guys. I need some help. I am a novice, I am learning to use stm32, just when I was learning DMA data transmission, I found a strange place, so I looked up some materials, but limited by the knowledge reserve, I could not understand. If you know the reason, can you explain it to me?
uint8_t block[18] = {0};
HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&huart1, block, 18);
while (1) {
if (block[0] == '0') {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
block[i] = 0;
if (block[0] == '1') {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
block[i] = '3';
I'm using the hal library, I've configured DMA to transfer my data using cubemx, you can see I wanted to control the LED by string, it worked, but I found that block[0] meant that I had to send 1's over and over again 18 times before I could control it again, so I used a loop to make the array all zeros after controlling the LED, But unexpectedly, it failed. It becomes 3111 1111 1111 1111 11 in the block array, so I add a counter to count OK, and I find it loops 12 times, and when I send 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111, it loops 24 times, and again I find it loops 36 times.
I was very strange, I guess it was sending some kind of interrupt.
I know what I'm describing isn't clear, but I can't help it. I'm using machine translation, and I don't have a camera.
I would appreciate it if you would help me. If you leave a comment here, thank you. I may not be able to reply your message in time, I hope you can forgive me.
So for class I am trying to write a C script for a line follower robot. The robot has 3 sensors (ABC) which give logic 1 on black and logic 0 on white, A is on the left side, B in the middle and C on the right when looking straight down on the robot. It also has 2 motors, one on each side.
The board I am using is an Texas Instruments MSP-EXP430G2 and I am using the ports P1.0 - P1.7.
Now, I have literally 0 experience writing C scripts so all pointers are very much appreciated.
Here is the code.
# include "msp430G2553.h"
# include "stdio.h"
# include "math.h"
#define Both_On 1 // States
#define Left_On 2
#define Right_On 3
int main (void)
char STATE;
P1DIR|=0x0F; // Port1 four lower bits as OUTput, others as INput(0000 1111)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;// stop watch dog
STATE = Both_On; // Start here
char MASK1=0x10; //Sensor mask 0001 0000 (P1.0 - P1.7 from left to right)
char L; //Direction switch
L = P1IN & MASK1; //Sensor value based on input-port
switch (STATE)
case Both_On:
P1OUT = 0x03;//Both motors on
puts("Both_On"); //for testing
if (L == 0x00 ){
P1OUT=0x01;//left motor on
STATE = Left_On;}
else if (L==0x10){
STATE = Both_On;}
case Left_On:
P1OUT = 0x01;//left motor on
puts("Left_on"); //for testing
if (L == 0x10 ){
P1OUT=0x03;//both motors on
STATE = Both_On;}
else if (L==0x00){
P1OUT= 0x02;
STATE = Right_On;}
case Right_On:
P1OUT = 0x02;//right motor on
puts("Right_on"); //for testing
if (L == 0x10 ){
P1OUT=0x03;//both motors on
STATE = Both_On;}
else if (L==0x00){
P1OUT= 0x01;
STATE = Left_On;}
}//end of Switch
}// end of while
I think I've understood the method for switching from one active motor to another or both. The first 4 bits are reserved for the input from the sensors and the last 4 bits direct the motors. So P1OUT=0x03 basically means the output is 0000 0011 so the ports P1.6 and P1.7 are active and the motors wired to those ports would turn on.
I've been instructed to use an "L" variable as the direction switch. My problem is that I don't quite understand how this works.
I've been thinking that I would wire the B sensor to the port "L" takes it value from and then saying, if L==1 then both motors should be on and if L==0 then the state should change from "Left_on" to "Right_on" in a loop but this behavior doesn't feel very logical, I would want better detection.
Could I change the mask to be "MASK1=0x70" (0111) which would give me 3 ports to wire the sensors into, and guide the motors using for example:
else if (L==0x40){ //0100 only the left side sensor A is on black
P1OUT= 0x02; //0010 P1.6
STATE = Right_On;} // turn the right motor on to keep following the line
As I said, all pointers and suggestions are highly appreciated.
I have the following weird problem.
I have setup the BBB to activate the spi1 module. The the module is connected to an F-RAM chip (FM25CL64B). I have done all the necessary configuration. The /dev/spidev1.0 is present and I wrote a small program to write to, and read from the chip, by opening the /dev/spidev1.0 and using ioctl with the SPI_IOC_MESSAGE macro command.
Using that program I managed to successfully write 32 bytes of text in to the F-RAM chip. Reading also seemed to be successful... How do I know they both were successful? I used a logic analyzer with an SPI decoder activated to actually see what's going on over all four of the SPI lines. Monitoring all SPI lines I could see that the write and read operations generate the correct signals with the correct timings, and all signals are in sync. The CS enables the chip during the transaction, CLK clocks every byte in 8-bit words (as configured), the data lines show the correct values, which I could see thanks to the SPI decoder which shows the byte value right above each 8-bit signal sequence of both MOSI and MISO lines.
The problem is that even though I can see that correct information is sent over the MISO line during read operation, the buffer I provide to the ioctl(iSPIR, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(2), xfer) is filled with zeros.
I intentionally initialized that buffer with other values, so I can see if the ioctl even writes into it. And it does. Zeros.
Now, the fact that I could see all the bytes sent over the MISO line during the read operation, proves that the writing operation not only looked right in the analyzer but actually wrote the intended data during the previous write operation.
I checked several times whether the MISO line is configured correctly, in the dts file (which I can rebuild and reinstall on demand). I checked if it's the correct pin, and if it's configured as input. Everything seemed to be correctly configured.
I ran the program as root in case there are permission issues - no difference.
I also implemented the spi communication in GPIO mode. I.e. the spi module is disabled, all lines configured as GPIO. CE, CLK, MOSI configured as otuputs and the MISO configured as input. This way I could implement the entire communication in software so I could have full control over the lines. Doing that, this time, I was able to successfully fill a buffer with the correct data from the F-RAM chip. I.e. the sequential read operation went fine from the F-RAM chip all the way to my user space buffer. I was able to print the data into the console. However, that worked way too slow. Also I find it inefficient to use purely software implementation of SPI com when there is a module available for use.
In order to write my sample program I used the spi_test.c open source example available online.
I also built and ran spi_test.c itself with no modification, same result.
Here is listing of my program (Relevant snippets):
// SPI config ...
int InitSPIReadMode(const char* pstrDeviceF)
int file;
__u8 wr_mode = SPI_MODE_0, rd_mode = SPI_MODE_0, lsb = 0, bits = 8;
__u32 speed = CLOCK_FREQ_HZ; // 500kHz
if((file = open(pstrDeviceF, O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf("Failed to open the bus.");
/* ERROR HANDLING; you can check errno to see what went wrong */
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_MODE, &rd_mode) < 0)
printf("SPI rd_mode\n");
return -1;
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_LSB_FIRST, &lsb) < 0)
printf("SPI rd_lsb_fist\n");
return -1;
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_BITS_PER_WORD, &bits) < 0)
printf("SPI bits_per_word\n");
return -1;
if(ioctl(file, SPI_IOC_RD_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &speed) < 0)
printf("SPI max_speed_hz\n");
return -1;
printf("%s: spi wr-mode=%d, spi rd-mode=%d, %d bits per word, %s, %d Hz max\n", pstrDeviceF, wr_mode, rd_mode, bits, lsb ? "(lsb first) " : "(msb first)", speed);
xfer[0].cs_change = 0; /* Keep CS activated */
xfer[0].delay_usecs = 0; //delay in us
xfer[0].speed_hz = CLOCK_FREQ_HZ; //speed
xfer[0].bits_per_word = 8; // bites per word 8
xfer[1].cs_change = 0; /* Keep CS activated */
xfer[1].delay_usecs = 0;
xfer[1].speed_hz = CLOCK_FREQ_HZ;
xfer[1].bits_per_word = 8;
return file;
In the main function: (as the logic analyzer shows this code correctly sends the command, address and clocks the 32 bytes of data afterwards)
int iSPIR = InitSPIReadMode("/dev/spidev1.0"); //open("/dev/spidev1.0", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
char arrInstruct[3] = { OPCO_READ, 0x00, 0x00 };
char arrFRamData[512];
for(int pos = 0; pos < 512; pos++) arrFRamData[pos] = pos;
xfer[0].tx_buf = (unsigned long)arrInstruct;
xfer[0].len = 3;
xfer[1].rx_buf = (unsigned long)arrFRamData;
xfer[1].len = 32;
if(ioctl(iSPIR, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(2), xfer) < 0) printf("ioctl write error %s.\n", strerror(errno));
// hex dumping of the arrFRamData buffer.
xfer is a global variable defined as:
struct spi_ioc_transfer xfer[2];
Thanks a lot in advance! :)
I found what the problem was with my setup. But even though the whole thing works now, the solution I applied raises more questions than answers.
So I found this solution in an article ( on the beaglebone wiki.
There I noticed that, in the device-tree overlay they set the CLK as an input. Reading the entire article turned out nothing as to why the CLOCK on the BBBs side has to be an input. Even though it's the master... The article only explains how to build and install the new DTBO in order to activate the SPI1 module.
So, even though it didn't make any sense to me, I though it wouldn't hurt to try changing the CLK line in my DTBO file form output to input to see what happens... And it worked! :O
Now, why is it so strange that the setup works like this. The BBB is supposed to be the SPI master, so its clock line should be an Output in order to drive this synchronous communication. That means the FM25CL64B chip must act as SPI slave. I just checked the datasheet and yes, the CLK on the chips side, is an input. So the CLK on the BBB must be an output. That's how I've configured the CLK pin on the BBB. As an output. And it didn't work.
This is why I'm so puzzled. So it works even though both ends of the CLK line are inputs?! Looking at the logic analyzers output, I can clearly see that the CLK line is being driven correctly. But if both the master an slave have inputs on that line there shouldn't be anything to generate those impulses?! There is nothing else connected to that line....
I have a simple question about how to read rotary encoder input.
If I understand this image correctly, then every turn triggers a rise on pin A. Then, you have to check pin B, which is high if the encoder is turning clockwise and low if the encoder is turning counter clockwise.
I've tried to write my own code and not using any libraries, because I thought this would be really simple, but it turned out it was not.
This is the code I've written:
#define rotary_A 2
#define rotary_B 3
void setup()
pinMode(rotary_A, INPUT);
pinMode(rotary_B, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(rotary_A), rotary_spin, RISING);
void rotary_spin()
if (digitalRead(rotary_B) == HIGH)
I was expecting to get + when I turn it clockwise and - when I turn it counter clockwise. However, I'm getting several outputs for each turn, like there were several interrupts triggered in rapid succession. For example, when I turn the encoder clockwise:
and counter clockwise:
The outputs are different every time, but the last character is always the right one.
What am I getting wrong? Is it not that simple or are there different types of encoders?
The question implies that there should only be a single interrupt per revolution. But encoders typically generate more than a single cycle per revolution--some in the thousands. That is probably why the interrupts seem to occur more rapidly than expected.
In a zero-latency interrupt environment, the code should work. But if the phase B pin is sampled too long after the phase A pin goes high, it will fail. This might occur if the next phase A rising edge occurs while Serial.println is still executing in the previous interrupt.
A simple test to see if this is the case is to turn the encoder very, very slowly. If this results in correct data, the problem is probably interrupt latency. Serial.println can then be replaced with something much quicker, like illuminating LEDs, to see if that resolves latency issues.
For actual use, you would need to make sure that the worse-case latency between phase A going high and phase B being sampled is adequate for the maximum rate of encoder rotation.
Final note: The code should be able to adequately detect direction, but cannot be used to increment/decrement a counter to track position. That requires more than one interrupt per cycle.
check this repository of mine on Github.
It has to be something like this, more details inside the repo.
void encode_Rotor_func()
if(Vol_Dir_stat==0 && deciBells<=9)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("VOLUME= .");
lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
else if(Vol_Dir_stat==1 && deciBells >=-79)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("VOLUME= .");
lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
do something else etc.. etc....
I made a small sketch that makes clear how to interpret the encoder accordingly to the image sequence in your post:
Try this code with the equivalent pins CLK and DT connected to A2 and A1 receptively.
// Rotary Encoder Inputs
#define CLK A2
#define DT A1
int counter = 0;
String currentDir ="";
unsigned char currentPairBit = 0b0; // 8 bits
unsigned char lastPairBit = 0b0; // 8 bits
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
DDRC = 0b00000000; // Set Analog(C) encoder pins as inputs
void loop() {
while(true) { // while cycle is faster than loop!
// reads the analog states!
currentPairBit = PINC >> 1 & 0b11; // Gets A2(PC2) and A1(PC1) bits on C (analog input pins) (>> 1 = Jumps pin 0)
if ((lastPairBit & 0b11) != currentPairBit) {
lastPairBit = lastPairBit << 2 | currentPairBit;
// Bit Pairs Cyclic Sequence:
// 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
// 11 | 01 | 00 | 10 | 11 for CCW
// 11 | 10 | 00 | 01 | 11 for CW
if (lastPairBit == 0b01001011 || lastPairBit == 0b10000111) {
if (lastPairBit == 0b01001011) {
currentDir = "CCW";
} else {
currentDir = "CW";
Serial.print("Direction: ");
Serial.print(" | Counter: ");
Then check the Serial Monitor to see how fast it is. Note that you should avoid the delay() function in your code or any other that interrupts the cycle by too much time. Consider using a second auxiliary Arduino for anything else than counting.
Resulting Serial Output:
I am working on a library for controlling the M95128-W EEPROM from an STM32 device. I have the library writing and reading back data however the first byte of each page it not as expected and seems to be fixed at 0x04.
For example I write 128 bytes across two pages starting at 0x00 address with value 0x80. When read back I get:
byte[0] = 0x04;
byte[1] = 0x80;
byte[2] = 0x80;
byte[3] = 0x80;
byte[64] = 0x04;
byte[65] = 0x80;
byte[66] = 0x80;
byte[67] = 0x80;
I have debugged the SPI with a logic analyzer and confirmed the correct bytes are being sent. When using the logic analyzer on the read command the mysterios 0x04 is transmitted from the EEPROM.
Here is my code:
void FLA::write(const void* data, unsigned int dataLength, uint16_t address)
int pagePos = 0;
int pageCount = (dataLength + 64 - 1) / 64;
int bytePos = 0;
int startAddress = address;
while (pagePos < pageCount)
uint8_t status = readRegister(INSTRUCTION_RDSR);
uint8_t xlow = address & 0xff;
uint8_t xhigh = (address >> 8);
_spi->transfer(xhigh); // part 1 address MSB
_spi->transfer(xlow); // part 2 address LSB
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 64 && bytePos < dataLength; i++ )
uint8_t byte = ((uint8_t*)data)[bytePos];
printConsole("Wrote byte to ");
printConsoleInt(startAddress + bytePos);
printConsole("with value ");
bytePos ++;
bool writeComplete = false;
while (writeComplete == false)
uint8_t status = readRegister(INSTRUCTION_RDSR);
printConsole("Waiting for write to complete....\n");
writeComplete = true;
printConsole("Write complete to page ");
printConsole("# address ");
address = address + 64;
printConsole("Finished writing all pages total bytes ");
void FLA::read(char* returndata, unsigned int dataLength, uint16_t address)
uint8_t xlow = address & 0xff;
uint8_t xhigh = (address >> 8);
_spi->transfer(xhigh); // part 1 address
_spi->transfer(xlow); // part 2 address
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++)
returndata[i] = _spi->transfer(0x00);
Any suggestion or help appreciated.
I have tried writing sequentially 255 bytes increasing data to check for rollover. The results are as follows:
byte[0] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[1] = 1;
byte[2] = 2;
byte[3] = 3;
byte[63] = 63;
byte[64] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[65] = 65;
byte[66] = 66;
byte[127] = 127;
byte[128] = 4; // Incorrect Mystery Byte
byte[129} = 129;
Pattern continues. I have also tried writing just 8 bytes from address 0x00 and the same problem persists so I think we can rule out rollover.
I have tried removing the debug printConsole and it has had no effect.
Here is a SPI logic trace of the write command:
And a close up of the first byte that is not working correctly:
Code can be viewed on gitlab here:
Init code of SPI can be seen here in MX_SPI_Init()
I have another device on the SPI bus (RFM69HW RF Module) which works as expected sending and receiving data.
The explanation was actually already given by Craig Estey in his answer. You do have a rollover. You write full page and then - without cycling the CS pin - you send INSTRUCTION_WRDI command. Guess what's the binary code of this command? If you guessed that it's 4, then you're absolutely right.
Check your code here:
uint8_t xlow = address & 0xff;
uint8_t xhigh = (address >> 8);
_spi->transfer(xhigh); // part 1 address MSB
_spi->transfer(xlow); // part 2 address LSB
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 64 && bytePos < dataLength; i++ )
uint8_t byte = ((uint8_t*)data)[bytePos];
// ...
bytePos ++;
_spi->transfer(INSTRUCTION_WRDI); // <-------------- ROLLOEVER!
With these devices, each command MUST start with cycling CS. After CS goes low, the first byte is interpreted as command. All remaining bytes - until CS is cycled again - are interpreted as data. So you cannot send multiple commands in a single "block" with CS being constantly pulled low.
Another thing is that you don't need WRDI command at all - after the write instruction is terminated (by CS going high), the WEL bit is automatically reset. See page 18 of the datasheet:
The Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit, in fact, becomes reset by any of the
following events:
• Power-up
• WRDI instruction execution
• WRSR instruction completion
• WRITE instruction completion.
Caveat: I don't have a definitive solution, just some observations and suggestions [that would be too large for a comment].
From 6.6: Each time a new data byte is shifted in, the least significant bits of the internal address counter are incremented. If more bytes are sent than will fit up to the end of the page, a condition known as “roll-over” occurs. In case of roll-over, the bytes exceeding the page size are overwritten from location 0 of the same page.
So, in your write loop code, you do: for (i = 0; i < 64; i++). This is incorrect in the general case if the LSB of address (xlow) is non-zero. You'd need to do something like: for (i = xlow % 64; i < 64; i++)
In other words, you might be getting the page boundary rollover. But, you mentioned that you're using address 0x0000, so it should work, even with the code as it exists.
I might remove the print statements from the loop as they could have an effect on the serialization timing.
I might try this with an incrementing data pattern: (e.g.) 0x01,0x02,0x03,... That way, you could see which byte is rolling over [if any].
Also, try writing a single page from address zero, and write less than the full page size (i.e. less that 64 bytes) to guarantee that you're not getting rollover.
Also, from figure 13 [the timing diagram for WRITE], it looks like once you assert chip select, the ROM wants a continuous bit stream clocked precisely, so you may have a race condition where you're not providing the data at precisely the clock edge(s) needed. You may want to use the logic analyzer to verify that the data appears exactly in sync with clock edge as required (i.e. at clock rising edge)
As you've probably already noticed, offset 0 and offset 64 are getting the 0x04. So, this adds to the notion of rollover.
Or, it could be that the first data byte of each page is being written "late" and the 0x04 is a result of that.
I don't know if your output port has a SILO so you can send data as in a traditional serial I/O port or do you have to maintain precise bit-for-bit timing (which I presume the _spi->transfer would do)
Another thing to try is to write a shorter pattern (e.g. 10 bytes) starting at a non-zero address (e.g. xhigh = 0; xlow = 4) and the incrementing pattern and see how things change.
From your update, it appears to be the first byte of each page [obviously].
From the exploded view of the timing, I notice SCLK is not strictly uniform. The pulse width is slightly erratic. Since the write data is sampled on the clock rising edge, this shouldn't matter. But, I wonder where this comes from. That is, is SCLK asserted/deasserted by the software (i.e. transfer) and SCLK is connected to another GPIO pin? I'd be interested in seeing the source for the transfer function [or a disassembly].
I've just looked up SPI here: and it answers my own question.
From that, here is a sample transfer function:
* Simultaneously transmit and receive a byte on the SPI.
* Polarity and phase are assumed to be both 0, i.e.:
* - input data is captured on rising edge of SCLK.
* - output data is propagated on falling edge of SCLK.
* Returns the received byte.
uint8_t SPI_transfer_byte(uint8_t byte_out)
uint8_t byte_in = 0;
uint8_t bit;
for (bit = 0x80; bit; bit >>= 1) {
/* Shift-out a bit to the MOSI line */
write_MOSI((byte_out & bit) ? HIGH : LOW);
/* Delay for at least the peer's setup time */
/* Pull the clock line high */
/* Shift-in a bit from the MISO line */
if (read_MISO() == HIGH)
byte_in |= bit;
/* Delay for at least the peer's hold time */
/* Pull the clock line low */
return byte_in;
So, the delay times need be at least the ones the ROM needs. Hopefully, you can verify that is the case.
But, I also notice that on the problem byte, the first bit of the data appears to lag its rising clock edge. That is, I would want the data line to be stabilized before clock rising edge.
But, that assumes CPOL=0,CPHA=1. Your ROM can be programmed for that mode or CPOL=0,CPHA=0, which is the mode used by the sample code above.
This is what I see from the timing diagram. It implies that the transfer function does CPOL=0,CPHA=0:
| |
___| |___
/ \
/ \
This is what I originally expected (CPOL=0,CPHA=1) based on something earlier in the ROM document:
| |
___| |___
/ \
/ \
The ROM can be configured to use either CPOL=0,CPHA=0 or CPOL=1,CPHA=1. So, you may need to configure these values to match the transfer function (or vice-versa) And, verify that the transfer function's delay times are adequate for your ROM. The SDK may do all this for you, but, since you're having trouble, double checking this may be worthwhile (e.g. See Table 18 et. al. in the ROM document).
However, since the ROM seems to respond well for most byte locations, the timing may already be adequate.
One thing you might also try. Since it's the first byte that is the problem, and here I mean first byte after the LSB address byte, the memory might need some additional [and undocumented] setup time.
So, after the transfer(xlow), add a small spin loop after that before entering the data transfer loop, to give the ROM time to set up for the write burst [or read burst].
This could be confirmed by starting xlow at a non-zero value (e.g. 3) and shortening the transfer. If the problem byte tracks xlow, that's one way to verify that the setup time may be required. You'd need to use a different data value for each test to be sure you're not just reading back a stale value from a prior test.
Please help me with this code, it is making me crazy. This is a very simple program with 8-bit timer, cycling through all 8 leds (one-by-one). Am using ATSTK600 board.
My timers are working well, I think there is some problem with the loops (when I debug this program using avr studio-gcc, I can see all the leds working as I want but when I transfer it on board...leds don't blink). Am going crazy with this type of behavior.
Here is my code:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
volatile unsigned int intrs, i, j = 0;
void enable_ports(void);
void delay(void);
extern void __vector_23 (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt));
void enable_ports()
DDRB = 0xff;
TCCR0B = 0x03;
TIMSK0 = 0x01;
//TIFR0 = 0x01;
TCNT0 = 0x00;
//OCR0A = 61;
intrs = 0;
void __vector_23 (void)
for(i = 0; i<=8; i++)
if(intrs >= 61)
PORTB = (0xff<<i);
intrs = 0;
PORTB = 0xff;
int main(void)
Your interrupt routine is flawed. intrs counts only the number of times the loop has executed, not the number of timer interrupts as its name suggests. 61 iterations of that loop will take very little time. You will see nothing perceivable without an oscilloscope.
The following may be closer to what you need:
void __vector_23 (void)
if(intrs > 60)
intrs = 0;
PORTB = (0xff<<i);
i++ ;
if(i == 8 )
i = 0 ;
PORTB = 0xff;
Although setting the compare register OCR0A to 61 as in your commented out code would avoid the need for the interrupt counter and reduce unnecessary software overhead.
Are you sure that the code downloaded to the board is not optimized?
Have you attached volatile attribute to the PORTB identifier?
Is there a way for you to slow down the code (outside the debugger)? Any chance it's running but fast that you don't see it?
Can you verify that your intended code is in fact running (outside the debugger)?
When interrupt occurs, handler very quickly counts 62*9 times and finally sets PORTB to 0x00, so leds do only very short flash which is not visible. You see it in sumulator just because it runs slower and do not emulate visual dimming effect of fast port switching. Program has a design flaw: it tries to do full blinking cycle in single interrupt. That's wrong--only a single step should be performed in interrupt call. So handler should look like this:
void __vector_23 (void)
if(intrs >= 61)
PORTB = (0xff<<i);
intrs = 0;
if(i>8) i = 0;
Try this.
There is guidelin on interrupts handlers: Interrupt handler should be as fast and short as possible. Do not perform complex tasks in interrupts (cycle loop is one of them, if you get cycle in interrupt, try to remove it). Do not wait or delay in interrupts.
If you're seeing the behaviour you want when debugging with avr studio-gcc, then that gives you some confidence that your program is "good" (for some sense of the word "good"). So it sounds as though you need to focus on a different area: what is the difference between your debug environment and your stand-alone download?
When doing a stand-alone download, do you know if your program is running at all?
Are the LEDs blinking, or turning on at all? You don't explicitly say in your question, but that question could be very relevant to the debugging process. Does it look like the right behaviour, running at a different speed? If so, then your program is probably not doing some sort of initialisation that the debugger was doing.
When doing a stand-alone download, is the program being compiled with different settings compared to the debug version? Perhaps compiler optimisation settings are changing your program's timing characteristics.
(Your question would be better if you gave more detail about what the stand-alone download is doing. In general, it is hard for someone to debug a remote system when they're given few or no details about what is happening. Do all/some of the LEDs turn on at all?)