Setting up a Flink cluster with Podman for a beampipeline with flinkrunner - apache-flink

My goal is to create a streaming pipeline to read data from Apache Kafka, process the data, and write back to it.
Because of security reasons, I want to avoid Docker and use Podman.
I have set up a minimal cluster via a docker-compose.yml with a jobmanager, taskmanager and a Python SDK harness worker. The SDK harness worker seems to get stuck when i try to execute a pipeline.
Running the pipeline (reading a multi-line .txt file and writing it back in a file) it gets transferred to the jobmanager and taskmanager correctly, but then goes idle. When I look in the pythonsdk container, the logs show the following message repeatedly:
2022/12/04 16:13:02 Starting worker pool 1: python -m
apache_beam.runners.worker.worker_pool_main --service_port=50000
Starting worker with command ['/opt/apache/beam/boot', '--id=1-1',
2022/12/04 16:16:31 Failed to obtain provisioning information: failed to
dial server at localhost:36435
caused by:
context deadline exceeded
Here is a link to a test pipeline that was created:
Example on github
Debian 11;
Python 3.2.9;
apache-beam==2.38.0; and
The setup of the cluster defined in:
1x flink-jobmanager (flink version 1.14)
1x flink-taskmanager
1x Python Harness SDK
I chose to create a SDK container manually because I don't have Docker installed and Flink fails when it tries to create a container
over Docker.
I suspect that I have made a mistake in the network setup or there are some configurations missing for the harness worker, but I could not figure out the problem. Any thoughts?
Crossposted in user mailing list of


Upgrading Apache Flink need to update pom.xml?

I've just upgraded my flink from version 1.9.1 to 1.11.2 (using docker)
I have already many flink jobs running in version 1.9.1
When I try to upgrade to 1.11.1 and re run my job, it shows error.
2020-11-12 06:49:17,731 WARN org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn []
- SASL configuration failed: No JAAS configuration section named 'Client' was found in specified JAAS configuration file: '/tmp/jaas-1135609831848314731.conf'. Will continue connection to Zookeeper server without SASL authentication, if Zookeeper server allows it.
2020-11-12 06:49:17,739 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn [] - Opening socket connection to server xxxxxx:2181
2020-11-12 06:49:17,741 ERROR org.apache.curator.ConnectionState [] - Authentication failed
And this is the error after deploying my flink job:
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: API paths not defined
and also:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.flink.api.common.state.OperatorStateStore.getSerializableListState(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/apache/flink/api/common/state/ListState;
Do I need to change every pom for my flink jobs?
Is there any work around without changing my source code?
Yes, you do have to rebuild your Flink jobs whenever you update the Flink version being used to run them. The libraries you use should be from the same exact version used by the Job Manager and Task Managers.
If you are trying to automate deployments for a CI/CD pipeline, you could inject the version number into the pom.xml using an environment variable -- but doing things like that can make it hard to debug when things go wrong.

Deploying Haskell yesod docker container on google app engine

I am trying to upload a yesod Docker container on Google App Engine. The source code is here and the Docker image is here.
I followed the documentation in the Custom runtime quickstart, and when invoking gcloud app deploy the app builds fine after increasing the build timeout, but the container either the readiness check when trying to start or shows the following timeout message:
ERROR: ( Operation [apps/meeshkan-github-webhook-router/operations/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx] timed out. This operation may still be underway.
I have tried experimenting with several things, including a manual readiness check, creating an /_ah/health endpoint, and increasing the timeout of the readiness check all the way to 1799 seconds, but none of these actions seem to work.
One issue may be the size of the container (it is 3.2gb), and I could try to prune it down, but I'd only do that if someone could confirm that container size is a contributing factor to deployment problems. Other than that, I'm not sure what could be causing this failure. The docker image starts fine on our local machines.
Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions!
The issue turned out to be that, because I was building on Windows, images built using Docker Desktop on Windows gave all shell scripts executable permission automatically, whereas Docker on Linux needs shell scripts to be given the executable permission. By adding this line to my Dockerfile:
RUN chmod +x /usr/src/app/
Everything worked fine!

run apache beam on apache flink

I want to run a Python code using Apache beam on Apache Flink. The command that the apache beam site for launching Python code on Apache Flink is as follows:
docker run --net=host apachebeam/flink1.9_job_server:latest --flink-master=localhost:8081
The following is a discussion of different methods of executing code using Apache Fail on Apache Flink. But I haven't seen an example of launching it.
I want this code to run without Docker. How is this code commanded?
You can spin up the flink job server directly using the beam source source. Note you'll need to install java.
1) Clone the beam source code:
git clone
2) Start the job server
cd beam
./gradlew -p runners/flink/1.8/job-server runShadow -PflinkMasterUrl=localhost:8081
Some helpful tips:
This is not flink itself! You'll need to spin up flink separately.
The flink job service actually spins up a few services:
Expansion Service (port 8097) : This service allows you to use ExternalTransforms within your pipeline that exist within the java sdk. For example the transforms found within the python sdk* hit this expansion service.
Artifact Service (port 8098) : This is where the pipeline uploads your python artifacts (e.g. pickle files, etc) to be used by the flink taskmanager when it executes your python code. From what I recall you must share the artifact staging area (default to /tmp/beam-artifact-staging) between the flink taskworker and this artifact service.
Job Service (port 8099) : This is what you submit your pipeline to. It translates your pipeline into something for flink and submits it.

Collecting Metrics with Graphite Plugin leads to "A metric named [..] already exists" error

when i configure the flink-conf.yaml to collect metrics with the graphite plugin,
the most time only incomplete metrics are being sent. On the Taskmanager output multiple errors occur like:
2018-08-15 00:58:59,016 WARN org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.MetricRegistryImpl - Error while registering metric.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A metric named mycomputer.taskmanager.8ceab4c3dfbf9fc5fa2af0447f1373a1.State machine job.Source: Custom Source.0.numRecordsOut already exists
at com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry.register(
at org.apache.flink.dropwizard.ScheduledDropwizardReporter.notifyOfAddedMetric(
at org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.MetricRegistryImpl.register(
at org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.AbstractMetricGroup.addMetric(
at org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.AbstractMetricGroup.counter(
at org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.AbstractMetricGroup.counter(
at org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.OperatorIOMetricGroup.<init>(
at org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.OperatorMetricGroup.<init>(
at org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.groups.TaskMetricGroup.addOperator(
at org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.AbstractStreamOperator.setup(
at org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.AbstractUdfStreamOperator.setup(
at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.OperatorChain.<init>(
at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.invoke(
I've tried this on a completely freshly prepared flink-1.6.0 release with following config and the precompiled "State machine job" in the examples folder:
metrics.reporters: grph
metrics.reporter.grph.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.graphite.GraphiteReporter localhost
metrics.reporter.grph.port: 2003
metrics.reporter.grph.interval: 1 SECONDS
metrics.reporter.grph.protocol: TCP
I use the official graphite docker image ( that is running on the default configuration.
Has anybody an idea, how i can fix this issue?
Thank's and best regards
to exclude that a specific local setting is responsible for this behaviour, I repeated the process on a clean EC2 instance. There's exactly the same error here.
How to reproduce:
start EC2 t2.xlarge
installed java
download flink at
added the flink-metrics-graphite-1.6.0.jar to lib
configured the flink-yaml.conf as mentioned in my previous post
./bin/flink run examples/streaming/StateMachineExample.jar
I have not set up graphite in this case, because the error obviously already
occurs before.
After the job has been started you can view the error in the flink dashboard under Task Manager -> Logs

How to run managed-vm-gae example code locally

I followed this tutorial
to get a Bigtable client up and running in Google Managed VMs. But is there a way to run this locally? Reason is that deploying the code remotely in development is a pain.
Normally I can use to run GAE app locally. But when I run it, I'm getting this error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Jetty ALPN has not been
properly configured.
Which means we need to include ALPN library? Since our codebase is in Java 7, I used this ALPN version: 7.1.3.v20150130.
I then tried again with this: --jvm_flag=-Xbootclasspath/p:/Users/shouguoli/tmp/alpn-boot-7.1.3.v20150130.jar
still getting this error:
Caused by:$CallNotFoundException:
The API package 'urlfetch' or call 'Fetch()' was not found.
How do you get it to work locally?
The sample was updated last week. It's based on the java 8 compat runtime, which means that you have access to most of the App Engine API's including Users, Task Queues, and Datastore.
There is a new Netty TCNative module that uses Boring SSL.
To use it with the pom.xml in the sample, do:
mvn clean -Pmac jetty:run -Dbigtable.projectID=<your-project> -Dbigtable.clusterID=<your-cluster><your-zone>
To use on Windows, use -Pwindows instead of -Pmac. For linux, omit the Profile -P as it's the default.
To deploy:
mvn clean gcloud:deploy -Dbigtable.projectID=<your-project> -Dbigtable.clusterID=<your-cluster><your-zone>
NOTE - it is advisable to do the clean between running locally and running remotely as the TCNative module is currently specific to the platform the code runs on.
We are in the process of updating all of our samples to use TCNative, we hope to have this by 3/10/16.
