PimCore X Not Loading - apache2

I've been following the guide found here, https://unixcop.com/how-to-install-pimcore-on-ubuntu-20-04/, to install the PimCore X version from scratch on a fresh server.
However, after going through all of the steps and firing up the initial home page, I get the profiler complaining about a number of 404 errors for resources that it cannot find within the /_wdt/ folder, with the profiler never loading.
The admin section of PimCore cannot be loaded either, it comes up with a big 404 error, so I'm guessing that the router isn't working properly. Looking into the log files for both PimCore and Apache, there isn't anything useful to be found.
I've tried to install PimCore several times, each with the same result.
Any help would be gratefully received.

It turns out that the .htaccess file within the /public/ folder wasn't being installed with the fresh install. The .htaccess file contents can be found here, https://pimcore.com/docs/pimcore/current/Development_Documentation/Installation_and_Upgrade/System_Setup_and_Hosting/Apache_Configuration.html

Best way to install Pimcore are using docker.
You can read it on github page https://github.com/pimcore/skeleton
All that you need is install docker.
You can do it from this link https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-20-04


Can't deploy react app (issues with build folder)

So I have built a react app from scratch using npx create-react-app. Everything was going great and I decided to deploy it, to which I hit a lot of problems. Using BlueHost has the host, I accessed the CPanel and inserted the build folder, which i used npm run build to create. The website loaded correctly on chrome, however issues within Safari and Mobile browsers emerged, the page was empty.
After doing further research, I decided that the issue was in deployment and not dependencies. I came to this conclusion because I was able to run a local server on both Chrome and Safari, to which the website worked. If it was a dependency issue, it would not have worked on the local server.
So, I decided to start debugging the build folder. However, this is where an issue emerged, I could not load it at all on a server. I tried using serve -s build, but that directed me to an error screen, 404: the requested path could not be found. If I try to plainly use the index.html, open with browser method on my build, it directs my to an empty page with an invalid url, file:///Users/danieldobrovolskiy/Documents/optimal-exterior/build/index.html.
Apologies if my question is vague or incoherent in someway. I'm seriously confused with the deployment process and have no idea what to even ask. All help is appreciated! Let me know if further information is needed.[
Have you set a homepage in package.json? it should be like "homepage": "./" if you're deploying off the main folder of the webserver

Module Not Found Error while Pushing to Heroku

I understand that this issue has been raised numerous times, but I have tried almost all solutions available with no success. The thing is that I am capable of deploying to GitHub pages with no problem, but Heroku mentions I have some routing issue.
After the recent issue whereby Heroku removed Github integration with Heroku, I have been having trouble pushing code. Initially, my website worked fine, with automatic deployment via Github. However, when I try manually pushing via:
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "make it better"
$ git push heroku master
I am facing this error:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './pages/MainPage' in '/tmp/build_8986ef5f/src'
I have tried removing this page, and the error will just change to another can't resolve path error.
My file directory is:
- build
- node_modules
- public
- src
- pages
- MainPage.js
- SecondPage.js
- ...
- App.js
- index.js
Within the App.js file, I import the library through a relative path via:
import Home from './pages/MainPage';
Is there something wrong with my relative pathing? I have not changed the structure since deploying via Github so I don't know what's the error.
I've found out the error. Apparently deploying to Github had resulted in some case-sensitive naming to go wrong. E.g. although I was deploying it as MainPage, it was deployed as mainpage for some reason.
This had resulted in being unable to find the file path.
I used:
heroku run bash
To figure out the error of naming convention. To fix it, I removed all affected folders with wrong casing deployment, committed changes, then readded them in and redeployed it. It worked after I did this.
Thank you #dfwgwefewfwe! I don't have enough reputation to comment on their post, but it definitely fixed it for me.
Just to add some extra information though for others that may be stuck with it:
My issue was that I had some assets that were in folders such as
To make things more consistent, I just capitalized the first letters to be Hands and Feet
I ran that command
heroku run bash
and was able to find those folders that had been renamed, and they were still in their old version.
So back on my local copy, I moved the whole Equipment folder to another location, removed any references to the assets in the code, and pushed that up to heroku.
Now the Equipment folder was removed on the server, then I was able to revert my last git commit and push exactly what I was trying to push before and it worked.
I hope that this helps someone else!

Hot reload stopped working after adjusting environment for work requirements

I started a new developer role a few days ago and made some environmental changes to adapt for work. Since then, my hot reload/fast refresh has just stopped working entirely. Changes don't show up even if I refresh the page manually. Only shows changes when I stop the dev server and restart it with 'npm run dev'. The triangle indicator at the bottom right should be active, showing active reload of the window (this no longer shows up consistently either, and if it does the page gets reloaded, but alas the proposed changes aren't visible)
It has this effect on all NextJS and react applications of mine. Even running a basic project template off the NextJS examples page shows no hot reload working.
I researched this issue and it seems wrong imports (e.g. importing components using lowercase or files in the pages directory being capitalized) can cause this, but I combed through the code and can't spot any issues (of course, I could be missing it but my codebase is over 300 files).
Service workers in the background can cause issues, but I cleared my browser of all of them to be sure and it still doesn't fix it.
I installed ngrok for tunneling for work purposes and docker-compose to handle the work dev. environment.
Made sure I'm using the latest Next version. Even deleted node_modules and ran npm install. Deleted .next and the out folder and still no luck.
Anybody have any ideas or clues to what I should try next? Is it related to the stuff I installed for work? Something related to VS code or WSL2? Seems so puzzling it kind of just happened overnight. Thanks for any insight or advice!
System information
OS: Windows (WSL2 virtualization for VS code)
Browser: Chrome
Version of Next.js: 10.0.3
Version of Node.js: 14.8.0
Deployment: npm run dev for development work; amplify publish for AWS hosting
The problem is with WSL2. I use WSL2 inside VS Code; which is a big performance upgrade in the Linux environment. The problem is WSL2 is actually in a 'virtualization' and thus cannot send information from VS Code AND the browser (localhost:3000) at the same time.
It's a big issue they are working on and there is no fix yet for it. That's why fast refresh doesn't work because localhost is not receiving the changes being made. Either proxy through or revert back to WSL1 https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4769
Solution provide by OP on question section
Add a .env file or a .env.local file to your root and put this line on it:
Now, restart your server.
Thanks I encounter the same issue with WSL2. I just switch to windows terminal and it works.
If you run Poweshell as administrator and run
wsl.exe -l -v
This will give you th eversion of wsl your distros run on.
I am personally using Ubuntu, and this is the output
Ubuntu Running 2
docker-desktop Stopped 2
docker-desktop-data Stopped 2
To switch to wsl 1,
wsl.exe --set-version Ubuntu 1
and if you wanna switch back,
wsl.exe --set-version Ubuntu 2.
This worked for me.
In my react projects, I just add in my .env file at the root project folder the values
and it works! enjoy!
The problem is with WSL2. I use WSL2 inside VS Code. But React JS and Next JS projects don't auto-reload. So, add a .env or .env.local (recommended) file to your root and put these lines on it:
Now, restart your server.

Upgrading Wagtail from 2.9.3 to 2.11 breaks wagtail admin icons

I've checked everything...
After upgrading interface looks like this:
Totally broken, but the only thing that is breaking everything is icons...
Neither CMD or DevTools doesn't seem to show any missing files...
I have already ran all of the commands makemigrations, migrate and collectstatic --clear.
Running manage.py check didn't show up any errors.
Checked(disabled/enabled) all of the apps, didn't work.
Checked urls.py on any misconfiguration with staticfiles, still nothing.
Compared my base.py, dev.py files with fresh install of 2.11, didn't see nothing that can cause overriding CSS or JS(I'm using Django Debug Toolbar, tryed disabling it, didn't work, same as everything). Help. Please.
And also on a fresh install there was no "SKIP TO MAIN CONTENT" button on top. I don’t know what that has to do with anything
Wagtail 2.11
Django 3.0.11
Using Pipenv for virtual environment
Damn! Of course, after posting a question, I found an answer. When running collectstatic I've noticed that there was too many Found another file with the destination path... messages, but did not take this into account. Then I realized that somehow in my core app staticfiles folder were duplicates of Wagtail's core static files, so I installed Wagtail 2.11 for the millionth time, ran the server and nothing changed... Fortunately, I've guessed(thanks to #gasman) to clear cache and reload the window and IT WORKED!
Conslusion: Check for duplicated static files, mine were from the old version of Wagtail, but Wagtail is on latest, which caused this issue...

Cannot find node_modules

From reading around, I have a similar problem to what is stated here:
Angular 2 and Eclipse - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404
The project structure is (created by ionic):
- main
- node_modules
- www
- js
- app.js
- index.html
- package.json
A link to one of the files in node_modules looks like this (in index.html):
<script src="../node_modules/angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker/src/js/datetimepicker.js"></script>
WebStorm can find the file and has no complaint in the IDE
When inspecting the network in the console, I can see it's trying to find node_modules in www.
So the route URL is http://localhost:8100/
The path for app.js is: http://localhost:8100/js/app.js
The path for datetimepicker.js is: http://localhost:8100/node_modules/...
So it's looking for node_modules within the www directory which I am not entirely surprised about.
Since this structure was setup by ionic and the project has just got larger, it's difficult to change the structure (which I thought would be the most viable to do). But are there any other work arounds I can do to get this working?
Also, since I select to move up a directory (..) to look for node_modules, does the webapp just omit this as it knows of no other directories higher than itself?
Looking at this question, I have followed the advice given by moving the datetimepicker.jsinto www/lib but it's still not working. Have not attempted to use bower yet
Open Your command prompt .Go to your project directory and run npm Install Hope this will solve your problem
