Spotipy: Is there any way to get how many times I played my top songs? - spotipy

Is there any way to get how many times I played my top songs?
I'm using the method `
` to build an application, but I notice it doesn't return the number of times I've listened to the categorized songs. Is there any way to implement this?


multiple timer with end result text

I need to show three timers, something like this:
'' or '' of whatever as long as it shows three timers, (preferably with a start all button)
the three contesters need to stop their time, so far all possible with both scripts.
After the last one presses stop the page should show a message below the scores.
I am searching and coding for days now without luck.
I am way to beginner to achieve this. Is there anyone here who knows an existing script that does this of maybe have a simple solution?

Display/render Array contents organized with react or in a Web3UIkit component

I just recently started out with converting my web3 apps in NodeJS into web based apps using React and the Web3UIkit. But have a hard time getting into the flow of how React works and thinks with this states, rendering etc. I checked out the reactjs standard tutorials numerous times, and it all makes sense then, but in my particular use-case I cant seem to achieve what I want. Even not after trying numerous array examples from here.
The case:
I fetch all Ethereum mainnet transaction from block x until block y and filter/sort these into a Array. Then I count all transfer made on the same contract address to filter out hot/trending contracts only, and save the stats of it in a new Array with all the contractinfo like tokenname, counted transfers etc. Which all goes fine and I get the result I want whenever I console.log the array (see screen).
But now, I want to display the contents of this array organized and visually appealing trough React/Web3UIkit and let it update in realtime (or like each 5 seconds), but I cant seem to find a way in doing this properly. In fact, I cant even get any of the info from the array onto my screen.
I attached a screenshot to show what my console.log currently shows when I output, to give an idea how the information is stored and the array is structed. Anyone has any solutions which helps me to make sense of this? Hope so! Since I feel like I'm missing a piece in the puzzle, but cant find it.

Million options in React dropdown

Is there a better way to implement million options in dropdown. In my case there can be more than one million users and I need to select one user at a time. I have one choice, make asynchronous call for each letter when typing and I can filter the users. Is there any other methods to implement? If I bind all the options to dropdown, will it make my app slow?
You can do it in 2 ways. One is what you already said yourself. Making async calls. Or you can also do it a simpler way, This will still have a huge performance boost. It is still not very advisable to filter on the client-side for a million items. But nonetheless, it's possible and I haven't seen any major performance hit.
Use a state variable to maintain what you are going to render and another static variable to maintain your entire million collection.
On search, you filter that one million list and assign it to the state variable.
Render only the items that are in the state variable.
Tip: Make sure your filter method doesn't return more than say, 1000 items at any moment, this will force the user to enter more characters to search and it will keep the UI smooth.
Yes, having a big list to render will make your app slow as it will have to mount and unmount when the user is typing. Ideally the client should send requests to server by using debounce or something to limit the requests and server should send a paginated response / top X number of users which match the input.

The best way for an app

I am making an app on iOS with a ViewController where the user can see a picture and has to find an object to pass the level.
When the level is complete, I want to show a different picture with different solution, and in this point I have thought two different ways:
A new ViewController with the second level, or
In the same ViewController showing a new picture with a new solution.
How could I make this option? Is it possible?
I would like to make something like a data base with a index with the different pictures and their different solutions.
Generally speaking 'what is the best way' posts are closed on StackOverflow. However, if you are creating a game with different levels then you'll generally use one ViewController and then simply load in different data, rather than having one ViewController per level -- the only time you'd do that is if the levels work in very different ways (for example, one is a find-the-puzzle and another level is a racing game)

AS3/Flash Need help organizing and building with performance in mind

I am working on a project (Collectable Card Game) that has me accessing several cards at once. Essentially,think solitaire. Where a lot of cards are on the stage at once, and you flip them over to reveal them. --- The catch is each card can be re-flipped and display a different card from the availableCards array.
Initially I would create a single object that held a different card in each frame. This works fine, but seems highly impractical due to so many objects on the stage, all of them holding every single frame... in other words, each card would be a full deck.
I restarted and decided to go with each card is it's own object. So I stopped because before I get going again, I wonder if there is an even better way?
Do I create one hundred cards in Flash and store their names in an array?
Can I create a single card, and somehow get a card image from a clip with one hundred frames?
If there is a way to have all the card images in a single object it would be easier to work with in Flash, but would that mean the whole object would have to be used just to show a single frame?
Thanks in advance everyone!
