React state change is one step behind - reactjs

A common problem in React, especially among beginners (like me). This is due to the fact that setState is an asynchronous function and React does not change values one by one, but accumulates some pool if it is not otherwise instructed. (please correct me if the wording is wrong)
So here's the question. One simple solution is to put the desired state into the useEffect dependency array.
For example, I have such a component:
const [first, setFirst] = useState()
const [second, setSecond] = useState()
useEffect(() => {
Something logic by first and second...
}, [first])
Here, the useEffect is executed every time the first state changes. At the same time, at the moment of its operation, the second state is not relevant, next time it will become as it should be now, and so on. Always one step behind.
But if I add a second state to the useEffect dependency array, then everything works as it should.
useEffect(() => {
Something logic by first and second...
}, [first, second])
At the same time, it is not necessary that the useEffect work on changing the second state, I added it only in order to have an up-to-date version inside the useEffect. Can I use the useEffect dependency array this way?

if you use useEffect with an empty array it will act as componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount so it will only invoke itself on first component creation and when it is about to unmount.

Here I got the problem You are facing, I am not fully sure, but In my case I was console.log(result) withing the fucntion that was changing state, but it was always one step behind. why was that? because in React it is considered as side effect. So If you console.log(result) in useEffect passing the value in dependency array then, it will console log the same value that instantly changed.
In backgorund the state is updating exactly the same time but useEffect detects it as exactly as it is changed.
You can write any logic in useEffect as well or in the function which you are updating.
So there should not be any problem writing logic in the function which you are callilng on click.


Why would a value get stale using closure in React?

In the documentation for useEffect() it shows the following example:
function Example() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
It then says:
Experienced JavaScript developers might notice that the function
passed to useEffect is going to be different on every render. This is
intentional. In fact, this is what lets us read the count value from
inside the effect without worrying about it getting stale. Every time
we re-render, we schedule a different effect, replacing the previous
I don't understand why count would get stale inside useEffect() since useEffect has count within its closure. Since useEffect() is a hook, shouldn't it always have access to the latest state variable? Also, in general, how can I be sure that I always have the latest value for a state variable?
I don't understand why count would get stale inside useEffect() since useEffect has count within its closure.
Keep in mind that Example is going to be called multiple times, once for every render. So there are N renders, N count variables, and N useEffect functions. So it's true that each effect function has count within its closure, but each of them has a specific count within its closure. Whatever value it had when the closure was created, that's the value it will have when the effect runs. If you only created the function once, closing over the first value of count, then that code would only ever see the first value of count (ie, 0).
Also, in general, how can I be sure that I always have the latest value for a state variable?
If you're setting state, then you can always access the latest value by using the function version of setState. For example:
setCount(prev => /* calculate new state from prev */)`
For other cases, either include the state in the dependency array of your useEffect, so that the effect re-runs when the count changes:
useEffect(() => {
// some code that uses `count`
}, [count]);
Or leave the dependency array off entirely if you want the effect to run on every render.
useEffect(() => {
// some code that uses `count`

Dependencies in React useEffect cleanup function are not updated

I am facing a strange issue when trying to call a cleanup function on component unmount with useEffect.
In my useEffect return I call a useCallback function where the dependencies are added correctly. In there a check the state variable called status but this variable never get updated from the initial state. I cannot pass the variable to the useEffect as I want to trigger it only when the component unmounts for specific reasons.
I recreated a simplified version in the codepen here and I can't get my head around this. Maybe someone knows why this is happening?
Thank you!
(this just started happening recently and it was working previously so I'm even more confused!)
Thank you for your answers.
So, I finally found out what happens.
useEffect creates a closure and the function is in that closure, which means that the status, being a string, remains as for the first render (when the closure gets created) and it never gets updated.
A way of giving this is using useRef, as mentioned by #ilkerkaran, but that's because it creates an object, which means that the ref.current property has a link to the original one and it's always in sync.
Another way would be to do useMemo and return an object with the status property, which is practically useRef under the hood.
So practically, if the state were an object and we passed state as a dependency, the stayus property would work as expected for the same reason. I hope this helps also someone else and saves some time
Actually that's not what happens on your code. The callback function is updated according to dependency array. You can see that by calling remove() just above useEffect. That way, the func will be executed on every render.
What happens in your example;
it renders, (by pressing the toggle button for the first time)
then you trigger second render by calling setStatus("mounted") in useEffect (by pressing the toggle button for the second time)
then it renders for te last time for unmount with the default state values
Last part also bugs me actually. You can observe this behaviour by putting a simple console.log just above your useEffect definition.
You also can work around this by using useRef instead of useState
The reason for this is your useEffect .
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => remove()
}, [])
You have an useEffect with the dependency set to []. This means that your useEffect will run only once . So this is how the flow goes your component is executed from the top to bottom so you create a remove function which at this point of time has your initial state as not mounted . Now your dom get painted. You useEffect gets called you set the state now you get a brand new remove function . Now you unmount your component the clean up will use the remove function from the first render.
In order for your state to reflect in the remove you need to add status as the dependency in the useEffect .
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => remove()
}, [status])

React Functional Component Lifecycle Flow with useEffect, both [] and [var]

My functional component is structured as follows:
// Initialization
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// Update on initialization of detailedUserInfo
useEffect(() => {
if (detailedUserInfo) {
}, [detailedUserInfo]);
// Update on initialization of initialFormValues
useEffect(() => {
}, [initialFormValues]);
// Return JSX
return ( .. );
What determines when the render (return) runs in between all these useEffects, and how are the useEffects ordered among themselves? What is the exact flow?
According to docs:
By default, effects run after every completed render, but you can choose to fire them only when certain values have changed.
The clean-up function runs before the component is removed from the UI to prevent memory leaks. Additionally, if a component renders multiple times (as they typically do), the previous effect is cleaned up before executing the next effect. In our example, this means a new subscription is created on every update. To avoid firing an effect on every update, refer to the next section.
A lot of people tend to miss the above statement on the documentation.
There are two behaviours to be noticed.
When there is an empty dependency array []
In this case the cleanup effect will only get called when the component is going to unmount
When there is some dependency in the dep array
In this case, the cleanup effect is called everytime the useEffect is triggered due to the update phase, it will be called first, then the callback function will be called, so as to ensure that any cleanup is done before the next callback is called.
The main reason for this confusion is that when someone comes from class components this is not the case, and they tend to follow the lifecycle diagram provided.
The hooks LC diagram is not really official, and has a small flaw
I had raised an issue on the github repo as well with the correction.
Its still open though.
Do checkout the docs here
why dont you do something like this instead?
useEffect(() => {
// you can return the promise inside the fetchDetailedUserInfo function, and ensure that you return the reponse. make sure to add a catch block or handle that in the response.
}, []);
The first useEffect runs when the component is first rendered, so will fire first. The second useEffect will fire whenever detailedUserInfo has changed its value (assuming its not null/false, etc.). The third useEffect will fire whenever initialFormValues has changed its value.

useEffect called when a variable not in the dependancy list is updated (causing an infinite loop)

I'm trying to do an ajax call when a state changes, and then set another state to the result of that ajax call.
const [plc, setPlc] = useState(null);
const [tags, setTags] = useState([]);
if(plc != null) {
}, [plc]);
For some reason, this results in an infinite loop. However, when I remove the setTags(tags); statement it works as expected. It appears that the setTags function is causing the effect hook to update, but tags is not a part of the dependencies of this effect hook.
FYI, the tags variable is supposed to be a list of objects.
I have one other useEffect in my code.
useEffect(() => { // Update which tags are logged
if(plc != null) {
anotherAjaxFunction(plc, tags).catch(err => {{
message: err,
intent: "danger"
}).then(tags => {
}, [plc, updateLoggedFlag]);
However, this useEffect is not dependant on tags, and the issue still occurs if I remove this block of code.
Side note: The updateLoggedFlag is a variable I was planning to use to force the effect to update as needed, but I haven't used it anywhere yet.
Another EDIT: Link to reproduction using code sandbox:
Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
In short: move TagColumn outside of App, as it is here.
The problem is not connected to the effects declaration, it's due to the component declaration.
In your sandbox, the TagColumn was defined inside of App. It means that every time App was rendered (in particular, every time its state is changed), the const TagColumn was assigned a different value. React can't see that it is the same component every time - after all, it's not really the same, since the captured scope is changing.
So, App renders a new TagColumn. React sees that component is created from scratch, renders it, and, in particular, invokes its hooks, including every useEffect. Inside useEffect, you use callback to change the state of App. App rerenders, creates yet another component TagColumn, which is again rendered for the first time in its life, calling every useEffect... and the cycle continues.
In general, you shouldn't capture anything non-constant in the functional component scope. Instead:
if the value is generated by external context (App, in this case) - pass it as props;
if the value is generated by the component itself - use useState, useRef or other hooks, as necessary.
The problem I think with your code is that it does not include tags in the dependency array. Conceptually, this should work fine, as mentioned before by other developers, but React documentation states that, all the state variables and props used inside the callback, should be present inside the dependency array, otherwise it can cause bugs. Have a look at it here. Hooks FAQ

Is using a ref in a custom hook feasible or advised for mutating the DOM?

I am working on incorporating a 3rd-party library into a React app, and hooks are making this very easy overall.
However I have encountered a few issues, and I was hoping for some clarity on what is going on 'under the hood'.
For simplicity, let's say this is my 3rd-party code that mutates the DOM directly:
const renderStuff = (div, txt) => {
if(div) div.innerHTML = txt;
And my component is something like this:
export const EffectRender = () => {
const divRef = useRef();
useRenderer(divRef, "Hello, world");
return <div ref={divRef}></div>;
Here is the proposed custom hook:
const useRenderer = (ref, txt) => {
const div = ref.current;
useEffect(() => {
renderStuff(div, txt);
},[div, txt])
This works if one of the params (in this case, txt) is late-updated, say as a result of an async load.
But the useEffect never recognizes when the ref.current value changes.
So if the txt is set before ref.current is set (as in this case) the component never renders.
I understand that I can fix that by using setState in the custom hook, as in this example.
But this starts to feel cumbersome.
I also understand that I could put the renderStuff call in a useEffect hook on the main component, and that guarantees the ref.current is set.
So: useEffect(() => { renderStuff(divRef.current, txt); },[txt]); is fine.
My question really is whether this whole approach of using a ref inside a custom hook is a good idea.
Is there a simpler way of getting the hook to recognize when the ref has changed?
Or is this a case where custom hooks are not suited to the task?
The problem is that const div = ref.current; in useRenderer is declared outside of the hook. In this moment of the cycle the ref is still not assigned, so its value is null.
If I understood the issue correctly, then the solution is to simply move the ref inside the useEffect callback. This is one of your proposals and I believe its the correct way:
const useRenderer = (ref, txt) => {
useEffect(() => {
const div = ref.current;
renderStuff(div, txt);
}, [txt]);
useEffect dependencies will not trigger when the ref the changes. This is ok in your case as the ref already has its assigned value when useEffect runs. However, if the ref changed and you needed to track the change the way to go is using a useState.
Thank you Alvaro for clarifying the issue. I want to explain where my thinking went wrong here, assuming I'm not the only one to make this mistake.
My bad logic
We use effect hooks because the code is mutating the DOM, and useEffect exists to handle exactly this sort of side-effect.
We use ref hooks to connect to a given DOM element. The ref instance is like a singleton, in that the instance doesn't change during the life of the app. Only the ref.current property changes.
And directly under the relevant section in the hooks reference docs I read this:
Keep in mind that useRef doesn’t notify you when its content changes.
Mutating the .current property doesn’t cause a re-render.
From that, I understood that relevant dependencies need to be passed to the useEffect call. And that the element to be updated (in ref.current) was one of these dependencies. And since changing the ref.current property doesn't trigger a re-render, it presumably wasn't triggering the useEffect call either.
BTW: this thinking was reinforced by es-lint demanding I add ref.current (in my case, div = ref.current) into the dependencies list: React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'div'. Either include it or remove the dependency array. I always trust the linter, of course.
My conclusion: there was no simple way to use an effect hook to render to a ref instance. I needed to put the ref.current into a useState setter somehow. Ugly!
My core assumption
I assumed that the way the useEffect handles side-effects is not relevant. The effect hook is a black-box buried in the bowels of the typescript source code, and it moves in mysterious ways.
But the only thing 'buried' was this sentence in the use-effect docs:
The function passed to useEffect will run after the render is
committed to the screen.
"After the render". Of course. That is how useEffect handles side-effects, by guaranteeing not to run until the DOM is ready to go.
The solution
As Alvaro's answer suggests, make sure to read the ref.current property inside the useEffect hook. The ref never changes, and ref.current is guaranteed to be already populated with a DOM element.
As usual, it is obvious in hindsight. Thanks again, Alvaro.
