Per screen capture below:
bindingSource1.AddNew() works as expected. A new item appears and becomes current.
bindingSource1.CancelNew() does nothing. Per debug messages my button handler is clearly being called, and it correctly attempts to cancel list index 3, but the new user is not actually removed.
The same problem occurs regardless of whether bindingSource1 is backed by BindingList<User> or List<User> (shown).
I have a page with two panels. The first panel is where create and update happens, and the second panel is a list of stuff that I just added. Sort of like this (below). The second panel updates the list every X second.
Each list has an edit button that takes it back to the first panel. I pass the entity through the button's function and fill up the values in the edit panel. Here's the weird thing, when I try like say edit an entity in the list, an the interval happens to update the list, the entity gets refreshed and all my changes are never saved.
I tried just passing the id though the button then doing a get request for that particular entity and performing the edit, but the interval takes place and my changes are reverted.
I think my only option is to do angular.copy(myEntity) and do the edits from there, and then manually do the PUT request. Is there another way for the edited entity not to be affected by the interval aside from doing an angular.copy()? Pausing the interval while something is being edited is not an option, since client wants the list to update even when he's editing something.
If you need to keep your data up to date by refreshing every few seconds, i recommend implementing a bool HasChanges() function in your controller. This will return true if the data has changed, and false if not. That way you can decide if you want to pull and refresh new data, or deffer it until your editing is done without overwriting your unsaved changes.
I need to allow or stop an event from happening, based on a given condition such as a pop up box with options YES, NO and CANCEL.
I need to notify the user saying that there are unsaved data and if the user wishes to SAVE it, IGNORE it or CANCEL his current action(event such as Selection-change or Click).
I tried to use createInterceptor() function. But could not achieve the functionality.
Can anybody give me some suggestions with example? Basically I want to know how to stop an event.
I like the idea of using beforeXXX events. But I am still facing problems. As I mentioned, I need to ask the user if he wishes to save the unsaved data, which is a popup message box (With options YES, NO and CANCEL) that runs asynchronously. So by the time I get a reply, the event will have happened.
For ex. lets imagine a situation where, there is a page that displays a list of records in a grid with a pagination toolbar attached to it on the bottom(with a page size of 10 and total number pages is 10. So totally 100 records) on the left hand side. If you select a record in the list, the details are shown in a detail view on the right hand side.
I select third record in the list and make some changes to it in the detail view(form).
Without saving the record, I click on next page button on the Pagination toolbar.
It will show a confirm box from the beforeXXX event of Pagination toolbar, but the event will have happened anyway.
Here if the user clicks on CANCEL, I will have to restore the previous state which is already gone. Somehow I will have to go back and select the third record in the list of previous page.
So in order to resolve this problem, if I return false from my beforeXXX event, the next XXX event will be not be triggered.
But if the user clicks on YES or NO options I will have to trigger the event XXX manually which I am unable to do it for a selection-change event as of now.
Like this there can be many operations like list-filtering, searching, Ordering(A-Z/ Z-A), logout etc. For each of this operation I will have to write customised code which totally spoils the readability of the code.
So I was thinking if there is way to, somehow manually trigger the event XXX by holding the event object in beforeXXX...or is there any other way to restore the previous state.
Please give me suggestions....Thanks...
Many events have their "before-" counterpart, for example "beforeactivate". If you return false from this kind of the processing stops.
If not, or if your event does not have it's before- part, then you can use event object passed to all event handlers and call:
return false;
at the end of your handler.
I have a datatable (jobs) with a column in this table called StatusId. I have another datatable (jobStatus). The job table has 1 job record and the jobstatus table has all the job status.
On my winforms form I have the job record displayed and the job status is a combobox displaying the contents of the jobstatus table. The List portion (DisplayMember) is bound to the jobstatus table and the data portion is bound to the jobs table. (ValueMember) So all works well and when my jobs are selected and displayed the combobox selects the respective job status...All good.
Now I have another form (JobStatus) where I can added more job status records. So while I am entering / changing job records I discover I need another job status, so I jump over to my job status form and enter my new status. I then jump back to the job form and I now want to be able to select my new job status in the combobox.
My questions is what is the best practice for this senario where new records have been added or edited to a lookup style list which is used to populate a combobox on another form. I have tried putting code in the activate event of the form which works except the form flickers and it looks a ugly.
Any ideas???
I was virtually doing what your said, which made me look a bit closer at the code. The issue was the order I was processing the lines of code, and I found that when
old code
cboCustomer.DataSource = Business.Contact.GetContact( Enums.ContactType.Customer ).Tables[0];
sorted = ( ( DataTable ) cboCustomer.DataSource ).DefaultView;
sorted.Sort = "Name ASC";
new code here
DataView dv = Business.Contact.GetContact( Enums.ContactType.Customer ).Tables[0].DefaultView;
dv.Sort = "Name ASC";
DataTable dt = dv.ToTable();
cboCustomer.DataSource = dt;
works like a charm. Cheers for your help
You should be able to use the Activated event without a problem. That's even what the documentation says it is good for:
You can use this event for tasks such as updating the contents of the form based on changes made to the form's data when the form was not activated.
Of course, you'll get a few false positives when you subscribe to this event on the parent form. Consider the case where the user switches to the form without attempting to use the combo box control. It's not a huge deal, but in that case you will have updated the combo box for no reason. This is easily fixed by switching to handling the Enter event for the combo box control. This one only gets raised when that specific control receives the focus. The only limitation of the Enter event is that you can't change the focused control from inside of this event handler (but you don't want to do that anyway).
So now we need a fix for the flicker problem, which I think you'll find to be pleasantly simple. At the beginning of the event handler method (regardless of which one you use), before you start updating the combo box, call its BeginUpdate method. This prevents the control from flickering while it is being updated (by suppressing painting). At the end, you need to finish with a call to EndUpdate, which reenables painting and performs a single repaint to reflect your changes.
I just tested this myself, and I don't see any flicker. The most you'll get is a single flicker while the control gets repainted to reflect your changes. Obviously, you can't do any better than that.
I'm developing an app in C using Gtk. I have a GtkCombo with some restrictions that should launch an error message when user selects wrong entries in the list. The problem is that when callback launches the error message, pop-down string is still open, and if the user moves the mouse over it, the list acts as if all entries under the mouse pointer where clicked. This behavior stops if the user clicks on an empty window area or other GtkWidget. I've tried changing the focus to another widget, launching button_release signal...
Anyone knows how to prevent this bug?
Try connecting the signal with g_signal_connect_after() instead of g_signal_connect(). The callback should run after the combo popdown has finished all its reactions to the click.
I am developing a windows phone application. It's some kind of reminder which can have custom reminder categories. I am using the mvvm pattern.
I have two pages. One is for entering new data (category name and description) and editing and the other is for selecting a specific category wchich can then be edited/deleted.
The second page has a listbox which displays all categories that exist... after clicking on one of them the first page where the values (category name and description) are already entered in the textboxes. I can now edit and save them. All this works fine except for one thing. After saving and hitting the back button (so that i can get back to the list) i realize that the page isnt refreshing so that the old value is still displayed. How can i make the page "refresh" after poping up again...
Your description of the problem is a bit vague without any code or XAML. There are few things you need to check -
Check if the items in the page are databound properly
Check if you have implemented properties of the ViewModel(s) correctly. RaisePropertyChanged in the property's setter must be implemented.
Code/XAML snippets will help others identify your problem.