Why is my boolean state value not toggling? - reactjs

I know there are other articles and posts on this topic and almost all of them say to use the ! operator for a Boolean state value. I have used this method before but for the life of me I can not toggle this Boolean value.
import { useState } from 'react';
const [playerTurn, setPlayerTurn] = useState(true);
const changePlayerTurn = () => {
console.log(playerTurn); // returns true
console.log(playerTurn); // also returns true
I have also tried setPlayerTurn(current => !current), commenting out the rest of my code to avoid interference, and restarted my computer in case that would help but I am still stuck with this issue.
Can anyone point out why this is not working?

The setPlayerTurn method queues your state change (async) so reading the state directly after will provide inconsistent results.
If you use your code correctly in a react component you will see that playerTurn has changed on the next render

You creating a async function, to solve this you can create a button in your component, which will run the function and you can use the "useEffect" hook to log every time the boolean changes... so you can see the changes taking place over time, like this:
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useState } from "react";
const Player = () => {
const [playerTurn, setPlayerTurn] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
}, [playerTurn]);
return <button onClick={() => setPlayerTurn(!playerTurn)}>change player turn</button>;
export default Player;

This is happening because setPlayerTurn is async function.
You can use another hook useEffect() that runs anytime some dependencies update, in this case your playerTurn state.
export default YourComponent = () => {
const [playerTurn, setPlayerTurn] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('playerTurn: ', playerTurn);
}, [playerTurn]);
const changePlayerTurn = () => {
return (
<button onClick={changePlayerTurn}>Click to change player turn</button>
Basically whenever you use setState React keeps a record that it needs to update the state. And it will do some time in the future (usually it takes milliseconds). If you console.log() right after updating your state, your state has yet to be updated by React.
So you need to "listen" to changes on your state using useEffect().
useEffect() will run when your component is first mounted, and any time the state in the dependencies array is updated.

The value of the state only changes after the render. You can test this like:
// Get a hook function
const Example = ({title}) => {
const [playerTurn, setPlayerTurn] = React.useState(true);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("PlayerTurn changed to", playerTurn);
}, [playerTurn]);
return (<div>
<p>Player turn: {playerTurn.toString()}</p>
<button onClick={() => setPlayerTurn(!playerTurn)}>Toggle PlayerTurn</button>
// Render it
<Example />,
<div id="root"></div>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/18.2.0/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/18.2.0/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
The callback inside the useEffect runs during the component mount and when one of the values inside the second argument, the dependecy array, changes. The depency here is playerTurn. When it changes the console will log.
As you will see, before this happens, the "Rendering..." log will appear.


Why is the updated state variable not shown in the browser console?

I understand that the method returned by useState is asynchronous, however, when I run the this code, I am delaying the console.log by upto 5 seconds, but it still logs the previous value and not the updated value of the state variable. The updated value would be 2, but it still logs 1. In the react developer tools however, I can see the state changing as I press the button, though I am curious to know why after even such a delay the console prints an obsolete value? This is not the case with class components and setState but with function components and useState.
import "./App.css";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function App() {
const [variable, setVariable] = useState(1);
const handleClick = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Button</button>;
export default App;
In your code your setTimeout is getting the variable value from the closure at the time it was invoked and the callback function to the setTimeout was created. Check this GitHub issue for the detailed explanation.
In the same issue, they talk about utilizing useRef to do what you are attempting. This article by Dan Abramov packages this into a convenient useInterval hook.
State updates are asynchronous. That means, that in order to view the new value, you need to log It on the next render using useEffect and adding it to the dependencies array:
In this example, give a look at the order the logs appear:
First, you will have the current one, and once triggered, you will have the new value, and then it will become the 'old value' until triggered again.
import "./App.css";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function App() {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => { console.log(`new state rolled: ${counter}`);
}, [counter]);
console.log(`Before rolling new State value: ${counter}`);
const handleClick = () => setCounter(counter++)
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Button</button>;
export default App;
Another technic to console.log a value afterward a state change is to attach a callback to the setState:
setCounter(counter++, ()=> console.log(counter));
I hope it helps.
A state take some time to update. The proper way to log state when it updates, is to use the useEffect hook.
setTimeout attaches the timer and wait for that time, but it will keep the value of variable from the beginning of the timer, witch is 1
import "./App.css";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function App() {
const [variable, setVariable] = useState(1);
const handleClick = () => {
useEffect(() => {
}, [variable]);
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Button</button>;
export default App;
This is not the case with class components and setState but with
function components and useState
In class components, React keep the state in this.state & then call the Component.render() method whenever its need to update due to a setState or prop change.
Its something like this,
// pseudocode ( Somewhere in React code )
const app = MyClassComponent();
// user invoke a callback which trigger a setState,
// Then React will replace & call render(),
this.state = 10;
Even though you cannot do this.state = 'whatever new value', React does that internally with class components to save the latest state value. Then react can call the render() method and render method will receive the latest state value from this.state
So, if you use a setTimeout in a class component,
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(this.state) // this render the latest value because React replace the value of `this.state` with latest one
}, 2000)
However in functional component, the behaviour is little bit different, Every time when component need to re render, React will call the component again, And you can think the functional components are like the render() method of class components.
// pseudocode ( Somewhere in React code )
// initial render
const app = MyFuctionalComponent();
// state update trigger and need to update. React will call your component again to build the new element tree.
const app2 = MyFunctionalComponent();
The variable value in app is 1 & variable value in app2 is 2.
Note: variable is just a classic variable which returned by a function that hooked to the component ( The value save to the variable is the value return by the hook when the component was rendering so it is not like this.state i.e its hold the value which was there when the component is rendering but not the latest value )
Therefore according to the Clouser, at the time your setTimeout callback invoke ( Which was called from app ) it should log 1.
How you can log the latest value ?
you can use useEffect which getting invoke once a render phase of a component is finished. Since the render phase is completed ( that mean the local state variables holds the new state values ) & variable changed your console log will log the current value.
useEffect(() => {
}, [variable])
If you need the behaviour you have in class components, you can try useRef hook. useRef is an object which holds the latest value just like this.state but notice that updating the value of useRef doesn't trigger a state update.
const ref = useRef(0);
const handleClick = () => {
setVariable(2); // still need to setVariable to trigger state update
ref.current = 2 // track the latest state value in ref as well.
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(ref.current); // you will log the latest value
}, 2000);

Does setState function of useState hook trigger re-render of whole component or just the returned JSX part of the code?

I am a beginner in React and I am learning it from a udemy course. Initially I thought the whole code inside the functional component gets re rendered/re run after state update. But then I saw this implementation of countdown before redirect and got confused.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
const LoadingToRedirect = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(5);
let history = useHistory();
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
setCount((currentCount) => --currentCount);
}, 1000);
// redirect once count is equal to 0
count === 0 && history.push("/");
// cleanup
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [count]);
return (
<div className="container p-5 text-center">
<p>Redirecting you in {count} seconds</p>
export default LoadingToRedirect;
So why is setInterval needed here if setCount triggers a re-render of the whole code? Can't we do the same thing with setTimeout? So I tried that and it worked. Surely there is a reason he did it that way? Am I missing something?
Of course React re-renders the whole component but it also depends on some conditions. For example if you look at your code you have passed count variable as a dependency to useEffect hook, it means if the value of count changes React will render the effect inside of the useEffect hook.
Yes, you can achieve the same using setTimeout;setInterval is
pointless because it totally depends on count variable you passed as a
if you remove count as a dependency then you can easily see it will
not redirect you the required page.

React update useState() when variable value changes

How to update UseState() when variable 'matchUrl' changes. when navigating to another route the 'matchUrl' value changes. and the changes is reflected on console.log and on the 'h1' tag. but not the usestate(), it keeps the old value.
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import useInfinityScroll from './hooks/useInfinityScroll'
import names form './data/names'
function TableList({ match }) {
let matchUrl = match.params.name
const dataMatch = names.filter(name => name.occupation === matchUrl)
const [listNames, setListNames] = useState(dataMatch.slice(0, 10))
const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useInfinityScroll(fetchMoreListItems) //fetches more items when scrolling to bottom of page
function fetchMoreListItems() {
setTimeout(() {
setListNames([...dataMatch.slice(0, 20)])
}, 2000)
return (
{listNames.filter(name => name.occupation === matchUrl).map(listNames => <Table key={listNames.id} name={listNames} />)}
export default TableList
useState hook takes initial value of the state as an argument, but it only assign the initial value to the state at the component mounting phase, not during re-rendering of the component if anything changes. Therefore, after initial rendering, state won't be changed even if the dataMatch variable changes.
Therefore, you need to have useEffect hook having dependency on dataMatch variable to keep track on its changes. Then you will be able to update the state when you've component re-rendering.
Use the following way to update the state.
useEffect(() => {
setListNames(dataMatch.slice(0, 10));
}, [dataMatch]);
For more information on useEffect hook, please refer https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-effect.html
Hope this will solve your issue.
You haven't set the state for 'matchUrl'.Do the following modification to your code.
function TableList({ match }) {
let [matchUrl, setMatchUrl] = useState(match.params.name);
return (<><h1>{matchUrl}</h1></>);
Also when you change 'matchUrl' manually for any reason, you should use setMatchUrl('value') function to update the value
Here is the sample code. Hope this will help you 😇
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
function TableList({ match }) {
let matchUrl = match.params.name
useEffect(() => {
// YOUR_CODE_HERE WILL RUN WHEN the match.params.name is change
}, [match.params.name])
you can take a look also about documentation about useEffect

Can't get `lodash.debounce()` to work properly? Executed multiple times... (react, lodash, hooks)

I am trying to update the state of a child component in React as the range input moves. And, I want to fire the update function to the parent component's state with Lodash's debounce function so that I don't set the state of the parent component every time range input fires an event.
However, after debounce's delay, all the events are getting fired. As if I called setTimeout functions consecutively on every range input event, but not debounce.
I can't find what am I missing here. How can I have the function passed into "debounce" get executed once after a series of range input events?
My simplified code looks like this:
import _ from 'lodash'
import React from 'react'
const Form: React.FC<Props> = props => {
const [selectedStorageSize, setSelectedStorageSize] = React.useState(props.storageSize)
const handleChangeAt = (field, payload) => {
props.handleFormChangeAt(FormField.InstanceDefs, {
[field]: payload,
const debouncedChange = _.debounce(
(field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload),
label="Storage Size/GB"
onChange={e => {
debouncedChange(FormField.StorageSize, Number(e.target.value))
The Problem
_.debounce creates a function that debounces successive calls to the same function instance. But this is creating a new one every render, so successive calls aren't calling the same instance.
You need to reuse the same function across renders. There's a straightforward way to do that with hooks... and a better way to do it:
The straightforward (flawed) solution - useCallback
The most straightforward way of preserving things across render is useMemo/useCallback. (useCallback is really just a special case of useMemo for functions)
const debouncedCallback = useCallback(_.debounce(
(field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload),
), [handleChangeAt])
We've got an issue with handleChangeAt: it depends on props and creates a different instance every render, in order to capture the latest version of props. If we only created debouncedCallback once, we'd capture the first instance of handleChangeAt, and capture the initial value of props, giving us stale data later.
We fix that by adding [handleChangeAt], to recreate the debouncedCallback whenever handleChangeAt changes. However, as written, handleChangeAt changes every render. So this change alone won't change the initial behavior: we'd still recreate debouncedCallback every render. So you'd need to memoize handleChangeAt, too:
const { handleFormChangeAt } = props;
const handleChangeAt = useCallback((field, payload) => {
}, [handleFormChangeAt]);
(If this sort of memoizing isn't familiar to you, I highly recommend Dan Abramov's Complete Guide to useEffect, even though we aren't actually using useEffect here)
This pushes the problem up the tree, and you'll need to make sure that whatever component provides props.handleFormChangeAt is also memoizing it. But, otherwise this solution largely works...
The better solution - useRef
Two issues with the previous solution: as mentioned it pushes the problem of memoization up the tree (specifically because you're depending on a function passed as a prop), but the whole point of this is so that we can recreate the function whenever we need to, to avoid stale data.
But the recreating to avoid stale data is going to cause the function to be recreated, which is going to cause the debounce to reset: so the result of the previous solution is something that usually debounces, but might not, if props or state have changed.
A better solution requires us to really only create the memoized function once, but to do so in a way that avoids stale data. We can do that by using a ref:
const debouncedFunctionRef = useRef()
debouncedFunctionRef.current = (field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload);
const debouncedChange = useCallback(_.debounce(
(...args) => debouncedFunctionRef.current(...args),
), []);
This stores the current instance of the function to be debounced in a ref, and updates it every render (preventing stale data). Instead of debouncing that function directly, though, we debounce a wrapper function that reads the current version from the ref and calls it.
Since the only thing the callback depends on is a ref (which is a constant, mutable object), it's okay for useCallback to take [] as its dependencies, and so we'll only debounce the function once per component, as expected.
As a custom hook
This approach could be moved into its own custom hook:
const useDebouncedCallback = (callback, delay) => {
const callbackRef = useRef()
callbackRef.current = callback;
return useCallback(_.debounce(
(...args) => callbackRef.current(...args),
), []);
const { useCallback, useState, useRef, useEffect } = React;
const useDebouncedCallback = (callback, delay, opts) => {
const callbackRef = useRef()
callbackRef.current = callback;
return useCallback(_.debounce(
(...args) => callbackRef.current(...args),
), []);
function Reporter({count}) {
const [msg, setMsg] = useState("Click to record the count")
const onClick = useDebouncedCallback(() => {
setMsg(`The count was ${count} when you clicked`);
}, 2000, {leading: true, trailing: false})
return <div>
<div><button onClick={onClick}>Click</button></div>
function Parent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
setInterval(() => setCount(x => x+1), 500)
}, [])
return (
<div>The count is {count}</div>
<Reporter count={count} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, rootElement);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.15/lodash.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.10.2/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.10.2/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<div id="root" />
I used useCallback with _.debounce, but faced with a eslint error, 'React Hook useCallback received a function whose dependencies are unknown. Pass an inline function instead.'
Finally, I found this issue, and used useMemo.
const debouncedMethod = useCallback(
debounce((arg) => {
}, 500),
const debouncedMethod = useMemo(
() =>
debounce((arg) => {
}, 500),
lodash.debounce creates a new function invocations of which will be debounced. Use case scenario is creating it once, storing result in a variable and calling it multiple times so the calls get debounced. You are creating a new debounced function every time you render a component so every new render you get a new debounce scope
You want to call const debouncedChange = _.debounce(...) only once per component instance. I am not very much familiar with hooks, but guess you can do this
const [debouncedChange] = React.useState(_.debounce(
(field, payload) => handleChangeAt(field, payload),
this will create your function once during render and reuse what's created across successive renders

Using multiple setHook makes component render more than once?

If I have alot of useState and on the click of a button I call multiple setHook, does it renders multiple times or only once?
export default function setMultipleHooks() {
const [hook1, setHook1] = useState(false)
const [hook2, setHook2] = useState(false)
const [hook3, setHook3] = useState(false)
const [hook4, setHook4] = useState(false)
const setHooks = () => {
return (
<button onClick={setHooks} >Hey</button>
Once I click the button, how many times does it render? 1 or 4 times?
Normally to check how many times the component is rendering, I just put a console.log in the render method, but with functional components, I'm not sure how to test this.
If it renders 4 times, it would be better to use only one useState (passing an object) if the 4 hooks are always related?
React may batch multiple setState calls and render them all at once. And in your case it do that, because you're inside an event handler (onClick).
It renders only once (initial render not included) as you can see from the snippet below.
Github issue about React batching setState() calls
You can, nevertheless use an object with 4 properties instead of 4 state hook varibales. But you'll have to be careful when updating state, because hook's setState() doesn't auto merge your last state with your new state property. It completely replaces the state with the new object you're passing.
React Docs - Using the state hook
So you'd have to do something like this:
function YourComponent() {
const INITIAL_STATE = {a: false, b: false, c: false, d: false};
const [state,setState] = useState(INITIAL_STATE);
function handleClick() {
setState((prevState) => {
b: true
const { useState, useRef, useEffect } = React;
function App() {
const renderTimes = useRef(0);
const [hook1, setHook1] = useState(false);
const [hook2, setHook2] = useState(false);
const [hook3, setHook3] = useState(false);
const [hook4, setHook4] = useState(false);
const setHooks = () => {
useEffect( () => {
return (
<div>I rendered {renderTimes.current} time(s).</div>
<div>NOTE: The initial render is not included.</div>
<div>State hook1 is equal to: {hook1.toString()}</div>
<div>State hook2 is equal to: {hook2.toString()}</div>
<div>State hook3 is equal to: {hook3.toString()}</div>
<div>State hook4 is equal to: {hook4.toString()}</div>
<button onClick={setHooks}>Click</button>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react#16/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom#16/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Normally to check how many times the component is rendering, I just put a console.log in the render method, but with functional components, I'm not sure how to test this.
Just put the console.log inside function (function itself is render method).
It will render only once, because there is a small time interval within which if multiple calls to useState setter occur their updates will be batched.
If it renders 4 times, it would be better to use only one useState (passing an object) if the 4 hooks are always related?
If you have complex state you should really consider useReducer.
