gcloud app engine instances being inactive after a while - google-app-engine

This is the app.yaml I define
runtime: nodejs16 env: flex service: default env_variables:
MONGO_USER: 'xxxxxx' MONGO_PASS: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
automatic_scaling: min_num_instances: 3
This is the final configuration ,ignoring my config after deploying
runtime: nodejs api_version: '1.0' env: flexible threadsafe: true
env_variables: MONGO_PASS: xxxxxx MONGO_USER: xxxxxx
automatic_scaling: cool_down_period: 120s min_num_instances: 2
max_num_instances: 20 cpu_utilization:
target_utilization: 0.5 liveness_check: initial_delay_sec: '300' check_interval_sec: '30' timeout_sec: '4' failure_threshold: 4
success_threshold: 2 readiness_check: check_interval_sec: '5'
timeout_sec: '4' failure_threshold: 2 success_threshold: 2
app_start_timeout_sec: '300'
I am trying to host a simple api server (nodejs,express,typescript)
but after a while the endpoint automatically becomes inactive when I ping from postman. Once I open the app engine dashboard and click on the instance, and make the api call again it works.
I tried this with both standard and flexible environment
I tried adding min_idle_instances:1 yet, it doesn't appear in the final config. (maybe it's only for standard env)
The docs say I should handle warmup request (for standard env), but I couldn't find a boilerplate on how to hanlde a warmup request

To enable warmup requests, add the warmup element under the inbound_services directive in your app.yaml file as mentioned in this document.
To handle the warm up request call to /_ah/warmup to return a 200 response.As described in this document You can also respond to warmup requests by using one of the following methods
Using a servlet
The easiest way to provide warmup logic is to mark your own servlets as in the web.xml configuration file.
Using a ServletContextListener
Al lows you to run custom logic before any of your servlets is first invoked either through a warmup request or a loading request.
Using a custom warmup servlet
Using a custom warmup servlet invokes the servlet's service method only during a warmup request rather than during loading requests.
You may also check this similar thread


App enfine flexible with way more readiness and liveness requests than expected

I deployed a simple nodejs server on Google app engine flex.
When it has 1 instance running, it is getting 3 times as much liveness and readyness checks as it should be reiceving considering the configuration on my app.yml file.
The documentation says:
If you examine the nginx.health_check logs for your application, you might see health check polling happening more frequently than you have configured, due to the redundant health checkers that are also following your settings. These redundant health checkers are created automatically and you cannot configure them.
Still this does look like an aggressive behaviour. Is this normal?
My app.yml config :
runtime: nodejs
env: flex
service: web
cpu: 1
memory_gb: 3
disk_size_gb: 10
min_num_instances: 1
target_utilization: 0.6
path: "/readiness_check"
timeout_sec: 4
check_interval_sec: 5
failure_threshold: 2
success_threshold: 1
app_start_timeout_sec: 300
path: "/liveness_check"
timeout_sec: 4
check_interval_sec: 30
failure_threshold: 2
success_threshold: 1
Yes, this is normal. Three different locations are checking health of your service. You have configured the health check to be every five seconds. If you want less health check traffic, change check_interval_sec: 5 to be a larger number.

Clear appEngine Flex static files cache

I set a cache-control on my server of 1 year.
How to say to the AppEngine "clear !" to take a new version from the server ?
The configuration is Flex custom environment
runtime: custom
env: flex
writecontrolEnv: 'prod'
- url: /.*
script: this field is required, but ignored
service: gateway-prod
min_num_instances: 1
max_num_instances: 2
cpu: 1
memory_gb: 2
disk_size_gb: 10
- node_modules/
instance_tag: gateway
Assuming that your app is the one serving the static files then the cache parameters sent by the server are controlled by your application code. Which means that once you deploy a new version with updates parameters the server will send the updated values.
But the problem is that caching is actually performed by the client (or some middle-man network device), so the end user will not reach to the server until the (very long in your case) cache expiration time is reached, so it won't see the update until then.
You can try to clear your browser cache, hoping that the browser was the one doing the cache-ing.
To prevent such occurrences in the future you may want to choose a shorter cache expiration time or use some cache busting technique like this one.

Google App engine Deoployment receives ERROR Only when specifiying CPUs above 1 in app.yaml

I have a Flask app that deploys fine in the Google App Engine Flexible environment but some new updates have made it relatively resource intensive (Was receiving a [CRITICAL] Worker Timeout message.) In attempting to fix this issue I wanted to increase the number of CPUs for my app.
env: flex
entrypoint: gunicorn -t 600 --timeout 600 -b :$PORT main:server
runtime: python
threadsafe: false
python_version: 2
min_num_instances: 3
max_num_instances: 40
cool_down_period_sec: 260
target_utilization: .5
cpu: 3
After some time I receive:
"Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [13] An internal error occurred during deployment."
Is there some sort of permission issue preventing me from increasing the CPUs? Or is my app.ymal invalid?
You can not set the number of cores(CPU) to odd numbers except 1. It should be even.

Task Queue Issue - Endpoint v2, Google App Engine

We are facing issues with taskqueues after recently updating the Endpoints API to version 2 in Google App Engine - Python. Following are the issues faced with respect to taskqueus,
Taskqueue doesn't get added to the queue at all , Just gets ignored and never executed.
Taskqueue get terminated with error - "Process terminated because the backend was stopped."
The most critical error is the first one where the task is just ignored and not added to the queue itself.
Details on the codebase and logs are attached along.
It would be great if someone can help us out here.
app.yaml (Server Settings)
#version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
instance_class: F4
min_idle_instances: 1
max_idle_instances: 4 # default value
min_pending_latency: 500ms # default value
max_pending_latency: 900ms
max_concurrent_requests: 50
- name: allocateStore
rate: 500/s
bucket_size: 500
max_concurrent_requests: 1000
task_retry_limit: 0
Adding task to queue:
taskqueue.add(queue_name='allocateStore', url='/tasksStore/allocateStore')
Navin Lr

Protecting cron scheduling endpoint on AppEngine (Flexible Environment)

I am trying to get my dataflow job scheduled via cron.yaml in an AppEngine flexible environment. This works flawlessly when I leave my endpoint unprotected. However, when trying to secure the endpoint, I see 403 status responses, even when triggering it from within the TaskQueues interface.
My app.yaml looks like this:
runtime: java
env: flex
- url: /.*
script: this field is required, but ignored
- url: /dataflow/schedule
script: this field is required, but ignored
login: admin
jdk: openjdk8
cpu: .5
memory_gb: 1.3
disk_size_gb: 10
instances: 1
Secure handlers (like login: admin) do not work on App Engine Flexible, that is why the 403.
For securing that handler, you can check the request header "X-AppEngine-Cron" in your app, which is a trusted header only set by traffic coming from App Engine.
