double** pointer being realloc'd was not allocated - c

I have to implement a clustering algorithm, after loading the dataset, I go to check for each point in which cluster it can be inserted. If points cannot be inserted into any cluster, I have to move them from the dataset and insert them into the retained set. Since I do not know a priori the size of the retained set, I allocate an area of memory initially equal to 0 and that is incremented by the bytes size needed to hold a point each time I have to insert a point into the retained set.
It works for some iterations (4 to be precise) and then stops
This is what I try:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc/malloc.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
double **load_dataset(char *filename, int d, int chunk_size);
int assign_point_to_cluster(double **clusters, int **set, double **retained_set, double *point,double *standard_deviation,
int d, int k, int *chunk_size, int p_in_r);
int find_candidate_cluster(double **clusters, double *point, double *std_deviation, int d, int k);
double mean(const double *vector, int d);
double mahalanobis(const double *cluster, const double *point, const double *standard_deviation, int d);
void compute_std_dev(const double *cluster, double *standard_deviation_vector, int d);
int inizialize_cluster(double **dataset, int d, int k, double **clusters, int **set, int chunk_size, bool retain);
double compute_sum_of_euclidean_distance(double **center_points, double *point, int n, int d);
void feature_scaling(double **dataset, int d, int chunk_size);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if(argc < 6){
printf("Error parameters! Usage: ./main <input_file> <total number of point> <chunk_size> <points_dimension> <cluster_number>");
return 0;
char* filename = argv[1];
int d = atoi(argv[4]), k = atoi(argv[5]), chunk_size = atoi(argv[3]), total = atoi(argv[2]);
int k_compressed = 0;
printf("Path: %s\n", filename);
printf("Number of point in set %i\n", total);
printf("chunk size: %i\n", chunk_size);
printf("Dimension of points: %i\n", d);
printf("Number of cluster: %i\n", k);
double **clusters = malloc(k * sizeof(double *));
double *standard_deviation = malloc(d * sizeof(double));
int **discard_set = malloc(k * sizeof(int *));
double **retained_set = malloc(1);
double * cohesion = malloc(2 * sizeof(double));
double* radius = NULL;
double **mini_cluster = NULL;
double* temp_cluster = NULL;
int** compressed_set = NULL;
double** mini_cluster_temp = NULL;
int p_in_r = 0;
double **dataset = load_dataset(filename, d, chunk_size);
* Rescaling of variables
//feature_scaling(dataset, d, chunk_size); TODO: Something is wrong
* Cluster initialization
if(!clusters || !discard_set || !standard_deviation || !retained_set || !cohesion){
printf("Something went wrong in main(), memory allocation failed!");
chunk_size = inizialize_cluster(dataset, d, k, clusters, discard_set, chunk_size, false);
* At this point we are only interested in keeping a "summary" of the data that will be placed within a cluster.
* In dataset we put the id of the points that are added to a cluster, while cluster contains the statistics
* useful to perform clustering
* We start processing the points the (CHUNK - 1)eighth point in the dataset is assigned to the cluster if the
* mahalanobis distance is less than a threshold and if it is the closest.
* Clusetering dataset -> discard_set
while (chunk_size > 0) {
p_in_r += assign_point_to_cluster(clusters, discard_set, retained_set, dataset[chunk_size - 1], standard_deviation, d, k, &chunk_size, p_in_r);
* always working on the last element of the dataset, it is not necessary to move the list of points,
* just delete the last element
dataset[chunk_size] = NULL;
dataset = realloc(dataset, chunk_size * sizeof(double *));
if(dataset == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in main(), memory allocation failed!");
dataset = NULL;
return 0;
int inizialize_cluster(double **dataset, int d, int k, double ** clusters, int** set, int chunk_size, bool retain) {
double ** center_point = malloc(k * sizeof(double *));
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
center_point[i] = malloc((d + 1) * sizeof(double));
if(center_point[i] == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in inizialize_cluster(), memory allocation failed!");
* The point representing the center of the first cluster is chosen as the first point in the dataset
memcpy(*center_point, *dataset, (d + 1) * sizeof(double));
* The first point can be removed from the dataset or
* in case we are working on the retained set, move it to the end.
double* temp = malloc(sizeof(double *));
memcpy(temp, dataset, sizeof(double *));
memcpy(dataset, dataset+1, chunk_size * sizeof(double *));
memcpy(dataset+chunk_size-1, temp, sizeof(double *));
/*for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK; ++i) {
printf("id[%i]: %f", dataset[i][0]);
memcpy(dataset, dataset+1, chunk_size * sizeof(double *));
dataset[chunk_size] = NULL;
dataset = realloc(dataset, chunk_size * sizeof(double *));
if(dataset == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in inizialize_cluster(), memory allocation failed!");
* The centers of the next clusters are chosen as those that are furthest apart
double max;
int pos;
double distance;
for (int i = 1; i < k; i++) {
* I choose the point that maximizes the sum of the distances from the centerpieces
max = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < chunk_size; j++){
distance = compute_sum_of_euclidean_distance(center_point, dataset[j], i, d);
if (distance > max) {
pos = j;
max = distance;
memcpy(*(center_point + i), *(dataset + pos), (d + 1) * sizeof(double));
* When a point is chosen as the center of a cluster, I remove it from the dataset
double** temp = malloc(sizeof(double *));
memcpy(temp, dataset + pos, sizeof(double *));
memcpy(dataset + pos, dataset + pos + 1, (chunk_size - pos) * sizeof(double *));
memcpy(dataset + chunk_size - 1, temp, sizeof(double *));
memcpy(dataset + pos, dataset + pos + 1, (chunk_size - pos) * sizeof(double *));
dataset = realloc(dataset, chunk_size * sizeof(double *));
if(dataset == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in inizialize_cluster(), memory allocation failed!");
* When I have found k points that can be used as the initial centres of the k clusters,
* I summarize them (calculate cluster statistics) and enter them into the discard set.
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
* Cluster and discard set initialization
clusters[i] = malloc(((2 * d) + 1) * sizeof(double));
set[i] = malloc(sizeof(int ));
if(clusters[i] == NULL || set[i] == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in in inizialize_cluster(), memory allocation failed!");
set[i][0] = (int) center_point[i][0];
for (int j = 1; j < d + 1; j++) {
clusters[i][j] = center_point[i][j];
clusters[i][j + d] = pow(center_point[i][j], 2);
center_point[i] = NULL;
center_point = NULL;
return chunk_size;
double **load_dataset(char *filename, int d, int chunk_size) {
double **dataset = malloc(chunk_size * sizeof(double *));
if(dataset == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in load_dataset(), memory allocation failed!");
for (int i = 0; i < chunk_size; i++) {
dataset[i] = malloc((d + 1) * sizeof(double));
if(dataset[i] == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in load_dataset(), memory allocation failed!");
FILE *file;
file=fopen(filename, "r");
if (file == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in load_dataset(), file opening failed! (row 162)");
char *line = NULL, *token;
size_t len = 0;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int first_line = 0;
while ((getline(&line, &len, file)) != -1 && i < chunk_size) {
if(first_line != 0) {
while ((token = strsep(&line, ",")) != NULL) {
dataset[i][j] = atof(token);
j = 0;
} else{
first_line = 1;
return dataset;
int assign_point_to_cluster(double **clusters, int **set, double **retained_set, double *point,double *standard_deviation,
int d, int k, int *chunk_size, int p_in_r) {
* For each point I assess which cluster it can go into
int candidate;
candidate = find_candidate_cluster(clusters, point, standard_deviation, d, k);
* After identifying the candidate cluster (if there is one), I add the point to the discard set and update the
* cluster statistics otherwise I go ahead and put the point in the retained set
if(candidate > -1){
* I add the point to the discard/compressed set
set[candidate] = realloc(set[candidate], (unsigned long)clusters[candidate][0] * sizeof(int));
if(set[candidate] == NULL){
printf("Something went wrong in in assign_point_to_cluster(), memory allocation failed!");
set[candidate][(int) clusters[candidate][0] - 1] = (int) point[0];
* I update the cluster statistics
for (int i = 1; i < d + 1; i++) {
clusters[candidate][i] += point[i];
clusters[candidate][i + d] += pow(point[i], 2);
else if(retained_set){
* I insert the point in the retained set
retained_set = realloc(retained_set, p_in_r * sizeof(double *));
retained_set[p_in_r - 1] = malloc((d + 1) * sizeof(double));
memcpy(*(retained_set + p_in_r - 1), point, (d + 1) * sizeof(double ));
return 1;
return 0;
int find_candidate_cluster(double **clusters, double *point, double *std_deviation, int d, int k) {
double actual = DBL_MAX;
int candidate = -1;
double threshold;
double distance;
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
* Calculation of varainza,threshold and mahalanobis' distance
compute_std_dev(clusters[j], std_deviation, d);
//TODO: Would it be okay as a threshold? An alternative could be the module?
threshold = 3.5 * mean(std_deviation, d);
distance = mahalanobis(clusters[j], point, std_deviation, d);
if(distance < threshold && distance < actual){
* the cluster is a candidate for the point
candidate = j;
actual = distance;
return candidate;
double mean(const double *vector, int d) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
sum += vector[i];
return sum/d;
void compute_std_dev(const double *cluster, double *standard_deviation_vector, int d) {
double sigma;
* Vector of the variances of the components of the cluster elements
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
sigma = sqrt(fabs(cluster[i + 1 + d]/cluster[0] - pow(cluster[i + 1]/cluster[0], 2)));
if( sigma == 0)
sigma = 1;
standard_deviation_vector[i] = sigma;
double mahalanobis(const double *cluster, const double *point, const double *standard_deviation, int d) {
double distance=0;
for (int i = 1; i < d; ++i) {
distance += pow((point[i] - cluster[i]) / standard_deviation[i - 1], 2);
return sqrt(distance)/d; //TODO: can it be okay? I thought so since the threshold is the average of the
double compute_sum_of_euclidean_distance(double **center_points, double *point, int n, int d) {
double component_sum = 0;
double final_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < d + 1; j++){
component_sum += pow(center_points[i][j] - point[j], 2);
final_sum += sqrt(component_sum);
return final_sum;
void feature_scaling(double **dataset, int d, int chunk_size) {
* We perform a Z-score Normalization
double mean;
double sigma;
double sum;
double sumQ;
double variance;
* We calculate mean and variance for each column
for (int i = 1; i < d + 1; i++) {
sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < chunk_size; j++) {
sum += dataset[j][i];
mean = sum / chunk_size;
sumQ = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < chunk_size; j++) {
sumQ += pow((dataset[j][i] - mean), 2);
variance = sumQ / chunk_size;
sigma = sqrt(variance);
if( sigma == 0)
sigma = 1;
* Feature scaling: (x-x_med)/sigma
for (int j = 0; j < chunk_size; j++) {
dataset[j][i] = (dataset[j][i] - mean) / sigma;
The command I use when run is:
./main "db.csv" 100 35 4 3
It works if the 3rd argument is less then 34
The file db.csv contains:
CustomerID,Gender,Age,Annual Income (k$),Spending Score (1-100),cluster
download it from mega: db.csv.
Originally found on Kaggle but I made some modifications.
Edit: I included the whole code
Edit: I alse get this error trying to see what is in retained_set : read memory from 0x3d2fdfcb8030 failed (0 of 8 bytes read)
Edit: I translate the comment in the code and added the file I use as input

assign_point_to_cluster has a local variable double **retained_set. This means that you cannot do retained_set = realloc(retained_set, ... or you will just change where that local variable points at, not where the pointer-to-pointer on the caller side points at. And because of that you also create a memory leak. See this FAQ: Dynamic memory access only works inside function
As for how to solve it, it appears that encapsulating all of this data into structs would simplify the program a lot. You could also implement it as an "opaque type" (How to do private encapsulation in C?) and get rid of the caller's responsibility to handle dynamic allocation.
Using 2D arrays instead of pointer-to-pointers might also simplify the program and improve performance. For example if you could use a "pointer to array pointer" parameter double (**retained_set)[x][y]) then you could do double (*tmp)[x][y] = realloc(*retained_set,...) and then *retained_set = tmp;, which would affect the caller. But structs would be easier to read so that should be the first option.
Also note that malloc.h has been obsolete since forever. difference between <stdlib.h> and <malloc.h>


Allocating dynamic array of structs with dynamic arrays in C

I am trying to allocate an array of structs, with each struct also containing dynamic arrays. They will later be communicated via MPI_Sendrecv:
struct cell {
double a, b, c, *aa, *bb;
} *Send_l, *Send_r;
I want Send_l and Send_r to have count number of elements, the arrays aa and bb should contain sAS number of elements. This is all done after MPI_Init.
void allocateForSendRecv(int count) {
int sAS = 5;
int iter = 0;
Send_l = (struct cell *)malloc(count * (sizeof(struct cell)));
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
Send_l[iter].aa = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
Send_l[iter].bb = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
//sAS-1, as sizeof(struct cell) already contains a single (double) for aa and bb.
Send_r = (struct cell *)malloc(count * (sizeof(struct cell)));
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
Send_r[iter].aa = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
Send_r[iter].bb = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
With this, I can freely allocate, fill and deallocate, however when I call the following, my results diverge from my reference (using all stack arrays).
MPI_Sendrecv(&(Send_r[0]), count, ..., &(Send_l[0]), count, ...)
I haven't found the exact reason, but posts about similar issues made me assume its due to my non-contiguous memory allocation. Ive tried to solve the problem by using a single malloc call, only to get a segmentation fault when I fill my arrays aa and bb:
Send_l = malloc(count * (sizeof(*Send_l)) + count *(sizeof(*Send_l) + 2 * (sAS - 1) * sizeof(double)));
Send_r = malloc(count * (sizeof(*Send_r)) + count *(sizeof(*Send_r) + 2 * (sAS - 1) * sizeof(double)));
I have reused some code to allocate 2D arrays and applied it to this struct problem, but haven't been able to make it work. Am I right in assuming that, with a functioning single malloc call and therefore contiguous memory allocation, my MPI_Sendrecv would work fine? Alternatively, would using MPI_Type_create_struct solve my non-contiguous memory problem?
Minimal example (without MPI) of segmentation fault. Using allocateSendRecv, everything is fine. But the single alloc in allocateInOneSendRecv gives me issues.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct cell {
double a, b, c, *aa, *bb;
} *Send_l, *Send_r;
void allocateSendRecv(int count, int sAS);
void fillSendRecv(int count, int sAS);
void freeSendRecv(int count);
void printSendRecv(int count, int sAS);
void allocateInOneSendRecv(int count, int sAS);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const int count = 2;
const int sAS = 9;
allocateSendRecv(count, sAS);
//allocateInOneSendRecv(count, sAS);
fillSendRecv(count, sAS);
printSendRecv(count, sAS);
return 0;
void allocateSendRecv(int count, int sAS) {
int iter = 0;
Send_r = (struct cell *)malloc(count * (sizeof(struct cell)));
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
Send_r[iter].aa = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
Send_r[iter].bb = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
Send_l = (struct cell *)malloc(count * (sizeof(struct cell)));
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
Send_l[iter].aa = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
Send_l[iter].bb = (double *)malloc((sAS - 1) * sizeof(double));
void allocateInOneSendRecv(int count, int sAS) {
Send_l = malloc(count * (sizeof(*Send_l)) + count *(sizeof(*Send_l) + 2 * (sAS - 1) * sizeof(double)));
Send_r = malloc(count * (sizeof(*Send_r)) + count *(sizeof(*Send_r) + 2 * (sAS - 1) * sizeof(double)));
void freeSendRecv(int count) {
int iter = 0;
void fillSendRecv(int count, int sAS) {
int iter = 0;
int iter2= 0;
double dummyDouble = 5.0;
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
Send_l[iter].a = dummyDouble;
Send_l[iter].b = dummyDouble;
Send_l[iter].c = dummyDouble;
for (iter2 = 0; iter2 < sAS; iter2++) {
Send_l[iter].aa[iter2] = dummyDouble;
Send_l[iter].bb[iter2] = dummyDouble;
Send_r[iter].a = dummyDouble;
Send_r[iter].b = dummyDouble;
Send_r[iter].c = dummyDouble;
for (iter2 = 0; iter2 < sAS; iter2++) {
Send_r[iter].aa[iter2] = dummyDouble;
Send_r[iter].bb[iter2] = dummyDouble;
void printSendRecv(int count, int sAS) {
int iter = 0;
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
printf("%f \n", Send_l[iter].a);
printf("%f \n", Send_l[iter].b);
printf("%f \n", Send_l[iter].c);
printf("%f \n", Send_l[iter].aa[sAS - 1]);
printf("%f \n\n", Send_l[iter].bb[sAS - 1]);
printf("%f \n", Send_r[iter].a);
printf("%f \n", Send_r[iter].b);
printf("%f \n", Send_r[iter].c);
printf("%f \n", Send_r[iter].aa[sAS - 1]);
printf("%f \n\n", Send_r[iter].bb[sAS - 1]);
Your current problem is that you can only pass the start address of Send_l (resp. Send_r). From that point, all memory has to be contiguous and you must know its total size and give it later to MPI_SendRecv.
But after allocation, you must ensure that aa and bb members are correctly initialized to point inside the allocated bloc of memory.
A possible code could be:
void allocateSendRecv(int count, int subCount) {
int iter;
// total size of each struct
size_t sz = sizeof(struct cell) + 2 * subCount * sizeof(double);
// one single contiguous allocation
Send_r = malloc(count * sz); // nota: never cast malloc in C language!
// per each cell make aa and bb point into the allocated memory
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
Send_r[iter].aa = ((double*)(Send_r + count)) + 2 * subCount * iter;
Send_r[iter].bb = Send_r[iter].aa + subCount;
// id. for Send_l
Send_l = malloc(count * sz);
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
Send_l[iter].aa = ((double*)(Send_l + count)) + 2 * subCount * iter;
Send_l[iter].bb = Send_l[iter].aa + subCount;
Here I have first the array of cell structures and then 1 aa array and 1 bb array per structure in that order.
That is enough to get rid of the segmentation fault...
The single global struct
struct cell
double a, b, c, *aa, *bb;
} * Send_l, *Send_r;
is a bit fragile:
aa and bb are allocated as arrays of double but the subCount -1 size is not there. It is buried into the code.
Send_l and Send_r are also pointers to arrays of struct cell but the count size is not there. It is also buried into the code. The single struct is global and it is also weak.
This makes hard to test, allocate or free data. I will left a C example using a bit of encapsulation and that you can adapt to your case under MPI. I will use your code and functions with a bit of OOP orientation :)
The example includes 2 programs and functions to serialize and deserialize the data. For testing, the data is written to a file by the 1st program and read back by the second one. The same printSendRecv() shows the data before and after the data is written to disk.
A Cell structure
typedef struct
double a;
double b;
double c;
double* aa;
double* bb;
} Cell;
The Send structure
typedef struct
Cell l;
Cell r;
} Send;
The Set structure
typedef struct
unsigned count;
unsigned subCount;
Send* send;
} Set;
So a Set has all that is needed to describe its contents.
function prototypes
Set* allocateSendRecv(size_t, size_t);
int fillSendRecv(Set*);
Set* freeSendRecv(Set*);
int printSendRecv(Set*, const char*);
Using encapsulation and a bit of RAII from C++ you can rewrite allocateSendRecv() and freeSendRecv() as constructor and destructor of the struct as:
Set* allocateSendRecv(size_t count, size_t subCount)
// count is the number of send buffers
// subcount is the size of the arrays inside each cell
"AllocateSendRecv(count = %llu, subCount = %llu)\n", count,
Set* nw = (Set*)malloc(sizeof(Set));
nw->count = count;
nw->subCount = subCount;
nw->send = (Send*)malloc(count * sizeof(Send));
// now that we have Send allocate the Cell arrays
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
nw->send[i].l.aa =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
nw->send[i] =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
nw->send[i].r.aa =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
nw->send[i] =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
return nw;
Set* freeSendRecv(Set* set)
if (set == NULL) return NULL;
"\nDeallocating(count = %llu, subCount = %llu)\n",
set->count, set->subCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < set->count; i++)
return NULL;
Writing this way the tst pointer is invalidated in the call to freeSendRecv(). In this case tst is allocated with count and subCount as 2 and 5 and this goes inside the Set.
fillSendRecv() uses incremental fill values to make it easy to pinpoint some eventual displacement. printSendRecv() accpets a string for an optional message. Values are printed before and after the creation of the Set.
Example: serialize and deserialize a buffer
In order to write to disk or to transmit the data first aa and bb arrays must be expanded. The example uses v2-out x y 4 file to create and show a struct using these values and then write if to file
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char f_name[256] = {0};
if (argc < 3) usage();
strcpy(f_name, argv[3]);
size_t count = atoll(argv[1]);
size_t subCount = atoll(argv[2]);
Set* tst = allocateSendRecv(count,subCount);
printSendRecv(tst, "printSendRecv(): ");
to_disk(tst, f_name);
tst = freeSendRecv(tst);
return 0;
These functions take a Set and write to a file:
int to_disk(Set*, const char*);
int write_cell(Cell*, const size_t, FILE*);
Since the Set has all that is needed to recreate the Set just the file name is needed. The example uses v2-in file to read back the data from file and show it on screen
int main(int argc,char** argv)
char f_name[256] = {0};
if (argc < 2) usage();
strcpy(f_name, argv[1]);
Set* tst = from_disk(f_name);
printSendRecv(tst, "As read from disk: ");
tst = freeSendRecv(tst);
return 0;
These functions read a file and return a pointer to a Set with the data:
Set* from_disk(const char*);
int read_cell(FILE*, Cell*, const size_t);
output of an example
Here the programs are
v2-out to create a Set and write to a file in disk
v2-in to read a file created by v2-out and load into a new Set
dump.bin is created and Set has count = 2 and subCount = 4
PS C:\SO> .\v2-out 2 4 dump-2-4.bin
AllocateSendRecv(count = 2, subCount = 4)
printSendRecv(): Count is 2, subCount is 4
Set 1 of 2
[a,b,c] = [ 42.001, 42.002, 42.003]
aa: 42.004 42.005 42.006 42.007
bb: 42.008 42.009 42.010 42.011
[a,b,c] = [ 42.012, 42.013, 42.014]
aa: 42.015 42.016 42.017 42.018
bb: 42.019 42.020 42.021 42.022
Set 2 of 2
[a,b,c] = [ 42.023, 42.024, 42.025]
aa: 42.026 42.027 42.028 42.029
bb: 42.030 42.031 42.032 42.033
[a,b,c] = [ 42.034, 42.035, 42.036]
aa: 42.037 42.038 42.039 42.040
bb: 42.041 42.042 42.043 42.044
writing 'Set' to "dump-2-4.bin"
Deallocating(count = 2, subCount = 4)
PS C:\SO> .\v2-in dump-2-4.bin
read 'Set' from "dump-2-4.bin"
From disk: Count = 2, SubCount = 4
AllocateSendRecv(count = 2, subCount = 4)
new 'Set' created
As read from disk: Count is 2, subCount is 4
Set 1 of 2
[a,b,c] = [ 42.001, 42.002, 42.003]
aa: 42.004 42.005 42.006 42.007
bb: 42.008 42.009 42.010 42.011
[a,b,c] = [ 42.012, 42.013, 42.014]
aa: 42.015 42.016 42.017 42.018
bb: 42.019 42.020 42.021 42.022
Set 2 of 2
[a,b,c] = [ 42.023, 42.024, 42.025]
aa: 42.026 42.027 42.028 42.029
bb: 42.030 42.031 42.032 42.033
[a,b,c] = [ 42.034, 42.035, 42.036]
aa: 42.037 42.038 42.039 42.040
bb: 42.041 42.042 42.043 42.044
Deallocating(count = 2, subCount = 4)
The example in 2 files
a header v2.h
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct
double a;
double b;
double c;
double* aa;
double* bb;
} Cell;
typedef struct
Cell l;
Cell r;
} Send;
typedef struct
size_t count;
size_t subCount;
Send* send;
} Set;
Set* allocateSendRecv(size_t, size_t);
int fillSendRecv(Set*);
Set* freeSendRecv(Set*);
int printSendRecv(Set*, const char*);
// helpers
Set* from_disk(const char*);
double get_next(void);
int print_cell(Cell*, size_t, const char*);
int read_cell(FILE*, Cell*, const size_t);
int to_disk(Set*, const char*);
int write_cell(Cell*, const size_t, FILE*);
code in file v2.c
#include "v2.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma pack(show)
Set* allocateSendRecv(size_t count, size_t subCount)
// count is the number of send buffers
// subcount is the size of the arrays inside each cell
"AllocateSendRecv(count = %llu, subCount = %llu)\n", count,
Set* nw = (Set*)malloc(sizeof(Set));
nw->count = count;
nw->subCount = subCount;
nw->send = (Send*)malloc(count * sizeof(Send));
// now that we have Send allocate the Cell arrays
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
nw->send[i].l.aa =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
nw->send[i] =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
nw->send[i].r.aa =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
nw->send[i] =
(double*)malloc(subCount * sizeof(double));
return nw;
int fillSendRecv(Set* s)
if (s == NULL) return -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s->count; i += 1)
// l
s->send[i].l.a = get_next();
s->send[i].l.b = get_next();
s->send[i].l.c = get_next();
for (size_t j = 0; j < s->subCount; j += 1)
s->send[i].l.aa[j] = get_next();
for (size_t j = 0; j < s->subCount; j += 1)
s->send[i][j] = get_next();
// r
s->send[i].r.a = get_next();
s->send[i].r.b = get_next();
s->send[i].r.c = get_next();
for (size_t j = 0; j < s->subCount; j += 1)
s->send[i].r.aa[j] = get_next();
for (size_t j = 0; j < s->subCount; j += 1)
s->send[i][j] = get_next();
return 0;
Set* freeSendRecv(Set* set)
if (set == NULL) return NULL;
"\nDeallocating(count = %llu, subCount = %llu)\n",
set->count, set->subCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < set->count; i++)
return NULL;
int printSendRecv(Set* s, const char* msg)
if (s == NULL) return -1;
if (msg != NULL) printf("%s", msg);
" Count is %llu, subCount is %llu\n", s->count,
for (size_t i = 0; i < s->count; i += 1)
printf("\tSet %llu of %llu\n", 1 + i, s->count);
print_cell(&s->send[i].l, s->subCount, "\tl:\n");
print_cell(&s->send[i].r, s->subCount, "\tr:\n");
return 0;
// helpers
Set* from_disk(const char* file)
printf("read 'Set' from \"%s\"\n", file);
FILE* in = fopen(file, "rb");
if (in == NULL) return NULL;
size_t res = 0;
size_t count = 0;
res = fread(&count, sizeof(count), 1, in);
size_t subCount = 0;
res = fread(&subCount, sizeof(subCount), 1, in);
printf("From disk: Count = %llu, SubCount = %llu\n",
Set* nw = allocateSendRecv(count, subCount);
if (nw == NULL)
return NULL; // could not alloc
printf("new 'Set' created\n");
nw->count = count;
nw->subCount = subCount;
// so we have the exact structure to hold ALL data
for (size_t i = 0; i < nw->count; i += 1)
read_cell(in, &nw->send[i].l, nw->subCount);
read_cell(in, &nw->send[i].r, nw->subCount);
return nw;
double get_next(void)
static double ix = 42.;
ix += .001;
return ix;
int print_cell(Cell* cell, size_t sz, const char* msg)
"%s\t[a,b,c] = [%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f]\n", msg,
cell->a, cell->b, cell->c);
printf("\taa: ");
for (size_t j = 0; j < sz; j += 1)
printf("%10.3f ", cell->aa[j]);
printf("\n\tbb: ");
for (size_t j = 0; j < sz; j += 1)
printf("%10.3f ", cell->bb[j]);
return 0;
int read_cell(FILE* in, Cell* cell, const size_t size)
if (in == NULL) return -2;
if (cell == NULL) return -1;
size_t res = 0;
// a,b,c,aa,bb
res += fread(&cell->a, 1, 3 * sizeof(double), in);
res += fread(cell->aa, 1, size * sizeof(double), in);
res += fread(cell->bb, 1, size * sizeof(double), in);
return 0;
int to_disk(Set* set, const char* file)
printf("writing 'Set' to \"%s\"\n", file);
FILE* out = fopen(file, "wb");
if (out == NULL) return -1;
size_t res = 0;
res = fwrite(&set->count, sizeof(set->count), 1, out);
res = fwrite(&set->subCount, sizeof(set->subCount), 1, out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < set->count; i += 1)
write_cell(&set->send[i].l, set->subCount, out);
write_cell(&set->send[i].r, set->subCount, out);
return 0;
int write_cell(Cell* cell, const size_t size, FILE* out)
if (cell == NULL) return -1;
if (out == NULL) return -2;
size_t res = 0;
// a,b,c, aa, bb
res += fwrite(&cell->a, 1, 3 * sizeof(double), out);
res += fwrite(cell->aa, 1, size * sizeof(double), out);
res += fwrite(cell->bb, 1, size * sizeof(double), out);
//printf("write_cell(): %llu bytes written to disk\n", res);
return 0;
main() for the 2 examples is above in text
casting the return for malloc()
Yes, I always cast the return of malloc() as I and many others do no like anything implicit. And also because malloc() accepts any expression that evaluates to a size an lloking at the expression not always say something about the area. Many times the program allocates data for many structures, some enclosed. This little program has 3. So using the cast works as a reminder for the programmmers of what the program intends to allocate, and can avoid many bugs, since the expression many times is not sufficient to show what is what.
This thing about malloc() and cast comes from the C-FAQ, an old never-updated thing that is a compilation of articles from usenet all dating before 2000. And even in that time people wrote there about the possible reasons to CAST the pointer.
One of the reason pro-casting in the (C-FAQ)[] is that it could alert the programmer for have forgotten to use an include for stdlib.h. I mean it:
Suppose that you call malloc but forget to #include <stdlib.h>.
The compiler is likely to assume that malloc is a function
returning int, which is of course incorrect, and will lead to trouble
Therefore, the seemingly redundant casts are used by people who are
(a) concerned with portability to all pre-ANSI compilers, or
(b) of the opinion that implicit conversions are a bad thing.
I would add the reason I described above.
You can use anonymous struct but it has some caveats:
#define CELL(n) \
struct { \
double a, b, c, aa[n], bb[n]; \
the limitations are you need to cannot use global variables as is, and you have to pass void * to subroutines (and then cast inside the body). If you need global variables, you can only use pointers declared as void *
For example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CELL(n) \
struct { \
double a, b, c, aa[n], bb[n]; \
void * Send_r;
void * Send_l;
void * allocateCells(int count, int sAS) {
return malloc (count * sizeof(CELL(sAS))); // no cast here
void fillCells(void * _cells, int count, int sAS, double dummyDouble) {
int iter = 0;
int iter2= 0;
CELL(sAS) * cells = _cells;
for (iter = 0; iter < count; iter++) {
cells[iter].a = dummyDouble;
cells[iter].b = dummyDouble;
cells[iter].c = dummyDouble;
for (iter2 = 0; iter2 < sAS; iter2++) {
cells[iter].aa[iter2] = dummyDouble;
cells[iter].bb[iter2] = dummyDouble;
void dumpCells(void * _cells, int count, int sAS, char *file) {
FILE *fd = fopen(file, "w");
CELL(sAS) * cells = _cells;
fwrite(cells, sizeof(*cells), count, fd);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int sAS = 5;
int count1 = 10;
Send_r = allocateCells(count1, sAS);
fillCells(Send_r, count1, sAS, 5.0);
dumpCells(Send_r, count1, sAS, "1.bin");
int sAS2 = 20;
int count2 = 30;
Send_l = allocateCells(count2, sAS2);
fillCells(Send_l, count2, sAS2, 6.0);
dumpCells(Send_l, count2, sAS2, "2.bin");

Realloc couldn't allocate memory when used in loop

I am trying to implement Simpson 1/3 rule in C and facing a problem with using malloc inside a for loop.
My current implementation is
int integrateSimpson(Integrate *intereg)
int i, j, iLoop, last;
double *tempOne = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1);
double *tempTwo = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 1);
double dx, sumOdd, sumEven, area;
double lowerLimit = intereg->lowerLimit;
double upperLimit = intereg->upperLimit;
int *intervals = intereg->intervals;
int nIntervals = intereg->nIntervals;
int method = intereg->method;
for(j = 0; j < nIntervals; j++ )
printf("Number of Intervals: %d",nIntervals);
for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < nIntervals; iLoop++){
printf("\nIntervals: %d", intervals[iLoop]);
tempOne = (double *) realloc(tempOne, sizeof(double) * intervals[j]);
tempTwo = (double *) realloc(tempTwo, sizeof(double) * intervals[j]);
if(tempTwo == NULL || tempOne == NULL)
TRACE("Could not realloc memory to temporary arrays");
if(intervals[j] % 2 != 0)
TRACE("Found odd interval, adding 1 to make it even");
intervals[j] = intervals[j] + 1;
dx = (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / intervals[j];
for(i = 0; i <= intervals[j]; i++)
tempOne[i] = lowerLimit + i * dx;
tempTwo[i] = intereg->func(tempOne[i]);
sumOdd = 0;
sumEven = 0;
for(i = 1; i < intervals[j]; i++)
if(i % 2 == 1)
sumOdd += tempTwo[i];
sumEven += tempTwo[i];
printf("\nPassed %d time", j );
last = intervals[j] - 1;
area = dx / 3 * (tempTwo[0] + tempTwo[last] + 4 * sumOdd + 2 * sumEven);
intereg->areaUnderCurve[j] = area;
intereg->resultMatrix[method - 1][j] = intereg->areaUnderCurve[j];
tempOne = NULL;
tempTwo = NULL;
I tried to debug this and found that for intervals = {2,8,16,64} the loop works fine for the first time even the realloc part but with the second iteration for some reason, realloc doesn't work and I get a segmentation fault. I tried to reproduce this problem in the following way but the code below works fine
int i;
double *temp;
/* Initial memory allocation */
temp = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*1);
/* Reallocating memory */
for(i = 0;i<10;i++)
temp = (double *) realloc(temp, sizeof(double)* i);
temp = NULL;
I know that realloc basically assigns a new memory at the same time frees the memory pointed by the pointer passed to it. But what is wrong that I am doing here?
Also is it a good way to use malloc with loops?
Any lead is appreciated!

Why Segmentation fault is happening in this situation? Openmp problems

After writing a sequential program, I need to parallelize it. Here is a small part, which for some reason does not work. When N > 64 and 4 threads, the program starts to produce a segmentation error. And with 2 threads everything works fine. I tried to set the environment variable KMP_STACK_SIZE = 128m, but this did not help me. What could be the problem?
#include <omp.h>
void setMatrix(double *matrix, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (i == j) {
matrix[i * size + j] = 2;
} else
matrix[i * size + j] = 1;
void setVector(double *vector, int size, int value) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
vector[i] = value;
void clearVec(double *vector, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
vector[i] = 0;
void mulMatrAndVec(double *result, const double *matrix, const double *vector, int size) {
clearVec(result, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
result[i] += matrix[i * size + j] * vector[j];
void subVectors(double *result, const double *vector1, const double *vector2, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
result[i] = vector1[i] - vector2[i];
void mulMatrAndVecMP(double *result, const double *matrix, const double *vector, int place, int blockSize, int size) {
for (int i = place; i < (place + blockSize); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
result[i] += matrix[i * size + j] * vector[j];
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int N = 68;
double *A = (double *) malloc(N * N * sizeof(double));
double *x = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double *b = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double *u = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double *r1 = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double *r2 = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double *z = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double *vec1 = (double *) malloc(N*N * sizeof(double));
double *vec2 = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double a = 0;
double bt = 0;
int threadNum, threadCount;
setMatrix(A, N);
setVector(x, N, 0);
setVector(b, N, N + 1);
mulMatrAndVec(vec1, A, x, N);
subVectors(r1, b, vec1, N);
clearVec(vec1, N);
memcpy(z, r1, N * sizeof(double));
memcpy(r2, r1, N * sizeof(double));
threadCount = omp_get_num_threads();
#pragma omp parallel private(threadNum) shared(threadCount, vec1, A, z)
threadNum = omp_get_thread_num();
mulMatrAndVecMP(vec1, A, z, (threadNum * N) / threadCount, N / threadCount, N);
return 0;
The problem is that you call
threadCount = omp_get_num_threads();
outside the parallel block so it's 1 and your loop inside
mulMatrAndVecMP(vec1, A, z, (threadNum * N) / threadCount, N / threadCount, N);
goes out of bounds.
threadCount = 4
instead should fix your problem.
As you can read here the call returns the number of threads in the current team, and there's no current team.
Edit: be careful in case N is not divisible by the number of threads: your code skips some lines of the multiplication.

How can I create an array with a length read from a configuration file?

I am writing a C programme in which there will be several arrays which lengths are configured in a data file.
I am trying to read I and J from OFDMA.dat, and create arrays Noise, Bw .etc
The lines I have commented belong to the original programme which works:
//#define I 3;
//#define J 2;
//#define NUMROWS (1+I+2*I*J)
//#define NUMCOLS 3*I*J
//#define NUMNZ 6*I*J
Then I tried to read from OFDMA.dat with following code:
while (fgets(buffer, 80, dat) != NULL) {
if (buffer[0] == '#') continue;
if (counter == 1){
maxIter = atoi(buffer);
printf("maxIter \n");
if (counter == 2){
Pwr = atof(buffer);
printf("Pwr \n");
if (counter == 3){
I = atoi(buffer);
printf("I \n");
Bw = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I);
Noise = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I);
if (counter == 4){
J = atoi(buffer);
printf("J \n");
if (counter>4 && counter <= 4 + I){
Noise[counter - 5] = atof(buffer);
printf("Noise[%d]: %lf\n", counter - 5, Noise[counter - 5]);
if (counter>4 + I&&counter<4 + 2 * I){
Bw[counter - 5 - I] = atof(buffer);
printf("Bw[%d]: %lf\n", counter - I - 5, Bw[counter - I - 5]);
Then visual studio says:
1>OFDMA.c(96): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>OFDMA.c(96): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
1>OFDMA.c(102): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>OFDMA.c(102): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
1>OFDMA.c(135): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>OFDMA.c(135): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
1>OFDMA.c(135): error C2133: 'x' : unknown size
1>OFDMA.c(136): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>OFDMA.c(136): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
1>OFDMA.c(136): error C2133: 'slack' : unknown size
1>OFDMA.c(352): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>OFDMA.c(352): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
1>OFDMA.c(546): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>OFDMA.c(546): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
In those lines, I and J are used in declaring arrays. For example:
static int
setproblemdata(char **probname_p, int *numcols_p, int *numrows_p, int *objsen_p,
double **obj_p, double **rhs_p, char **sense_p, int **matbeg_p,
int **matcnt_p, int **matind_p, double **matval_p, double **lb_p,
double **ub_p, char **ctype_p, double Noise_p[I]);
The full codes:
/* Bring in the CPLEX function declarations and the C library
header file stdio.h with the include of cplex.h. */
#include <ilcplex/cplex.h>
/* Bring in the declarations for the string functions */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
/* The problem we are optimizing will have I channels, J users.
* So there will be 1+I+2*I*J rows, 3*I*J columns, and 5*I*J nonzeros. */
//#define I 3;
//#define J 2;
//#define NUMROWS (1+I+2*I*J)
//#define NUMCOLS 3*I*J
//#define NUMNZ 6*I*J
int I, J;
int maxIter;
double Pwr;
double* Bw;
double* Noise;
/* Include declaration for function at end of program */
static int readdata(){
int counter = 1;
FILE * dat;
dat = fopen("OFDMA.dat", "r");
char buffer[80];
if (!dat) // equivalent to saying if ( in_file == NULL )
printf("oops, file can't be read\n");
return 1;
while (fgets(buffer, 80, dat) != NULL) {
if (buffer[0] == '#') continue;
if (counter == 1){
maxIter = atoi(buffer);
printf("maxIter \n");
if (counter == 2){
Pwr = atof(buffer);
printf("Pwr \n");
if (counter == 3){
I = atoi(buffer);
printf("I \n");
Bw = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I);
Noise = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I);
if (counter == 4){
J = atoi(buffer);
printf("J \n");
if (counter>4 && counter <= 4 + I){
Noise[counter - 5] = atof(buffer);
printf("Noise[%d]: %lf\n", counter - 5, Noise[counter - 5]);
if (counter>4 + I&&counter<4 + 2 * I){
Bw[counter - 5 - I] = atof(buffer);
printf("Bw[%d]: %lf\n", counter - I - 5, Bw[counter - I - 5]);
return 0;
static int
setproblemdata(char **probname_p, int *numcols_p, int *numrows_p, int *objsen_p,
double **obj_p, double **rhs_p, char **sense_p, int **matbeg_p,
int **matcnt_p, int **matind_p, double **matval_p, double **lb_p,
double **ub_p, char **ctype_p, double Noise_p[I]);
static void
free_and_null(char **ptr);
static int
addcuts(double **matval_p, double **rhs_p, double pbar_p[I*J], const double Bw_[I], double Noise_p[I]);
int main(void) {
/* Declare pointers for the variables and arrays that will contain
the data which define the LP problem. The setproblemdata() routine
allocates space for the problem data. */
char *probname = NULL;
int numcols;
int numrows;
int objsen;
double *obj = NULL;
double *rhs = NULL;
char *sense = NULL;
int *matbeg = NULL;
int *matcnt = NULL;
int *matind = NULL;
double *matval = NULL;
double *lb = NULL;
double *ub = NULL;
char *ctype = NULL;
double *pbar = NULL;
/* Declare and allocate space for the variables and arrays where we will
store the optimization results including the status, objective value,
variable values, and row slacks. */
int solstat;
double objval;
double x[NUMCOLS];
double slack[NUMROWS];
CPXENVptr env = NULL;
CPXLPptr lp = NULL;
int status;
int i, j;
int counter;
int cur_numrows, cur_numcols;
/* Import Data from file OFDMA.dat*/
status = readdata();
if (status){
fprintf(stderr, "Failure to read data from file. \n");
/* Initialize the CPLEX environment */
env = CPXopenCPLEX(&status);
/* If an error occurs, the status value indicates the reason for
failure. A call to CPXgeterrorstring will produce the text of
the error message. Note that CPXopenCPLEX produces no output,
so the only way to see the cause of the error is to use
CPXgeterrorstring. For other CPLEX routines, the errors will
be seen if the CPXPARAM_ScreenOutput indicator is set to CPX_ON. */
if (env == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open CPLEX environment.\n");
CPXgeterrorstring(env, status, errmsg);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", errmsg);
/* Turn on output to the screen */
status = CPXsetintparam(env, CPXPARAM_ScreenOutput, CPX_ON);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure to turn on screen indicator, error %d.\n",
/* Fill in the data for the problem. */
status = setproblemdata(&probname, &numcols, &numrows, &objsen, &obj, &rhs,
&sense, &matbeg, &matcnt, &matind, &matval, &lb, &ub, &ctype, Noise);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to build problem data arrays.\n");
/* Create the problem. */
lp = CPXcreateprob(env, &status, probname);
/* A returned pointer of NULL may mean that not enough memory
was available or there was some other problem. In the case of
failure, an error message will have been written to the error
channel from inside CPLEX. In this example, the setting of
the parameter CPXPARAM_ScreenOutput causes the error message to
appear on stdout. */
if (lp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create LP.\n");
/* Main Loop */
for (i = 0; i < maxIter; i++) {
/* Now copy the problem data into the lp */
status = CPXcopylp(env, lp, numcols, numrows, objsen, obj, rhs, sense,
matbeg, matcnt, matind, matval, lb, ub, NULL);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to copy problem data.\n");
/* Now copy the ctype array */
status = CPXcopyctype(env, lp, ctype);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to copy ctype\n");
/* Optimize the problem and obtain solution. */
status = CPXmipopt(env, lp);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to optimize MIP.\n");
solstat = CPXgetstat(env, lp);
/* Write the output to the screen. */
printf("\nSolution status = %d\n", solstat);
status = CPXgetobjval(env, lp, &objval);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "No MIP objective value available. Exiting...\n");
cur_numcols = CPXgetnumcols(env, lp);
status = CPXgetx(env, lp, x, 0, cur_numcols - 1);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get optimal integer x.\n");
printf("Solution value = %f\n\n", objval);
/* Add Cuts to the problem */
addcuts(&matval, &rhs, x, Bw, Noise);
/* The size of the problem should be obtained by asking CPLEX what
the actual size is, rather than using what was passed to CPXcopylp.
cur_numrows and cur_numcols store the current number of rows and
columns, respectively. */
cur_numrows = CPXgetnumrows(env, lp);
cur_numcols = CPXgetnumcols(env, lp);
status = CPXgetx(env, lp, x, 0, cur_numcols - 1);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get optimal integer x.\n");
status = CPXgetslack(env, lp, slack, 0, cur_numrows - 1);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get optimal slack values.\n");
for (i = 0; i < cur_numrows; i++) {
printf("Row %d: Slack = %10f\n", i, slack[i]);
for (j = 0; j < cur_numcols; j++) {
printf("Column %d: Value = %10f\n", j, x[j]);
/* Finally, write a copy of the problem to a file. */
status = CPXwriteprob(env, lp, "OFMDA.lp", NULL);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write LP to disk.\n");
/* Free up the problem as allocated by CPXcreateprob, if necessary */
if (lp != NULL) {
status = CPXfreeprob(env, &lp);
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "CPXfreeprob failed, error code %d.\n", status);
/* Free up the CPLEX environment, if necessary */
if (env != NULL) {
status = CPXcloseCPLEX(&env);
/* Note that CPXcloseCPLEX produces no output,
so the only way to see the cause of the error is to use
CPXgeterrorstring. For other CPLEX routines, the errors will
be seen if the CPXPARAM_ScreenOutput indicator is set to CPX_ON. */
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not close CPLEX environment.\n");
CPXgeterrorstring(env, status, errmsg);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", errmsg);
/* Free up the problem data arrays, if necessary. */
free_and_null((char **)&probname);
free_and_null((char **)&obj);
free_and_null((char **)&rhs);
free_and_null((char **)&sense);
free_and_null((char **)&matbeg);
free_and_null((char **)&matcnt);
free_and_null((char **)&matind);
free_and_null((char **)&matval);
free_and_null((char **)&lb);
free_and_null((char **)&ub);
free_and_null((char **)&ctype);
return (status);
} /* END main */
static int setproblemdata(char **probname_p, int *numcols_p, int *numrows_p,
int *objsen_p, double **obj_p, double **rhs_p, char **sense_p,
int **matbeg_p, int **matcnt_p, int **matind_p, double **matval_p,
double **lb_p, double **ub_p, char **ctype_p, double Noise_p[I]) {
char *zprobname = NULL; /* Problem name <= 16 characters */
double *zobj = NULL;
double *zrhs = NULL;
char *zsense = NULL;
int *zmatbeg = NULL;
int *zmatcnt = NULL;
int *zmatind = NULL;
double *zmatval = NULL;
double *zlb = NULL;
double *zub = NULL;
char *zctype = NULL;
int status = 0;
int i, j; //channel and user
int counter = 0; //counter
zprobname = (char *)malloc(16 * sizeof (char));
zobj = (double *)malloc(NUMCOLS * sizeof (double));
zrhs = (double *)malloc(NUMROWS * sizeof (double));
zsense = (char *)malloc(NUMROWS * sizeof (char));
zmatbeg = (int *)malloc(NUMCOLS * sizeof (int));
zmatcnt = (int *)malloc(NUMCOLS * sizeof (int));
zmatind = (int *)malloc(NUMNZ * sizeof (int));
zmatval = (double *)malloc(NUMNZ * sizeof (double));
zlb = (double *)malloc(NUMCOLS * sizeof (double));
zub = (double *)malloc(NUMCOLS * sizeof (double));
zctype = (char *)malloc(NUMCOLS * sizeof (char));
if (zprobname == NULL || zobj == NULL || zrhs == NULL || zsense == NULL
|| zmatbeg == NULL || zmatcnt == NULL || zmatind == NULL
|| zmatval == NULL || zlb == NULL || zub == NULL || zctype == NULL) {
status = 1;
strcpy(zprobname, "example");
/* The code is formatted to make a visual correspondence
between the mathematical linear program and the specific data
items. */
/* Objective Function*/
/* coefficients of p_ij and x_ij*/
for (i = 0; i < 2 * I * J; i++) {
zobj[i] = 0;
/* coefficients of e_ij*/
for (i = 2 * I * J; i < 3 * I * J; i++) {
zobj[i] = 1;
/* Constraints */
* Non-zeros
* Every p_ij appears twice, at the 0th and (I+i)th constraints.
* Every x_ij appears twice, at the ...........
* Every e_ij appears once, at the (1+I+I*J+i)th constraint.
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
zmatbeg[i] = 3 * i;
zmatcnt[i] = 3;
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
zmatbeg[I * J + i] = 3 * I * J + 2 * i;
zmatcnt[I * J + i] = 2;
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
zmatbeg[2 * I * J + i] = 5 * I * J + i;
zmatcnt[2 * I * J + i] = 1;
* p_ij appears at the 0th and (I+i+1)th constraints, coefficient is 1.
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
zmatind[3 * i] = 0;
zmatval[3 * i] = 1.0;
zmatind[3 * i + 1] = I + i + 1;
zmatval[3 * i + 1] = 1.0;
zmatind[3 * i + 2] = 1 + I + I * J + i;
zmatval[3 * i + 2] = -1.0;
* x_ij
int ztmpind = I + 1;
for (i = 0; i < 2 * I * J; i += 2) {
zmatind[3 * I * J + i] = i / (2 * J) + 1;
zmatval[3 * I * J + i] = 1;
zmatind[3 * I * J + i + 1] = ztmpind;
zmatval[3 * I * J + i + 1] = -1 * Pwr;
* e_ij appears at the (1+I+I*J+i)th constraint.
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
zmatind[5 * I * J + i] = 1 + I + I * J + i;
zmatval[5 * I * J + i] = 1;
* Domain of variables
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
zlb[i] = 0.0;
zub[i] = CPX_INFBOUND;
zctype[i] = 'C';
for (i = I * J; i < 2 * I * J; i++) {
zlb[i] = 0.0;
zub[i] = 1.0;
zctype[i] = 'I';
for (i = 2 * I * J; i < 3 * I * J; i++) {
zlb[i] = 0.0;
zub[i] = CPX_INFBOUND;
zctype[i] = 'C';
/* The right-hand-side values don't fit nicely on a line above. So put
them here. */
zsense[0] = 'L';
zrhs[0] = Pwr;
for (i = 0; i < I; i++) {
zsense[i + 1] = 'L';
zrhs[i + 1] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
zsense[I + i + 1] = 'L';
zrhs[I + 1 + i] = 0;
counter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < I; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < J; j++) {
zsense[1 + I + I * J + counter] = 'L';
zrhs[1 + I + I * J + counter] = log(1 + Pwr / Noise_p[i]);
if (status) {
free_and_null((char **)&zprobname);
free_and_null((char **)&zobj);
free_and_null((char **)&zrhs);
free_and_null((char **)&zsense);
free_and_null((char **)&zmatbeg);
free_and_null((char **)&zmatcnt);
free_and_null((char **)&zmatind);
free_and_null((char **)&zmatval);
free_and_null((char **)&zlb);
free_and_null((char **)&zub);
free_and_null((char **)&zctype);
else {
*numcols_p = NUMCOLS;
*numrows_p = NUMROWS;
*objsen_p = CPX_MAX; /* The problem is maximization */
*probname_p = zprobname;
*obj_p = zobj;
*rhs_p = zrhs;
*sense_p = zsense;
*matbeg_p = zmatbeg;
*matcnt_p = zmatcnt;
*matind_p = zmatind;
*matval_p = zmatval;
*lb_p = zlb;
*ub_p = zub;
*ctype_p = zctype;
return (status);
} /* END setproblemdata */
/* Add Cuts to the problem */
static int addcuts(double **matval_p, double **rhs_p, double pbar_p[I*J], const double Bw_p[I], double Noise_p[I]) {
double *zmatval = NULL;
double *zrhs = NULL;
int status = 0;
int i, j;
int counter;
zrhs = (double *)malloc(NUMROWS * sizeof (double));
zmatval = (double *)malloc(NUMNZ * sizeof (double));
if (zrhs == NULL || zmatval == NULL) {
status = 1;
zrhs = *rhs_p;
zmatval = *matval_p;
for (i = 0; i < I * J; i++) {
printf("pbar_%d is %f\n", i, pbar_p[i]);
counter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < I; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < J; j++) {
printf("e_bar: %f\n", Bw_p[i] * log2(1 + pbar_p[counter] / Noise_p[i]));
for (i = 0; i < I; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < J; j++) {
printf("xx: %f\n", -Bw_p[i] / (log(2)*(Noise_p[i] + pbar_p[i])));
for (i = 0; i < I; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < J; j++) {
zmatval[3 * i + 2] = -Bw_p[i] / (log(2)*(Noise_p[i] + pbar_p[i]));
for (i = 0; i < I; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < J; j++) {
zrhs[1 + I + I * J + i] = Bw_p[i] * log2(1 + pbar_p[i] / Noise_p[i]) - Bw_p[i] / (log(2)*(Noise_p[i] + pbar_p[i])) * pbar_p[i];
if (status) {
free_and_null((char **)&zrhs);
else {
*rhs_p = zrhs;
return (status);
} /* END addcuts */
/* This simple routine frees up the pointer *ptr, and sets *ptr to NULL */
static void free_and_null(char **ptr) {
if (*ptr != NULL) {
*ptr = NULL;
} /* END free_and_null */
Can anybody give me an example please?
EDIT 2 (assigning values to #define value)
There are many parts to your code that need to be addressed, however, sticking only to the part you have asked about, consider this section of your code:
Bw = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I);
Noise = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I);
It is not the malloc statements that are being addressed by the error messages: example:
1>OFDMA.c(96): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>OFDMA.c(96): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
rather the lines where you are attempting to assign values to NUMROWS, NUMCOLS etc. As I have said below, these you have created using #define, and are not changeable during run-time.
EDIT (to address I & J) When I try to read I and J from a data file, the visual studio doesn't allow me to do so saying:
expected constant expression
You've created I & J as #defines,
#define I ii
#define J 2
they are therefore not changeable during runtime. If you want them to be changeble, created them as int, char[], or double. example:
char I[10];
int J;
They will then be able to accept assignments during run time.
It is not clear from your question exactly what you are having problems with, reading the initializer value in from a file, or using it to initialize a variable.
This addresses the initialization part only:
C99 allows for variable array initializers, so reading values in from a file, (and converting them from string to int or float) then using them to initialize an array, is completely legal. For example:
float read_and_process(int n)
float vals[n];//variable array initializer "n"
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vals[i] = read_val();
return process(vals, n);
You first have to understand that the preprocessor will change every instance of I and J to their respective values of 3 and 2 before the actual compilation kicks in and spits out this error message.
To dynamically allocate an array you need to use malloc. You can find plenty of example by Googling.
In C, arrays length are constant and they are defined in compiling time.
If you want to trade with a variable-length array, you have to use malloc:
double* B;
double* N;
double* NZmatrix;
static int main(){
int I, NZ;
I = 2;
NZ = 3;
B = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I);
N = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*I)
NZmatrix = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*NZ)
And I and NZ are integer variables that contain the desired length.

Using a structure in a recursive function (referenced structure)

I'm having problems understanding how to write code that solves the following problem: I have a structure containing a 2D-array. Then I have a recursive function that take a pointer to the structure as an argument and I want the recursive function to be able to manipulate the structure sent, not a local copy.
The struct is initialized in the function initStruct, where memory for the 2D-array is allocated. The recursive function builds up an array and at a specific point calls a function to insert it into the structure's array.
The code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int** spBasis(int);
void mpBasis(int**, int, int, int, int, int, int, int*, struct mpBasis *, int, int);
void initMpBasis(struct mpBasis *, int, int);
void insertMpState(struct mpBasis *, int *);
struct mpBasis {
int** basis;
int size;
int capacity;
int main() {
int a, b, c, d;
char maxE[256];
char noParticles[256];
char P[256];
char M[256];
FILE *fp;
int **spStates;
struct mpBasis *mp;
int mpState[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
printf("Input max e for sp states, no of particles, parity (1 for odd and 0 for even) and magnetic projection: ");
spStates = spBasis(atoi(maxE));
fp = fopen("spStates.txt", "a+");
fprintf(fp, "E\tj\tl\tm\n");
for (a = 0; a < 330; a++) {
fprintf(fp, "State %d: ", a+1);
for (b = 0; b < 4; b++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\t", spStates[a][b]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
mp = malloc(sizeof(struct mpBasis));
initMpBasis(mp, 5449, 6);
for (c = 0; c < 5449; c++) {
for (d = 0; d < 6; d++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d: %d\t", c, mp->basis[c][d]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
printf("%p\n", (void*) mp);
printf("hello 3");
mpBasis(spStates, 0, atoi(maxE), 0, atoi(M), 0, atoi(P), mpState, mp, 0, 0);
return 0;
int** spBasis(int maxE) {
int c;
int i, j, k, l;
int q = 0;
int** spStates;
spStates = (int**)malloc(330 * sizeof(int *));
for (c = 0; c < 330; c++) {
spStates[c] = malloc(4 * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i <= maxE; i++) {
for (j = i % 2; j <= i; j += 2) {
for (k = -(2 * j + 1); k <= (2 * j + 1); k += 2) {
spStates[q][0] = i;
spStates[q][1] = j;
spStates[q][2] = 2 * j + 1;
spStates[q][3] = k;
q += 1;
for (l = -(2 * j - 1); l <= (2 * j - 1); l += 2) {
spStates[q][0] = i;
spStates[q][1] = j;
spStates[q][2] = 2 * j - 1;
spStates[q][3] = l;
q += 1;
return spStates;
void mpBasis(int** spStates, int e, int maxE, int m, int M, int l,
int P, int * mpState, struct mpBasis *mpB, int position, int lastSpState) {
int i;
for (i = lastSpState; i < 330; i++) {
if (e > maxE) {
} else if (position == 5) {
if (m == M && l % 2 == P) {
insertMpState(mpB, mpState);
} else {
// add spState to mpState and make the recursive call for the next position
mpState[position] = i;
mpBasis(spStates, e + spStates[i][0], maxE, m + spStates[i][3], M,
l + spStates[i][1], P, mpState, mpB, position+1, i);
void initMpBasis(struct mpBasis *a, int initialSize, int sizeY) {
int c;
a->basis = (int **)malloc(initialSize * sizeof(int*));
for (c = 0; c < initialSize; c++) {
a->basis[c] = (int *) malloc(sizeY * sizeof(int));
a->size = 0;
a->capacity = initialSize;
void insertMpState(struct mpBasis *a, int* mpState) {
/*if (a->size == a->capacity) {
a->size *= 2;
a->basis = (int **)realloc(a->basis, a->size * sizeof(int));
a->basis[a->size++] = mpState;
Added all the code.
The problem is that after the recursive function has been called, the "basis" array in structure mpBasis still only contains random values, i.e. the mpBasis function hasn't done anything with it. Am I passing the mp argument by value here?
Thanks for your help!
The first step is to compile with warnings enabled. Eg if you are using GCC you can use option -Wall -Wextra.
(previous listing of >20 errors removed)
Ok, since you are using Visual Studio, enable warnings like this:
Open the project's Property Pages dialog box.
Select C/C++.
On the General property page, modify the Warning Level to /W4
