js");
module.exports = {
name: 'interactionCreate',
async execute(interaction, client) {
if (!interaction.isCommand()) return;
const command = client.commands.get(interaction.commandName);
if (!command) return
await command.run({ interaction, client });
} catch (error) {
await interaction.reply({
content: 'A aparut o eroare cu aceasta comanda!',
ephemeral: true
Additionally, you have to use an object that contains your interaction and client to run the function instead of using two arguments.


Discord: I need a filter to make a select menu with author id but its keeps saying is "properties of undefined (reading 'author')"

//I need only 1 use of select menu
const { MessageEmbed, MessageAttachment, Message } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
name: 'interactionCreate',
async execute(interaction, client, message) {
if (interaction.isCommand()) {
const command = client.commands.get(interaction.commandName);
if (!command) return;
try {
await command.execute(interaction, client);
} catch (error) {
await interaction.reply({
content: 'There was an error while executing this command!',
ephemeral: true
} else if (interaction.isSelectMenu()) {
const i = `${interaction.user.id}`
const g = `${message.author.id}`
if (interaction.customId == "color-select") {
let colores = "";
await interaction.values.forEach(async value =>{
colores += `${value} `
const filter = (interaction) => {
i === g;
const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageCollector({ filter, time: 15000 });
await interaction.reply({ content: `Wow tu color favorito es: ${colores} `});
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'author')

DiscordJS bot connecting to vocal channel but music is not playing [duplicate]

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const { joinVoiceChannel, createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, AudioPlayerStatus } = require('#discordjs/voice');
const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_MESSAGES"], partials: ["CHANNEL"] });
const player = createAudioPlayer();
var channelsToMonitor = ['902193996355485778'];
function joinChannel(channel) {
const connection = joinVoiceChannel({
channelId: channel.id,
guildId: channel.guild.id,
adapterCreator: channel.guild.voiceAdapterCreator,
return connection;
function playAudio(connection) {
// Subscribe the connection to the audio player (will play audio on the voice connection)
const resource = createAudioResource('./music/', 'alarm.mp3');
resource.volume = 1;
player.on(AudioPlayerStatus.Playing, () => {
client.on('ready', () => {
client.on('messageCreate', async msg => {
try {
if (channelsToMonitor.indexOf(msg.channel.id) !== -1) {
if (msg.content == 'GOGOGO') {
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get("857332849119723520");
const channel = guild.channels.cache.get("921415774676058152");
if (!channel) return console.error("The channel does not exist!");
var connection = joinChannel(channel);
await playAudio(connection);
} else {
if (msg.author.bot) return;
} catch (err) {
I have set this up from the docs
And I cannot find why no audio is coming out! The bot joins the channel and says it's playing when I use console.log(player) but for some reason, it is deafened and doesn't play any sound.
Bots now join with self deaf by default. Provide the selfDeaf field to stop this:
const connection = joinVoiceChannel({
channelId: channel.id,
guildId: channel.guild.id,
adapterCreator: channel.guild.voiceAdapterCreator,
selfDeaf: false,
selfMute: false // this may also be needed

Why can't I use an interaction collector in a slash command?

const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("#discordjs/builders");
const {
} = require("discord.js");
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Setup the bot to your server!"),
async execute(interaction) {
let array = [];
await interaction.guild.members.cache.forEach(async (user) => {
if (user.user.bot === false || user.user.id === "925077132865052702")
label: user.user.username,
description: user.id,
value: user.id,
emoji: "<a:right:926857658500251668>",
let row;
if (array < 5) {
row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(
new MessageSelectMenu()
.setPlaceholder("Nothing selected.")
} else {
row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(
new MessageSelectMenu()
.setPlaceholder("Nothing selected.")
let welcome = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("UChecker | Setup")
"Please select from the dropdown below all the bots you would like to be notified for."
let message = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [welcome],
components: [row],
ephemeral: true,
const filter = i => {
return i.user.id === interaction.user.id;
await message.awaitMessageComponent({ filter, componentType: 'SELECT_MENU', time: 60000 })
.then(async interaction => await interaction.editReply(`You selected ${interaction.values.join(', ')}!`))
.catch(err => console.log(`No interactions were collected.`));
Here is my code. As you can see at the bottom I am using awaitMessageComponent and it says an error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'createMessageComponentCollector')
at Object.execute (C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\UChecker\src\setup.js:55:31)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async Client.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\UChecker\index.js:38:3)
if (this.deferred || this.replied) throw new Error('INTERACTION_ALREADY_REPLIED');
Error [INTERACTION_ALREADY_REPLIED]: The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred.
at CommandInteraction.reply (C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\UChecker\node_modules\discord.js\src\structures\interfaces\InteractionResponses.js:90:46)
at Client.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\UChecker\index.js:41:21)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {
I am confused as I thought you could edit a reply? Could someone please help me out because I am really confused. I have created a reply so then it can be edited by the interaction collector and it says it has already replied.
You have to use CommandInteraction#fetchReply() to retrieve the reply message.
await interaction.reply({
embeds: [welcome],
components: [row],
ephemeral: true,
const message = await interaction.fetchReply();
Interaction replies are not returned unless you specify fetchReply: true in the options
let message = await interaction.reply({
embeds: [welcome],
components: [row],
ephemeral: true,
fetchReply: true

message.member.voice.channel; not working

Basically, i'm coding a discord bot and i'm trying to code a music bot / command. On line 14 whenever ?play is run (the command) i get TypeError: Cannot read property 'voice' of undefined (NOTE: i AM in a voice channel when i run this command) Im using discord js v.12.4 not sure how to check :/ I've gone over some stack overflow questions and they're all saying to update message.member.voiceChannel to message.member.voice.channel. btw i have tried message.member.voiceChannel it returns the same error.
const ytSearch = require('yt-search');
const queue = new Map();
module.exports = {
name: 'play',
aliases: ['skip', 'stop'],
cooldown: 10,
description: 'Advanced music bot',
async execute(message, args, cmd, client, Discord){
const voice_channel = message.member.voice.channel;
if (!voice_channel) return message.channel.send('You need to be in a channel to execute this command!');
const permissions = voice_channel.permissionsFor(message.client.user);
if (!permissions.has('CONNECT')) return message.channel.send('You dont have the correct permissins');
if (!permissions.has('SPEAK')) return message.channel.send('You dont have the correct permissins');
const server_queue = queue.get(message.guild.id);
if (cmd === 'play'){
if (!args.length) return message.channel.send('You need to send the second argument!');
let song = {};
if (ytdl.validateURL(args[0])) {
const song_info = await ytdl.getInfo(args[0]);
song = { title: song_info.videoDetails.title, url: song_info.videoDetails.video_url }
} else {
const video_finder = async (query) =>{
const video_result = await ytSearch(query);
return (video_result.videos.length > 1) ? video_result.videos[0] : null;
const video = await video_finder(args.join(' '));
if (video){
song = { title: video.title, url: video.url }
} else {
message.channel.send('Error finding video.');
if (!server_queue){
const queue_constructor = {
voice_channel: voice_channel,
text_channel: message.channel,
connection: null,
songs: []
queue.set(message.guild.id, queue_constructor);
try {
const connection = await voice_channel.join();
queue_constructor.connection = connection;
video_player(message.guild, queue_constructor.songs[0]);
} catch (err) {
message.channel.send('There was an error connecting!');
throw err;
} else{
return message.channel.send(`👍 **${song.title}** added to queue!`);
else if(cmd === 'skip') skip_song(message, server_queue);
else if(cmd === 'stop') stop_song(message, server_queue);
const video_player = async (guild, song) => {
const song_queue = queue.get(guild.id);
if (!song) {
const stream = ytdl(song.url, { filter: 'audioonly' });
song_queue.connection.play(stream, { seek: 0, volume: 0.5 })
.on('finish', () => {
video_player(guild, song_queue.songs[0]);
await song_queue.text_channel.send(`🎶 Now playing **${song.title}**`)
const skip_song = (message, server_queue) => {
if (!message.member.voice.channel) return message.channel.send('You need to be in a channel to execute this command!');
return message.channel.send(`There are no songs in queue 😔`);
const stop_song = (message, server_queue) => {
if (!message.member.voice.channel) return message.channel.send('You need to be in a channel to execute this command!');
server_queue.songs = [];

Discord.js v13, #discordjs/voice Play Music Command

This is my code,
The command executes perfectly, The bot joins the voice channel and also sends the name of the song its about to play, but it doesnt play the song in the voice channel.
This is my first time ever asking a question on stackoverflow so dont mind the format and stuff. But I really need help here.
Discord v13 and latest node module.
const ytsearch = require('yt-search');
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const {
} = require('#discordjs/voice');
module.exports = {
name: "play",
description: "test command",
async run(client, message, args) {
const voiceChannel = message.member.voice.channel;
if (!voiceChannel) return message.channel.send('Please connect to a voice channel!');
if (!args.length) return message.channel.send('Please Provide Something To Play!')
const connection = await joinVoiceChannel({
channelId: message.member.voice.channel.id,
guildId: message.guild.id,
adapterCreator: message.guild.voiceAdapterCreator
const videoFinder = async (query) => {
const videoResult = await ytsearch(query);
return (videoResult.videos.length > 1) ? videoResult.videos[0] : null;
const video = await videoFinder(args.join(' '));
if (video) {
const stream = ytdl(video.url, { filter: 'audioonly' });
const player = createAudioPlayer();
const resource = createAudioResource(stream)
await player.play(resource);
await message.reply(`:thumbsup: Now Playing ***${video.title}***`)
} else {
message.channel.send('No video results found');
I would suggest you look at the music bot example at #discordjs/voice.
They do a good job of how to extract the stream from ytdl.
I'm currently still learning how this all works but the part that you will want to look at is in the createAudioResource function.
public createAudioResource(): Promise<AudioResource<Track>> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const process = ytdl(
o: '-',
q: '',
f: 'bestaudio[ext=webm+acodec=opus+asr=48000]/bestaudio',
r: '100K',
{ stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'ignore'] },
if (!process.stdout) {
reject(new Error('No stdout'));
const stream = process.stdout;
const onError = (error: Error) => {
if (!process.killed) process.kill();
.once('spawn', () => {
.then((probe) => resolve(createAudioResource(probe.stream, { metadata: this, inputType: probe.type })))
