Change classname dynamically in React - reactjs

I'm trying to change a class name dynamically in react.
I am importing the classes from a related css file like this:
import classes from "./Board.module.css";
And in my Board component, I want to return a classname based on something I generate.
It can be "card" "card activate " "card disable", and I have 3 classes in my css file
.card {
do card something
.card.activate {
do card activate something
.card.disable {
do card disable something
How can I do it because concatenating doesn't seem to be working
Edit: I am trying to to this:
import "./Board.module.css"
const Card = (props) => {
const itemClass =
"card" + (props.item.stat ? " active " + props.item.stat : "");
return (
<div className={itemClass} onClick={() => props.clickHandler(}>
export default Card;
and the CSS is :
background-color: red;
background-color: green;
transform: rotateY(0);
I am doing so that every time I click a card, I change its class name to active and something and based on that I do a color but the class is undefined so I don't know what to do

Have you tried looking the element in inspect mode to see whether the classes are getting attached without spaces?
Eg. card active is getting applied as cardactive.
However, here's how you'd do it :
// Board.module.css
do card somthing
do card activate somthing
do card disable somthing
Here's a snippet of the component which uses the classes dynamically.
A dummy condition is used to simulate the truthy/falsy behavior that changes the class. Replace this using your custom logic.
Using string literals you can dynamically toggle between the classes as shown below:
import "./Board.module.css";
const MyComponent = () => {
const [condtion, setCondition] = useState(false); // this is the condition that toggles the class
return (
<span className={`card ${condition ? 'activate' : 'disable'}`}>Hello world</span>
Note: the activate and disable class-Names are strings and not variables.


How can I use a variable value for class name when using makeStyles?

In my React app, I have a component which takes in some data. Depending on the value of that data, I want to show the component with a different coloured background.
The styles are defined as:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
class1: {
backgroundColor: "red",
class2: {
backgroundColor: "pink",
The component is:
const MyBox = ({ data }) => {
let classes = useStyles();
let innerClassName;
if (data.value) {
innerClassName = "class1";
} else {
innerClassName = "class2";
return (
<div className={innerClassName}>
Content goes here
export default MyBox;
However, this gives the component a class of "class1" or "class2", which doesn't get picked up by makeStyles. I also tried <div className={classes.innerClassName}> but then it looks for a class called 'innerClassName' which obviously it can't find.
I think I need to use some kind of variable string within <div className={????}> but I've tried various template literal strings and none of them have worked. What should I be doing?

How should I update individual items' className onClick in a list in a React functional component?

I'm new to React and I'm stuck trying to get this onClick function to work properly.
I have a component "Row" that contains a dynamic list of divs that it gets from a function and returns them:
export function Row({parentState, setParentState}) {
let divList = getDivList(parentState, setParentState);
return (
Say parentState could just be:
[["Name", "info"],
["Name2", "info2"]]
The function returns a list of divs, each with their own className determined based on data in the parentState. Each one needs to be able to update its own info in parentState with an onClick function, which must in turn update the className so that the appearance of the div can change. My code so far seems to update the parentState properly (React Devtools shows the changes, at least when I navigate away from the component and then navigate back, for some reason), but won't update the className until a later event. Right now it looks like this:
export function getDivList(parentState, setParentState) {
//parentState is an array of two-element arrays
const divList =, i) => {
let divClass = "class" + ele[1];
return (
key={ele, i}
onClick={() => {
let newParentState =
newParentState[i][1] = "newInfo";
return divList;
I have tried to use useEffect, probably wrong, but no luck. How should I do this?
Since your Row component has parentState as a prop, I assume it is a direct child of this parent component that contains parentState. You are trying to access getDivList in Row component without passing it as a prop, it won't work if you write your code this way.
You could use the children prop provided by React that allow you to write a component with an opening and closing tag: <Component>...</Component>. Everything inside will be in the children. For your code it would looks like this :
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import './style.css';
const App = () => {
const [parentState, setParentState] = React.useState([
['I am a div', 'bg-red'],
['I am another div', 'bg-red'],
() => console.log('render on ParentState changes'),
const getDivList = () => {
return, i) => {
return (
key={(ele, i)}
onClick={() => {
// Copy of your state with the spread operator (...)
let newParentState = [...parentState];
// We don't know the new value here, I just invented it for the example
newParentState[i][1] = [newParentState[i][1], 'bg-blue'];
return <Row>{getDivList()}</Row>;
const Row = ({ children }) => {
return <>{children}</>;
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
And a bit of css for the example :
.bg-red {
background-color: darkred;
color: white;
.bg-blue {
Here is a repro on StackBlitz so you can play with it.
I assumed the shape of the parentState, yu will have to adapt by your needs but it should be something like that.
Now, if your data needs to be shared across multiple components, I highly recommand using a context. Here is my answer to another post where you'll find a simple example on how to implement a context Api.

Markdown in Antd

I can confirm that this has neither been asked nor been addressed anywhere. I am currently working on a website using Gatsby, Strapi and Antd for the design. I am using the the rich text editor for one of the content types where I have put all my markdown content. However, when I try to display the actual content on the webpage, the styling is completly nuked. I figured this was because the content uses normal HTML elements like <h1> and <p> instead of the antd components like <Title> or <Text>.
So I did some researches and found that Antd has a markdown.less in their source, which I figure is used to style the markdown in their documentation. I haven't found the same after scouring the source code inside the node modules folder. Does this mean that Antd does not support styling for markdown or am I missing something here?
Btw I am using the react-markdown library to display the all the markdown. I have also posted all the relevant code below.
const ProductTemplate: React.FC<Props> = ({ data }: Props) => {
const {
} = data
const {
product: { strapiId: selectedKeyProp },
} = data
return (
<ProductInfo product={product} />
export const query = graphql`
export default ProductTemplate
const ComponentName = ({ data }) => {
const {
} = data
return (
<ProductSidebar productsInfo={productsInfo}>
<div style={{ display: "unset", padding: "15px 35px" }}>
<ReactMarkdown className="markdown" children={content} />
export const query = graphql`
export default ComponentName
There problem can be pointed out here I guess. The <ReactMarkdown> receives the markdown content in the children props. But once the content is displayed to the page, the styling, as I mentioned above, is nuked out.
I raised this issue on github here. According to the devs, there is currently no markdown support for antd. As I thought, the markdown.less file linked above was just for the markdown in their documentation.
One way to get around this solution is to include the tags exactly as specified by antd component elements. For example, instead of a # or <h1> for a header, we can use <h1 class="antd typography">, though this definitely is painful and prone to error.
This other solution would be to use MDX, which support jsx inside markdown.
About a month late, but I just ran into this: I needed a way to change the styling of html generated by the react-markdown React component. I am using react-markdown in a NextJS app, and using Antd as my component library. I am additionally using react-syntax-highlighter and react-syntax-highlighter-prismjs for handling lighting codeblocks
While there is no support in Antd for markdown, there is support for custom components in react-markdown! react-markdown allows you to override the rendering engine and replace the individual components with your own, so I went through and replaced a bunch of them with Antd components:
Fair warning: This was my first pass to make sure this worked, it doesn't for instance handle checkboxes inside list item inputs.
import { Prism as SyntaxHighlighter } from "react-syntax-highlighter";
import {coy} from "react-syntax-highlighter/dist/cjs/styles/prism/prism";
import gfm from 'remark-gfm';
import { Typography } from 'antd';
const { Title, Text } = Typography;
import { List } from 'antd';
const mymarkdowndata = '
# A heading
Some text
## A second heading
* List!
* Has
* Many
* Items!
const renderers = {
heading: function Heading(props) {
return <Title level={props.level}>{props.children}</Title>;
list: function MakeList(props) {
return <List bordered>{props.children}</List>
listItem: function MakeListItem(props) {
return <List.Item>{props.children}</List.Item>
inlineCode: function makeInlineCode(props) {
return <Text code>{props.children}</Text>
code: function makeCodeBlock(props) {
return <SyntaxHighlighter language={props.language} style={coy}>{props.value}</SyntaxHighlighter>
blockquote: function makeBlockQuote(props) {
return <Text type="secondary">{props.children}</Text>
Then inside your component rendering function:
render() {
return <ReactMarkdown renderers={renderers} plugins={[gfm]} children={mymarkdowndata} />

Toggling font awesome Icon using React

I want to toggle a fontAwesome icon class name on click. When clicked, the icon should change the color and also call a service which adds an object to a favorite list in the server (hence, why I use e.currentTarget: I need to remember which icon was clicked). This code works on the first click, but fails to change the class back on the second click (doing an inspect, it says the FA´s classname equals "Object object"). Any idea how I could fix it?
<FontAwesomeIcon onClick={this.ToggleClass} size={"sm"} icon={faHeart} />
ToggleClass = (e) => {
const heart = {
color: "#E4002B",
const clicked = {
color: "#E4002B",
background: "red"
if (e.currentTarget.className.baseVal != heart && e.currentTarget.className.baseVal != clicked) {
return e.currentTarget.className.baseVal === clicked;
else if (e.currentTarget.className.baseVal === clicked) {
e.currentTarget.className.baseVal = heart;
You're not thinking in React yet :)
Accessing the event target and imperatively manipulating the DOM bypasses React's rendering - you might as well just be using jQuery. Not that there's anything bad about that, but it's not the right way to go about things in React.
In React, if you need to change the DOM in response to user interaction you do it in the render method, i.e. output different JSX based on the component's current state or props.
A couple things that might help here:
clicked and heart are both objects which means that you cannot compare them without using a deep comparison method.
var a = { id: 1 }
var b = { id: 1 }
console.log(a == b) //false
console.log(a === b) //false
If you want to compare them, you can convert them both to strings using the toString() method
heart.toString() === clicked.toString()
In your first if condition, it looks like you're returning a true/false value instead of assigning a desired classname to your target.
return e.currentTarget.className.baseVal === clicked // true/false
e.currentTarget.className.baseVal = clicked // assigned
You could also take the approach of keeping your classnames as strings and adding your styled objects inside of css
class MysteryComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
className: 'heart'
toggleClass = (e) => {
if (this.state.className === 'heart') {
this.setState({ className: 'clicked' })
} else if (this.state.className === 'clicked') {
this.setState({ className: 'heart' })
render() {
return (
<div className={this.state.className}>
<FontAwesomeIcon onClick={this.toggleClass} size={"sm"} icon={faHeart} />
// css
.heart {
color: "#E4002B";
.clicked {
color: "#E4002B";
background: "red";
I see. You want to fill/unfill the color of the heart as the user clicks. The reason why the results are not meeting your expectations is because of the event.targets are especially funky with FontAwesome. You may think you're clicking on it, but it manipulates the DOM in a way that when you try extract the className, it's value is often inconsistent.
This is why everyone is recommending that you make use of React's state. The logic that determines how elements are styled is now more controlled by the component itself instead of the FontAwesome library. Consider the code below, we only care about whether the item was clicked, not what class it initially has.
class Example extends React.Component{
state = {
clicked: false
handleOnCLick = () => {
clicked: !this.state.clicked
var clicked = this.state.clicked
<button onClick={this.handleOnClick}>
class={ clicked ? "fas fa-heart" : "fas fa-circle"}

How to handle mouse event in stateless component in React

I wonder if I use stateless component, how can I handle mouse event to change component style, for example:
const Com = (props) => {
var hltStyle = false;
function highlight(){
// I do not know what put here
var hltStyle = {
backgroundColor: !hltStyle?"lightgreen": "tomato"
return (
<div style={hltStyle} onMouseOver={ highlight } >HOVER ME</div>
What I want just hover this component and change background color. There is some other logic inside highlight, that is why I can not simply use CSS
You can achieve that using something like this
const Com = () => {
function over(e){"red";
function out(e){'';
return <div onMouseOver={over} onMouseOut={out}>HOVER ME </div>;
Anyway, if you feel that you need to declare some variables to use them as the state, you should use a normal component instead of a stateless one.
What about using classic CSS for simple hover effects?
<div class="el-to-hover"></div>
somewhere in css-file:
.el-t-hover {
background: transparent
transition: background .3s ease-in-out;
.el-to-hover:hover {
background: red
