I am trying to attach a file/attachment related to a Document__c object and am stuck. I can get the email to send without any errors but there is no file/attachment attached to the email for some reason.
Below is the code that I am using, the commented out pieces are other variations that I've tried but also haven't worked, sorry if it's a bit messy there's a lot of commented out code. Also "" represents a line break and the continued line also starts with a "\ "Thanks for the help!
global class NOAemail {
#InvocableMethod (Label='NOA Email'
Description='Sends the NOA email to the specified client')
public static void SingleMail(List<flowinput> info) {
// Create an email message object
//List<Document__c> NOAdoc = [SELECT Id FROM Document__c WHERE Id=:info[0].NOAdocId];
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] sendingTo = new String[]{info[0].address};
SObject[] queryParentObject = [SELECT Id, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Attachments) FROM\
\ Document__c WHERE Id = :info[0].NOAdocId];
for (SObject parentRecord : queryParentObject){
Object ParentFieldValue1 = parentRecord.get('Id');
//Object ParentFieldValue2 = parentRecord.get('CaseNumber');
//Object ParentFieldValue3 = parentRecord.get('Status');
// Prevent a null relationship from being accessed
SObject[] childRecordsFromParent = parentRecord.getSObjects('Attachments');
if (childRecordsFromParent != null) {
for (SObject childRecord : childRecordsFromParent){
//Object childFieldId = childRecord.get('Id');
String idString = (String)childRecord.get('Id');
//List<String> childFieldId = childRecord.get('Id');
//Object ChildFieldValue2 = childRecord.get('Name');
List<String> attachId = new List<String>();
List<Document__c> docs = [SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Attachments) FROM Document__c WHERE\
\ Id = :info[0].NOAdocId];
if (!docs.isEmpty()) {
//Set<Id> attachmentIds = (new Map<Id, Document__c>(docs)).keySet();
//Set<Id> attachmentIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> attachmentIds = (new Map<Id, SObject>(docs)).keyset();
List<Attachment> files = [SELECT Name, Body, ContentType FROM Attachment WHERE Id IN\
\ :attachmentIds];
List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment> attachments = new\
\ List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
for (Attachment file: files) {
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
List<id> ContentDocumentIds = new List<id>();
for(contentDocumentLink CDLink : [SELECT LinkedEntityId, ContentDocumentId FROM\
\ ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId=:info[0].NOAdocId])
for ( ContentVersion cversion : [SELECT Title,
PathOnClient, FileType,
FROM contentversion
WHERE ContentDocumentId IN\
\ :ContentDocumentIds
AND Title LIKE 'WOCF%'])
blob WOCFbody = cversion.versiondata;
system.debug('body : '+WOCFbody+'-----------'+cversion.title);
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
efa.setFileName('NOA Doc'+'-'+cversion.title+'.'+cversion.FileType);
List<String> contentVersionIds = new List<String>();
for(ContentDocumentLink thisCdl : [SELECT ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersionId FROM\
\ ContentDocumentLink WHERE ContentDocumentId = :info[0].NOAdocId]) {
//message sending
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail});
global class flowInput {
global String address;
global String subject;
global String body;
global String NOAdocId;
//global String OppAccountId;
The commented out code in the code block is all code I have tried, along with the first block of code under the mail.setPlainTextBody(info[0].body); line.
I have created a test class with 51% code coverage till line no 34.
Further, I tried to satisfy if condition but I couldn't. Now I am not getting how to do with 100% code coverage.
Here is the Apex class:
public class AssignProjectController {
public String CaseIds;
public String status {get;set;}
public List<Project__c> activeProjects {get;set;}
public String keyWordSearched {get;set;}
public Id projectId {get;set;}
public AssignProjectController (){
CaseIds = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
public void getProjects(){
status = '';
String searchQuery = 'FIND \'' + keyWordSearched + '*\' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Project__c (id,Name,Description__c where Status__c =\'Active\')';
List<List<Project__c >> searchList = search.query(searchQuery);
activeProjects = searchList[0];
if(activeProjects.size() == 0) status = 'No search result found.';
}catch(Exception ex){
public PageReference assignProjectToCases(){
List<Case__c> customSettingList = Case__c.getall().values();
List<String> settingRecordTypeList = new List<String>();
for(Case__c caseObj:customSettingList){
List<RecordType> recordTypeListData = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SObjectType = 'Case' and Name In : settingRecordTypeList];
if(CaseIds != null){
List<String> caseIDList = new List<String>();
caseIDList = CaseIds.split(',');
if([Select id from Case where Id In : caseIDList and RecordType.Id NOT In : recordTypeListData].size() > 0){
status = 'failed';
List<Case> cases = [Select id,Project__c,RecordType.Name from Case where Id In : caseIDList and RecordType.Id In : recordTypeListData];
if(cases.size() > 0){
for(case caseOb: cases){
caseOb.Project__c = projectId ;
update cases ;
status = 'Changes are scheduled';
}catch(Exception ex){
system.debug('AssignProjectController :::'+ex.getMessage());
status = 'Something Went Wrong';
return null;
Here is the test class- which I tried to resolve
#isTest public class TestAssignProjectController {
public static Project__c insertProject(){
Project__c proObj = new Project__c();
proObj.Name = 'testProject';
proObj.Status__c = 'Active';
proObj.Description__c = 'for testing';
proObj.Internal_Email_Alias__c = 'a#test.com';
return proObj;
public static Account getAccount(){
Account accoObj = new Account();
accoObj.Name = 'testAcc';
accoObj.Location__c = 'testLocation';
accoObj.Type = 'CM';
accoObj.BillingCountry = 'United States';
return accoObj;
public static Contact insertContact(Account accObj){
Contact conObj = new Contact();
conObj.FirstName = 'test';
conObj.LastName = 'testLastname';
conObj.AccountId = accObj.Id;
conObj.Email = 'abc#gmail.com';
return conObj;
public static Id getTechTypeId(){
return Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Tech ').getRecordTypeId();
public static Case insertCase(String conId, String proId){
Case caseObj = new Case();
caseObj.Project__c = proId;
caseObj.ContactId = conId;
caseObj.Status = 'Open';
caseObj.Inquiry_Type__c = 'All';
caseObj.Subject = 'TestSubject';
caseObj.Description = 'TestDescription';
caseObj.Case_Is_Reopened__c = false;
caseObj.RecordTypeId = getTechTypeId();
return caseObj;
public static testmethod void testMethodExecution(){
AssignController asigncon = new AssignController ();
Project__c proObj = insertProject();
insert proObj;
Account accObj = getAccount();
insert accObj;
Contact conObj = insertContact(accObj);
insert conObj;
Case caseObj = insertCase(conObj.Id, proObj.Id);
insert caseObj;
//Set baseURL & case ID
PageReference pageRef = Page.Assign;
AssignController asigncon1 = new AssignController ();
If you are referring if(cases.size() > 0) this statement, then surely there is problem of inserting the case. Make sure that insert caseObj; is working and inserts data in Salesforce backend.
If there is no data in case object, the test method cannot cover the if statement.
Getting the error in line " taskObj.OwnerId = ConMap.get(ben.contact__c).contact__r.OwnerId;" becasue the ownerid field is on contact.
Contact is the parent of benefit, Here I am getting all the benefits in start method. I want to add contactid only once if it has more than one child for that I used SET. I want to use maps as I need to get the contact OwnerId field from contact object which I am fetching in the query in start method. How do I Access contact.ownerId field using a map? below is the code.
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Query='select contact__r.ownerId, contact__c, Task_creation_date__c, Status__c, task_created__c, type__c from Benefit__c Where Task_creation_date__c= TODAY AND Status__c IN (\'Active\',\'Pending\') AND Task_created__c =FALSE AND Type__c!=\'Short Term Medical\'';
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Benefit__c> scope){
// process each batch of records
List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
List<Task> TaskList = new List<Task>();
set<id> conset = New set<id>();
Map<id,benefit__c> ConMap = new map<id,Benefit__c>();
for (Benefit__c b : scope) {
ConMap.put(b.contact__c, b);
b.task_created__c = TRUE;
system.debug('contact and its benefit------'+ConMap);
recordsProcessed = conset.size();
//List<Contact> tempList = new List<Contact>();
// tempList = [Select Id,OwnerId, firstname from Contact where Id IN:(conset)];
for(Benefit__c ben : ConMap.values())
Task taskObj = new Task();
taskObj.OwnerId = ConMap.get(ben.contact__c).contact__r.OwnerId;
I want to populate contact ownerid as the task ownerid but how do I access it from the map and keep the unique contact id in the map?
I see that the batch query does not have the filtering condition 'Contact__c != null'. So, it's possible that one of the benefit records is missing value in the 'Contact__c' field and you wouldn't find it in the map. You can solve this in two ways:
Add 'Contact__c != null' to the selector query if you don't care about those records.
Check for 'null' value in the for loop as below:
for(Benefit__c ben : ConMap.values())
/* continue;
throw exception()
Task taskObj = new Task();
taskObj.OwnerId = ConMap.get(ben.contact__c).contact__r.OwnerId;
I re wrote the code to resolve this nd optimize the code as below.
public with sharing class MyBatch implements Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>{
public Iterable<AggregateResult> start(Database.BatchableContext context)
return [
SELECT Contact__c, Contact__r.OwnerId owner FROM Benefit__c
WHERE Contact__c != null AND ...
GROUP BY Contact__c, Contact__r.OwnerId
public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<AggregateResult> scope)
Set<Id> contactIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
for (AggregateResult aggregate : scope)
Id ownerId = (Id)aggregate.get('owner');
Id contactId = (Id)aggregate.get('Contact__c');
tasks.add(new Task(OwnerId=ownerId, /*other fields*/));
insert tasks;
List<Benefit__c> benefits = [
SELECT Id FROM Benefit__c WHERE Contact__c IN :contactIds
for (Benefit__c benefit : benefits)
benefit.Task_Created__c = true;
update benefits;
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) { /*additional logic*/ }}
i have a visual force page which is used as a view to send a custom sms to the leads generated in salesforce.The year field is a number field on salesforce. Posting the controller and test class error. Also mentioning the error line.
Controller :-
//Class to send Message to Lead or Account
public class nmSendSMS
//Name of Lead or Account
public string strName{get;set;}
public Lead objLead {get;set;}
public String defaultNumbersToBeAdded;
public String leadYear{get;set;}
//Mobile number of lead of account
public string strMobile{get;set;}
public String messageToBeSent{get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> getYear{get;set;}
public string strSMSBody{get;set;}
//To disable fields if data is not available
String session,statusOfLead,stringOfMobileNumbers;
public nmSendSMS()
objLead = new Lead();
leadYear ='';
defaultNumbersToBeAdded = '9820834921,9920726538';
messageToBeSent = '';
stringOfMobileNumbers= '';
//Method to send SMS
public PageReference SendSMS()
if(leadYear!='' || messageToBeSent!='')
session = objLead.nm_Session__c;
integer lengthOfCommaSeperatedNumbers;
String finalString ='';
statusOfLead = objLead.Status;
list<lead> leadNumbersList = [select MobilePhone from Lead where Status=:statusOfLead and nm_Session__c=:session and nm_Year__c=:integer.valueOf(leadYear)];
for(Lead obj :leadNumbersList)
stringOfMobileNumbers = obj.MobilePhone+','+stringOfMobileNumbers;
System.debug('stringOfMobileNumbers -->'+stringOfMobileNumbers);
lengthOfCommaSeperatedNumbers = stringOfMobileNumbers.length();
finalString = stringOfMobileNumbers.substring(0,lengthOfCommaSeperatedNumbers-1);
finalString = finalString + defaultNumbersToBeAdded;
System.debug('Final String--->'+finalString+'Message To Be Sent-->'+messageToBeSent);
String response = SMSSenderWebService.sendSMSForNotContactedLead(finalString,messageToBeSent);
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.Warning,'Please Mention all the fields For Lead Search'));
return null;
return null;
public List<SelectOption> getYear()
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
options.add(new SelectOption('2016','2016'));
options.add(new SelectOption('2017','2017'));
options.add(new SelectOption('2018','2018'));
options.add(new SelectOption('2019','2019'));
return options;
Test Class:-
public class nmSendSMSTracker
public static Lead obj;
public static nm_Centers__c objLearningCenter;
public static nm_Program__c program;
public static nm_EligiblityCriteria__c eligibility ;
static testMethod void tesMethod()
PageReference pg = new PageReference('/apex/nmSendSMS');
nmSendSMS smsSend = new nmSendSMS();
smsSend.objLead = obj;
smsSend.messageToBeSent ='Hello Vikas';
static void LoadData()
nm_EscalationMatrix__c objCustomSeetings3 = new nm_EscalationMatrix__c();
objCustomSeetings3.name='0-1 Week';
insert objCustomSeetings3;
nm_EscalationMatrix__c objCustomSeetings = new nm_EscalationMatrix__c();
objCustomSeetings.name='2-4 Months';
insert objCustomSeetings;
nm_EscalationMatrix__c objCustomSeetings2 = new nm_EscalationMatrix__c();
objCustomSeetings2.name='3-6 Week';
insert objCustomSeetings2;
nm_Holidays__c objHoliday = new nm_Holidays__c();
insert objHoliday;
// profile objprofile =[SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='System Administrator'];
user usr = [Select id from user limit 1];
SystemConfiguration__c objSystemConfiguration=new SystemConfiguration__c();
insert objSystemConfiguration;
Recordtype rt=[select id from Recordtype where sobjectType='nm_Centers__c' AND name ='Learning Center'];
objLearningCenter = new nm_Centers__c();
objLearningCenter.RecordTypeID =rt.id;
objLearningCenter.nm_CenterCode__c ='002';
objLearningCenter.nm_Street__c='Laxmi Ngar';
insert objLearningCenter;
program = new nm_Program__c();
program.nmIsActive__c = true;
program.nm_ProgramCode__c = 'test';
program.nm_ProgramDuration__c= 2.0;
program.nm_ProgramName__c = 'Post grad diploma finance';
program.nm_ProgramValidity__c = 4;
program.nm_TotalSemesters__c = 4;
program.nm_Type__c = 'Post Graduate Diploma Program';
insert program;
eligibility = new nm_EligiblityCriteria__c();
eligibility.Name = 'Bachelors degree';
eligibility.nm_EligiblityCriteria__c = 'bjhwbghbjgw';
eligibility.Experience_Required_In_Year__c= 2;
eligibility.Graduation_Percentage__c = 6;
eligibility.Graduation_Required__c = true;
insert eligibility;
obj = new Lead();
obj.nm_SelfLearningMaterial__c='Send to my shipping address';
obj.nm_Session__c = 'January';
obj.nm_EligiblityCriteria__c = eligibility.id;
obj.nm_Program__c = program.id;
obj.nm_InformationCenter__c =objLearningCenter.id;
obj.nm_NameofUniversity__c='G K university';
insert obj;
Error Message:
System.TypeException: Invalid integer:
Class.nmSendSMS.SendSMS: line 37, column 1
Class.nmSendSMSTracker.tesMethod: line 19, column 1
List<Lead> leadNumbersList = [select MobilePhone from Lead where nm_Year__c=:leadYear];
Works for me and I get the correct Lead(s) in the list
I need help in following code. I need to put my images in document object of Salesforce. Currently I am putting in notes and attachment which is fine, with this I need to put in Document object.
I need to do this because image not displaying in Word file but they displayed in PDF.
global with sharing class AssessmentApp_SyncAttachmentsWebService {
global class Image {
public String primaryKey;
public String base64;
public String parentId;
global static Map<String, String> syncAttachments(Image image) {
System.debug(LoggingLevel.Info, 'image ' + image);
List<Attachment> attachments = [SELECT Id, Name, Body FROM Attachment WHERE Id =:image.primaryKey];
System.Debug('attachments ' + attachments);
//check if attachment is already present. If not, create a new one.
Attachment myAttachment;
if (attachments.size() == 0) {
//Check the parentId of the attachment. Check if parentId belongs to notes
myAttachment = new Attachment();
myAttachment.Body = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(image.base64);
myAttachment.ContentType = 'image/jpg';
myAttachment.Name = image.parentId;
myAttachment.ParentId = image.parentId;
insert myAttachment;
else {
myAttachment = attachments[0];
Map<String, String> responseMap = new Map<String, String>();
responseMap.put('Success', '1');
responseMap.put('Message', 'Sync Attachment ' + myAttachment.Name + ' Successfully');
return responseMap;
I kept the #RestResource urlMapping parameter the same, with the wildcard, so the URI would stay the same. The method name also stayed the same. It would be ideal if you updated both of these, as well as your calls upstream, to say "Document" instead of "Attachment."
There is no field ParentId on Document like on Attachment, so parenting logic was not included. You also need to assign each Document into a Folder, you can change FolderId to assign them correctly. This will throw an exception if there aren't any Folders in your org.
global with sharing class AssessmentApp_SyncAttachmentsWebService {
global class Image {
public String primaryKey;
public String base64;
public String parentId;
global static Map<String, String> syncAttachments(Image image) {
List<Document> documents = [SELECT Id, Name, Body FROM Document WHERE Id =:image.primaryKey];
Folder dummyFolder = [SELECT Id FROM Folder LIMIT 1];
Document myDocument;
if (documents.size() == 0) {
myDocument = new Document();
myDocument.FolderId = dummyFolder.id;
myDocument.Body = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(image.base64);
myDocument.ContentType = 'image/jpg';
myDocument.Name = image.parentId;
insert myDocument;
else {
myDocument = documents[0];
Map<String, String> responseMap = new Map<String, String>();
responseMap.put('Success', '1');
responseMap.put('Message', 'Sync Document ' + myDocument.Name + ' Successfully');
return responseMap;
How do I update a list of different Telephone, IPPhone using this
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Enter userid : "); // I would pass this in from the first
//Field in the .csv file 2439009
String username = Console.ReadLine();
DirectoryEntry myLdapConnection = createDirectoryEntry();
DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(myLdapConnection);
search.Filter = "(cn=" + uid + ")";
SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
if (result != null)
// create new object from search result
DirectoryEntry entryToUpdate = result.GetDirectoryEntry();
// show existing title
Console.WriteLine("Current title : " + entryToUpdate.Properties["Telephone][0].ToString());
Console.Write("\n\nEnter new title : ");
// get new title and write to AD
String newTitle = Console.ReadLine();
entryToUpdate.Properties["Telephone"].Value = newTelePhone;
entryToUpdate.Properties["IPPhone"].Value = newIPPhone;
Console.WriteLine("\n\n...new title saved");
else Console.WriteLine("User not found!");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception caught:\n\n" + e.ToString());
static DirectoryEntry createDirectoryEntry()
// create and return new LDAP connection with desired settings
DirectoryEntry ldapConnection = new DirectoryEntry("mydomain.dm.com");
ldapConnection.Path = "LDAP://OU=myusers,DC=sales,DC=US,DC=US";
ldapConnection.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure;
return ldapConnection;
I'm guessing you've grabbed someone else's code and don't know how to use it?
You should understand that this code can (will?) cause serious server problems as the DirectoryEntry resources are not closed correctly.
Every DirectoryEntry variable in your Main method should be wrapped in a using(){} statement.
Try something like this:
You define a class CSVRecord which holds your data from the CSV - read that in using FileHelpers. The class looks like this:
public class CSVRecord
public string EmployeeNumber { get; set; }
public string TelephoneNumber { get; set; }
public string IPPhoneNumber { get; set; }
Once you've read that class in, you need to iterate over its elements, and do the update for each of them.
CSVRecord[] listOfEmployees = (read in via FileHelpers)
// define root for searching your user accounts
using (DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://dc=yourcompany,dc=com"))
// set up directory searcher to find users by employeeId
using (DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(root))
searcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
// iterate over all entries in your list of employees
foreach (CSVRecord csvEntry in listOfEmployees)
searcher.Filter = string.Format("(&(objectCategory=user)(employeeId={0}))", csvEntry.EmployeeNumber);
// search for that employee
SearchResult result = searcher.FindOne();
// if found - access the DirectoryEntry
if (result != null)
DirectoryEntry foundUser = result.GetDirectoryEntry();
// update properties from values in CSV
foundUser.Properties["telephoneNumber"].Value = csvEntry.TelephoneNumber;
foundUser.Properties["ipPhone"].Value = csvEntry.IPPhoneNumber;
// save changes back to directory
Does that work for you??