Can I build an chrome extension from an existing React application? - reactjs

So I have an existing Create React Application and I want to be able to build a chrome extension to work in conjunction with it. Is there a away I can use webpack or something so that my extension kind "lives in" the React application? I want to do this because the existing application is quite large and I don't want to have to make changes (UI, api, or otherwise) twice. In my head I'm picturing it something like this:
- MyApplication/
- src/
- index.html
- App.tsx
- components/
- <bunch of other useful stuff>
- extension/
- index.html
- Extension.tsx (equivalent of App.tsx in react app)
Basically I'd be able to import whatever I need into the extension and run some command like build extension and it would bundle just the files and dependencies imported and necessary for the extension and output that to some directory I can upload to the Chrome Web Store.
I also briefly considered splitting the application into into something like MyApplication-core, MyApplication-web, and MyApplication-extension or something and just installing core in both web and extension but not sure if that's the best strategy or not. The first strategy I outlined seems simpler to maintain but I could be wrong.
Also, if there is another strategy I haven't thought of please let me know! Happy to add clarification if necessary as well! TIA!

Just build it and add manifest with required configurations. After this you will have posibility to load it as an extension.


Control/Customize Component name minification in Production React

I often use "React Developer Tools" to understand the component structure of various website that I like and take inspiration from. Though, lot of websites have random names for the components, few websites have distinguishable names which can be helpful for aspiring React Developers or hobbyists. One such website is Below is a screenshot from one of the pages in his website. The name of few of the components explains itself what it is going to render. And since this is his blog, where he talks about various tips and tricks for React Development, it becomes helpful to have a look at this.
Now when I develop a website using create-react-app(CRA), all my component names are minified to a couple of random letters by Webpack. How can I control this behavior?
Note: My main question is - How to control this behavior in any React application (not just CRA). I know that Josh uses Next.js for his blog, so does any framework like Gatsby, Next etc... provide control over this?.
I'm aware that the component names are visible in development mode, but I would like it to be visible in production too (for the reason explained above in "Background").
I'm aware that webpack can generate "sourcemap" but doing that would expose my entire code structure. So I prefer not to use sourcemaps
Screenshot of Josh's Website
Screenshot of My Website
You can achieve this with a third party library:
From webpack-react-component-name documentation:
Normally React component names are minified during compilation. This plugin makes these component names available in production bundles by hooking into Webpack's compilation process, traversing the AST looking for React component definitions and updating the emitted source code to populate the displayName property. This is the property that, when populated, is used by the React Dev Tools extension to determine the name of a component.
So you can install this webpack plugin with:
npm install webpack-react-component-name -save-dev
once it is installed, add the plugin to the plugins list in webpack configs:
plugins: [
new WebpackReactComponentNamePlugin()

How to generate an asset-manifest.json for Vuejs exactly same as React?

I have created a fresh app using Vue CLI (PWA is enabled). I want to generate an asset-manifest.json file but with the exact same structure like what Create React App generates.
For example, the asset-manifest.json file of a fresh app created by CRA, looks like this:
But Vue doesn't generate such a file and I had to install webpack-assets-manifest and then by adding the following configuration to vue.config.js file:
I was able to make the app generate this file for me. But obviously the output looks like this:
The question here is that how I can configure my Vue app to generate this file with the exact structure of React app (generating chunks automatically, categorizing by entrypoints and files keys, as well as generating the main.chunk.js, bundle.js files, etc.)?
I am not professional at Vue and I am used to React. So, any suggestions or thoughts from experts are welcome.
I wanted to have files key, so I used the transform option like this. I also renamed app.js to main.js. This customization were enough for me, for now.
I want this to be generated during development build as well and generate bundle.js, but it doesn't generate this file till I run yarn build which I have to research on. Let me know if you have any ideas.
You can use the entrypoints: true to generate entrypoints key.
The generated file was like this

How can I debug a React JS App into Cordova?

I was trying to integrate a React.js app in Cordova. Everything goes well, but I was not able to debug the app in the simulator. With chrome://inspect it seems like there's no way to do it, because I can only see the "compiled code". Any solution? Thanks
Maybe there is another better way, but what do the trick for me is to build react with some custom files that i took from node_modules/react-scripts/
(i do that, to avoid react eject)
You need all the sources map on your app.
React by default, use a certain webpack config, but that config doesn't work in your phone.
By default, react use this
You can check it on the file node_modules/react-scripts/config/webpack.config.js
What i do, is to build react with the next webpack config
devtool: "eval-source-map",
So you must
Copy these files on your source code and adapt some imports (there are some import with relative path) You only need these two files
On the first one, modify it to use the second one,
On the second one, add this devtool: "eval-source-map"
Create new task on package.json , new custom build to use the script your custom build.js
Build with this script, and copy all the source maps with your code, and thats it.
The debug could crash sometimes, (i try it also with iphone + safari, sometimes works, sometimes don't so you must keep trying)
On android tend to work in a better way.
The debug is a little bit slow in compare to the web debug.
I hope this works for you too.
(Sorry for my bad English)

Add a react project to a react project? or to a page?

I'm missing up information about deployment. After running npm run build to my react project - i do get a build folder.
Unlike the example in "like button" here:, My component now is bigger,with many sub-components, with fetch calls... etc - it's a whole project.
In my other project, i would like to use this app, as a another part in a bigger app, to share this project between other of my projects.
is this possible?
if yes? how? if no? why? any other way?
Thank you !
--- Edit ---
Some of the other projects are not written in React. some are single page applications with jQuery. some with Backbonejs. which also does not use npm.
The option for submodule is applying only to the other react projects
It's certainly possible.
I think what you're looking for is to publish package to a private npm registry.
However if your project is small enough it might be easier to use github submodules.
For the most part it depends on the size and the scope for re-usability of your project. If your project is just meant to be exporting some Components/utilities that you want to use in other projects you might want to use the private npm registry but if you want access to the source code of the project and want it as a subset of your bigger project's repository, you might want to make use of github submodules.
I figured out a way to do this. for the whole project.
Many pages such as React add to a website, reffer only to a single component. not to the whole project.
Now i know.
While developing, on the index.js we have something like this:
, document.getElementById('root'));
This code, made it running on my page. Now, to have it General, that i could use it everywhere i wrap it in a global function:
window.reactMyMainComponent = (params, elm) => {
, elm);
Then, i run yarn build
Then copy the js folder from /build/static/
Then take it to any other project, adding the 3 javascript files that are inside
Then i can call my new function reactMyMainComponent Anywhere, and use it when i want wherever i want :)
such as :
var statsBox = $(".someComp")
height: statsBox.height(),
}, statsBox[0])
Tada, now everywhere can use this :) All projects.

Embedding full react application into an existing web page

I'm looking to embed my react application into an existing plain html / javascript website. What I've found so far is that you are only able to embed individual components into existing websites, not entire react applications.
Naturally I have an app component which contains the entire application. Am I able to embed the full application by embedding this component? My concern is all the modules I'm using (e.g. axios, bootstrap) will break.
I've been looking for a good tutorial on how to do this but I'm not finding many examples of trying to embed the entire application into an existing page.
My understanding of how to do this, is to reference the react javascript source links in the html page head, possibly also babel although its unclear to me if babel will work. Then we can use the renderDom method like we normally would.
On page load can I run my index.js file to insert my react app component into the dom? If this would work, are there any issues with file structure, file updates I would need to take care of?
If I'm driving off path out into the wilderness and there is a better way to handle it I'm open to suggestions. I'm just looking to see if someone else has experience doing this before I start down a bad path.
I was able to embed my full react application by doing the following...
I built my react app production files with npm run build
I copied those files into the existing web project at the root level
Then I opened the index.html file generated from npm run build and copied the scripts in the head and body sections to the page I wanted to drop in my application
Finally I added a div with the id root (this is what my renderDOM method is looking for) where I wanted my application to appear on the existing web page.
That was it. Super easy, thanks for the help!
Just wanted to add a quick additional approach here.
If you already have a Flask app and you're trying to put React components or an app (so the base component of an app) onto an existing HTML page in the Flask app, basically the only thing that you need is Babel, unless you are able to write React components without using JSX (so in plain Javascript) in which case you'd need nothing.
Step 1: To attach Babel to your project, you'll have to grab the Babel node modules which means your project will be associated with NPM for the sole purpose of using the Babel functions. You can do this by running the following commands in your project root directory (Node.js must be installed):
npm init -y
npm install babel-cli#6 babel-preset-react-app#3
Step 2: Once Babel is attached to your project, you'll have to actually transpile the existing React component .js files from JSX into plain Javascript like so:
npx babel --watch (jsdirectory) --out-dir (outputdirectory) --presets react-app/prod
where (jsdirectory) is the path to the directory where your React component files written using JSX are, and (outputdirectory) is where you want your translated files to show up--use . for (outputdirectory) to have transpiled files appear in your root directory.
Step 3: After the plain Javascript versions of your React files appear, make sure they are linked to your HTML page instead of the original JSX-utilizing files (replace the original script tag's .js file)
Step 4: Make sure the HTML page in question is linked to the .CSS files you want (they will modify the transpiled Javascript in the same manner as they did the JSX files in a project made using Create-React-App because the class names are the same) as well as the required React resources:
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src="" crossorigin></script>
After you do those quick steps your React components should render no problem on that page in your Python-Flask application.
