How to migrate posts from Craft CMS to Wordpress? - database

I have about 160 posts on a Craft CMS site that I need to migrate to a new Wordpress build. Whats the easiest way to do this? Surprisingly not seeing much info on this.


Flutter app and web site connected to a same database

I want to create an app with Flutter and also a web site with WordPress. However, I don't know if it is possible to connect both oh my site and app to a unique database and I don't find any document on it. Indeed, I want my customers to be able to log in them on both. Do you know if it is possible or not and have you any document that could help me ?
Thank you for your help
there is actually a very good article on how to proceed to make a Wordpress connection throught your app made with Flutter:
Also, don't forgot, that every wordpress have a public API (by accessing {wordpressWebsiteUrl}/wp-json) where you can get your post etc...

Gatsby Webhooks and how to trigger the build from Strapi

we are currently working on connecting the Strapi cms with the gatsby on the front end.
My question is - do we need to set up the Webhooks to trigger the build inside of the repo on the Bit Bucket or it needs to be triggered on a hosting?
If you know the solution I would really appreciate it if you could share the procedure with me cause I'm seeing a lot of different cases online but I wasn't able to find this specific one.
Our hosting is AWS S3, and Gatsby is fetching the data from Strapi via GraphQL.
Thank you, guys!
Here is an example that is deleted from the documentation -
That uses the model's life cycles but you can apply this logic with the new Webhook feature that is now builtin Strapi.

Exporting DNN news to other systems using 2sxc module

Currently we are using DNN to implement and manage our company websites. Therefore we own several websites and one 'head'-website. Each of the sites contains its own DNN installation. For creating news we are using the 2sxc module.
Now we have the following tasks: If a user creates new news in one of the websites, we want to export them automatically to
another installation of DNN (to the 'head'-website)
another system (self developed application)
So is there any opportunity, e.g. an API or another module to realize that?
Thank you very much for your answer in advance!
I would consider doing this another way.
Create a new installation or site in which you create and store all news items. Add an RSS feed or a webapi to this site, and create methods such that other sites can grab news items from this site.
Modify your other sites to use the webapi (or RSS feed) from the news source for their displays. This should be quite easy for the sites that use 2sxc. You'll just need to change the data source to get data from the webapi or RSS feed.
This will eliminate issues of duplicating data, etc.
If you want to reduce development, you could get a copy of DNN Sharp's API Endpoint module( They have pretty good documentation, and YouTube videos to walk you through the creating of endpoints.
2sxc has everything you need :)
Your best bet is probably the REST API to access the items (see and Just activate some permissions and you can get them from anywhere. Here's a basic recipe to configure the permissions:
You can also create queries (like to only give the the last 5) and set permissions on that, using
This blog post may also help you:

For my Angular app, I have an API key in my JS, what's stopping people from just viewing source?

I have been learning a lot about angular, however I come from a php background were I would have a settings file for a database that has permissions of 444, 644 etc. With that said its very hard for a user to even see where my db authentication would come from, yet in angular all the resources I have been using to learn has api+keys in services that I feel could be looked at easily.
Am I missing something? What's the best way to secure this information?

How show page preview in Google , Facebook ,Twitter and many more social sites when url contain #!

I am working in Angula JS and Drupal in this i am facing two issue SEO and page preview when we paste url in Google,Facbook,Twitter and many more social site
i have done case for _escaped_fragment_ in url by this help url(
But the challange is coming when i paste my url like!/test/a/1235
then no preview is generated
How will i show preview in social sites.
Any help is appreciated.
Welcome to Javascript application! :)
_escaped_fragment_ is not standard & Social platforms do not support it
Google developed the _escaped_fragment_ system but this not a standard.
There is many bots on the web and most of them do not understand the _escaped_fragment_ solution and do not understand Javascript applications as AngluarJS ones.
As far as I know (I worked on many JS application websites), social platforms do not use the _escaped_fragment_ system.
Moreover, some Google services do not support it yet.
URL is standard and is supported by every bots
If you want every robots to be able to crawl your website, the only way for now is to use classic URLs.
For now, you need to make sure your content is delivered on classic URLs. It is the only way to be sure that it will be interpreted by every bots of the web
This can be a bit challenging and requires a two-fold answer.
Headless Browser
The majority of crawlers and bots cannot parse the javascript in your Single Page App (SPA). Therefore, you will need some sort of headless browser to generate what those bots see. I have used PhantomJS and it works well for me. Once your headless browser is up and running you can create rewrite conditions for the _escaped_fragment_. For example in Apache:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^_escaped_fragment_=(.*)$
I would suggest you create rewrite conditions based on user agents as well. This would be particularly useful when detecting "FaceBot", Facebook's preview crawler, and others.
Social Applications
The other part of the solution is to read the developer docs on exactly how to manipulate the generation of these previews. Here are a couple resources for this (sorry I can't find twitter's):
Facebook's Sharing Best Practices
Google's Article Rendering
When checking you page for Facebook, they have a neat little tool that will help you troubleshoot your site/page for preview rendering:
